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Thailand heading for a 1997 style crash?!?

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Forbe's Magazine seems to think so.

How Thailand’s Bubble Economy Will Pop

Thailand’s bubble will most likely pop when China’s economic bubble pops and/or as global and local interest rates continue to rise, which are what caused the country’s credit and asset bubble in the first place. The resumption of the U.S. Federal Reserve’s QE taper plans may put pressure on Thailand’s financial markets in the near future.

As I’ve been saying even before this summer’s EM panic, I expect the ultimate popping of the emerging markets bubble to cause another crisis that is similar to the 1997 Asian Financial Crisis, and there is a strong chance that it will be even worse this time due to the fact that more countries are involved (Latin America, China, and Africa), and because the global economy is in a far weaker state now than it was during the booming late-1990s


If this was posted before, sorry, please close the thread. I didn't notice it before.

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This is about the fourth time this article has been posted in a threadcoffee1.gif

this subject has been done to death on this forum

OMG. So sorry. I messed up. Please close. Cheers.

No problem. I posted a similar link quoting Bank of America today. I've been saying for a year to get money out of Thailand including out of the real estate bubble.

When I first started saying it in the financial forum I got hammered by the Thai apologists, saying how great Thailand is doing, its low unemployment, its growth...

But I don't think people can be warned to often or too much. Many on this board are all in, in Thailand and a crash would break them. All eggs in one basket. Shout if from the roof tops. The government is too broke to pay the rice and rubber farmers, as are the banks. The elephant has invaded the room.

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