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UK visit for the first time in 7 years - what to do?


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I only visit the UK for funerals, and unfortunately I have to urgently visit the home country for that reason.

I have all but cut my ties with Blighty, (no residence in my name etc), but some family still live there.

Can I use my trip to .. er .. kill many birds with one stone, such as renewing my UK medical card. Whether or not I'm entitled to free health care is a different argument, but I haven't used/seen my NHS card since I was 10 years old. (I will probably visit the local hospital for a check-up on my lung illness, and to ensure that my name is entered into their records).

What other 'useful' administrative tasks could I undertake that cannot be executed from Thailand?

I'd like to open a basic bank account, but that seems to require proof of UK address. Any solutions to that problem?

Any items/foodstuffs that I should bring back to Thailand?

Your sensible(!) suggestions are appreciated


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You wont get anywhere unless you are registered with a GP, for which you need ID and a utility bill for your address.

ER etc will only give you "Emergency" help, the first question you will get is "who's your GP" ?

If you havnt been back for awhile, you are in for a shock, I go every year and still get shocked at the rapid changes but mostly by the damn cost of anything !

£108 for a bus ticket !

2 sandwiches and 2 bottles of water £10

Fish & chips £6.50

1 Bottle of water 500ml £1.20 ( 45 baht for 12 bottles in Thailand)

Edited by CharlieH
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£108 for a bus !!

Sounds cheap to me - I'd imagine they were more than £100k !! smile.png

I'm still registered with my local surgery - I just never had an NHS medical card


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£108 for a bus !!

Sounds cheap to me - I'd imagine they were more than £100k !! smile.png

I'm still registered with my local surgery - I just never had an NHS medical card.

Are you sure ? Because they update annually and anyone who doesnt reply or hasnt visited the surgery in the previous 12 months is removed from the register now.

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£108 for a bus !!

Sounds cheap to me - I'd imagine they were more than £100k !! smile.png

I'm still registered with my local surgery - I just never had an NHS medical card.

Are you sure ? Because they update annually and anyone who doesnt reply or hasnt visited the surgery in the previous 12 months is removed from the register now.

i went back to the uk after 6 years (last year) and simply made an appointment with my doctor. he said 'havent seen you for a long time'. i said 'i havent been sick' and that was that. dont de-register then it wont be necessary to re-register.

not sure what you mean about the medical card.

and as for water being £1.20 for a 500mil bottle. maybe in a garage or expensive corner shop - but cetainly not in supermarkets. 12 liters for £2 is not unusual.

as for foodstuff to bring back. what a strange question to ask someone else - very odd. try thinking what you would like and what you miss that you cant get. thinking for yourself is so much easier - well it should be!

Edited by jonesthebaker
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as for foodstuff to bring back. what a strange question to ask someone else - very odd

Hardly odd - I'm looking for inspiration :) There may be some item that I won't remember to buy unless someone else suggests it to remind me of that item.

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as for foodstuff to bring back. what a strange question to ask someone else - very odd

Hardly odd - I'm looking for inspiration smile.png There may be some item that I won't remember to buy unless someone else suggests it to remind me of that item.

ok, i get you. hmmmm, how about some cadburys creme eggs and some kettle descaler. yep that's it - can't get both those items here and you never know when you may need to descale your kettle.

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Saw my GP after an 8 year absence and am currently receiving cancer treatment, no questions asked.

What should you bring back? Chicken Bovril and lots of it.

Enjoy your trip. The UK has it's problems sure, but is nowhere near as bad as some make it...

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You wont get anywhere unless you are registered with a GP, for which you need ID and a utility bill for your address.

ER etc will only give you "Emergency" help, the first question you will get is "who's your GP" ?

If you havnt been back for awhile, you are in for a shock, I go every year and still get shocked at the rapid changes but mostly by the dam_n cost of anything !

£108 for a bus ticket !

Lands End to John O'Groats?

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£108 for a bus !!

Sounds cheap to me - I'd imagine they were more than £100k !! smile.png

I'm still registered with my local surgery - I just never had an NHS medical card


If are still registered with the surgery (i.e. you didn't tell them you had moved away) then you will still be on their list (even if they have you not assigned to a doctor). If you go to a hospital, they will get your NHS number from the surgery - no need to get a card. Think you can get a replacement anyway by changing your address and filling in a form online (use family address).

Buses in London are cheaper now as they have fixed fees throughout - found this out (pain with the Oyster card thingie though as mist buses don't take money so you need an oyster card or buy a ticket before you get on).

My kids always want me to bring back Cheesy Whatsits and I bring back cheese too (although much easier to get here now at Macros). Real chocolate too - not that candy rubbish they do here.

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as for foodstuff to bring back. what a strange question to ask someone else - very odd

Hardly odd - I'm looking for inspiration smile.png There may be some item that I won't remember to buy unless someone else suggests it to remind me of that item.

Marmite is about it.

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@jackr ^^^^

my mrs loved those everything a pound shops.

Bottles of HP sauce, including BBQ HP, chocolate, tins of shaving gel a quid, not the 5 quid they are here, packets of razor blades (Gillette) etc etc.

Mrs has already got this years trip planned and where she will go to get what she wants, including factory seconds shops, already got about a dozen orders for Cath Kitson bags (LOL yes I know).

Dont forget the cheese.

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as for foodstuff to bring back. what a strange question to ask someone else - very odd

Hardly odd - I'm looking for inspiration smile.png There may be some item that I won't remember to buy unless someone else suggests it to remind me of that item.

Vegemite...just find a good Aussie shop

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You wont get anywhere unless you are registered with a GP, for which you need ID and a utility bill for your address.

ER etc will only give you "Emergency" help, the first question you will get is "who's your GP" ?

If you havnt been back for awhile, you are in for a shock, I go every year and still get shocked at the rapid changes but mostly by the dam_n cost of anything !

£108 for a bus ticket !

2 sandwiches and 2 bottles of water £10

Fish & chips £6.50

1 Bottle of water 500ml £1.20 ( 45 baht for 12 bottles in Thailand)

Drink the tap water its free !!

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