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Expats in Thailand...How has Thailand changed you...better or worse


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After seeing that you hijacked another thread with the same story about your nasty English Neighbour earlier it seems that you are not talking to him for a long time but unable to forget or forgive his words.

It seems your neighbour WAS rude on your first meeting and as an Englishman I hope you don't tar us all with the same brush.

Drop it. It's not that important what your neighbour thinks is up to him. After living here for 16 years I sort of understand that meeting anyone here for the first time is similar to when someone gets the seat next to you on the plane. I am surprised if they are NOT lying bull***tting idiots.

I personally give the benefit of the doubt and try to be pleasant whilst not particularly making an effort to engage.

Thailand has definitely changed me I choose my friends much more carefully having been stung more than once.

Very astute of you to notice that I posted the same story about my neighbor in another Post....BUT I did NOT hijack it...Others were curious and I responded ....so in order to NOT hijack the other thread ....... I did this thread...I have enough respect for others and their threads so I thought this the best way to satisfy those who wanted to know more and maybe discuss the matter.

And no I don't tar all people with the same brush ....I understand that we all different and unique...This post was partially supposed to be about cultural (lets say baggage) that we all bring with us and how Thailand may/may not have changed or affected such cultural norms. Unfortunately by using my British neighbor as an example many other posters have taken such as a broad insult (not my intent).....appreciate your polite retort and response to my post ....need more people like you....Thanks Again

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Suddenly I understand why Canadians are p***** off by Americans pretending to be Canadians when abroad!coffee1.gif

While I lived and travelled in Thailand and other Asian countries during the 8 months directly following 9/11, I would occasionally say that I was Canadian when a stranger inquired. Show me someone who wouldn't have done the same then and who wouldn't do something similar now if suspicious or feeling threatened.

If any Americans do this without good reason, your point is well taken. However, some of the Canadians I've worked with are capable of nauseating ignorance of the same ilk written by the OP here.

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Thailand started changing me the moment I arrived...

Eating on the sidewalks in Bkk,

breathing in the car fumes,

and washing up afterwards in a horse troff was a real eye opener.

I wasn't much impressed with the toilets on the ground,

but I remember thinking I'm glad I'm not a woman,

of course it wasn't the first time I thought that,

but it was a relief to stand instead of having to squat.

Next was showers,

and how lovely they can be when taken four times a day.

Learned quickly to luv rice,

though I hated it when I was a kid...luckily I got over it,

and learned how to truly appreciate something that was much better than minute rice. Lol

Riding a small motorcycle for the first time since High School,

and finding out how much I could accomplish on it.

Haven't been interested in moving my entire house on one,

but found it's great for a quick snack run.

Living in a three bedroom house,

while having the four of us reside in one bedroom each night...

that is still taking some getting used too.

Not living in a country full of Laws that don't really work,

and appreciating the fact that people truly can govern themselves.

Realizing how lucky I was to not live in a country where there's a cctv every meter,

watching everyone, all the time.

That truly would be annoying...

Being surrounded by brits for the first time in my life,

and realizing that I wasn't missing anything.

Enjoying my free time with the Irish & Aussies,

and finding both nationalities to be very amusing.

Learning to get a good laugh each time a woman bends over and tries to hide what she doesn't have up top,

that remains to make me smile at their wishful thinking...

Enjoying time with my Thai Children,

and appreciate the time I have to enjoy with them...priceless,

especially if I could get them to sleep in their own rooms. Lol

Mastering the idea of driving down a road in the wrong direction,

which I still limit my luck to doing.

Learning to appreciate the things I truly need,

and forget about all the rest.

Putting the holidays behind me,

and just enjoying the day like any other before or after it.

Being grateful to socialize with a woman who isn't the same race as me,

and able to see the charm, and understanding within the proud Thai Women.

Staying up all night, and sleeping till sweat develops the next day,

without feeling lazy about it. That cycle got me through the first four years,

but back then the clubs stayed open till 4am,

and I was in my early thirties, so it was good times.

Drinking Thai Whiskey "Regency" for the first time,

and also realizing I wasn't missing anything after a few months of it.

Distancing myself from loud music,

which can be difficult if many people are getting married in your area,

or just celebrating something.

Forget about texting or talking on the mobile while driving.

Driving in Thailand is difficult enough without it.

Staying home when it's beer time.

Less interest in building friendships,

with expats and more interest in family time.

A really good post! I would find it difficult to name all the reasons why I'm here but I reckon you nailed it.

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not talked to your neighbour for 3 years.... because of what he said and the fact you didn't ask him to explain himself when he first said it? it's not confrontation to ask someone to explain themselves especially when they have just insulted you....

He may have replied with a 'only joking' or the real reason as I see it is to let you know you have made an enemy with the Swiss chap.... anyway this was 3 years ago so it's a bit late to ask him what he meant by that...

better to walk away when its a stranger in a bar or on the road honking their horn at you or something and being aggro...but a neighbour who I would possibly see day in and day out whilst going about my business I personally would have put them straight from the get go, you think he is a haughty Brit and he probably thinks you are a yankee sap who has no backbone....

you are both probably correct!

got any more old yarns from a few year ago? It's a slow day in the office and I am being paid for this...thumbsup.gif

Perhaps you did not read the whole of my original post.....as I did say to him "WHAT" to which he went on with the gossip....He was NOT joking ...so my feeling was why even associate with a person like that.....and I didn't and haven't ....no loss to me. Life goes on and why not enjoy it with people you like...

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hmmm, obscure question- (the OP,) as it needs to be distinguished

from the changes automatically brought about from growing older and/or

living abroad for an extended period.

Changes for the better... (methinks Farangadang and Phantom fiddler

are spot-on.)

"I worry far less about the possessions and money that I have/don't have and am now more focused on happiness, contentment and being on purpose as being barometers of success and the living of a worthwhile life.

I am far more inclined to not let things or external circumstances push my buttons as I have come to the conclusion that the western system and culture seems orientated by default to get you agitated over everything if you let it. Reacting to this of course makes things worse and so it's far better to sit back and not get drawn into the fray so to speak. I doubt I could have arrived at such a perspective had I not come to live in Thailand! "Mai Pen Rai" does have a positive aspect when its taken and applied in moderation."

Changes for the worse ... I am possibly less trusting and less friendly than

I think I was. (Maybe this was a necessary correction- ???)

Anywho, I am here and (at least for now,) I am happy and my days are

the most "stress-free" as I have ever had in my life. Now if I could only

get the Uni-girls to stop wearing shorts under their skirts...! w00t.gif

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not talked to your neighbour for 3 years.... because of what he said and the fact you didn't ask him to explain himself when he first said it? it's not confrontation to ask someone to explain themselves especially when they have just insulted you....

He may have replied with a 'only joking' or the real reason as I see it is to let you know you have made an enemy with the Swiss chap.... anyway this was 3 years ago so it's a bit late to ask him what he meant by that...

better to walk away when its a stranger in a bar or on the road honking their horn at you or something and being aggro...but a neighbour who I would possibly see day in and day out whilst going about my business I personally would have put them straight from the get go, you think he is a haughty Brit and he probably thinks you are a yankee sap who has no backbone....

you are both probably correct!

got any more old yarns from a few year ago? It's a slow day in the office and I am being paid for this...thumbsup.gif

Perhaps you did not read the whole of my original post.....as I did say to him "WHAT" to which he went on with the gossip....He was NOT joking ...so my feeling was why even associate with a person like that.....and I didn't and haven't ....no loss to me. Life goes on and why not enjoy it with people you like...

I read your post and in my view the bloke has in effect taken you for a chump, not saying I agree with him but with these tittle tattle gossipers when you front them properly they know not to gossip about you anymore....

how do you know he hasn't spread more gossip about you as he feels he can get away with it? dangerous thing in Thailand is gossip especially when you are just a tolerated foreigner...


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Suddenly I understand why Canadians are p***** off by Americans pretending to be Canadians when abroad!coffee1.gif width=32 alt=coffee1.gif pagespeed_url_hash=2220208811>


but not sure why anyone would claim to be from a country they are not,

nor what ever gave you this idea.

There is no reason to be ashamed of being American or for that matter any other nationality.

People who think so, truly need to get over themselves...

I could think of a few good reasons: Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan.

Not to mention the black/white segregation all the way up to the 1960's!

Let's first note that this reply has nothing to do with how Thailand has changed a person,

other than perhaps what I've personally seen with Brits becoming experts with concern to what America is all about.

I never sit and discuss what Europe is about,

nor give it any thought at all.

Just grateful I'm not from there... is all.

I can say that Brits seem to be on a mission in their attempt to distance themselves from the most recent wars,

which they too provided intelligence for,

and listened to Israel PM talks about how Iraq had WMD,

for days after the bombing of NY.

None of which would of come to light,

had 9/11 never occurred.

Brits seem to find it amusing to talk about past wars the U.S. fought in,

while forgetting all the wars they've had in their past, and lost as well.

All wars are something perhaps people should be ashamed of,

but it's not for another countryman to decide,

especially when they too were along side some of them they are trying to note as shameful.

Show some respect for the fallen Men & Women,

they were most likely some from your country too.

As for Hiroshima, Nagasaki, you do remember pearl Harbor, Yes?

Blood is on both sides,

and the Japanese were warned beforehand,

yet they provided no notice concerning Pearl Harbor, did they?

Vietnam, they asked us to assist,

we finally gave up,

as we should of done sooner perhaps,

but again I wasn't there,

so I'm no expert on the matter.

Yet none of this would cause me to claim I'm a Canadian,

and I seriously doubt the men I served next too either.

Though there's nothing wrong with Canada,

it's a great country.

But Brits seem to forget we don't get to choose where we come from,

we just get to decide if we wish to be proud of it.

Africa brought over their citizens and sold them to the U.S. citizens for cheap labor.

Yes they were exploited, and they have gotten over it,

and things have improved; same as women rights.

Should we be ashamed of segregating them both?

It wasn't my generation that segregated either of them.

South Korea still segregates locals from foreigners in bars & clubs,

and that's their right to do so, it's their country.

Again nothing to be ashamed of...

But the Brits will keep trying,

cuz that's all they can do...

Try & complain.

Thailand has also made me care very little about politics,

and it's direction; as it is always changing.

I respect the fact that Thailand is a strong sovereign nation,

that has resisted being colonized by the Brits,

and until recently,

has done it's best to not sell out to foreigners wishing to take over,

with their ideas and values.

Some may state they are arrogant,

but in reality, they are just resistant to change,

and if we are honest,

we should find ourselves admitting things were more enjoyable before;

than they are now.

Change isn't always for the best...

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Thailand started changing me the moment I arrived...

Eating on the sidewalks in Bkk,

breathing in the car fumes,

and washing up afterwards in a horse troff was a real eye opener.

I wasn't much impressed with the toilets on the ground,

but I remember thinking I'm glad I'm not a woman,

of course it wasn't the first time I thought that,

but it was a relief to stand instead of having to squat.

Next was showers,

and how lovely they can be when taken four times a day.

Learned quickly to luv rice,

though I hated it when I was a kid...luckily I got over it,

and learned how to truly appreciate something that was much better than minute rice. Lol

Riding a small motorcycle for the first time since High School,

and finding out how much I could accomplish on it.

Haven't been interested in moving my entire house on one,

but found it's great for a quick snack run.

Living in a three bedroom house,

while having the four of us reside in one bedroom each night...

that is still taking some getting used too.

Not living in a country full of Laws that don't really work,

and appreciating the fact that people truly can govern themselves.

Realizing how lucky I was to not live in a country where there's a cctv every meter,

watching everyone, all the time.

That truly would be annoying...

Being surrounded by brits for the first time in my life,

and realizing that I wasn't missing anything.

Enjoying my free time with the Irish & Aussies,

and finding both nationalities to be very amusing.

Learning to get a good laugh each time a woman bends over and tries to hide what she doesn't have up top,

that remains to make me smile at their wishful thinking...

Enjoying time with my Thai Children,

and appreciate the time I have to enjoy with them...priceless,

especially if I could get them to sleep in their own rooms. Lol

Mastering the idea of driving down a road in the wrong direction,

which I still limit my luck to doing.

Learning to appreciate the things I truly need,

and forget about all the rest.

Putting the holidays behind me,

and just enjoying the day like any other before or after it.

Being grateful to socialize with a woman who isn't the same race as me,

and able to see the charm, and understanding within the proud Thai Women.

Staying up all night, and sleeping till sweat develops the next day,

without feeling lazy about it. That cycle got me through the first four years,

but back then the clubs stayed open till 4am,

and I was in my early thirties, so it was good times.

Drinking Thai Whiskey "Regency" for the first time,

and also realizing I wasn't missing anything after a few months of it.

Distancing myself from loud music,

which can be difficult if many people are getting married in your area,

or just celebrating something.

Forget about texting or talking on the mobile while driving.

Driving in Thailand is difficult enough without it.

Staying home when it's beer time.

Less interest in building friendships,

with expats and more interest in family time.

See, many of the things you seem to appreciate to dearly about Thailand are things you experience in the way you do BECAUSE you were born and raised up in the Western country you seem to indirectly but obviously dislike.

Isn't that Ironic? Wonder if you were born a Thai to a Thai family similar to your own - how would things have been?

Without rules and laws and being bothered by injustice, would you have perhaps succumbed to some random misfortune that befalls average Thais? Who knows.

It's ridiculous that we disregard all our progress to favor the pitiful society the Thais have built. It's pathetic, really, in my own opinion only, of course.

Edited by PaullyW
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Suddenly I understand why Canadians are p***** off by Americans pretending to be Canadians when abroad!coffee1.gif width=32 alt=coffee1.gif pagespeed_url_hash=2220208811>


but not sure why anyone would claim to be from a country they are not,

nor what ever gave you this idea.

There is no reason to be ashamed of being American or for that matter any other nationality.

People who think so, truly need to get over themselves...

I could think of a few good reasons: Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan.

Not to mention the black/white segregation all the way up to the 1960's!

Let's first note that this reply has nothing to do with how Thailand has changed a person,

other than perhaps what I've personally seen with Brits becoming experts with concern to what America is all about.

I never sit and discuss what Europe is about,

nor give it any thought at all.

Just grateful I'm not from there... is all.

I can say that Brits seem to be on a mission in their attempt to distance themselves from the most recent wars,

which they too provided intelligence for,

and listened to Israel PM talks about how Iraq had WMD,

for days after the bombing of NY.

None of which would of come to light,

had 9/11 never occurred.

Brits seem to find it amusing to talk about past wars the U.S. fought in,

while forgetting all the wars they've had in their past, and lost as well.

All wars are something perhaps people should be ashamed of,

but it's not for another countryman to decide,

especially when they too were along side some of them they are trying to note as shameful.

Show some respect for the fallen Men & Women,

they were most likely some from your country too.

As for Hiroshima, Nagasaki, you do remember pearl Harbor, Yes?

Blood is on both sides,

and the Japanese were warned beforehand,

yet they provided no notice concerning Pearl Harbor, did they?

Vietnam, they asked us to assist,

we finally gave up,

as we should of done sooner perhaps,

but again I wasn't there,

so I'm no expert on the matter.

Yet none of this would cause me to claim I'm a Canadian,

and I seriously doubt the men I served next too either.

Though there's nothing wrong with Canada,

it's a great country.

But Brits seem to forget we don't get to choose where we come from,

we just get to decide if we wish to be proud of it.

Africa brought over their citizens and sold them to the U.S. citizens for cheap labor.

Yes they were exploited, and they have gotten over it,

and things have improved; same as women rights.

Should we be ashamed of segregating them both?

It wasn't my generation that segregated either of them.

South Korea still segregates locals from foreigners in bars & clubs,

and that's their right to do so, it's their country.

Again nothing to be ashamed of...

But the Brits will keep trying,

cuz that's all they can do...

Try & complain.

Thailand has also made me care very little about politics,

and it's direction; as it is always changing.

I respect the fact that Thailand is a strong sovereign nation,

that has resisted being colonized by the Brits,

and until recently,

has done it's best to not sell out to foreigners wishing to take over,

with their ideas and values.

Some may state they are arrogant,

but in reality, they are just resistant to change,

and if we are honest,

we should find ourselves admitting things were more enjoyable before;

than they are now.

Change isn't always for the best...

That Thais foreign resistance bit is very romantic indeed. Until one thinks about the small population of Teochew Chinese who absolutely swallowed the country in almost all respects.

More true would be that Thailand has just been lucky. Not masterful resistance fighters or such strong sovereignty or culture. Lol

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How it changed me was the fact I become aware of how far I was away from home,family and friends. Also through work as a teacher to be gentle as they were young, thougher as they grew-up and was proud as they moved on to university. I still get pissed of at small things and big things that are out of my control, but that life..........Thailand has learnt me to be relaxed, listen, and show respects to elders who normally we would smack/kick in the arse for being <deleted>; but I can't I follow thai ways and we all call the elder a <deleted> after hes gone.

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I didn't think it changed it much until I returned to the uk this year.

I can now see it has given me a better appreciation of things, made me considerably more laid back than the average Brit here, and I apparently take thing which seem to wind others up in my stride.

Travelling does the same, but living long term in Thailand has had an effect.

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It has changed me many ways. Almost all for the better. I appreciate things more. I learned to slow down. Material things do not matter as much as I am not in the rat race. I can go off and do things without a ton of cash outlay. I enjoy the public transportation to go to places.

You had a good post idea, to bad you wound up the masses with the brit neighbor part. This is a heavily UK favored site as are most of the Thai expat forums. However no matter how you would have worded it, it would have been derailed at some point. Nature of the beast with forums and people with too much time on their hands.

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Why are you not to be trusted OP?

I am a Brit just so you know....

You'd have to ask my neighbor and the Swiss guy (who bad mouthed me to him)..

.As indicated earlier the Swiss guy had a piece of property for sale, I paid his price. Cleaned the property up and marketed it properly and resold it within 6 months at a substantial profit. Swiss guy pissed off ...says I cheated him. Don't know how? I paid him his asking price ...I just saw something in the property he didn't see and yes I jumped on it ....isn't that what business is about?

So as to your question....I'm one of those people who you can completely trust...but there are few people I let in that circle as in the same vein I don't trust anybody but my own instincts....and when I make a mistake, I take it on the chin and move on.

I did not ask my neighbor to trust me ....I just went over to say "Hi" and introduce myself when he comes out with "I hear your a man not to be trusted" in that haughty British tone.......To me that's an insult....to you Brits ...maybe thats how you say Hi to everyone.....let me know so I can expect the same in the future and not take it as it insult but just a British thing......oh well....Each to their own.

Please let me help you understand the English language. I have heard you are not a man to be trusted, isn't an accusation. It is a question or simply he was saying "I have heard bad things about you, he was probably giving you the chance to put your side of the story across, but you misinterpreted the English language and then insult other Brits with your derogatory comments. If you live in a village people will talk, nothing to get your pants twisted about. That is village life.

Still not a good opening line to a new neighbor.Good have been bought up later date.

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Hi, I have not changed very much as I had always been very cool in my head. But here I have become more tolerant both towards Thai people and specially some Expats who think we are living in their country.

Here I am more happy as I see most people smiling. Now some people say they smile because they need your money. I don't that is true. Just seeing people smiling make me so happy and give me lots of positive energy.

I have access to almost everything here any time of the day. All kinds of food, restaurant, fruits, entertainment, sport etc so it makes life more easy and therefore easier life style and less stress.

I just hope that Farang had more rights in this country and the government would force the police and law makers to consider Farang as part of their society and not as ATM. If Farang feel more secure the quality of their living in Thailand will improve more and I am sure more people would like to come to this beautiful country.

Have a wonderful living here.

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I have learned the hard way...that when you post a question...or answer a question...there are folks who get a big kick out of ripping you a new AXX hole...

That being said...the things that changed me the most...trying not to become a nervous wreck...trying to navigate the Thai motorist organized chaos...Thais in general turn to lawlessness...when they get behind a wheel...one reason there are so many deaths contributed to driving accidents...(yes,..some farangs drive recklessly also)

Next I would put the dread of buying anything in Thailand...to be sure...in most cases...the Thais will out-smart you...and you will spend more than you originally anticipated...some may call this corruption...it seems to be the way of doing business in Thailand.

Next...I would say the incessant need for money to support your (wife/girlfriend) extended family...grates on one's sense of well-being...will it ever stop...will it ever taper...will I go broke trying to keep this relationship going...and not offend the in-laws...

Oh...and yes...the paperwork...volumes of paperwork to get anything done here...heaven forbid...if you forget to copy an entry stamp...or anything else for that matter...you are sent to detention...and made to pay for your mistake...you moron ( so it appears the Thais would like to say)

Once...went into the immigration office...Thai male sitting at front desk reading...I ask a question...he does not even look up...I stand there for what was probably 10-15 minutes...then a lady comes over and helps me...was this guy on break?...was it his lunch time?...was he deft?...no...he was just being rude...because he could...

There you have it...and by the way...Thailand has not taught me patience or humility...it has taught me that...except for the money...most Thais could care less about farangs...

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Living in Thailand for the past 12 years has affected me in some small ways and some major ways, some negative and some positive

- I have learnt to manage my income/expenditure, without relying on credit cards or bank loans

- I have learnt to be more patient and tolerant of other people

- I have learnt (from direct experience), that Thai women are for the most part, more insane than sane..... whistling.gif

- I have realised (from direct experience), that some of the most generous people are the (financially) poorest people

- I have realised (from direct experience), that many Thailand expats are bitter, twisted old men with nothing in their lives except alcohol and whores

- I have NOT understood why any expat who leaves the cold shores of home would want to live in an expat 'ghetto' community in sunnier climes. (Why not stay at home and switch up the heating??)

- I have realised that 'Thainess' is not really something to be proud of - it holds mainly negative connotations

Well, that'll do for starters :)



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Just want to Thank all the great posts that responded directly to what this thread was about. Personally I enjoyed reading your posts.

As to the bitter British Expats (12 out of 85 so far) that felt it important to attack me or Americans personally....well....get a life. We're ALL human and respect is the key to getting along in life...I'm guessing you have no respect for yourselves therefore don't understand the concept...(or maybe its just the TV mentality of being anonymous and as said by one poster enjoy "ripping a new a--hole".

And then there's the 3 who had no rational basis to argue anything other than to rip into the grammatical errors of the post....and my response is coffee1.gif

Again thanks to all who shared their experiences of how Thailand has affected them....

Happy New Year!.....

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Just want to Thank all the great posts that responded directly to what this thread was about. Personally I enjoyed reading your posts.

As to the bitter British Expats (12 out of 85 so far) that felt it important to attack me or Americans personally....well....get a life. We're ALL human and respect is the key to getting along in life...I'm guessing you have no respect for yourselves therefore don't understand the concept...(or maybe its just the TV mentality of being anonymous and as said by one poster enjoy "ripping a new a--hole".

And then there's the 3 who had no rational basis to argue anything other than to rip into the grammatical errors of the post....and my response is coffee1.gif

Again thanks to all who shared their experiences of how Thailand has affected them....

Happy New Year!.....

I hope those with an anti-British bias have a happy new year too, despite their neighbours. :D

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Wow!!!!....some bitter British people out there with personal attacks on me .....Why? because my British neighbor was rude to me and you are ALSO British....

Obviously English is not your first language or you have not been educated properly! Read my Post!

First off its a two part question.....

1....How has Thailand affected you ?

2.....How have people responded to YOUR personal cultural traits....(I even gave examples of how Americans are sometimes viewed and responded to the same)

As for my neighbor maybe you missed The part where I said ".not sure this is a particularly English trait ....(judging people based on gossip....rather than making your own informed decision)..but it obviously is a trait that my English neighbor has!" So you see ....I did not generalize about ALL British people...was just posing the question.

As for the "deal" ...the Swiss guy had property for sale (he underpriced it) I paid his price and sold it again (properly marketed it) and made a substantial amount of money within 6 months....seems it pissed him off ...oh well!

Think some of you Brits need a thicker skin and more open mind ...or is it just a TV thing?

Can you not write one post without Brit-bashing?....are you asking people how Thailand has changed them, because it has changed you in a way that you cannot control your hatred of the English? One of my best friends here is an American, and even he said that you are (in his words) one sick Moth-r f_ckr. How can you possibly slag off an entire nation, just because you dislike your neighbour?

All I can say is, you are sad mate.....are you in Merchant Banking?

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Why are you not to be trusted OP?

I am a Brit just so you know....

You'd have to ask my neighbor and the Swiss guy (who bad mouthed me to him)..

.As indicated earlier the Swiss guy had a piece of property for sale, I paid his price. Cleaned the property up and marketed it properly and resold it within 6 months at a substantial profit. Swiss guy pissed off ...says I cheated him. Don't know how? I paid him his asking price ...I just saw something in the property he didn't see and yes I jumped on it ....isn't that what business is about?

So as to your question....I'm one of those people who you can completely trust...but there are few people I let in that circle as in the same vein I don't trust anybody but my own instincts....and when I make a mistake, I take it on the chin and move on.

I did not ask my neighbor to trust me ....I just went over to say "Hi" and introduce myself when he comes out with "I hear your a man not to be trusted" in that haughty British tone.......To me that's an insult....to you Brits ...maybe thats how you say Hi to everyone.....let me know so I can expect the same in the future and not take it as it insult but just a British thing......oh well....Each to their own.

yeah yeah, how many more times are you gonna tell us that story?....enough, move on....
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Wow!!!!....some bitter British people out there with personal attacks on me .....Why? because my British neighbor was rude to me and you are ALSO British....

Obviously English is not your first language or you have not been educated properly! Read my Post!

First off its a two part question.....

1....How has Thailand affected you ?

2.....How have people responded to YOUR personal cultural traits....(I even gave examples of how Americans are sometimes viewed and responded to the same)

As for my neighbor maybe you missed The part where I said ".not sure this is a particularly English trait ....(judging people based on gossip....rather than making your own informed decision)..but it obviously is a trait that my English neighbor has!" So you see ....I did not generalize about ALL British people...was just posing the question.

As for the "deal" ...the Swiss guy had property for sale (he underpriced it) I paid his price and sold it again (properly marketed it) and made a substantial amount of money within 6 months....seems it pissed him off ...oh well!

Think some of you Brits need a thicker skin and more open mind ...or is it just a TV thing?

Can you not write one post without Brit-bashing?....are you asking people how Thailand has changed them, because it has changed you in a way that you cannot control your hatred of the English? One of my best friends here is an American, and even he said that you are (in his words) one sick Moth-r f_ckr. How can you possibly slag off an entire nation, just because you dislike your neighbour?

All I can say is, you are sad mate.....are you in Merchant Banking?

Not sure why you feel it important to personally attack me......If English were your first language maybe....just maybe you could understand what I have written.

This post is in NO way a British bashing post! ....Yes, I included a rant about my rude neighbor, who happens to be British, but I limited my comments to him (and if you read the post correctly you might realize that) and did not generalize about the WHOLE of the United Kingdom....I just asked the question if that was a British trait? Is that British bashing....well apparently it is to all you "sensitive" Brits....(Except for the one enlightened Brit who informed me my neighbor was a "tosser"...move on)

As for the last post which you include here I am only bashing or criticizing those Brits who thought they had no other basis to argue (apparently that's what they like to do ....argue...as seemly you do also) than to attack me or America personally.

Why not move on.....People are people where ever they come from ...some good, some bad....If you truly believe that I have insulted the Whole of the United Kingdom ....Please enlighten me where in this post I have done that...(and be specific) ...

As for your best friend who is American and thinks I'm one sick Moth-r f--cker ....well America has many misguided people who's judgement is wrong...look at the US government...enough said

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We (wife and I ) have culturally melded, eg kids/grandkids came Monday for a week to celebrate New Year New Years Day Had a Hangi ( pit rousted suckling pig ) with sweetcorn, Kumara ( sweet potato ) garlic and onions and baked potatoes, homemade damper bread. I fried fish in a tempura batter for the grandkids and fish in a beer batter for the adults. I made a coleslaw with a garlic aeolli with salt ,white pepper, touch of 5 spice and chilli, my wife did her thing with som-tam, steamed plaa chon (snake-head fish ) plaa douk ( catfish ). We all had a great day with little or no mention of Yinglack or Suthep, no red, yellow, black or rainbow colours, New years resolution, I promised to not fart in bed ( It's loud but very rarely smells) I have promised that for 30 years but the wife will no accept that it's natural ( she farts but will not admit it, Thai women do not fart, (It's a face thing ). If the UN knew she would be a WMD, ( silent but deadly ) I think it's done too the garlic aeolli . We had a great day hope you and your's enjoyed yourself as well, I just go with the flow of life now, too old be judgemental.


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Why are you not to be trusted OP?

I am a Brit just so you know....

Yes, you walk away, then spend the rest of your days moaning and sniffling about it.....glad i haven't got you as a neighbour

You'd have to ask my neighbor and the Swiss guy (who bad mouthed me to him)..

.As indicated earlier the Swiss guy had a piece of property for sale, I paid his price. Cleaned the property up and marketed properly and resold it within 6 months at a substantial profit. Swiss guy pissed off ...says I cheated him. Don't know how? I paid him his asking price ...I just saw something in the property he didn't see and yes I jumped on it ....isn't that what business is about?

So as to your question....I'm one of those people who you can completely trust...but there are few people I let in that circle as in the same vein I don't trust anybody but my own instincts....and when I make a mistake, I take it on the chin and move on.

I did not ask my neighbor to trust me ....I just went over to say "Hi" and introduce myself when he comes out with "I hear your a man not to be trusted" in that haughty British tone.......oh well....Each to their own.

each to their own indeed, so because the Swiss man got to the haughty Brit first and bad mouth you, you are happy to leave it there and not put the haughty Brit in his place?

I personally would prefer someone that say's it how it is to my face rather than behind my back, that way I can decide as to whether or not they are worth correcting and conversing with, if I was to face a loud mouth yank who said to me I am a man not to be trusted then I would have it out with them on the spot and demand they explain what they mean by what they said....

I can take it you left your people skills back in the good old U.S of A then and prefer the Thai way of gossip behind your back and maybe this is the way Thailand has changed you?

I would befriend the Brit and stick 2 fingers up at the Swiss guy who couldn't see what he had for sale that you astutely saw and took advantage of clap2.gif

I have had my share of confrontations in life....and didn't always come out on top....but I never backed away....stubborn I guess.

And yes being in Thailand has changed my outlook on life...and I think for the better..

I'm am past the days of my youth and confrontation and, for me, its sometimes better to just walk away...

The best part of him insulting me is that I have not talked to him for 3 years since the incident ....and to be honest ...I happy with the peace that I get by not having to make small talk with him...

Yes, you walk away, and then spend the rest of your days moaning and sniffling, i am glad you are not my neighbour.....humbug.
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Why are you not to be trusted OP?

I am a Brit just so you know....

You'd have to ask my neighbor and the Swiss guy (who bad mouthed me to him)..

.As indicated earlier the Swiss guy had a piece of property for sale, I paid his price. Cleaned the property up and marketed it properly and resold it within 6 months at a substantial profit. Swiss guy pissed off ...says I cheated him. Don't know how? I paid him his asking price ...I just saw something in the property he didn't see and yes I jumped on it ....isn't that what business is about?

So as to your question....I'm one of those people who you can completely trust...but there are few people I let in that circle as in the same vein I don't trust anybody but my own instincts....and when I make a mistake, I take it on the chin and move on.

I did not ask my neighbor to trust me ....I just went over to say "Hi" and introduce myself when he comes out with "I hear your a man not to be trusted" in that haughty British tone.......To me that's an insult....to you Brits ...maybe thats how you say Hi to everyone.....let me know so I can expect the same in the future and not take it as it insult but just a British thing......oh well....Each to their own.

yeah yeah, how many more times are you gonna tell us that story?....enough, move on....

I think this is all rolling the wicket for a big scam. Personally, i don't think it's very effective. If I was trying to build up trust for a big scam, I'd focus on honest activities and those who trust me, and all the great things I'd done, rather than having a go at others who don't trust me, or others who have done me petty wrongs. At least he's keeping the postcount up for George - maybe so's he can afford the dearer coffee.


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Thailand started changing me the moment I arrived...

Eating on the sidewalks in Bkk,

breathing in the car fumes,

and washing up afterwards in a horse troff was a real eye opener.

I wasn't much impressed with the toilets on the ground,

but I remember thinking I'm glad I'm not a woman,

of course it wasn't the first time I thought that,

but it was a relief to stand instead of having to squat.

Next was showers,

and how lovely they can be when taken four times a day.

Learned quickly to luv rice,

though I hated it when I was a kid...luckily I got over it,

and learned how to truly appreciate something that was much better than minute rice. Lol

Riding a small motorcycle for the first time since High School,

and finding out how much I could accomplish on it.

Haven't been interested in moving my entire house on one,

but found it's great for a quick snack run.

Living in a three bedroom house,

while having the four of us reside in one bedroom each night...

that is still taking some getting used too.

Not living in a country full of Laws that don't really work,

and appreciating the fact that people truly can govern themselves.

Realizing how lucky I was to not live in a country where there's a cctv every meter,

watching everyone, all the time.

That truly would be annoying...

Being surrounded by brits for the first time in my life,

and realizing that I wasn't missing anything.

Enjoying my free time with the Irish & Aussies,

and finding both nationalities to be very amusing.

Learning to get a good laugh each time a woman bends over and tries to hide what she doesn't have up top,

that remains to make me smile at their wishful thinking...

Enjoying time with my Thai Children,

and appreciate the time I have to enjoy with them...priceless,

especially if I could get them to sleep in their own rooms. Lol

Mastering the idea of driving down a road in the wrong direction,

which I still limit my luck to doing.

Learning to appreciate the things I truly need,

and forget about all the rest.

Putting the holidays behind me,

and just enjoying the day like any other before or after it.

Being grateful to socialize with a woman who isn't the same race as me,

and able to see the charm, and understanding within the proud Thai Women.

Staying up all night, and sleeping till sweat develops the next day,

without feeling lazy about it. That cycle got me through the first four years,

but back then the clubs stayed open till 4am,

and I was in my early thirties, so it was good times.

Drinking Thai Whiskey "Regency" for the first time,

and also realizing I wasn't missing anything after a few months of it.

Distancing myself from loud music,

which can be difficult if many people are getting married in your area,

or just celebrating something.

Forget about texting or talking on the mobile while driving.

Driving in Thailand is difficult enough without it.

Staying home when it's beer time.

Less interest in building friendships,

with expats and more interest in family time.

A really good post! I would find it difficult to name all the reasons why I'm here but I reckon you nailed it.

That pretty well sums it up for me too.

In addition I should just like to add that at the end of the day you reap what you sow. If you have an unblinkered outlook to life in Thailand you can learn much, behave accordingly and assist others objectively. I never forget that I am only a guest here and I have a huge respect for all Thai people regardless of social class; as they all find it extremely difficult to acclimatise and predict their own future in a country that has been in continual turmoil for decades. I am lucky as I have the option of leaving it all behnd to return home if I wish. My very good Thai friends and neighbours do not. I find it better to offer assistance when asked, Never criticise, but offer alternative solutions. Stay out of politics and keep my thoughts to myself. Just go with the flow ..........

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