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The Worst Jobs you have to do in or around your abode?


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This is lighthearted.

Please don't go posting about you need a work permit to do that 555 facepalm.gif

My worst couple of jobs that I have to are (only occasionally)

1) Remove the garbage bag and clean out the kitchen garbage bins if a hot spell came on suddenly and your garbage bags and bins are teaming with maggots.

As well as clean the kitchen floor of escaped maggots ( they are hard to sweep up , they stick to the damn floor) (the kitchen is part of a business and we do have a worker that usually takes care of the garbage bags)

Some times if she's away, I have to do it especially if we have had a maggot attack!

2) If our dog a long haired chihuahua does his business out side and he comes in all squishy and runny so to speak.

I have to wipe my dogs ass thoroughly on the occasion. (only if I am near by or up in the kitchen at the time).

So yes I admit I do wipe my dogs ass from time to time. biggrin.pngsmile.pnglaugh.pngclap2.gif

You know that Tinglish expression "Love me, love my dog"

Our dog is my first dog ever.

Never in my life I have had to do such a thing, had cats and fish back in Oz.


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All of it. Sick of it. Endlessly cleaning up after the kids.

I need a housekeeper.

This whole ordeal has put me in touch with my feminine side. I understand why women get so pissed off.

Edited by MJP
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Getting out of bed, sometimes its really hard, so I just lie there another hour and then its not so bad.

As for dogs, I have 3 and not one would dare cross the threshold ! They belong outside like other animals, sorry !

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Awesome jobs peoples laugh.png

Yes only occasionally for the maggots about 3 times over a few years I've had to do it.

You have a cold snap for some time than it heats up for a few days, an ugly sight.

Only if the worker is away that particular day.

Loved the dog on the grass pic but our dog no although he does leave a brown streak on the floor tiling from time to time

Thank Christ we do not have white shag carpet.

Judging from the above photo I think our little chihuahua couldn't do that with such small legs and head (brain).

Yes Of Course Come to Thailand meet and marry a Thai lass and wipe your dog's ass laugh.pngtongue.png


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Actually ,i hate gardening ,and cleaning and washing up ,oh i dont like ironing ,or putting stuff away ,we dont have animals ,so thats a godsend ,i didnt used to like changing nappys and doing anything physical come to think of it i like being busy doing nothingbiggrin.png does that count?

ps i dont mind shopping ,as long as i dont have to push the trolly.

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Well, OK here goes. Back in the old US of A, we put the clumps of used kitty litter into the toilet. Somehow there was enough water pressure that it disappeared and we didn't worry about it. Now, here in Chiang Mai the toilet becomes clogged if someone forgets and puts two little pieces of toilet paper in it. Clumps of used kitty litter -- no way.

OK, so it's bad enough to have used TP in the bathroom trash, but we have to deal with clumps of used kitty litter, too. A couple months ago, the condo mgr announce that we could no longer put used kitty litter into trash sacks that are tossed down the trash chutes (gee, I wonder what happens to a trash sack full of used kitty litter after it falls 17 stories? I guess it wasn't pretty) So now, we have to collect the used kitty litter in a separate trash container that only gets emptied about once a week, after Hubby gets nagged enough because now we're suppose to take it to the "trash room" on the first floor, open a really gross-looking rolling door and put the sack with the used kitty litter into a disgusting large plastic waste can.

I guess Hubby actually has the "Worse Job" but my job of nagging him to do it isn't much fun either.

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Clean the bathroom.

Lots of crappy chemical in purple bottles (what the hell is that?) here but useless compared to liquid bleach.

...problem is the bleach gets my asthma going but rather hold my breath and use bleach then use the other useless stuff sold.

Edited by Youbloodybeauty
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Constantly cleaning dog poo from outside my house in the soi from dogs of other owners. I don't have any dogs.

Also constantly picking up the garbage that the dogs rummage from the bins and spread all over the soi.

Thinking of getting a BB gun.

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All of it. Sick of it. Endlessly cleaning up after the kids.

I need a housekeeper.

This whole ordeal has put me in touch with my feminine side. I understand why women get so pissed off.

And you have to shave too, it's just so unfair smile.png


Shaving is a rare treat in comparison.

Tomorrow is kitchen ceiling re-fit day with full redecoration. This includes the dreaded fridge clean out. TEPCO are using my fridge decontamination method statement and risk assessment for the Fukushima remediation.

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When I was 16 years old I had a holiday job in a hospital cleaning beds where people died in, bedpans and cleaning in the autopsy lab. It paid well and ever since you can't piss me off with any dirt at all!

In my case it was me who came home with 2 dogs and a cat as I think it's good for the kids to get acquainted with some dirt and bacteria in the over-hygienic Thai household....but the boss is not very happy with them, so I have to take care :P

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The worst job that Dudley Moore ever had was picking lobsters out of Jane Mansfield's rear end. ( A wonderful irreverent sketch with Peter Cook).

I've been in retirement now for yonks so I only do those things that please me. The horror of fighting off the attentions and demands of Jill St. John, Juliet Prowse, Nicole Kidman and many others is now but a distant and fading nightmare.

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