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I have just witnessed two occurrences of double pricing policy - Do Thai's know that this hurts?


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I would love to be a business owner in the West and have a Thai come into my shop.

Me: "So, where are you from?"

Him: "Thailand."

Me: "Oh really? Then you'll pay double for anything you buy in my store."

Can only imagine the expression they'd get on their face. Would love it.

Just like when they try and get a visa to visit your country. Do you know how difficult it is? Or care? It's only a Thai eh? Why not make him or her jump through 100% more hoops than you or I have to?

Let's be fair. A visa to the UK can be the first step towards gaining free health care, unemployment benefits, child allowances, subsidised housing, old age pensions, et cetera.

Don't get me wrong, I am proud that my country provides these benefits and safety nets for it's citizens and for people who are escaping persecution in other countries.

Not many foreigners here in Thailand are being cared for or subsidised by the Thai tax payer.

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Why wouldn't someone in a market put up prices on their products and a sign in English saying " no farang price; everyone pays same". Surely foreigners would flock to it, it would be successful for the vendor, great marketing....or would they end up dead in the back soi? I have no idea, as I only go to supermarkets ( and I haven't noticed any double/0ver charging there)

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I've seen large billboards advertising Condos, top half in English with price , bottom half in Thai with the price in thai numbers cheaper so Falang can't read, ...... TIT coffee1.gif.pagespeed.ce.Ymlsr09gMJ.gif alt=coffee1.gif width=32 height=24>

What makes you think a foreigner considering a condo purchase can't read Thai numbers, they're dead easy to learn.

I agree, but theres many falang who cannot read thai, in fact I've come across a few who never even realised that there are numbers inThai ...

He didn't say "read thai", just the numbers. There are only 9 of 'em (if you don't count -0-, which, guess what, looks like a -0-)... How hard could it be? Even easier to say 'em. You can do it online.

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Why are you guys having a fit on this double pricing? I don't get it. I am sorry but I see it as a privilege of being Thai to be able to pay less than foreigners. If you are not Thai, you can expect to be charged more when you make your purchase. I would suggest before buying anything, you should bargain for a lower price especially with the street vendors. You can also have a Thai person making a purchase for you. It is how Thais do their business, and it does not seem to be hurting them since you guys keep coming back Thailand.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

spoken like a true Thai racist

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Why are you guys having a fit on this double pricing? I don't get it. I am sorry but I see it as a privilege of being Thai to be able to pay less than foreigners. If you are not Thai, you can expect to be charged more when you make your purchase. I would suggest before buying anything, you should bargain for a lower price especially with the street vendors. You can also have a Thai person making a purchase for you. It is how Thais do their business, and it does not seem to be hurting them since you guys keep coming back Thailand.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

spoken like a true Thai racist

OMG! Are you for real?

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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It is illegal for duel pricing form private organizations (shops, zoo, entrainment) , It is legal in Thailand for the Gov (national parks etc) to do duel pricing.

That's the law.

In that case, how does Oceanworld get away with it....very obvious double pricing right in the hear go BKK.?

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It is simply greed and theft.... Even a Thai seller in the market who looks at the wrist and neck to see how much good a person is wearing and then adjusts the price is cheating.... Stealing from the rich is still stealing...

Sent from my GT-N8000 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

It's not stealing. It's a business principle called "Pricing at what the market will bear."

If you can't bear it. Don't buy. I've stopped going to national parks for the very reason that "white people" are charged up to 10 times more than my Japanese, Cambodian, Filipino and Thai friends.

Vote with your pocketbook and feet.

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A lot of the places people are talking about, such as govt subsidised attractions and national parks, are being paid for by Thais through their taxes. There's no reason a tourist shouldn't pay a premium. You'll see the reverse at universities in the West where foreign students are charged more than locals.

As for vendors over charging, that's just plain old greed and profiteering. If it makes you feel better, know that Japanese and Korean families behind you are being charged even more.

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never will i pay more than a thai all you do is walk away and make sure you get what you want else-where and walk past the vendor so she or he see's you.

but its not only stitching us up,they will catch us and thais on the weight expecialy someone selling prawns.my mrs.loves it when she catches them out then everyone knows.

Ha ha, and check the scales too!

My wife lets everyone around know in a very loud voice if things aren't right.

Edited by Bpuumike
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So maybe if you are one of the falangs who seem to constantly get ripped off in local markets you should ONLY shop at places like big C and Tesco where the prices are clearly marked......or of course you could simply shop around a bit and ASK the price at several stalls before you buy and make sure you have correct change? The last time I was in a market I didn't see any vendors putting a gun to anyone's head forcing them to buy from them.

Or you could send the wife/gf off to do the shopping at the local market and hope that she doesn't overcharge you.

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I have taken to actively avoiding places that do this.

Although showing my Thai driving licence has got me 'Thai price' a few times.

It's only me cutting my nose to spite my face though, I am simply missing out on the attractions and of course, if said attractions are suffering from low attendance figures, lowering the admission price is the LAST solution they will come up with. :D

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As for your hotel example I have seen some places where expats pay less than Thais. As for the fruit example say you want Thai price, if you don't get it walk away. However you are right I hate double pricing. Especially at government attractions. I take the Thai family to one and then I have to pay more. If I wasn't paying for the family they wouldn't be going. I find that I take the family to less attractions, not because I mind paying for them, but because I resent paying more than them.

Sent from my i-mobile IQ X using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Paying more at government places, like national parks, doesn't bother me at all. In fact, it seems totally justified. It's their country, and they get the cheap rate because their taxes already support the parks. In my home state of Missouri, residents of other states pay more for fishing licenses and campsites in the state parks. It's a return of service for the tax dollars paid in.

Getting screwed over by fruit sellers in the market, or for repairs in the bike shop, whatever, for the sake of greed pisses me off. Usually there's a sign over fruit saying how much per kilo. On the other hand, I used to dicker the price for fruit, etc. in markets, but I don't do that much any more, mainly because the few baht in savings isn't worth my time, and these people work hard for what they earn. But 50% more? That's a rip-off.

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I would love to be a business owner in the West and have a Thai come into my shop.

Me: "So, where are you from?"

Him: "Thailand."

Me: "Oh really? Then you'll pay double for anything you buy in my store."

Can only imagine the expression they'd get on their face. Would love it.

Just like when they try and get a visa to visit your country. Do you know how difficult it is? Or care? It's only a Thai eh? Why not make him or her jump through 100% more hoops than you or I have to?

Let's be fair. A visa to the UK can be the first step towards gaining free health care, unemployment benefits, child allowances, subsidised housing, old age pensions, et cetera.

Don't get me wrong, I am proud that my country provides these benefits and safety nets for it's citizens and for people who are escaping persecution in other countries.

Not many foreigners here in Thailand are being cared for or subsidised by the Thai tax payer.

OK, lets be fair. The amount of people who stay in the UK as opposed to visitors is about 1 to 10,000,000. Daft argument.

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In Vietnam double-pricing is more rampant than Thailand...

The Thai's don't give one hoot that you are "overcharged" if she could speak english she would probably sat, "you are a falang! you have a lot of moiney! I'm sure that the vendot thinks so! as you are the moniroty I don't think she is going to ,lose any sleep over it.

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About 10 years ago we were in BKK with our children who are luuk keung, who were in their late teens at the time .The wife decided it was time they went to see bangkok's famous temples. At the temple of the reclining buddha there are 2 entrances . 1 for Thais one for farang . 1 is free the other must pay. They removed their shoes and prepared to enter from the door designated for Thais. I had no interest and stayed outside. An official who seemed to come from the souvenir shop started shouting at my wife as loud as possible that she was a cheat for trying trying to take 2 foreigners . The aim was obviously to see her lose face. He succeeded an my wife and 2 daughters wete completely embarrassed.

I don't think I have ever been so angry as at that moment. I know the drill in these circumstances but still I went for him. Two police who wete there stopped me and to their credit apologised for the embarrassment caused but explained that this is how it is. We left without entering.

It is just so wrong. But TIT. :(

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Scamming is a national pastime. They scam each other and take extra pride in scamming a visitor.

Try and cheat a Thai and see what happens.

They are shameless when it comes to scamming a visitor.... but if a visitors cheats them...the all important 'face' comes into play..... most likely get your head kicked in by a gang of racists.

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About 10 years ago we were in BKK with our children who are luuk keung, who were in their late teens at the time .The wife decided it was time they went to see bangkok's famous temples. At the temple of the reclining buddha there are 2 entrances . 1 for Thais one for farang . 1 is free the other must pay. They removed their shoes and prepared to enter from the door designated for Thais. I had no interest and stayed outside. An official who seemed to come from the souvenir shop started shouting at my wife as loud as possible that she was a cheat for trying trying to take 2 foreigners . The aim was obviously to see her lose face. He succeeded an my wife and 2 daughters wete completely embarrassed.

I don't think I have ever been so angry as at that moment. I know the drill in these circumstances but still I went for him. Two police who wete there stopped me and to their credit apologised for the embarrassment caused but explained that this is how it is. We left without entering.

It is just so wrong. But TIT. sad.png

A Canadian poster here referred to Thais (my wife is Thai) as pitifully boring, poorly educated, and of low morality. Good for you for going after the lout who worked at the temple. There are ignorant racists in every country.

Edited by thailiketoo
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Disney in Florida has double pricing

Really? A Thai buys a bottle of water, the vendor sizes them up and charges more, eh?

Disney does offer a discounted price if you live in the area.

During the original permitting process to build the park, some locals fought against the development.

Part of the mitigation was to offer them a special entry price for all the impact the park had on their community.

If you drive in from Pittsburgh you pay the same as a Thai. Not a racist or scam policy.

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Why are you guys having a fit on this double pricing? I don't get it. I am sorry but I see it as a privilege of being Thai to be able to pay less than foreigners. If you are not Thai, you can expect to be charged more when you make your purchase. I would suggest before buying anything, you should bargain for a lower price especially with the street vendors. You can also have a Thai person making a purchase for you. It is how Thais do their business, and it does not seem to be hurting them since you guys keep coming back Thailand.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

spoken like a true Thai racist

OMG! Are you for real?

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Yes, he's for real. Your nationalist notion of 'privilege' is easily interpreted as racism to a western mind.

You think because many people choose to spend their vacations in Thailand, and in the process grow your economy exponentially, we deserve to be overcharged for things? Typical illogic, unfortunately.

A word of advice, take it or leave it: Thailand's tourist industry achieved success because of the reputation of your people. It's often been said how kind and welcoming Thais are. If word gets out that Thais have become arrogant about their success, things will change. Maybe not overnight, but things will eventually change, and you'll see tourist numbers drop.

If you don't think you need tourism anymore, that Thailand is better off without so many foreigners anyway, keep treating people like they're stupid and 2nd class human beings. Go ahead, cook your golden goose.

Edited by aTomsLife
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Why are you guys having a fit on this double pricing? I don't get it. I am sorry but I see it as a privilege of being Thai to be able to pay less than foreigners. If you are not Thai, you can expect to be charged more when you make your purchase. I would suggest before buying anything, you should bargain for a lower price especially with the street vendors. You can also have a Thai person making a purchase for you. It is how Thais do their business, and it does not seem to be hurting them since you guys keep coming back Thailand.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

spoken like a true Thai racist

OMG! Are you for real?

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Yes, he's for real. Your nationalist notion of 'privilege' is easily interpreted as racism to a western mind.

You think because many people choose to spend their vacations in Thailand, and in the process grow your economy exponentially, we deserve to be overcharged for things? Typical illogic, unfortunately.

A word of advice, take it or leave it: Thailand's tourist industry achieved success because of the reputation of your people. It's often been said how kind and welcoming Thais are. If word gets out that Thais have become arrogant about their success, things will change. Maybe not overnight, but things will eventually change, and you'll see tourist numbers drop.

If you don't think you need tourism anymore, that Thailand is better off without so many foreigners anyway, keep treating people like they're stupid and 2nd class human beings. Go ahead, cook your golden goose.

Nobody is saying Thailand does not need tourism. I just think if they want to charge foreigners more than the locals, then they can. So, what about the Americans' universities--are they racist as well since they triple charge international students for tuition & fees?

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spoken like a true Thai racist

OMG! Are you for real?

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Yes, he's for real. Your nationalist notion of 'privilege' is easily interpreted as racism to a western mind.

You think because many people choose to spend their vacations in Thailand, and in the process grow your economy exponentially, we deserve to be overcharged for things? Typical illogic, unfortunately.

A word of advice, take it or leave it: Thailand's tourist industry achieved success because of the reputation of your people. It's often been said how kind and welcoming Thais are. If word gets out that Thais have become arrogant about their success, things will change. Maybe not overnight, but things will eventually change, and you'll see tourist numbers drop.

If you don't think you need tourism anymore, that Thailand is better off without so many foreigners anyway, keep treating people like they're stupid and 2nd class human beings. Go ahead, cook your golden goose.

Nobody is saying Thailand does not need tourism. I just think if they want to charge foreigners more than the locals, then they can. So, what about the Americans' universities--are they racist as well since they triple charge international students for tuition & fees?

Private American universities don't charge more for foreign students, only public schools do. In fact, public schools in the U.S. even charge higher tuition to U.S. citizens from out of state. So you see, it's a question of state residency, not citizenship. And the justification is that people in-state already pay taxes that fund the university.

I never meant to imply that national parks and museums here don't have a right to charge tourists, i.e., non-taxpayers, higher entrance fees. I'm talking about private businesses and the average person overcharging on the street. The latter is indeed racist.

To provide a context from your example, if in the U.S. foreign students were charged more for books by private booksellers, that would be racist.

Edited by aTomsLife
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A couple of quotes from this thread (my capitals):-

-- Disney does offer a discounted price IF YOU LIVE IN THE AREA.

-- In my home state of Missouri, RESIDENTS OF OTHER STATES states pay more for fishing licenses and campsites in the state parks.


I really dont understand why people dont get the distinction implied in these quotes.

If I, as an English tourist, visited Disney in Florida or wanted to buy a fishing licence in Missouri and could not prove I was a local using whatever criteria they wanted as proof, Id expect to pay extra and Id not make a beef about it.

On the other hand, if I was the same English bloke and actually had my permanent home in either of those two places and could prove it to the satisfaction of the authorities, Id be mightily pi55ed-off if those same authorities then said that, even though I could prove I lived locally, Id still have to pay outsiders rate because I didnt have US citizenship/because I am white/because my English is poor etc.

I can prove I live in Thailand by a number of means but whether or not I get locals price depends almost entirely on the mood of the ticket seller at the time. Showing a driving licence, for example, doesnt guarantee locals price. As others mentioned in this thread, I now avoid those places and really don't feel I'm missing anything by doing so.

The argument that Thais support National Parks etc. with their taxes doesnt wash either. The non-working wife of a Thai taxpayer gets into these places for the local price. My wife pays more income tax than a great many Thais but I cant, by right, get the same concession as the non-working wife. In addition, we all pay VAT/sales tax here.

(Why can't I get apostrophes & quotation marks to appear here?)

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spoken like a true Thai racist

OMG! Are you for real?

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Yes, he's for real. Your nationalist notion of 'privilege' is easily interpreted as racism to a western mind.

You think because many people choose to spend their vacations in Thailand, and in the process grow your economy exponentially, we deserve to be overcharged for things? Typical illogic, unfortunately.

A word of advice, take it or leave it: Thailand's tourist industry achieved success because of the reputation of your people. It's often been said how kind and welcoming Thais are. If word gets out that Thais have become arrogant about their success, things will change. Maybe not overnight, but things will eventually change, and you'll see tourist numbers drop.

If you don't think you need tourism anymore, that Thailand is better off without so many foreigners anyway, keep treating people like they're stupid and 2nd class human beings. Go ahead, cook your golden goose.

Nobody is saying Thailand does not need tourism. I just think if they want to charge foreigners more than the locals, then they can. So, what about the Americans' universities--are they racist as well since they triple charge international students for tuition & fees?

Private American universities don't charge more for foreign students, only public schools do. I never said national parks and museums here don't have a right to charge tourists, i.e., non-taxpayers, higher entrance fees. I'm talking about private businesses and the average person overcharging on the street.

If in the U.S. foreign students were charged more for books by booksellers, yes, that would be racist.

I don't think the word racist is right in this context. If the vendors want to earn profit and charge different rate for certain people, they should be able to do so. I don't think they are racist. Children and elderly get a special rate for products/services. Overweight people pay more for products/services such as clothing and life/health insurance, so what do you think of that? Does it fair? Does it consider racist?

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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It's a shameful practice.

Places like Ocean World in the Siam Paragon....they try to hide the fact by putting the retail price in Thai script and the scam price in english.

How many other businesses in Siam Paragon rip off the tourists I wonder?

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The vendor does it but the country takes the rap.

I was in Europe earlier this year and some people I met had been here, were not really recommending the place.

Don't Thai to me is a phrase foreigners are picking up. Sad but true.

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The vendor does it but the country takes the rap.

I was in Europe earlier this year and some people I met had been here, were not really recommending the place.

Don't Thai to me is a phrase foreigners are picking up. Sad but true.

Funny I thought it was don't "Cricket" me?

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