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Thai 'Red Shirt' leaders end rally after violence

Lite Beer

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By the leaders telling them to go home

The leaders are not responsible for what happens from now on

Be careful in Bangkok today

I am going to Church today to pray for peace

I advise all Thia Visa to do the same

Unfortunately the possibility of violence and certainty of traffic disruption, mean we have decided not to go to church today. I will stay at home and say a prayer for peace with justice in Thailand

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So...one to four people died.

We don't know how many, we don't know who they are and we don't know, who shot who and when and first...but we all jump to conclusions.

One dead is one too many!

If the red shirts go home: fine!

Although I think that they have the same right to protest and make their voice heard in this conflict: stay there!

Of course I don't believe ALL will go home and I assume, there will be enough to make/provoke a lot of trouble.

So will there be from the anti- government protesters.

Both sides are equally as guilty...and both sides don't give a f#$ about it!

I am just guessing, that these 4 (3,2,1) dead will not be the last in this conflict...and I guess, both sides will cry crocodile tears over that fact...and back in their "war room" shake their hands about a job, well done!

...and the looser is: Thailand!

Edited by DocN
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By the leaders telling them to go home

The leaders are not responsible for what happens from now on

Be careful in Bangkok today

I am going to Church today to pray for peace

I advise all Thia Visa to do the same

praying to imaginary friends is not my thing, so I just hope they grow up and all go home to their families.

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now lets see if they look after the real cause or wait until someone from a foreign country slaps them with the facts. I believe the folks won't be dragged to Bangkok or elsewhere again. The silence from D has a logical reason so not be seen as instigator. Kinda hiding thingy while everything was prepared for the arrival for this man.

Why do I know? I got some mail from the UK where it was almost in certain terms that he'd be here very soon. This was three weeks ago.

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By the leaders telling them to go home

The leaders are not responsible for what happens from now on

Be careful in Bangkok today

I am going to Church today to pray for peace

I advise all Thia Visa to do the same

You assume all TV members are Christian?

Sorry I met to say all of us should pray now is the time for prayer

I'm a strict atheist. What can I do now??

As a strict atheist I quess you can send money to the orphans of the people killed in the riots this time or last time

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I learn a new word or phrase every day, what does it mean to be a 'strict atheist'? You must never go to church, even for weddings and funerals? Anyone who says,'Oh my god' or even worse,'God only knows' is reprimanded severely? Is it possible to become a lapsed atheist?

I guess when the plane is going down?

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Red shirts, yellow shirts, they are all stupid people that can't see they are being used.

Nothing in these protests are for the good of Thailand.

Just so you know, the yellow shirts as well as the pink shirts, multi-colored shirts and various other lessor knowns have gone the way of a curable STD that has run its course. These students and other anti-government protesters have a different identity with different leaders. I believe Suthep was under attack from various yellow shirt leaders, so he's not exactly a yellow-shirt. How they chose to identify themselves remains to be seen.

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Red shirts, yellow shirts, they are all stupid people that can't see they are being used.

Nothing in these protests are for the good of Thailand.

Just so you know, the yellow shirts as well as the pink shirts, multi-colored shirts and various other lessor knowns have gone the way of a curable STD that has run its course. These students and other anti-government protesters have a different identity with different leaders. I believe Suthep was under attack from various yellow shirt leaders, so he's not exactly a yellow-shirt. How they chose to identify themselves remains to be seen.

Not really true. Many of the same people involved. Just the top leader has changed. Most of the PAD, Pitak Siam and Multicoloureds are involved. And many of PAD protesters were mobilized by Democrat MPs and canvassers anyway, so not really different in that respect. Lim goaded Suthep to step up and lead the protesters himself. He's done it much better than expected and Manager (Lim's paper) is now apparently treating him like a hero. The split between the old PAD leadership and Democrats is over, though any Demcrats that aren't backing the protests may face wrath of the yellow media & leaders. I still think yellow vs red is a useful shorthand, though it should be remembered that each group is disparate and don't necessarily share all same aims/motivations.

Edited by Emptyset
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Very clever move by the "reds" .

Ball in your court Suthep, he is now in a tough spot with a big rug pulled from under him.Needs to man up and admit he has lost again and let the country get back to Thai normal.

He can now join the amnesty crowd as he must have broken a boatload of laws.

Actually, nothing has changed from Suthep's point of view. Suthep wasn't protesting against the red shirts. The red shirts going home doesn't change the fact that the PTP government is still in power.

My apologies, I always thought there was an association between the "reds" and the PTP. I guess I misread the situation, easy to do in Thai politics.

No you didn't, the red rabble are the paid thugs (although I will concede not all) of the PTP usually called on by the fugitive when there is more muscle needed or a bit of shooting, mugging or arson to be undertaken.

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Red shirts, yellow shirts, they are all stupid people that can't see they are being used.

Nothing in these protests are for the good of Thailand.

Where do you come from..? For sure the peaceful protests have been Great for Thailand in showing that the people are sick fed up being robbed blind by Thaksin and his band of bandits. Thaksin and his sister now know they are Doomed... He will NEVER return to Thailand now. And for you guys who pray.. Thank God and Suthep for that. Lets hope the Thai people find a new political party to lead them to their promised land. But please.. Don't stop the Issan girls from doing what they do best... taking stupid Farangs to the cleaners..

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At least one side is showing some maturity and common sense and wants an end to the violence. Now if only the yellow shirts would grow up and follow the lead and put an end to this Kaos.

There are NO yellow shirts at this protest.... these anti-government protesters are common working class peoples who care about their country... Do you not watch TV or read the newspapers you clown....

Well you must realise there are plenty of non thinking clowns who just like to parrot others peoples rubbish -

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Hopefully Jatuporn will decide like Thaksin and Chalerm that he needs to be beheaded. If the three clowns do put on this show, I'd be happy to pay up to 5,000 baht for a seat with a view.

Since the Red Shirt leaders have now realised that they have some serious opposition, and they are now advising their paid mob to return home, I would think that Jatuporn is considering the impact that his recent actions may have on his liberty, given that he is in clear breach of his bail conditions.

I can actually see him disappearing from center stage here and turning up somewhere else where he might be of more immediate assistance to his beloved leader.

He would be well advised to do exactly that, as once this government falls, the interim government will be looking to round up the stragglers so that they can be grilled as to the whereabouts of the country's lost billions....!!

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Red shirts, yellow shirts, they are all stupid people that can't see they are being used.

Nothing in these protests are for the good of Thailand.

Just so you know, the yellow shirts as well as the pink shirts, multi-colored shirts and various other lessor knowns have gone the way of a curable STD that has run its course. These students and other anti-government protesters have a different identity with different leaders. I believe Suthep was under attack from various yellow shirt leaders, so he's not exactly a yellow-shirt. How they chose to identify themselves remains to be seen.

Not really true. Many of the same people involved. Just the top leader has changed. Most of the PAD, Pitak Siam and Multicoloureds are involved. And many of PAD protesters were mobilized by Democrat MPs and canvassers anyway, so not really different in that respect. Lim goaded Suthep to step up and lead the protesters himself. He's done it much better than expected and Manager (Lim's paper) is now apparently treating him like a hero. The split between the old PAD leadership and Democrats is over, though any Demcrats that aren't backing the protests may face wrath of the yellow media & leaders. I still think yellow vs red is a useful shorthand, though it should be remembered that each group is disparate and don't necessarily share all same aims/motivations.

They told it themself that xx groups joined together. Groups from very left-communists, academics, farmers, labor unions, middle class, rich, right to ultra rights, just to get rid of the Shinawatras.

Because the only one who profit when they disagree is Thaksin. There is no love between the groups but they understand that they either fight together or hang separate.

It is pretty sure that if the amnesty law would have been confirmed in the senate, Thaksin would have come back at some point and than he would clean out his enemies...one by one.

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Do they really have to send them back to the provinces?.....It is peaceful here without them.

Yeah, lets see if they do head back, or stop off for a spot of looting and burning, which is their usual MO. Shooting students last night really wasn't good form though.

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Do they really have to send them back to the provinces?.....It is peaceful here without them.

Yeah, lets see if they do head back, or stop off for a spot of looting and burning, which is their usual MO. Shooting students last night really wasn't good form though.

Perhaps the cash ran out.

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Hopefully Jatuporn will decide like Thaksin and Chalerm that he needs to be beheaded. If the three clowns do put on this show, I'd be happy to pay up to 5,000 baht for a seat with a view.

Well the ongoing story is, and no one can tell if it is true or fake. But it is so crazy that it might be true, no one can make up such a crazy story:

The plan was:

shoot some students, get everyone super angry. Than shoot Jatuporn (and??? or not?? other red shirt leaders per sniper) (Thaksin anyway want to get rid of these for a long time), make him a martyr and start a small civil war. Which either wipes out the anti-government protests or allow the police to crack down without any restrictions of violence.

Than Jatyuporn got knowledge of this plan and didn't agree to it.

It sounds like a logic plan, but of course no one can tell if it is true or not. The quick surprising cancel of all red shirt demonstrations must have a reason.

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On a lighter note, my MIL went to protest about the Government in Bangkok and left after 3 days. The reason? She didn't feel comfortable having a poo. 55555555.

3 days without a poo!! 55555555

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Call from Surat Thani - many people being offered 1000 baht per day to go to Bangkok to support Sutheps Yellow Shirt/PAD/Democrat violent thugs attempts at overthrowing a democratlcally elected government.

They are getting really desperate now for reinforcements from the South.

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Just so you know, the yellow shirts as well as the pink shirts, multi-colored shirts and various other lessor knowns have gone the way of a curable STD that has run its course. These students and other anti-government protesters have a different identity with different leaders. I believe Suthep was under attack from various yellow shirt leaders, so he's not exactly a yellow-shirt. How they chose to identify themselves remains to be seen.

Not really true. Many of the same people involved. Just the top leader has changed. Most of the PAD, Pitak Siam and Multicoloureds are involved. And many of PAD protesters were mobilized by Democrat MPs and canvassers anyway, so not really different in that respect. Lim goaded Suthep to step up and lead the protesters himself. He's done it much better than expected and Manager (Lim's paper) is now apparently treating him like a hero. The split between the old PAD leadership and Democrats is over, though any Demcrats that aren't backing the protests may face wrath of the yellow media & leaders. I still think yellow vs red is a useful shorthand, though it should be remembered that each group is disparate and don't necessarily share all same aims/motivations.

They told it themself that xx groups joined together. Groups from very left-communists, academics, farmers, labor unions, middle class, rich, right to ultra rights, just to get rid of the Shinawatras.

Because the only one who profit when they disagree is Thaksin. There is no love between the groups but they understand that they either fight together or hang separate.

It is pretty sure that if the amnesty law would have been confirmed in the senate, Thaksin would have come back at some point and than he would clean out his enemies...one by one.

Yep. Not to mention the assortment of retired generals, admirals and assorted pooyai usually associated with the anti-Thaksin crowd. When you think about it, people talk about Thaksin's money, but the anti-govt movement has far more resources available to them, in theory at least. I mean, Thaksin is just one guy, whereas anti-govt protests are backed by CP, TCC, Bangkok Bank, Kbank families and Red Bull amongst others.

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