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Walmart health insurance package superior to Obamacare - expert


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Walmart health insurance package superior to Obamacare - expert

(VoR) The news that the demographic mix of Obamacare enrollees is not yet where the law’s proponents had hoped appears to have only reinforced the certainty in some quarters that the law’s epic collapse is underway.

To learn more about the issue the Voice of Russia talked to Robert Slayton, the President of Robert Slayton & Associates, Inc. In his interview, Mr. Slayton compared Walmart health insurance with the health insurance offered by Obama and talked about the possible implications of the President's controversial policy for 2016 elections.

Is Obamacare really a better alternative to the previous healthcare system in the US?
 Does the healthcare.gov website offer good enough insurance, or are there still better alternatives?

It depends, in general, if you have no other option, the healthcare.gov which is the Obama Care website will give you some options, and at least it is guaranteed issued anybody who wants the insurance will be able to get it.

When I did the comparison between the plans on healthcare.gov and Walmart, Walmart plans turned out to be better with regards to combination of costs versus benefits, especially, as people got older, so for 60 years old it is much better, for 20 year old they are about equal. Nice thing is that in Walmart there is couple of common surgeries that they cover 100%, joint replacement and things like that.

So that is a nice benefit. What it really illustrates is that healthcare.gov or Obama Care is not the end of it all. There are other plans out there that could be better if offered from an employer. How about that?

Yes, I get that. As far as I understand are employers obliged to give up their insurances and go with Obama Care? Do they have an option of keeping whatever they have? [read more...]

Full story: http://voiceofrussia.com/2014_01_15/Walmart-health-insurance-package-superior-to-Obamacare-expert-2058/

-- THE VOICE OF RUSSIA 2014-01-15

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It's ironic that voice of Russia points out the benefits of private health care insurance provided by companies, as oppose to that offered by the Leviathan of government, but they do have a point don't they.

Edited by Steely Dan
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After a frantic search of the internet, and in satisfaction of completing yet another item on my bucket list, I now have the answer to pre-existing condition coverage by WalMart. The answer is in their catastrophic coverage and is found in the PDF file...


Sadly, it would seem WalMart does not come up to the high standards set by Obamacare, even though it is much cheaper, has a much broader doctor and hospital base and pays a number of things Obamacare doesn't cover.
Looks like another couple of million will lose their coverage next year.thumbsup.gif


Pre-existing Condition Definition and Limitation - A pre-existing
condition means any critical illness for which you or each covered
family member has sought medical advice or treatment in the
12 months immediately before the effective date of coverage.
A pre-existing condition may exist even though a diagnosis
has not yet been made. Preventative care and maintenance
treatment are not treatment of a critical illness, even if such care
and maintenance would not have occurred but for you or each
covered family member being diagnosed previously with the
critical illness. • Some critical illness benefits indicate that they
are subject to the pre-existing condition limitation. For those
benefits, unless the benefit for the particular critical illness states
otherwise, if you or each covered family member has a critical
illness that meets the definition of pre-existing condition, as
defined above, benefits under the policy will be payable
for that critical illness only after you or each covered
family member has been symptom and treatment free
of such critical illness for any 12 consecutive months
after the effective date of their coverage. Some critical
illnesses described in this brochure indicate they are
never paid if the critical illness is diagnosed prior to the
effective date or meets the definition of pre-existing
condition as defined on this page. For those benefits,
unless the benefit for the particular critical illness states
otherwise, if you or a covered family member has a
critical illness that has been diagnosed prior to the
effective date of coverage or if the critical illness meets
the definition of pre-existing condition as defined
above, that critical illness is excluded from coverage for
you or each covered family member.
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After a frantic search of the internet, and in satisfaction of completing yet another item on my bucket list, I now have the answer to pre-existing condition coverage by WalMart. The answer is in their catastrophic coverage and is found in the PDF file...


Sadly, it would seem WalMart does not come up to the high standards set by Obamacare, even though it is much cheaper, has a much broader doctor and hospital base and pays a number of things Obamacare doesn't cover.
Looks like another couple of million will lose their coverage next year.thumbsup.gif


Pre-existing Condition Definition and Limitation - A pre-existing
condition means any critical illness for which you or each covered
family member has sought medical advice or treatment in the
12 months immediately before the effective date of coverage.
A pre-existing condition may exist even though a diagnosis
has not yet been made. Preventative care and maintenance
treatment are not treatment of a critical illness, even if such care
and maintenance would not have occurred but for you or each
covered family member being diagnosed previously with the
critical illness. • Some critical illness benefits indicate that they
are subject to the pre-existing condition limitation. For those
benefits, unless the benefit for the particular critical illness states
otherwise, if you or each covered family member has a critical
illness that meets the definition of pre-existing condition, as
defined above, benefits under the policy will be payable
for that critical illness only after you or each covered
family member has been symptom and treatment free
of such critical illness for any 12 consecutive months
after the effective date of their coverage. Some critical
illnesses described in this brochure indicate they are
never paid if the critical illness is diagnosed prior to the
effective date or meets the definition of pre-existing
condition as defined on this page. For those benefits,
unless the benefit for the particular critical illness states
otherwise, if you or a covered family member has a
critical illness that has been diagnosed prior to the
effective date of coverage or if the critical illness meets
the definition of pre-existing condition as defined
above, that critical illness is excluded from coverage for
you or each covered family member.

Basically, pay us, and we won't cover you. Even for things you don't know you have, but we'll call them pre-existing anyway. Yep, the only thing levithan about all this is the exclusion language. The way to go my American peoples...


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After a frantic search of the internet, and in satisfaction of completing yet another item on my bucket list, I now have the answer to pre-existing condition coverage by WalMart. The answer is in their catastrophic coverage and is found in the PDF file...


Sadly, it would seem WalMart does not come up to the high standards set by Obamacare, even though it is much cheaper, has a much broader doctor and hospital base and pays a number of things Obamacare doesn't cover.
Looks like another couple of million will lose their coverage next year.thumbsup.gif


Pre-existing Condition Definition and Limitation - A pre-existing
condition means any critical illness for which you or each covered
family member has sought medical advice or treatment in the
12 months immediately before the effective date of coverage.
A pre-existing condition may exist even though a diagnosis
has not yet been made. Preventative care and maintenance
treatment are not treatment of a critical illness, even if such care
and maintenance would not have occurred but for you or each
covered family member being diagnosed previously with the
critical illness. • Some critical illness benefits indicate that they
are subject to the pre-existing condition limitation. For those
benefits, unless the benefit for the particular critical illness states
otherwise, if you or each covered family member has a critical
illness that meets the definition of pre-existing condition, as
defined above, benefits under the policy will be payable
for that critical illness only after you or each covered
family member has been symptom and treatment free
of such critical illness for any 12 consecutive months
after the effective date of their coverage. Some critical
illnesses described in this brochure indicate they are
never paid if the critical illness is diagnosed prior to the
effective date or meets the definition of pre-existing
condition as defined on this page. For those benefits,
unless the benefit for the particular critical illness states
otherwise, if you or a covered family member has a
critical illness that has been diagnosed prior to the
effective date of coverage or if the critical illness meets
the definition of pre-existing condition as defined
above, that critical illness is excluded from coverage for
you or each covered family member.

High standards and Obama. Can these 2 words be used in the same sentence?

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What percentage of Walmart workers are covered by there insurance plan? I am talking about all employees. Is Walmart one

of those companies that keep the number of hours per week down so they don't have to provide insurance coverage? I see from

the above information that there coverage of pre-existing conditions falls well short of what most people would think if they were told

there insurance program covered pre-existing conditions.

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Does Walmart cover pre-existing conditions?

Walmart does not offer insurance to the general public. They are talking about insurance offered to their employees which is offered via Blue cross.

You can get coverage under the Affordable care act if you have a pre-existing condition. You need to get registered with the government site and review plans and then it will provide a discount on the premiums dependent on your earnings which the govt is subsidizing.

The govt is trying to do something to help the people which is a good thing, but they rushed this obamacare and it's a mess. If the govt would have worked with a group of maybe 20-30 big insurance companies to allow pre-existing conditions this would have been a good start. Private companies have gotten involved in Medicare and Medicaid and can provide better services than the govt.

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There you go

"It depends, in general, if you have no other option, the healthcare.gov which is the Obama Care website will give you some options, and at least it is guaranteed issued anybody who wants the insurance will be able to get it."

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Rushed huh?

Like over 100 years since REPUBLICAN Teddy Roosevelt had the idea to nationalize health care?

The job isn't done.

Obama made a step.

If 100 years to make a first step is rush, I'd like to see SLOW, dear.

Edited by Jingthing
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It's ironic that voice of Russia points out the benefits of private health care insurance provided by companies, as oppose to that offered by the Leviathan of government, but they do have a point don't they.

The article is a "red herring", appropriate considering The Voice of Russia source. The US Government does not offer healthcare insurance itself. It offers access to a variety of commercial healthcare insurance programs that meet the criteria of ACA. If Walmart meets ACA's minimum criteria, then a person can chose it. If a person already holds a healthcare insurance plan in 2013 that meets ACA minimum criteria, the person can keep that plan. Some people lost their existing plans because the plans failed to meet ACA requirements, giving a person the option of chosing any of the insurance carrier's new plans or going to the ACA for other insurer plans.

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What percentage of Walmart workers are covered by there insurance plan? I am talking about all employees. Is Walmart one

of those companies that keep the number of hours per week down so they don't have to provide insurance coverage? I see from

the above information that there coverage of pre-existing conditions falls well short of what most people would think if they were told

there insurance program covered pre-existing conditions.

1. All WalMart employees and their families are offered insurance coverage under the WalMart policy. Perhaps some of their employees have chosen to go one of the several ways that the company offers to their employees. From the Washington Examiner article linked below...

"Walmart offers its employees two standard plans, a Health Reimbursement Account and an alternative it calls "HRA High" that costs more out of employees' pockets but has lower deductibles. Blue Cross Blue Shield manages both plans nationally.

Also offered is a Health Savings Account plan that includes high deductibles but allows tax-free dollars to be used for coverage."
2. The companies that have been forced to cut hours for their employees due to Obamacare all have less than 50 employees. WalMart, being the largest private employer in the world, hardly falls into that category.
3. I don't know what new emplyees are briefed on when they are hired, but I seriously doubt they are informed all pre-existing conditions are covered under the group plan.
4. All of this coverage is done without the benefit of US government intervention or funding. WalMart, as do most large companies in the US, provide coverage for their employees and families.
5.. Read the article and find out some interesting facts...having nothing to do with RT.
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Walmart health insurance is better than Obamacare as featured in some Russian rag...what nonsense. Then, right on schedule, the Fox News lemmings jump all over it.


Russia Today was quoting an article by the Washington Examiner, here:


I suggest you read the article, find the faults with it and then let us know.

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It is perhaps also very misleading to try and compare a large employee group plan for such a huge employer as Walmart. A company this large will get a discounted policy and pre existing conditions will be handled per group insurance policies via a waiting period or covered immediate.

The pre existing clause is meant from having someone that is uninsured that discovers a very expensive problem rushing out and buying coverage to cover what they just discovered.

Walmart here needs a bit if protection because some needing a $500,000 surgery could just rush out to get a job at Walmart for the insurance coverage. Accordingly, having a 12 month waiting period on pre-existings makes complete sense and is warranted.

Employers that typically hire more skilled and highly educated workings would not encounter such concerns as frequently.

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The issue is the subsidy to me. I think it sucks that the government uses tax payor money or charges high income earners more to make it affordable for low achievers.


Since you seem to have issues with the government subsidy, you might find the following article interesting,

Of the 2.1 million people that the government claims have signed up for coverage under Obamacare, 79% of them are eligible for a subsidy in some amount.

So that means that there are an additional 1,659,000 individuals that are added to the government dole via the subsidy.

In addition to that number, there are an additional 1.6 million that have been signed up for Medicaid, which is entirely federal and state funded.

A total increase of 3,259,000 added to the government dole and this hummer is just over three months old.

The death spiral has begun.


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