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US urges calm amid Thailand protests


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TLDR....but voting it in for dumbest thread on TV.

It's diplomacy 101. Things happen. Diplomats have to decide how to comment on it or if they should comment at all. All this is based on practical political considerations. That goes for every country. The comment made by the US gov't on the situation is just one small piece of the international puzzle that will continue to come together. Get over it.

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You are right, but you must admit that America stayed as far away from it as possible - support was only really forthcoming because of the relationship Reagan and Thatcher had. An American warship could have been there in hours rather than weeks and put an end to the bloodshed that was going on against civilians. That could have been without even taking sides - by simply imposing rule of law (ROE) with respect to civilians.

Well, of course, Wolf, a lot more could have been done. But, the U.S. had the Monroe Doctrine to fall back upon as a reason, if needed. At the end of the day, no nation goes to war if it is not to defend or extend its own national interests.

Exactly - I said as much above in the Canadian reply. We also have no idea what went on behind closed doors - it may well have been a given option to be peacekeepers in the interim, but then that may have had direct implication on direct support (which as you said was needed - a long way to sail without fuel).

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This from a country where the national sport is invading other countries and toppling legitimate governments to be replaced by American puppet governments. Methinks America should keep it's big mouth shut

You have to be kidding me right? Someone with a flag of the less than Great Britain, lecturing another country on invasion? Jesus, how much blood historically is on your hands? Great Britain should be renamed the great enslaver due to its colonial past. When you think of all the dead and drug addicted (yes, England was no only a slaver dealer but a drug dealer as well) left behind thanks to the English thirst for world domination, it is almost unbelievable. Oh, and the last three times the US has invaded other countries it was with the support of the UK military establishment. The US in this case is just urging a friend and ally (Thailand) to remain calm. That is what friends do during times of crisis.


are we talking today's history or medeival times? Probl;em is the America doesn't have a past does it? You say America is a friend of Thailand? You're a plonker mate, America is friend to nobody. If there was oil here the w*nkers would use this turmoil as an excuse to invade here too
The Brits biggest concern now is how much a beer will cost when this is all over!

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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US urges calm amid Thailand protests

MR.US, YOU are NOT my Father

The world does not revolve around any of us and I don't think the message was aimed soley at any one person. Making a declaration such as you did raises many questions about self importance and esteem, particularly the CAPS.

"The drum beats that beats loudest is sometimes the first ignored."

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The Brits biggest concern now is how much a beer will cost when this is all over!

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Sure is :P A lot cheaper would be my guess if paid in squids, a lot more in paid in Bart Simpsons.

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Is this the US Government that readily and willingly granted convicted criminal Thaksin Shinawatra a Visa. Perhaps they may wish to consider whether their actions contributed to the problem by, seemingly, supporting the actions of a fleeing felon. Seems the US hypocrites now want to be seen as the saviours of Thai democracy rather than the ones who stoked the fires!!

Interesting post. Who are these US hypocrites you mentioned? Can you please elaborate as to what you meant by "...the ones who stoked the fires!!".

It may help me understand the post a bit better. Thanks.

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Is this the US Government that readily and willingly granted convicted criminal Thaksin Shinawatra a Visa. Perhaps they may wish to consider whether their actions contributed to the problem by, seemingly, supporting the actions of a fleeing felon. Seems the US hypocrites now want to be seen as the saviours of Thai democracy rather than the ones who stoked the fires!!

Interesting post. Who are these US hypocrites you mentioned? Can you please elaborate as to what you meant by "...the ones who stoked the fires!!".

It may help me understand the post a bit better. Thanks.

I assume that he means the American authorities and the American authorities, that were not aware they were dealing with a fugitive at the time.

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This from a country where the national sport is invading other countries and toppling legitimate governments to be replaced by American puppet governments. Methinks America should keep it's big mouth shut

Not disagreeing: My federal government is out of control, and has been for quite a long while now. It's just that, as a Brit, you should demonstrate a little more humility, given your own bloody history.

They're rioting in Africa. They're starving in Spain.

There's hurricanes in Florida and Texas needs rain.

The whole world is festering with unhappy souls.

The French hate the Germans. The Germans hate the Poles.Italians hate Yugoslavs. South Africans hate the Dutch and I don't like anybody very much!

But we can be tranquil and thankful and proud for man's been endowed with a mushroom shaped cloud.

And we know for certain that some lovely day someone will set the spark off and we will all be blown away.

They're rioting in Africa. There's strife in Iran. What nature doesn't do to us will be done by our fellow man.

- The Kingston Trio "The Merry Minuet"

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This from a country where the national sport is invading other countries and toppling legitimate governments to be replaced by American puppet governments. Methinks America should keep it's big mouth shut

Truly rich, coming from a Brit. Not because of past history alone, but, because you stand with us when we do invade! Thanks for the moral support, by the way.

shame you don't styand with us when we have a conflict, I mean a real conflict that is our business, like Falklands for example

Alwyn, Alwyn, Alwyn, please let things be or go read up! You've hear of HMS Fearless, presumably? Find out where she was refueled....

I won't even mention sigint concerning Goose Green. I have a feeling it might be wasted.

You're the person who needs to study more. Whilst America sidled up to the Despotic General and France sold them (during the conflict) the excocet missiles that were being fired at the Brits.

To this day many British are bitter about the way that America refused to help, not even allowing British ships to dock in US territory (an action that would have saved the lives of many British sailors, lost because their ships and tankers became sitting ducks to the superb Argentine Air Force). So please, don't tell me how America "helped" us in Falklands

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This from a country where the national sport is invading other countries and toppling legitimate governments to be replaced by American puppet governments. Methinks America should keep it's big mouth shut

Remember that your flying the Union Jack and not a Swastika or "Hammer and Sickle" because of America.

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This from a country where the national sport is invading other countries and toppling legitimate governments to be replaced by American puppet governments. Methinks America should keep it's big mouth shut

Sad but true, recent news reports of cia invovlement in 73 crackdown, also weapons of mass destruction in iraq lies, and what about syria chemicals bullshit that luckily the poms were wise to american tricks.

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Alwyn, Alwyn, Alwyn, please let things be or go read up! You've hear of HMS Fearless, presumably? Find out where she was refueled....

I won't even mention sigint concerning Goose Green. I have a feeling it might be wasted.

You're the person who needs to study more. Whilst America sidled up to the Despotic General and France sold them (during the conflict) the excocet missiles that were being fired at the Brits.

To this day many British are bitter about the way that America refused to help, not even allowing British ships to dock in US territory (an action that would have saved the lives of many British sailors, lost because their ships and tankers became sitting ducks to the superb Argentine Air Force). So please, don't tell me how America "helped" us in Falklands

Ascension Island?

To quote one of your countrymen, "The wise man homeward plods; I only stay to fiddle faddle in a minor key."

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This from a country where the national sport is invading other countries and toppling legitimate governments to be replaced by American puppet governments. Methinks America should keep it's big mouth shut

Remember that your flying the Union Jack and not a Swastika or "Hammer and Sickle" because of America.

Don't you mean because of Japan!!

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This from a country where the national sport is invading other countries and toppling legitimate governments to be replaced by American puppet governments. Methinks America should keep it's big mouth shut

Not disagreeing: My federal government is out of control, and has been for quite a long while now. It's just that, as a Brit, you should demonstrate a little more humility, given your own bloody history.

How far back in history are you wanting to go? Give Texas back to Mexico and I'll be quiet - not only Britain that has done bad things. Tell us how America saved the World in WWII by coming in during the last few years or so of conflict, tell us again how you were so successful in Vietnam (and while we're at it we can ask the people of Laos how they feel when they are still losing lives to unexploded ordnace and landmines put there by the US? Or how Cambodians feel about how you bombed the snot out of them and allowed Polpot to take control of the country? Tell me again what Brtain has done to slaughter people in the last 20 years like the good ol' boys of the USA?

Wow! Lets hear from Germany, Japan, China, and Cambodia to really get this going. We can join forces and be the TV United Nations and really show Thailand what making peace is all about............ maybe play husha husha we all fall down or just have another one instead.

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This from a country where the national sport is invading other countries and toppling legitimate governments to be replaced by American puppet governments. Methinks America should keep it's big mouth shut

Not disagreeing: My federal government is out of control, and has been for quite a long while now. It's just that, as a Brit, you should demonstrate a little more humility, given your own bloody history.

How far back in history are you wanting to go? Give Texas back to Mexico and I'll be quiet - not only Britain that has done bad things. Tell us how America saved the World in WWII by coming in during the last few years or so of conflict, tell us again how you were so successful in Vietnam (and while we're at it we can ask the people of Laos how they feel when they are still losing lives to unexploded ordnace and landmines put there by the US? Or how Cambodians feel about how you bombed the snot out of them and allowed Polpot to take control of the country? Tell me again what Brtain has done to slaughter people in the last 20 years like the good ol' boys of the USA?

Wow! Lets hear from Germany, Japan, China, and Cambodia to really get this going. We can join forces and be the TV United Nations and really show Thailand what making peace is all about............ maybe play husha husha we all fall down or just have another one instead.

Husha, husha, we all fall down - what is that all about?

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Advice from America regarding the current ant government protests here in Thailand at the moment !!!!.

Let me cast my mind back to a couple of instances of the impeccable ethical management handling techniques of anti government policy protesters in America.

Kent State University protest, the Civil Rights Marches, to name just a couple of instances on civil disorder management techniques American style.

Sometimes it is better not to become involved in advising other sovereign states on how best to manage their internal disputes.

America based upon your own track records of how to handle their internal disputes political or business wise and your involvement in advising and becoming active in Vietnam the best policy would indeed be to follow the old adage of, ''Silence is golden.

The spirited assistance given by a certain section of the American population to the I.R.A. over the years prolonged that tragic conflict for much longer than it would have been if American supporters had been stopped contributing financial aid and weapons to the I.R.A.

Certainly we Brits do have a pretty poor track record in handling civil disorders in the colonies in the past but it seems as if any comments may have been made from the U.K. concerning Thailand's current civil disorders have been very low key.

Perhaps our American friends would be well advised to follow that same low key path path

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A large number of posts have been deleted for personal attacks. One suspension was issued for a threat. The remaining posts are the least offensive, if you can believe that.

Any more slings and arrows aimed at other posters will result in immediate suspensions. Please keep it civil.

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Advice from America regarding the current ant government protests here in Thailand at the moment !!!!.

Let me cast my mind back to a couple of instances of the impeccable ethical management handling techniques of anti government policy protesters in America.

Kent State University protest, the Civil Rights Marches, to name just a couple of instances on civil disorder management techniques American style.

Sometimes it is better not to become involved in advising other sovereign states on how best to manage their internal disputes.

America based upon your own track records of how to handle their internal disputes political or business wise and your involvement in advising and becoming active in Vietnam the best policy would indeed be to follow the old adage of, ''Silence is golden.

The spirited assistance given by a certain section of the American population to the I.R.A. over the years prolonged that tragic conflict for much longer than it would have been if American supporters had been stopped contributing financial aid and weapons to the I.R.A.

Certainly we Brits do have a pretty poor track record in handling civil disorders in the colonies in the past but it seems as if any comments may have been made from the U.K. concerning Thailand's current civil disorders have been very low key.

Perhaps our American friends would be well advised to follow that same low key path path

Perhaps this is a forum, where we can provide our opinions, observations, and insight.

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Linda Lovelace was English?......

Maybe a bit jealous too, since most what he uses... including the OS on the computer he is writing on... was invented by my countrymen. I've seen his type before.

Ever heard of Babbage and Lady Lovelace? What about Johnny von Neuman or Tim Berners-Lee? We've also seen your type before. Check out the word bumptious.

The US still imports talent by the thousands. Werner vonBraun, a war criminal was one - to America's shame. Europeans are drawn by the research and experimental facilities although the living conditions are obviously a factor.

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This from a country where the national sport is invading other countries and toppling legitimate governments to be replaced by American puppet governments. Methinks America should keep it's big mouth shut

Not disagreeing: My federal government is out of control, and has been for quite a long while now. It's just that, as a Brit, you should demonstrate a little more humility, given your own bloody history.

america left south east asia with angeles city and pattaya, the brits left hong kong and singapore, now i'll keep my mouth shut.

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This from a country where the national sport is invading other countries and toppling legitimate governments to be replaced by American puppet governments. Methinks America should keep it's big mouth shut

Only a Pom could give us such advice. NZ is still sorting out the mess you clowns instilled 200 years ago

I knew Kiwis weren't all that bright (must be all the beer, rugby and sheep) but you'd have thought they might have been able to sort themselves by now. smile.png

Edited by bigbamboo
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