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I showed the pictures to my wife one second ago she was not shocked at all!

"Everywhere same no problem, go to the hairdresser, schools have "got" I don't now in English (rules), if teacher says must cut hair, tomorow tomorow, because young boys forget him play, yes teacher him say already, but tomorrow not enough"

When I told her OP intended to go to the police, she answered smiling, falang crazy!

Two different cultures!

Your wife is the crazy one. Got help you married to someone like her and by the sound of it you agree with what she said???

This is so F****** wrong it's disgusting. I know cool heads should provail, but I know I'd be f***** , I couldn't contain myself from pinning down this **** and giving him one of those back.

I would never ever raise a child in this place..EVER!!!!

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Dear God,

don't ask us what we think.

don't tell us what you think.

Ask your son what he thinks and you may be able to get some understanding of the situation.

It could range from simple discipline to full on assault. I don't know.None of us knows.

In the first instance ask the boy. Maybe he and three of his friends all got done at the same time and now wear this as a badge of pride - the "rebel" thing. Who knows?

Just ask your son and make an informed adult decision from there.

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Are you saying the OP needs anger management? After that assault on his kid? I pity any kid having you as a parent.

And I pity your children.....if you have any....raising children is "one thing" and teaching them that "anger" is OK and "fight fire with fire"....well thats another thing....

When I was raised ...I went to a private grammer school run by "Irish Nuns"...when you got out of line "they whacked you with the ruler"....back then the parents response was "you must've done something wrong" or "you deserved it".....None of this "political correctness" BS.....

the kids hair was out of line...probably not the first time....so action was taken by the school....


Calm down buddy, it's quite normal, students are required to cut their hair a certain way and if the hair is not cut to said standard this happens, my brother has come home like this thousands of times it's just part of the culture

Ok so the rule has been abolished but it will take a while for older teachers to take heed sorry to say


...and the reason was....???

...it seems to have been short to begin with...

...not to mention the trauma...the humiliation......

...you have to ask if it was not racially motivated...


This is not a matter for the tourist police, you have to go to the regular police and to the local or provincial office of the ministry of education that this school is under.

It's disgusting and totally irresponsible behavior of this teacher, but I'm sorry to say that it happens more in Thailand and even on high class schools.

If the teacher who did this is the director of the school than you won't accomplish much at the school. I would however ask for your son to be transferred to an other class if that takes him out of direct contact with this teacher.

We have had a similar case with our 6 year old son half a year ago and the schools are very eager to get it under the carpet as soon as they can. Reporting to the police hurts and so does a report to the education department in the province.

Good luck, this is a difficult thing to handle.


This kind of thing usually only applies in Government schools, so dig deep and get him in a better school.

That's the long and short of it. My kids went to an 'upmarket' Thai kindergarten, which was supposed to be fantastic cos Abhisit went there. At its best it was ordinary, so we moved them to a lower tier International school and they love it and excel in most subjects, particularly English. If I didn't have the money to continue with International schools I would go back to Oz.


I would get a pair of electric clipers and a couple friends and go to the school and do the same thing to him in front of all his peers - then remove my son from that school.


Sometimes western ideas don't work here in Thailand. It's sad it did happen but I think the only person you can be angry of is yourself. There are school regulations.If you want your kid in that school you need to follow them.

All that talks about police is useless.

Take your kid to a barbershop and try to model it.Over 2 months all will be over. And for you as father, take good notice of the school rules. Send your son more regular to a barber.


Like you I think the teachers's action is disgusting.

It amounts to a brutal assault on your child and the teacher should be made to answer for his actions.

Are teachers not concerned about the phsycological effect on the child their actions could bring

File an assault charge with the police.

This is just about power for the teacher and they should be told to concentrate on educating the children

not being a bully or practising their hair cutting skills.

Do something about it or other children will be assualted.

Hopefully the OP will let us know the outcome.

Obviously you have no idea what it's like to teach kids...


was it a Thai school? or international school? i think from the treatment a Thai school. i went to a ted x in chiang mai there was a thai speaking in thai about the thai educational system. i have never heard a tedx speaker so angry. he had spoken in over 1000's of different locations in thailand to schools,teachers and government officials. he spoke to the gov officials they blamed the teachers, so he got the teachers and government officials together and they as a group blamed the parents. so he got teachers,govt officials and parents together and they blamed the students. this guy was so angry . so pull your son out do not if you are a good parent send him back to that school, just think if this is what the admin and teachers are doing to him imagine how the other thai students are treating him day after day. put him in a international school ,home school or private tutors but do not let this little boy grow up with this type of abuse .


Are you saying the OP needs anger management? After that assault on his kid? I pity any kid having you as a parent.

And I pity your children.....if you have any....raising children is "one thing" and teaching them that "anger" is OK and "fight fire with fire"....well thats another thing....

When I was raised ...I went to a private grammer school run by "Irish Nuns"...when you got out of line "they whacked you with the ruler"....back then the parents response was "you must've done something wrong" or "you deserved it".....None of this "political correctness" BS.....

the kids hair was out of line...probably not the first time....so action was taken by the school....

No, I don't have any children, and there is nothing wrong with being angry if someone does you a bad turn, and yes, you fight fire with fire. I always fought back against bullies, at school, in the workplace, anywhere, and it has not done me any harm. I hate bullies, and there is no better feeling than when you hit back and sort them out.


What a lot of crap-WAH WAH WAH-crybabies-just finish it off with a buzzcut and forget it.No BIg flippin deal and then get regular haircuts like everyone else..

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How many times had he been warned to cut his hair?

I find it quite funny to be honest.

Nothing a pair of clippers won't fix.

...and I bet he keeps it within regulations next time.

What should you do?

Take a chill pill, wait 2 weeks, the hair grows back.

If the child's hair was not cut in accordance with School Regulations ... in the future, make sure it is.

Mind, that above is not a message of support for the school but,

at this particular moment, you need to think with a cool head.

Actually... for all you idiots out there, the Education Mininster PhongthepThepkanjana abolished the rule about "strict hair limits". Furhermore, I have always cut his hair whenever his teacher has said so. However, this was without warning and done with clippers!!

Would you f***ing like it???

More information..... I have been living here for 13yrs and have been a single parent for the last 8yrs.

" I have always cut his hair whenever his teacher has said so. "

I imagine that the director did this in frustration as a message to you, that something which an intelligent child and parent should have been able to figure out for themselves had to be constantly reiterated.

I would make it an apology and a promise to do better in supporting your son's education and take the opportunity to make friends with his teacher.

Well done on the single parent effort but make your parenting good parenting, he won't have you always behind him and needs society to a greater extent in Thailand than in any granny state.

You will learn, I expect that the staff at school are good people.

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in no uncertain terms if this was my son..

in anger i would consider talking to some not so nice people about getting hold of the culprit , shaving him head to toe, tar and feather, and tieing him to a lamppost outside of school naked for the soi dogs to enjoy.

in a more calm manner i would lodge a complaint with every police station in town, consult a lawyer, complain to the tourist police. even complain to other schools ! print out flyers with photos of the culprit and the hair with details and give them out to every farang parent at school. make a facebook page and start inviting everyone you can find who has your locality in there profile . Also contacting the farang newspapers in town as they all love a good story like this.

there was an incident of punishment at one of the semi-international schools about 5 years ago where the dutch parents made it there mission to bring some unethical punishment to light and to to this day it damages the school in question due to google's historic information.

but thats just me of course and I like to think i'm a calm person .. (until it comes to harming my children)

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No, I don't have any children, and there is nothing wrong with being angry if someone does you a bad turn, and yes, you fight fire with fire. I always fought back against bullies, at school, in the workplace, anywhere, and it has not done me any harm. I hate bullies, and there is no better feeling than when you hit back and sort them out.

WOW!!!! anger management issues yourself!!! good thing you have no kids ....its that kinda of "eye for eye" attitude that has the world in the "sorts" it is now....

If you had a "brain" ....sometimes ....just somtimes (actually ...most of the time) ....its best to use that "first" ...before you start thinking "fists"

Good luck with you "western macho BS" ...because that is what it is.....

Remember TIT.....LOS



No, I don't have any children, and there is nothing wrong with being angry if someone does you a bad turn, and yes, you fight fire with fire. I always fought back against bullies, at school, in the workplace, anywhere, and it has not done me any harm. I hate bullies, and there is no better feeling than when you hit back and sort them out.

WOW!!!! anger management issues yourself!!! good thing you have no kids ....its that kinda of "eye for eye" attitude that has the world in the "sorts" it is now....

If you had a "brain" ....sometimes ....just somtimes (actually ...most of the time) ....its best to use that "first" ...before you start thinking "fists"

Good luck with you "western macho BS" ...because that is what it is..BS...

Remember TIT.....LOS



The most important question nobody asked is how does your son feel about this is he upset or traumatized in any way. Ask him what he thinks you should do and take it from there.


This is what I did when it happened to my son, some two years ago:

First I called the min. of education to check I could file an official complaint, which was the case,

and also I asked for their advice.

Their advice was to, tell the director you contacted the min. of education and they recomend the involved teacher

appologizes to your son in a safe enviroment, which happened a day later, in the director's office, while me and the misses

were there too.

Wishing you well,


  • Like 2

Well, I'm going to the 'Tourist Police' today....... and I would love to smack the "C***" & smash up his car, but I've got to behave!

His school is in Suratthani

Forget the Tourist Police, your son is not a tourist.

You might even forget the normal police.

You might file a complaint directly with the Office of the Public Prosecutor.

If your son has the Thai Nationality, that is a valid way to go.

The teachers are NOT allowed any more to cut the hair of the pupils.



No, I don't have any children, and there is nothing wrong with being angry if someone does you a bad turn, and yes, you fight fire with fire. I always fought back against bullies, at school, in the workplace, anywhere, and it has not done me any harm. I hate bullies, and there is no better feeling than when you hit back and sort them out.

WOW!!!! anger management issues yourself!!! good thing you have no kids ....its that kinda of "eye for eye" attitude that has the world in the "sorts" it is now....

If you had a "brain" ....sometimes ....just somtimes (actually ...most of the time) ....its best to use that "first" ...before you start thinking "fists"

Good luck with you "western macho BS" ...because that is what it is..BS...

Remember TIT.....LOS


Are you for real????????

Oh wait, maybe you are right.

First think it over carefully how you can damage the idiot most.

And then do it.


This is what I did when it happened to my son, some two years ago:

First I called the min. of education to check I could file an official complaint, which was the case,

and also I asked for their advice.

Their advice was to, tell the director you contacted the min. of education and they recomend the involved teacher

appologizes to your son in a safe enviroment, which happened a day later, in the director's office, while me and the misses

were there too.

Wishing you well,


I can second this. About 4 years ago a mate of mine's son had his hair forcibly cut and my mate immediately complained to the Ministry of Education. By all accounts the Ministry was seriously irate about teachers continuing to do this. A senior official at the Ministry contacted the school and the outcomes were: an apology and a partial reduction in school fees for the term (it was a semi-independent catholic school but the perp was a Thai administrator).

The OP must complain through official channels, I believe it's probably the only way to facilitate long term change in local attitudes.

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Going to the police will achieve NOTHING!

Going to the school will achieve NOTHING!

Taking out a civil action for physical trespass, abuse and mistreatment will probablyb get you NOWHERE!

Bear in mind that the rule for strict boys crew cuts and girls pudding bowls has only just been lifted (40 years after being abolished in the west) and therefore there is still a lot of social acceptance for this kind of thing.

You could go down to the school equipped with your own scissors or clippers, strap the <deleted> to his office chair and give him the same treatment,.. but sadly that may get you into some trouble with the police (but maybe not,... maybe just laughed off,... hard to tell).

I think I would shame the prick by pasting his picture next to those of your son on Facebook and make it go viral around the school and the community. I would also take a video of your son (now while the effect is still lingering) in which I would "interview" your son and get a full report and a real impact statement from him by getting him to express how humiliated, abused and disrespected by the director who he expected should have had a high code of ethics and conduct.

I'd make sure the Dept Ed and the district superviser got copies of everything.

...and last but NOT least..... I'd take my son out of that freaking school as fast as lightning.

One other thing,... I'd take my son to the barber for a #1 buzz cut all round so as to hide the chop chop look. That way it'll grow out evenly and look very smart in a couple of weeks.

  • Like 1

This is what I did when it happened to my son, some two years ago:

First I called the min. of education to check I could file an official complaint, which was the case,

and also I asked for their advice.

Their advice was to, tell the director you contacted the min. of education and they recomend the involved teacher

appologizes to your son in a safe enviroment, which happened a day later, in the director's office, while me and the misses

were there too.

Wishing you well,


I can second this. About 4 years ago a mate of mine's son had his hair forcibly cut and my mate immediately complained to the Ministry of Education. By all accounts the Ministry was seriously irate about teachers continuing to do this. A senior official at the Ministry contacted the school and the outcomes were: an apology and a partial reduction in school fees for the term (it was a semi-independent catholic school but the perp was a Thai administrator).

The OP must complain through official channels, I believe it's probably the only way to facilitate long term change in local attitudes.

an apology in front of the whole school at assembly is what i would be more happy with however there would then be embarrassment to my son who probably is hoping it would all go away.

so private apology, a dressing down from the ministry , a police caution, short suspension of employment or anything causing a bit of face loss would do.

i'd still create webpage/facebook page just for this tho (without childs name) , naming and shaming the school

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