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Thai PM rejects protest demands in national address


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"Anything I can do to make people happy, I am willing to do...."


But she's leaving herself wide open with that line. smile.png

There are plenty who would have some thoughts on that.

I'd think they'd be overcome whistling.gif

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I think all parties should sit down and form a road to peace, this could include elections in six months time, also as mentioned a much more democratic style government built on the US, Westminster or some Euro countries, to introduce checks and balances, this to include no person who has a criminal record can stand for parliament and no Amnesty can be granted to persons convicted of a crime, under the present circumstance the end result could be more deaths injuries and maybe a coup.

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Yes, the anti-government protesters want her to step down as PM instead.

Thai Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra on Monday rejected the demands of anti-government protesters

11 minutes later:

Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra said today she was ready to resign

So, yes maybe depending on the weather or so ?

You are aware protesters are not demanding she resign?

Suthep, yesterday: "Her resignation or the House dissolution is not enough. The people must get power back. No other way out."

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If she resigns now, this would lead to an endless story of come and go come and go, dancing after whoever fancy to start a personal vendetta against the sitting power to be. When it comes down to Thaksin and his family just about the only thing they havent been accused of is the high fatalities in traffic accidents. Who will be the next target of the street mob. Surly a country can not be run like this, that whoever feels a fancy, start street protests and demand incredible stupid things like a peoples council. Tell me someone, where the hell in a modern society would this pass for good value. I cant think of anywhere except maybe one of the piss poor African countries. It is one word, and one word only for the things set in motion by Suthep these days, and that is anarchy, and he seems well on the way reaching his goal. I just hope for the Thai people that this will end peacefull, but i have my doubts.

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If she resigns now, this would lead to an endless story of come and go come and go, dancing after whoever fancy to start a personal vendetta against the sitting power to be. When it comes down to Thaksin and his family just about the only thing they havent been accused of is the high fatalities in traffic accidents. Who will be the next target of the street mob. Surly a country can not be run like this, that whoever feels a fancy, start street protests and demand incredible stupid things like a peoples council. Tell me someone, where the hell in a modern society would this pass for good value. I cant think of anywhere except maybe one of the piss poor African countries. It is one word, and one word only for the things set in motion by Suthep these days, and that is anarchy, and he seems well on the way reaching his goal. I just hope for the Thai people that this will end peacefull, but i have my doubts.

Under Thaksin, Yingluck and the PTP... this country is already being run like a piss pot African country. That is why it is time for change so that you can have exactly what you want.. a western style democracy with checks and balances and a fair election system.

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If she resigns now, this would lead to an endless story of come and go come and go, dancing after whoever fancy to start a personal vendetta against the sitting power to be. When it comes down to Thaksin and his family just about the only thing they havent been accused of is the high fatalities in traffic accidents. Who will be the next target of the street mob. Surly a country can not be run like this, that whoever feels a fancy, start street protests and demand incredible stupid things like a peoples council. Tell me someone, where the hell in a modern society would this pass for good value. I cant think of anywhere except maybe one of the piss poor African countries. It is one word, and one word only for the things set in motion by Suthep these days, and that is anarchy, and he seems well on the way reaching his goal. I just hope for the Thai people that this will end peacefull, but i have my doubts.

I mostly agree with you but which modern society would accept a government controlled by a criminal fugitive who's only goal is to eliminate all checks and balances?

Not even mentioning those notorious MIB who showed up again last week Saturday.

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By the way... Wife just said that they won't stop protesting for the 5th, they will just stay there and celebrate where they are and many more people may come to join and support them.

Interesting. I think Suthep's tactic will be to clear the area near Sanam Luang for the official celebrations but take advantage of the public holiday to call on supporters to come and "celebrate" Father's Day in the open with him leading to another million man estimate.

Cousin Suraphong at the CAPO is now drawing blood with penetrative hard plastic bullets fired at some velocity. It is only a matter of time before people are killed by them. Protestors already lobbing imrovised explosive devices at police which will provoke more retaliation. The military are cleverly standing by and only acting to rescue people like they did in the 2011 floods, hanging the police out to dry.

Only a matter of time now before the two cousins fold.

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Not demanding she resigns?

It may be my limited understanding of the English language, but I thought that 'not enough' would mean she needs to do even more than just resign. rolleyes.gif

Although Suthep seems to be the loudest of the anti-government protesters he's a bit extreme. I'd say that most would be satisfied with the House dissolved and new elections late January, 2014. That's within the required 45 days or so.

Yes, the anti-government protesters want her to step down as PM instead.

Thai Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra on Monday rejected the demands of anti-government protesters

11 minutes later:

Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra said today she was ready to resign

So, yes maybe depending on the weather or so ?

You are aware protesters are not demanding she resign?

Suthep, yesterday: "Her resignation or the House dissolution is not enough. The people must get power back. No other way out."

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Money was paid to the reds during 2010 bloodshed, but for the yellows , not paid. 4 students confirmed shot n died.

As far as I know, not by anyone other than the woman that claimed to be a volunteer nurse. At least one on that list is alive. Have you seen any official sources for this?

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Absolutely correct.

Only three died, nothing to worry about blink.png


Money was paid to the reds during 2010 bloodshed, but for the yellows , not paid. 4 students confirmed shot n died.

As far as I know, not by anyone other than the woman that claimed to be a volunteer nurse. At least one on that list is alive. Have you seen any official sources for this?

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By the way... Wife just said that they won't stop protesting for the 5th, they will just stay there and celebrate where they are and many more people may come to join and support them.

i wonder if the R Thai army would take that insult......?

Why would they?

Exactly .....they wont ....(.that's my hidden point) maybe thats the way Suthep trying to involved them to action ..

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Now we start over and over again.New elections.The reds are winning again etc....etc.clap2.gif

yea it`s getting to be like a kids merry-go-round, I am going to have take a motion sickness pill to keep up, not saying that it is not interesting or that no good points have been made, but now some of the posters are like a dog chasing it`s tail

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If she resigns now, this would lead to an endless story of come and go come and go, dancing after whoever fancy to start a personal vendetta against the sitting power to be. When it comes down to Thaksin and his family just about the only thing they havent been accused of is the high fatalities in traffic accidents. Who will be the next target of the street mob. Surly a country can not be run like this, that whoever feels a fancy, start street protests and demand incredible stupid things like a peoples council. Tell me someone, where the hell in a modern society would this pass for good value. I cant think of anywhere except maybe one of the piss poor African countries. It is one word, and one word only for the things set in motion by Suthep these days, and that is anarchy, and he seems well on the way reaching his goal. I just hope for the Thai people that this will end peacefull, but i have my doubts.

I think they view getting the Yingluck and other relations (Suraphong, Yaowalulck, Somchai) out of politics and not letting Thaksin's children in would be a step in the right direction. Thaksin cannot trust anyone outside his own clan to push his agenda. If they are gone, he is left with outsiders who will take his money but not stay the course when the going gets rough.

I believe most of today's protestors could live with an elected PT government that excludes this tainted family. Pheua Thai would become more factional which would make it harder to pursue obnoxious policy agendas and it would become more reliant on coalition parties. If they dissolve Parliament but Yingluck stays as the PT candidate, her popularity has sunk so low that she would prejudice their chances. Suraphong, Yaowaluck, Somchai, Potjaman and T's children are odious fugures who would lose the party even more support, if they stepped up to replace Y.

The selfish billionaire must be playing an interesting game of solitaire chess right now. Not much time to think about the next critical moves.

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PM Yingluck: It’s not easy to return power to Thai people
By English News


BANGKOK, Dec 2 – Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra said today she did not see a constitutional leeway to return the administrative power to Thai people as demanded by anti-government protesters.

She was responding to a demand by Suthep Thaugsuban, protest leader and secretary general of the People’s Democratic Reform Committee, on Sunday that the prime minister return power to the Thai people themselves as owners of the country and its sovereignty.

In a brief interview with the media at the National Police Bureau this afternoon, Ms Yingluck said the government is willing to unconditionally allow legal experts, all quarters and Thai people to find resolutions and peace for the country.

“However, I don’t see any laws or stipulations in the Constitution which allow such a move. The country’s happiness is tantamount to the majority of the people which the government is ready to follow,” she said.

The premier said the government is not stubborn and is willing to resign or dissolve the House but it has to perform under the Constitution.

There is no law that allows the formation of a people’s council as proposed by Mr Suthep, she said, insisting that the government is open to negotiations if protesters agree to disperse for the country’s peace.

It was Ms Yingluck’s first media interview after her talk with Mr Suthep in the presence of the leaders of the three armed forces last night.

Mr Suthep spelled out details of the dialogue after meeting with the prime minister. However, Ms Yingluck remained silent until this afternoon.

The People's Democractic Reform Committee leader said last night’s talk with the prime minister would be the “one and only” and he would not enter any dialogue with Ms Yingluck in the future. (MCOT online news)

-- TNA 2013-12-02

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By the way... Wife just said that they won't stop protesting for the 5th, they will just stay there and celebrate where they are and many more people may come to join and support them.

i wonder if the R Thai army would take that insult......?

Why would they?

Because there is a VERY big difference between politics & HRM

The Military as well as the majority of Thai people would take it as a very big insult & the

yellows will be doing themselves no favor to be disrespectful in this way.

Truthfully I think they are too drunk with what they perceive as strength/victory.

They have been tolerated but it will not last much longer.

They should read the signs ( reds leaving etc. ) & know it is time to pack it in.

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Now we start over and over again.New elections.The reds are winning again etc....etc.clap2.gif

Dont you mean the Reds are buying the votes again.

That's why all of Isaan voted for these #@%&* people in the first place.

Asked my FIL why he likes mr T and all he said was he gave me 500 baht.

Offered FIL 1000 baht to be on yellow side and he OK.

Money talks in Isaan

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Money was paid to the reds during 2010 bloodshed, but for the yellows , not paid. 4 students confirmed shot n died.

As far as I know, not by anyone other than the woman that claimed to be a volunteer nurse. At least one on that list is alive. Have you seen any official sources for this?

Absolutely correct.

Only three died, nothing to worry about blink.png


Yes, 2 red shirts and 1 student is the official figure. But students and anti-govt people are claiming 4 students died, but the only source for this seems to be someone who is claiming to be a volunteer nurse at RU. At least one of the four named is still alive. Same nurse claims there was a student who lost a limb due to grenade. But again, no independent evidence of this.

I'll hold back on judging the veracity of the above claim for now, but there is a lot of propaganda and misinformation doing the rounds (both sides do it). One anti-govt friend was convinced that red shirts went to university and attacked students first because he says there's a story circulating anti-govt social media in which an RU student claims that students only attacked bus etc after the red shirts had killed one of their fellow students and they were in a rage over the loss. But this obviously isn't true, the first reported shooting was at 8:40pm and the bus was attacked at just after 6pm. I had to send link to students attacking the bus in early evening dusk for him to believe me, obviously those pictures are not really being circulated on anti-govt social media.

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It would not solve a dam_n thing. If she does, then the "red" to retaliate and it will become more bloody than in 2010, I think. Stay on your post. You are elected by the people, in a fair way.

I love those last 4 words, "in a fair way" suppose they have been running the country "in a fair way" If it was that fair how come the problem, suppose the people love doing this ???? The actual RED now are a minority--do your sums, and Thai only fight when their is a majority.

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I think all parties should sit down and form a road to peace, this could include elections in six months time, also as mentioned a much more democratic style government built on the US, Westminster or some Euro countries, to introduce checks and balances, this to include no person who has a criminal record can stand for parliament and no Amnesty can be granted to persons convicted of a crime, under the present circumstance the end result could be more deaths injuries and maybe a coup.

'peace' cannot mean just giving in to the mob. Thailand has a Westminster style electoral system - the electoral process being changed under the military dominated 2007 constitution in order to try and prevent PT winning.

It didn't work.

The deaths and injuries are very sad, but it is the members of the ruling elite that are bankrolling this violent insurrection (things have gone well beyond the limits of peaceful protest). that need to stop it and bring about a peaceful end.

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but as prime minister, what I can do must be under the constitution," she added.

Isn't this whole situation because as a prime minister she thought she could do whatever she wanted, regardless what was written in the constitution ?

Nope. Please show me how govt violated the constitution by referring to law in the constitution if you're going to claim this. They did break procedural rules and if that's all the court had ruled on, there wouldn't be any argument. It's surely an irony that those who're saying that the government broke a section of the constitution which prohibits attempt to overthrow democratic system by trying to change senate to fully elected, are now in violation of that very same article (68) by attempting to overthrow the democratic system and replace it with a selected council.

I am no legal expert regarding the Thai constitution, but I assume that neither are you, and I think it is a judge job to be a legal expert.

Constitutional Court says charter amendments unconstitutional


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Now we start over and over again.New elections.The reds are winning again etc....etc.clap2.gif

Dont you mean the Reds are buying the votes again.

That's why all of Isaan voted for these #@%&* people in the first place.

Asked my FIL why he likes mr T and all he said was he gave me 500 baht.

Offered FIL 1000 baht to be on yellow side and he OK.

Money talks in Isaan

You're taslking the same like you bro.. Suthep.Bullshit.

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but as prime minister, what I can do must be under the constitution," she added.

Isn't this whole situation because as a prime minister she thought she could do whatever she wanted, regardless what was written in the constitution ?

Exactly. She declined to recognise the authority of the Constitutional Court and is still insisting the King sign the Senate reform bill that has been ruled unconstitutional by the court.

Perhaps her intellectual acuity is insufficient to see the inherit contradiction. Anyway she is constitutional toast.

Edited by Dogmatix
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