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Farang door mats


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Personally, I think there's a lot to be said for the bloke who can turn the other cheek and calmly walk away especially if it can be done without remorse later. It's far more noble to be capable of that than to become embroiled in a situation in a country where the rule of law doesn't even apply to the locals let alone the foreigners and where things can get very nasty, very quickly.

Unfortunately, however, I'm not the type to let people take the piss.

If a local tries to knock me or palm me off with shitty service or goods, I generally stand my ground until I get what I want.

That usually works out in my favour because

1. I'm not an unreasonable person and I'm not averse to compromise

2. I've got no one to impress,

3. I've got no "face" to save since I don't give much of a toss what the locals think

On more than one occasion, I've been commended for standing up for myself here - by both Thais and Westerners - but I don't strut away indignantly feeling proud of myself

No, I walk away thanking the stars that common sense and awareness ensures I know which fights to fight and which to walk away from.

Complete agreement - nice post - EXCEPT for one proviso and it's not a minor one. Your : "common sense and awareness ensures I know which fights to fight and which to walk away from" - is i'm afraid a poor representation of reality in any foreign land - the real problem is how bloody UNPREDICTABLE the locals can be ! Oh, another rather important problem : 'FACE' in Thailand, and the saving of it, is not about YOUR public reputation, it is about THEIRS, so your No.3 needs editing.

Edited by crazydrummerpauly
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If it doesn't invole something that is threat or potential threat to our family (like the airhead) yesterday that near ran over the Mrs. USA 70% empty parking lot. It is nothing worth taking the time. Good luck to all and enjoy your life. We are.

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Just how did a thread about Farang Door Mats turn in a masochistic thread intent in beating each other and ourselves up?

Surely we can rise above that? No?


Confused ... blink.png



To be honest, I was hoping for a home furnishing discussion, maybe a reference to IKEA, and a discussion about coarse bristles and boot-scrapers. Another badly-captioned topic, if you ask me.

I've got a little mat outside my door - just a cloth thing, but then I live on a high floor in a condominium, so I'm not forever traipsing mud into the apartment. There's coarse bristle mats in the foyer level lift lobbies, and we live in an urban environment, so one's boots do not accumulate mud the way they might in the rainy season somewhere more rural.


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Just how did a thread about Farang Door Mats turn in a masochistic thread intent in beating each other and ourselves up?

Surely we can rise above that? No?


Confused ... blink.png



To be honest, I was hoping for a home furnishing discussion, maybe a reference to IKEA, and a discussion about coarse bristles and boot-scrapers. Another badly-captioned topic, if you ask me.

I've got a little mat outside my door - just a cloth thing, but then I live on a high floor in a condominium, so I'm not forever traipsing mud into the apartment. There's coarse bristle mats in the foyer level lift lobbies, and we live in an urban environment, so one's boots do not accumulate mud the way they might in the rainy season somewhere more rural.


It is quite an issue, agreed.

In Australia, the landed gentry, on the odd occassion do get their R.M.Williams dirty would use something like this ...



But, out at the farm, in Thailand, any old but of rusty flat iron is used.

This is quite effective ...


Suppose it beats Steel Wool and Dettol.


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OP, before you give terrible, and dangerous advise to fellow foreigners to stand up for themselves, and not be door mats in Thailand, you my want to check out Pattaya News Clippings, news from last night.

A Thai man was complaining about the noise, coming from gang of Thai teens, drinking and partying.

That Thai man stood up for himself, he wasn't a door mat. The teens shot and killed him.

Please do not give wrong, dangerous advise!


Edited by valgehiir
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Currently moved into an appartment and it turned out that it gets a bit noisy at times due to the proximity to the parking lot.

In fact my terrace is right next to a parking space that would actually legally be mine, but I don't have any vehicle right now.
So other people feel free to park there, which I don't mind at all.

But they seem to fail to understand that let's say between 12pm and 6am, some rather appreciated sleep could be disturbed by their carelessness.

So two nights ago, around 4am, this ignoramous wasn't only leaving his car running and listening to music, I guess while waiting for his girlfriend, he also lit up my whole place with his headlights.
I opened the curtain a bit, hoping he would get it. Now these beams were so dam_n bright, i couldn't see sh**.

So I flashed the terrace light a couple of times and finally he turned of his headlights.
Of course he kept engine and music running.

Got quite pissed, but decided not to go crazy about it, wasn't sleepy anyway. Maybe 15min later he was gone.
Had a couple of these incidents over the last days, like this lady who had her beetle blasting its fumes right into my open window for minutes, in the middle of the day.

Well, uttered something that were obviously curses in a foreign language, closed the window and granted her 5min to get lost - she made it wink.png
Of course, all of them very well off, judging by their cars.

Also reminds me of that hiso-girl who parked her giant SUV to get some som tam.
Took about 10 min to get the order done and of course she left the car running all the time.
While waitng for my som tam as well I was thinking about how to make her understand how stupid that is on at least two different levels.

She seemed to be a nice girl. I didn't say anything - but, I feel should have.

In a western country I would have showed less patience I guess.
Then again I feel practising it a bit more would improve western communities and I am ususally more on the relaxed side in the west as well.

Dunno, Thais can be quite stubborn.
They are easier to push when it comes to small stuff, but never ask for a total reset.

Edited by rideride
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I think, all these people ranting about...how brave they are and how they stand up against others............They are thinking of their wives!

But be careful......even she can hit you back......one day!

She probably gives her foreigner boyfriend a slap or two, but if it is something serious, then her real, Thai boyfriend will visit, and set the offending foreigner straight. Or her brothers.

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Personally, I think there's a lot to be said for the bloke who can turn the other cheek and calmly walk away especially if it can be done without remorse later. It's far more noble to be capable of that than to become embroiled in a situation in a country where the rule of law doesn't even apply to the locals let alone the foreigners and where things can get very nasty, very quickly.

Unfortunately, however, I'm not the type to let people take the piss.

If a local tries to knock me or palm me off with shitty service or goods, I generally stand my ground until I get what I want.

That usually works out in my favour because

1. I'm not an unreasonable person and I'm not averse to compromise

2. I've got no one to impress,

3. I've got no "face" to save since I don't give much of a toss what the locals think

On more than one occasion, I've been commended for standing up for myself here - by both Thais and Westerners - but I don't strut away indignantly feeling proud of myself

No, I walk away thanking the stars that common sense and awareness ensures I know which fights to fight and which to walk away from.

Complete agreement - nice post - EXCEPT for one proviso and it's not a minor one. Your : "common sense and awareness ensures I know which fights to fight and which to walk away from" - is i'm afraid a poor representation of reality in any foreign land - the real problem is how bloody UNPREDICTABLE the locals can be ! Oh, another rather important problem : 'FACE' in Thailand, and the saving of it, is not about YOUR public reputation, it is about THEIRS, so your No.3 needs editing.


Common sense tells me that every local I meet - Thai or otherwise/Thailand or Britain - could be unpredictable.

Nothing needs editing; I'm not writing a book

Besides, this works for me - it might not work for someone else hence my point remains valid . . . if only for me

Thanks for your input.

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Re. the OP's question: "Is it fair to say that some people who move to Thailand let people walk all over them?"

Yes, true enough. But it's also true of lots of people who move anywhere else also. What makes you so sure there are more that move to Thailand than anywhere else?

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Just how did a thread about Farang Door Mats turn in a masochistic thread intent in beating each other and ourselves up?

Surely we can rise above that? No?


Confused ... blink.png


To be honest, I was hoping for a home furnishing discussion, maybe a reference to IKEA, and a discussion about coarse bristles and boot-scrapers. Another badly-captioned topic, if you ask me.

I've got a little mat outside my door - just a cloth thing, but then I live on a high floor in a condominium, so I'm not forever traipsing mud into the apartment. There's coarse bristle mats in the foyer level lift lobbies, and we live in an urban environment, so one's boots do not accumulate mud the way they might in the rainy season somewhere more rural.


It is quite an issue, agreed.

In Australia, the landed gentry, on the odd occassion do get their R.M.Williams dirty would use something like this ...



But, out at the farm, in Thailand, any old but of rusty flat iron is used.

This is quite effective ...


Suppose it beats Steel Wool and Dettol.


that isn't no old rusty bit of flat iron, am a bricklayer and that's a beautifully crafted and weighted Marshall town trowl, retailing at £40.00,like looking at the Mona Lisa that is mate, thanks.
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I guess the way I see it is that it does not matter where in the world you are. But as we are on a Thai Forum Thailand is the land of question. The way I was raised was that never be a doormat. If you let people walk all over you then you won't earn the respect of the people around you. If you know you are right then why back down. If you believe you are right then follow the same. I respect people who stand up for what they believe in and are wrong, more than people who know they are right but won't stand up for themselves. If you let anyone walk all over you its not good here if you let Thai's walk over you then you are making yourself a target.

Just my 2 cents.

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Is this about the coffee?

beatdeadhorse.gif.pagespeed.ce.adWp7jUAu Apparently. Those not yet privy can have a gander at the now 267 posts from 'No shame, no morals' begun 5 days ago by this OP.
I see a snowballing of circular arguments carried on in two simultaneous threads in order to satisfy what seems to be an endless need for affirmation.
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Did a comma offend you at some point?

Thanks for the interesting post on this topic!

Grammar, spelling and punctuation Nazis are not wanted or needed on TV!

This is a frigging blog, a thread to state opinions and give advise!

No one here is submitting a frigging book for publication and critics and editors are not relevant.

For many here English is not even their first language and posting in English that is understandable by any reasonable English reading person, is just fine.

If you need to criticize people's use of the language, become an English teacher in Thailand

They need you.

TV members do not need you.

If you can not add to or discuss the topic,

PLEASE, step away from the keyboard!

Good post, I have been an English teacher for three years and will never criticise peoples grammar, spelling etc, but if someone comes on this forum saying they want to be an English teacher in Thailand, and there post is riddled with grammatical mistakes etc, then I will post and say so.

Sorry Possum - just can't help myself

and there post is riddled

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I am at the stage in life where I don't really care about stupid crap. Listened to Jimmy Buffet probably a little more than I should have.....Whatever it is....Is what it is guitar.gif.pagespeed.ce.Rjd-vqhNlw.gif

Was it the listening to Jimmy or what you were doing while listening?????

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For this that mentioned it,it's not about coffee it's about cowardice. It's rampant,however online everyone is a hero.

Sad but true. On the internet everyone is 6'5" 350 and can bench press a Buick. A well the people who stand for themselves know who they are and are not worried about someone who is wrong going to get his 10 friends.

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The original poster has been here just a few months and is a wind up merchant. The "is this about the coffee" post was very funny sarcasm, as he spent many days moaning in a thread he started that he found out he was paying 2 baht more for coffee at a local stall than some other customers and was obviously so grief stricken he rushed home to post about it.

He lied many times and changed his story to fit replies. I.e he could not make coffee at home because he was out and about in Bangkok. But he had originally said it was a stall near his home !!!

I admire people who stand up to bullies etc etc and we should all have a line we dont allow people to cross. But this OP is not talking about Police corruption or big stuff. He is talking about poor decent Thai people wanting to earn money to eat and take care of sick rel:oatives etc.

He even said "f-em" when I pointed out he could earn more in 1 hour than they did in a 12 hour shift. He was ripped off by 2 baht by poor people and cried like a big girl.

This is what he talking about when he says some falang allow themselv3s to be trodden on.

A very imature awful awful man. Then he has the cheek to say at one stage he loves Thailand. Oh my budha ... He loves it but never stops moaning about trivial. Lets see if he can give any example of when HE was really badly treated and did not roll over.

It will be about a couple he admits were lovely people who charged him 2 baht more than someone else. How did he not roll over and be sooooo rufty tufty...... he went and bought his coffee uo the road for MORE money.

Wow you showed em.

Sent from my GT-N8000 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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He seems to be saying those who pay 2 baht more than others are cowards if they think "oh well ... it is 2 baht and they are lovely people" (his words).

"COWARDS" ... Jeez.

Lets hear how and when he was badly treated and was a big butch brave man. Thai mafia ? The BIB ?

He is saying others roll over. Some bars charge 45 baht for the same beer others charge 145 baht for. I guess I just pay it and think

I wont gonthere again. Superman would change his underpants to be outside and stand up. He is not a coward he says others are. Wow so butch.

Hows does he do his super hero stuff. He wants us not to roll over.

Example please ........

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The original poster has been here just a few months and is a wind up merchant. The "is this about the coffee" post was very funny sarcasm, as he spent many days moaning in a thread he started that he found out he was paying 2 baht more for coffee at a local stall than some other customers and was obviously so grief stricken he rushed home to post about it.He lied many times and changed his story to fit replies. I.e he could not make coffee at home because he was out and about in Bangkok. But he had originally said it was a stall near his home !!!I admire people who stand up to bullies etc etc and we should all have a line we dont allow people to cross. But this OP is not talking about Police corruption or big stuff. He is talking about poor decent Thai people wanting to earn money to eat and take care of sick rel:oatives etc.He even said "f-em" when I pointed out he could earn more in 1 hour than they did in a 12 hour shift. He was ripped off by 2 baht by poor people and cried like a big girl. This is what he talking about when he says some falang allow themselv3s to be trodden on.A very imature awful awful man. Then he has the cheek to say at one stage he loves Thailand. Oh my budha ... He loves it but never stops moaning about trivial. Lets see if he can give any example of when HE was really badly treated and did not roll over.It will be about a couple he admits were lovely people who charged him 2 baht more than someone else. How did he not roll over and be sooooo rufty tufty...... he went and bought his coffee uo the road for MORE money.Wow you showed em.Sent from my GT-N8000 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Back up mate,I never mentioned two baht anywhere,so who is lying,find it and quote it.

Show me a lie,I don't have to make coffee at home,I like the ice coffee vendors make,I buy where I choose not where you do

Talk about lying,I never mentioned two baht,people here said I said I'm an English teacher,I'm not and challenge you to find a post that says I said that.

Tell me when I said I'm new to Bangkok,look back,I said the opposite,just back in town however by no means new.

There has been assumption after assumption as usual,Chinese whispers,you just contributed all whilst calling me a liar.

Now that you did mention several things that I did not say,and will not be able to find them,what now,oooopps,looks like you got caught out.

You also say I'm a wind up merchant,then say you replied with sarcasm,sarcasm is an attempted wind up,so who is the wind up merchant.

I'm on more money yes,does not give them a right to smile whilst knifing me in the back,smile,that's fine,knife me if they must,don't smile and knife me on the sly.

Yes I pay more now,can afford to,am happy to give the new old girl the cash,you sarcastically remark I sure showed them,they are losing hundreds of baht a week now,not me.

Personally where do you yourself draw the line when people screw you,or is there no limit for you,your fair game for all.

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Still waiting for an example of super hero, non cowardly, not rolling over heroism.

I know .. you did not tip a waitress who did not smile enough for Sir. We cowards would leave 2 baht and leave to find a more welcoming bar.

How have been brave when you say us cowards would be ... well cowardly ... I guess your saying.

Who did you take on ?

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Got a hell of a lot of likes,huge amount.

That's because most here have learned to or did know to already stand up when they arrived in Thailand.

Most expats seem the types that don't take crap,except for a few exceptions here who are a disaster waiting to happen in a place like Thailand.

In the morning I'm heading up country,one more coffee before I leave,the new girl will get a big ass tip for honesty.

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Still waiting for an example of super hero, non cowardly, not rolling over heroism.I know .. you did not tip a waitress who did not smile enough for Sir. We cowards would leave 2 baht and leave to find a more welcoming bar.How have been brave when you say us cowards would be ... well cowardly ... I guess your saying.Who did you take on ?

Ha ha,I I said some people are cowards,never mentioned names.

So you must have a complex,when I mentioned coward,you thought of yourself,thought I was referring to you,wonder why that is.

If someone posted some of us are cowards,I would say,oh well,big deal I'm not,will leave that to someone else to respond as he is not referring to me,unless I of coarse thought I was one.

Edited by Kangawallafox
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Example of your super hero standing up please. Your post title is something like why do falang roll over. You go on to say many are cowards. I am genuinely interested in how YOU have acted differently from the cowards.

I will check this thread in the morning. So dont rush your reply. I am sure your will remember putting pants outside and donning a cape.

To be fair to you, your very entertaining.

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Still waiting for an example of super hero, non cowardly, not rolling over heroism.I know .. you did not tip a waitress who did not smile enough for Sir. We cowards would leave 2 baht and leave to find a more welcoming bar.How have been brave when you say us cowards would be ... well cowardly ... I guess your saying.Who did you take on ?

Ha ha,I I said some people are cowards,never mentioned names.

So you must have a complex,when I mentioned coward,you thought of yourself,thought I was referring to you,wonder why that is.

If someone posted some of us are cowards,I would say,oh well,big deal I'm not,will leave that to someone else to respond as he is not referring to me,unless I of coarse thought I was one.

I was frightened to respond

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"Show me a lie". Ummmmm ok .....

Ok ... One poster asked why you dont make coffee at home if you so unhappy about giving "lovely people" a few baht more than they charge Thais.

You said you dont carry a kettle round Bangkok ... forgetting you had originally posted the stall was just outside your home.

Ok you will say it is up to you whether to make or buy. But you lied !!!!!!!

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It's not always because of cowardness! It all dépends on the value you grant yourself - you may feel liife is too short and you don't want to waste your time and energy arguing with everyone trying to stand on your way.. step aside.

Sometimes it's just not worth paying attention, just because you don't live in the same world - better select who you really want to compete with, it's all about sport.

Even more, don't let them know how and what you think, take it easy, just like rain falling on the duck's feathers... don't get wet ;-)

Edited by Opl
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Opl great and wise post. I will take note. I should step aside but the OP is such a cuckold. Ok ... You have convinced me ... I will step aside. Well only if he stops posting stuff that is so lacking in human kindness and understanding. And just plain wrong. "Why do falang roll over" was his post. Superman should not generalise so much. His superman example will be interesting though. I love a bet. Ummm what are the odds he will give an example that is remotely believable.

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