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Thailand's DSI chief Tarit faulted by a Senate committee for abuse of power


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DSI chief faulted by a Senate committee for abuse of power


BANGKOK: -- Department of Special Investigation chief Tarit Pengdith was faulted by a Senate committee Thursday of abuse power in his handling of the criminal cases, including insurrection case, against 17 protest leaders, including Suthep Thuagsuban.

The Senate Committee on Corruption Prevention and Examination of the Use of Powers by the State held a hearing Thursday regarding the DSI’s decision to freeze the bank accounts of the 17 people and two accounts of public donations for the protest cause. The other decision by the Special Case Committee headed by Deputy Prime Minister Pracha Promnok to treat the insurrection case against Suthep as a special case was also deliberated by the panel.

The committee chairman Pibul Nititawan accused the DSI of defying the Constitution Court by taking legal actions against Suthep & Co despite the court’s ruling that the protests led by Suthep and the others are legal and represent an act of free expression in accordance with the charter.

“The political activities of Suthep do not constitute an act of insurrection which does not justify the Special Case Committee to treat the case as a special one,” said Senator Paibul.

The Senate committee, said Mr Paibul, found Tarit act in an unusual rush in setting up a team of enquiry officers on the same day that the case was declared a special case with Tarit appointing himself head of the team despite the fact that the DSI chief had been involved in several court cases with Suthep which makes it very inappropriate for him to head the enquiry team.

The Senate panel also charged the DSI of jumping the gun by ordering the freezing of the bank accounts of 17 protest leaders, including Suthep, and two bank accounts of public donations whereas the enquiry team is yet to start working.

Besides, the Senate panel also faulted Tarit of abusing his authority by intimidating other supporters of the protests.

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/dsi-chief-faulted-senate-committee-abuse-power/

-- Thai PBS 2013-12-20

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Shouldn't Tarit be off printing passports for his boss in the middle of the night? Or is that another or Mr T's lackeys. It's hard to keep them straight. I love how they're in such a rush to administer "justice" when it's not related to Thaksin.

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Besides, the Senate panel also faulted Tarit of abusing his authority by intimidating other supporters of the protests.

Tarit works for the man from the Land Of Sand, he is not known for questioning the legitimacy of what he is told to do.

He's a toady, and disposable (how long it will take him to work that out is another question)

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The trouble with the DSI he really thinks he is above the law, can say , do what ever he likes , he has to follow the proper procedure as laid down , frivolous charges, meaningless ramblings to the press, is un-becoming of the position this man holds, after February this could possibly be against him, as he defends he's stance on Abhisit and others. I am stilling waiting on the results of investigations into the missing human rights lawyer and the imported spare parts luxury car racket. bah.gif

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I'd love to know under what legislation or powers the DSI has seized funds, surely they need a court order to do such a thing - don't they understand the concept "Law Enforcement"

I wonder if Tarit enjoys the odd dish of Stuffed Camel

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Somehow, I don't recall the DSI and Tarit charging the leader (and lackies) of the 2010 Red Shirt riots with treason/insurrection, nor do I recall them trying to freeze the bank accounts of that group. (Now THAT would have been an interesting move...)

Perhaps he's gone color blind. If it's red-colored, he's like the old Sgt. Schultz of the "Hogan's Heroes" TV series: "I see NOTHING. I know NOTHING."

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“The political activities of Suthep do not constitute an act of insurrection which does not justify the Special Case Committee to treat the case as a special one,” said Senator Paibul.

But maybe 'others' previously told him this is an act of insurrection and the DSI are justified in freezing bank accounts. Others always have a lot to say, a lot of money too whistling.gif

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They seem to forget they blocked government building. Enter them and destroyed property. Stop citizens from doing there business with these government agencies.

And the red shirts 2 or so years ago ???? you people speak so ridiculous when your own fellows are far more dangerous.

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They seem to forget they blocked government building. Enter them and destroyed property. Stop citizens from doing there business with these government agencies.

And violators should be dealt with in accordance with the law.

Tarit, ignoring the courts and law and abusing his power for political ends is completely different. He has turned the DSI into a political police wing for PTP. So much is apparent by "his unusual rush".

Trying to serve justice - or trying to please someone ? The Senate Committee seem to have made their mind up.

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So will this ruling/decision be ignored as well?

Good question. Tarit's boss in the conspicuously quite new AG. Wonder if either of them will respond?

In the meantime, let's hope the banks, caught in the middle, tell him to go whistle and come back with a court order - which he knows he won't now get.

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Great news to have with my cornflakes.

Even everyone on here knew that he was abusing his power on the orders of Thaksin, obviously apart from the pro Thaksin red mob on here who argue for and respect Tarit, even though deep down they swallow their true perception and voice support for him/them, while everyone else laughs at them.

Great to see that at least 'some' checks and balances are working in Thai politics.

Now how about taking it a step further by suspending and indicting him. After all... isn't that Tarit's main mission to get as many of those involved in the protests indicted for a whole variety of trumped up charges.? Would be nice to see an epic backfire and another string cut on Thaksin's puppet show.

One would think that he would see the "writing on the wall", and indeed, he probably does have a standby flight just in case they decide to indict him. His bias has been so blatant that many of us on here have seen this slap on the wrist coming for some time.

What we would now like to see is his suspension from office and a freeze on his assets so that they can closely scrutinize any "suspicious" payments made to him from overseas...!!

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"The committee chairman Pibul Nititawan accused the DSI of defying the Constitution Court by taking legal actions against Suthep & Co despite the courts ruling that the protests led by Suthep and the others are legal and represent an act of free expression in accordance with the charter."

At last someone is trying to reign in PT's pit bull.

I think he will scurry off like a rat leaving a sinking ship, when it all comes back on him! He's even worse than Chalerm if that is possible? He might look like a pitbull but he is a toothless parasite who already jumped ship to join PTP to keep his place at the trough.

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"The committee chairman Pibul Nititawan accused the DSI of defying the Constitution Court by taking legal actions against Suthep & Co despite the courts ruling that the protests led by Suthep and the others are legal and represent an act of free expression in accordance with the charter."

At last someone is trying to reign in PT's pit bull.

I think he will scurry off like a rat leaving a sinking ship, when it all comes back on him! He's even worse than Chalerm if that is possible? He might look like a pitbull but he is a toothless parasite who already jumped ship to join PTP to keep his place at the trough.

Do you really think he looks like a pitbull? In the image above he looks more toad-like to me.

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Puppets in truth cannot be held be held legally liable for their actions or comments. This being due to the fact that the puppet master is the motivator of the puppets actions thus of course in Tarits own little make believe world and what may pass for Tarits minds all is well as the voices he hears from above or Dubai tell him so. crazy.gif.pagespeed.ce.dzDUUqYcHZ.gif

The poor fellow is only acting on string pulling and money orders from a higher level, he can't really be blamed all he has to do is follow the Nuremberg Defence. xsorry.gif.pagespeed.ic.U0q5B6ouVF.webp

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This a "Pee-Nong" society. Tharit's "Pee" is Somchai Wongsawat, former PPP Prime Minister, husband of PTP heavyweight and Thaksin's sister Yaowapa. Make of that what you will.

It's not nepotism surely?

No they must be playing that board game, ''Political Incest.'' A game that the Thaksin political families always like to play.

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"The committee chairman Pibul Nititawan accused the DSI of defying the Constitution Court by taking legal actions against Suthep & Co despite the courts ruling that the protests led by Suthep and the others are legal and represent an act of free expression in accordance with the charter."

At last someone is trying to reign in PT's pit bull.

I think he will scurry off like a rat leaving a sinking ship, when it all comes back on him! He's even worse than Chalerm if that is possible? He might look like a pitbull but he is a toothless parasite who already jumped ship to join PTP to keep his place at the trough.

Do you really think he looks like a pitbull? In the image above he looks more toad-like to me.

What I think he looks like and what he is, isn't printable, well it is but probably would be banned by the mods! surfice to say he is the worse kind of politician, one who sat on the same commitee as Abhisit and Suthep during the 2010 Red Shirt riots, who then jumped ship to join PTP. he is a real peace of excrement.

Edited by ggold
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