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Is Thai massage physically good for you?

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It depends on the masseuse and how aggressive or invasive he/she is. I stuggle with a lot of the joint manipulation - I mean I struggle understandwhy they are so aggressive as a lot of the stuff some of these people do is dangerous, to say the least, in the hands of an inexperienced person (I understand about massage for sports injuries as part of my job and whether to use deep tissue massage accordingley etc).

I personally would go for a deep tissue massage if I needed it for any reason but if I thought the person was inexperienced Id stop immmediately! Some one mentioned the oily massage which I've had loads of (Ayurvedic) the, they're nice! Also they used to do head massages with oxygen at the Don Mueng and they were awesome!!

Moral of the story, if it hurts - stop!!!

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Many years ago I went to Wat Pho to do 3 courses in Thai massage. Only cost about $250 each and I now have the skills to massage myself in most places and other people, mainly the wife . It is much easier for westerners to learn as most of us have studied Biology or Physiology at school or in martial arts and have a good understanding of how the body works.. However the young girls who were after a certificate so they could get a job wouldnt know anything about the body. No idea about muscles, organs, bones, meridian lines etc. Some only knew how to do extras !! I am amazed that when I tell the girl doing my massage that I trained at Wat Pho they are amazed. Most times I can tell them what to do. However I do have a list of real experts, all older ladies, and I have had some great remedial massages from them. Unfortunately a few times I have had to tell the girl to stop and go and get another girl to do my massage as they had no idea what they were doing. I would suggest that if you have time sign up for a weeks course and go and learn. It is a good experience and you will enjoy it and meet some nice people. Never again will you have to suffer at the hands of a torturer !

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does anyone really imagine those 200 baht thai massages are done by someone with any real knowledge or training....these days there are so many around that it stands to reason the quality must be very low... they are probably useless, maybe also dangerous...in my opinion get a proper massage by a properly trained masseuse, otherwise just use one of those 10 baht massage chairs that are in most shopping malls.

it took me very long to find a real qualified masseuse and i don't want to miss my twice weekly one hour foot/leg and then one hour Thai massage.


The Point about older women giving massage, in my experience is very valid.

Older being 50 plus :-)

Pretty young things in "costumes" are really all about eye candy, not experience.

I own a massage shop and we obviously hire 1 or 2 eye candy (sort of like spending money on advertising).

However the majority of our ladies are older, experienced. This is reflected I think by the number of women who visit our establishment multiple times.

Well over 50% of our customers are women, with around 20% repeat customers.

Having said that, a lot do 1 hour thai and 1 hour oil.


If you're not supposed to feel good having a massage, then what's the point?

to loosen up tight muscles

My muscles are just about all gone by now...

So I'll go for relaxation....


Try the franchise Health Land. They have professionally trained and certified masseuses. You may need an appointment depending on what day and time of day. I go as often as I can (average ounce every 2 weeks). Its 500 baht for 2 hours.

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does anyone really imagine those 200 baht thai massages are done by someone with any real knowledge or training....these days there are so many around that it stands to reason the quality must be very low... they are probably useless, maybe also dangerous...in my opinion get a proper massage by a properly trained masseuse, otherwise just use one of those 10 baht massage chairs that are in most shopping malls.

you have obviously never had a real massage at a real upcountry traditional thai medicine hospital. they are very well trained.

If I want a massage I go to the blind massage place near Jomtien. They definitely know what they're doing.

If I feel better after massage, it's good for my health, mental & physical.


See a doctor first then get yourself referred with Xray's to see a Physiotherapist than maybe he will tell you what kind of Massage is good for you.....If not you body is in the hands of the Gods, and it ain't bloody good ,I done this for my Osteoarthritis ,NOOOO Massages .The Doc and phisio say,,,,iF IT HURT IT AIN'T GOOD FOR YOUR BODY.


I had a specific muscular problem that was fixed in the course of a 1 hr session on Jom Tien beach. The masseur concentrated on the issues. There was no twisting and bending. Just a straightforward muscle manipulation. My problem was fixed. It seems pointless to have a massage when there is nothing wrong with you.


I took a couple of courses in Thai massage from Wat Pho. Didn't receive any lessons on intentionally causing any pain.

Strong but gentle. I had a friend that went to therapy in the states for her knee and said my Thai Massage left her feeling better. I do self massage on my face, hands and feet and feels very good. Much of massage depends on the person doing

it and their training. I doubt that the percentage of properly trained people doing massage in Thailand isn't that great.


Thais don't refer to - 'massage'- as "water-soup" for nothing!......

Now if you can find a pair of skilled hands to give you 2hrs of 'Jap-Sen' therapeutic massage you may be amazed at the results.

The majority of 'touchy-feelly' massage is merely time-killing entertainment administered by people who seem to have little interest or sensitivity towards your needs.

Some people do this work because they have a service mind with a genuine interest in health...next time ask the people you are going to if they know how to do 'Jap-Sen' thumbsup.gif


does anyone really imagine those 200 baht thai massages are done by someone with any real knowledge or training....these days there are so many around that it stands to reason the quality must be very low... they are probably useless, maybe also dangerous...in my opinion get a proper massage by a properly trained masseuse, otherwise just use one of those 10 baht massage chairs that are in most shopping malls.

Most are useless and dangerous. The occasional foot massage after a long hike is about all I do.

I have given up on the discount massages. A complete waste of money.


This subject may bore a lot of you but I like to have a 2 hour no strong Thai massage every day here, I know its great for relaxation but physically is it good or bad for you? Pulling fingers and toes is questionable, how about when they twist your back etc

NO STRONG Thai massage. YOU Should Know, If It's Good For You,Or Not. When (if) they broke some bones you'll have to pay out of your own pocket-thumbsup.gif


does anyone really imagine those 200 baht thai massages are done by someone with any real knowledge or training....these days there are so many around that it stands to reason the quality must be very low... they are probably useless, maybe also dangerous...in my opinion get a proper massage by a properly trained masseuse, otherwise just use one of those 10 baht massage chairs that are in most shopping malls.

you have obviously never had a real massage at a real upcountry traditional thai medicine hospital. they are very well trained.

Presumably as well trained as the most widely know training school in THailand Wat Pho? I went there and after being forced into really silly and painful positions, my Ankle swelled up like a baloon and I had trouble walking!

Training? By who, people who have no real knowledge of anatomy, Biology or any of the relevant disciplines? Hell even Doctors these days are finally admitting that they are only now beginning to understand the basics of how the body functions, and you are happy to put your whole body in the hands of a complete stranger with an education probably equivalent to a 10 year old???!!! Rather u than me, I was stupid to try it, and I'll never make the same mistake again.

On the other hand, YES, old women with extremely strong fingers and hands can be very useful when directed to specific areas for deep and long muscular massage of properly diagnosed problems.

Wat Pho - Dangerous Ripoff

90% of other Thai Massesuse just poke, squeeze and stretch people with no reasoning behind what they are doing. You might as well just pay for a 16 year old from Cowboy, she will know as much about Anatomy if not more than the old womem, and the treatment will be a lot softer and safer.

Being stretched, pulled and pumelled by an uneducated and even badly trainied Masseuese is particularly dangerous to older people, luckily I was in my 30's at the time of my experience above.

Use your common sense, don't let anyone put u in pain and tell u its for your good unles it's a Doctor, and even then, do your own research before allowing them to do it!


It depends on the masseuse and how aggressive or invasive he/she is. I stuggle with a lot of the joint manipulation - I mean I struggle understandwhy they are so aggressive as a lot of the stuff some of these people do is dangerous, to say the least, in the hands of an inexperienced person (I understand about massage for sports injuries as part of my job and whether to use deep tissue massage accordingley etc).

I personally would go for a deep tissue massage if I needed it for any reason but if I thought the person was inexperienced Id stop immmediately! Some one mentioned the oily massage which I've had loads of (Ayurvedic) the, they're nice! Also they used to do head massages with oxygen at the Don Mueng and they were awesome!!

Moral of the story, if it hurts - stop!!!

Well Said. Deep Massage for sporting type injuries is proven to be recouprative,, and soft oily caressing is just nice and soothing. Just none of the rough stretching crap, cracking knuckles, and other joints and B**l#cks like that!!! It'll only result in tears.


does anyone really imagine those 200 baht thai massages are done by someone with any real knowledge or training....these days there are so many around that it stands to reason the quality must be very low... they are probably useless, maybe also dangerous...in my opinion get a proper massage by a properly trained masseuse, otherwise just use one of those 10 baht massage chairs that are in most shopping malls.

you have obviously never had a real massage at a real upcountry traditional thai medicine hospital. they are very well trained.

Presumably as well trained as the most widely know training school in THailand Wat Pho? I went there and after being forced into really silly and painful positions, my Ankle swelled up like a baloon and I had trouble walking!

Training? By who, people who have no real knowledge of anatomy, Biology or any of the relevant disciplines? Hell even Doctors these days are finally admitting that they are only now beginning to understand the basics of how the body functions, and you are happy to put your whole body in the hands of a complete stranger with an education probably equivalent to a 10 year old???!!! Rather u than me, I was stupid to try it, and I'll never make the same mistake again.

On the other hand, YES, old women with extremely strong fingers and hands can be very useful when directed to specific areas for deep and long muscular massage of properly diagnosed problems.

Wat Pho - Dangerous Ripoff

90% of other Thai Massesuse just poke, squeeze and stretch people with no reasoning behind what they are doing. You might as well just pay for a 16 year old from Cowboy, she will know as much about Anatomy if not more than the old womem, and the treatment will be a lot softer and safer.

Being stretched, pulled and pumelled by an uneducated and even badly trainied Masseuese is particularly dangerous to older people, luckily I was in my 30's at the time of my experience above.

Use your common sense, don't let anyone put u in pain and tell u its for your good unles it's a Doctor, and even then, do your own research before allowing them to do it!

your anecdote proves nothing


common sense. if it hurts, say "bow bow" and they will do it softer. i think "jet" means hurt. anyhow, try a few and once you find the one you like, stay with her. i have had about 2-3 massages that made my calves hurt the next day, but otherwise i'm pretty happy with a 200 baht massage after a long week of bike riding. i would prefer they don't massage my stomach and rib area, focusing mainly on the legs. do i think they are real pros? of course not, but for 200 baht i understand there are risks.


does anyone really imagine those 200 baht thai massages are done by someone with any real knowledge or training....these days there are so many around that it stands to reason the quality must be very low... they are probably useless, maybe also dangerous...in my opinion get a proper massage by a properly trained masseuse, otherwise just use one of those 10 baht massage chairs that are in most shopping malls.

it took me very long to find a real qualified masseuse and i don't want to miss my twice weekly one hour foot/leg and then one hour Thai massage.

Its a long time since I've had a proper foot massage from a masseuse who truly knows reflexology...where do you go?

I asked the last time why they no longer use the wooden tools to work away at the feet and i was told now the tourists just want to relax, so foot massages have just degenerated into a sort of nice foot rub as opposed to actual reflexology.


Think about: how many qualified people do you see in your daily life in Thailand?

It is not different to massage. There may be a minority who is trained and does a good job. But for most of them it is just a business like selling t-shirts on the road.

That wouldn't be so bad, as long it feels ok. But I have seen several cases where people were damaged by a unqualified "massage" and needed later medical treatment. So be aware.

As someone who has had literally hundreds of Thai massages over the past thirty-plus years in Thailand, I very much disagree with what you say. Yes indeed, there are unskilled massagers in Thailand who don't know what they're doing. But they are the minority, not the majority as you say.

BTW, being in the herbal medicine and natural healing profession for almost forty years, I have seen scores of cases where people were greatly injured ... or killed ... by (supposedly) trained and licensed medical doctors and hospitals.


If you're not supposed to feel good having a massage, then what's the point?

to loosen up tight muscles

Yes, indeed. And loosened muscles ... and tendons and ligaments ... make you feel good.


A good massage takes the edge off a hangover

I had an old friend ... long since passed away ... who in the 1930s owned a health food store and massage clinic in Los Angles. He told me several funny stories of when the movie studios would bring him terribly-hung-over stars like Clark Gable to sober up so they could get on with the day's film shooting.

He said he used a contrasting combination of ice-cold water and hot liniments, along with lots of tough-love massage while the movie star cursed him out ... and within an hour the star was ready to work. Given how much money the studio was losing every hour the star was unavailable, my friend changed a very hefty fee for his special talent, and the studios were happy to pay.


Several years ago I was down south and quite sick from a cold. Stopped in at the local hospital for help and heard horrible screams coming from a curtained off area. Absolute top of his lungs screams and quite a few foul words. I was told the young man had a Thai traditional massage on the beach and it was a bit too hard. They dislocated his ribs. Docs were trying to set it straight.

From them on, NO Thai traditional massages for me. I had one done before that, but wouldn't allow them to pop my fingers or neck.

Perhaps 'broke' or fractured his ribs. Or at least cracked them.

Dislocated refers to a joint out of place, like the ball out of the socket.

The neck cracking always worried the hell out of me... had this idea of being paralysed for life!

In the 'old days' massage places did have trained employees,and often rows of certificates to verify this.

It even extended to some of those less traditional places.

Now a pretty face seems to be a qualification of equal or better status.

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does anyone really imagine those 200 baht thai massages are done by someone with any real knowledge or training....these days there are so many around that it stands to reason the quality must be very low... they are probably useless, maybe also dangerous...in my opinion get a proper massage by a properly trained masseuse, otherwise just use one of those 10 baht massage chairs that are in most shopping malls.

Had an outstanding massage at the Chang Mai lady prison.The ladies are trained very well so they have a trade when they are released. They always like to practice on a farang ;-)
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Many years ago I studied a martial art for roughly 3 years - 2 hours at a time of strenuous physical exercise and contact to pretty much everywhere bar the head and groin (barring the odd accident). The thing was that it felt absolutely awesome when you were finished and could limp home and take a shower - I see the 'therapeutic' effects of Thai massage in the same light. Your muscles are just so happy that the bad man (or woman) has stopped torturing them that they relax and you feel good for 10 minutes or so. In audio terms, that's called 'the placebo effect' ;)


does anyone really imagine those 200 baht thai massages are done by someone with any real knowledge or training....these days there are so many around that it stands to reason the quality must be very low... they are probably useless, maybe also dangerous...in my opinion get a proper massage by a properly trained masseuse, otherwise just use one of those 10 baht massage chairs that are in most shopping malls.

Had an outstanding massage at the Chang Mai lady prison.The ladies are trained very well so they have a trade when they are released. They always like to practice on a farang ;-)

Let me know if there are any more openings, would you ? ;)

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