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Eight protesters injured in bomb attack against Suthep's procession

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Seeing the views on here, it would appear as much apart as the protestors and the government. Does anyone see anyway out of this that both sides will accept. I don't.

Just a thought the SET has stayed strong as has the baht through this, why?

There is big money at play here.

The Courts are not trusted, The Military step up reds are ready to take them on. No matter if there is an election or not. It won't be respected anyway. So Yingluk steps down who runs the Country long enough to get past all this?

Violence was in the cards from day one and think it will only get worse.

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Your logic is somewhat misaligned if you can make a comparison between a national protest against a definitively corrupt and ineffectual government,

And what about your logic of accusing the current government of corruption, when the people they want to replace it with are even more corrupt. You don't find that a bit hypocritical?

I don't think any government in Thai history lost over 13 billion USD in less than two years just to stay popular in rural Thailand. We're not talking only rice scam here. There is also a water management scam, a tablet for every child scam (paid in advance), not being delivered, questionable quality etc...etc...Get some perspective, will you? Accountability - no, responsibility - no, representation - no, transparency - no.

So go to the electorate then.

There is an election.

Thin grounds for the removal of the people's constitutional rights.

It's not about the competance of the government is it really?

It's about a New Order.

Same same as in the 1930's supposedly.

Copycat thais. Nothing original. Tried in 2006, 2008 and now 2013/2014.

With all comments on how unfair it is to blame the government on the problems with the 'rice pledging disaster', with the undemocratic moves around the 'blanket amnesty bills', with lots of talks but no substance, it should be clear that new elections with a Shinawatra will only give more of the same.

So, reform, get rid of (most) of the corrupts from both sides. Then start thinking about elections. From a Western World perspective that may sound undemocratic, but I fear Thailand isn't really up to it yet. Fair play is not understood.

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They found this. There is also a police badge inside. But of course a police badge doesn't mean anything.


Lots of police guns and material were stolen by the protesters...

It is quite obvious that "someone" wants to make the people believe some new lies...

At a moment when the protesters were demoralized and most had gone back home, this incident occurs at the perfect time for Suthep.

Sent from my iPhone...

If they were laying in wait to ambush them, it can only be the PDRC killing their own. Who else but Suthep new the march...

Or does he have a Brutus or a few Brutusses in his camp!!!!

If there is evidence they were laying in wait before the route was planned!!! Who else could it possibly be.

Bluesky were stating quite clearly they had been sleeping there and laying in wait.

Shame they have really fudged the issue with all those thefts of Police gear. Shame for the Injured, but fascism has to be resisted. There is a democratic route, reform negotionions offered by all sectors of society and even the UN. Only PDRC pushing full steam ahead for dictatorship here. Reason being is they cannot recoup their lossed unless they get back into power.

No coup and many of them are finished for all time. This is the desperation and pressure they are feeling. They win or die/fade away/go to prison for ever.... No pity for the leaders. Pity for the injured of course as always.

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Al Jazeera seems impressed by the caretaker PM's resolve answering questions today. That seemed a big part of their bomb story. I came away feeling 'oh she has strong determined resolve in the face of this situation'. Such a nice news story.

...so many people underestimate her, it works to her very significant advantage. But she would not use violence.

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Does anyone see anyway out of this that both sides will accept.

Until recently, the opposition reluctantly (barely) accepted the PTP in govt because they had the fallback position of defeating/amending legislation in the senate. The govt moved to change that by making the senate a fully elected body. A compromise would be for the protestors to clear out and allow for a free and fair election in exchange for guarantee/reform that the make up of the senate (skewed towards the elite) would remain. Ultimately neither side would be able to do anything unless both of them agreed. The middle path.

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Al Jazeera seems impressed by the caretaker PM's resolve answering questions today. That seemed a big part of their bomb story. I came away feeling 'oh she has strong determined resolve in the face of this situation'. Such a nice news story.

...so many people underestimate her, it works to her very significant advantage. But she would not use violence.

The last few interviews of Ms. Yingluck on Al-Jazeera the interviewer was not impressed at all and neither most watchers. Before accepting this optimistic review I'll have a look myself first.

BTW how does this bomb story relate to Ms. Yingluck's resolve and resolve on what?

Edited by rubl
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They found this. There is also a police badge inside. But of course a police badge doesn't mean anything.


Lots of police guns and material were stolen by the protesters...

It is quite obvious that "someone" wants to make the people believe some new lies...

At a moment when the protesters were demoralized and most had gone back home, this incident occurs at the perfect time for Suthep.

Sent from my iPhone...

If they were laying in wait to ambush them, it can only be the PDRC killing their own. Who else but Suthep new the march...

Or does he have a Brutus or a few Brutusses in his camp!!!!

If there is evidence they were laying in wait before the route was planned!!! Who else could it possibly be.

Bluesky were stating quite clearly they had been sleeping there and laying in wait.

Shame they have really fudged the issue with all those thefts of Police gear. Shame for the Injured, but fascism has to be resisted. There is a democratic route, reform negotionions offered by all sectors of society and even the UN. Only PDRC pushing full steam ahead for dictatorship here. Reason being is they cannot recoup their lossed unless they get back into power.

No coup and many of them are finished for all time. This is the desperation and pressure they are feeling. They win or die/fade away/go to prison for ever.... No pity for the leaders. Pity for the injured of course as always.

Who new? Didn't Suthep talk about the protests, the marches, the routes?

PDRC killing their own? Like some suggested the MiB did in 2010?

Your assumptions seem build on clouds with any conclusion build on them equilly 'transparent'.

The desperation seems with all who try to promote the Pheu Thai led cartaker government and do their utmost best to paint anyone and anything that doesn't fit their plans in the most negative way possible. IMHO of course

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I also just watched BlueSky TV and find it hard to believe that the granade launcher would run away in the direction that would lead the police to the room where they found several guns etc. Seems a bit fishy to me.

PS: The scary thing now is that tonight (Friday night) is when they all start drinking.

Edited by Gone
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Al Jazeera seems impressed by the caretaker PM's resolve answering questions today. That seemed a big part of their bomb story. I came away feeling 'oh she has strong determined resolve in the face of this situation'. Such a nice news story.

...so many people underestimate her, it works to her very significant advantage. But she would not use violence.

absolutely it works for her, just the way the story aired was not significant at all in terms of damage done by the bombers to her rep. she has many advantages from this and from the past weeks actions, it is as if the PDRC are acting in a way to exacerbate the feelings of an unlevel playing surface, in turn to play on the feelings of the frustrated people. this cant make an election date a happy date particularly if big international voices are saying to accept the result. the confusion of all this makes the people panic, they can only exploit the panic to make the two sides fight each other..

Edited by mumjokmok
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Well, lets look at some of the info.

1/ This is a new protest route, the protestors have never been down this road before and only decided to do so just before they started out.

So who knew they would be walking past these shop houses ? Just the PDRC leaders themselves one would guess.

2/ Any crime scene which is contaminated is void. The PDRC guards rather than sealing everything off, went in with protestors and messed everything up. Who knows what was planted, moved, removed ? Stupid mistake by them, or did they do this on purpose ?

Thank goodness nobody was killed. I have watched the video and the bomb went off just at the right side front wheel of the pickup, only a small explosion as seen on the video of it. I guess most are just shrapnel wounds with a small device like that, thankfully.

Just my opinion on a couple of things.

It can also be some insider in pdrc who leak the info. Likewise in the Thaksin regime, why are the outsiders know when TS call YL, when they have skype conference. If you still choose the culprit is pdrc. I will suggest there are betrayer in their group.

Edited by Smokemachine
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There getting brave with daylight attacks now. Give the Weekend Warriors something to think about this weekend.

Brave? blink.png

Maybe he was being sarcastic or meant [more] brazen.

Of course he was being sarcastic. It beggars belief how many posters thought otherwise. sad.png

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What makes you so sure they were red shirts? Are you really so naive that you don't think these people will kill their own to justify a coup? You are nothing but disposable pawns to these people.

I can see why you don't want to admit you are on he side of evil and corruption but your post is just pitiful

I'm always wryly amused when a bunch of Farang keyboard warriors claim to know it all.


As flawed as the process is, better to be warring at the keyboard than in the streets at the moment. Perhaps someone could convince the mad crowd to follow our example? wai.gif

I'm afraid the war is coming soon.


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This week we have watched the Student thugs forcee people out of office, hassle venders, randomly beat up and detain anywone they ddon't like the look of... culminating in the Nation Journalist... this I think is bringing it home to more ane more people that Suthep has to go,

Protests last night off asoke drew large crowd for Respect my vote

Numbers are falling so why not run them off the streets. What should people do, leave them there forever. 7,000 was the guess yesterday, they going to take on the rest of the Country.... No chance, not even with the army on their side can they pull this off now.

Hope it isn't violent, but if they won't go, it is time to make them go. Bye bye sooty, bye bye!!

so what you saying is to use violence to hurt and kill people is okay because it suits your thinking

but to protest against currupt Government is not okay because some one is buying you drinks

soon the red mob will attack and I'll be on their side


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There is no end to what this evil man Suthep will go to, just for his own advantage. He is doing this to bring on a much needed coup, bugger the sheep, and he does not give a toss about their safety.

Edited by oldsailor35
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There getting brave with daylight attacks now. Give the Weekend Warriors something to think about this weekend.

.............and thered shirt murderers too. Did they wear black?? very brave of Thaksins assasins to attack unarmed wome and children - oh - and heres the excuse!!!!!!!!

You should get all that evidence you have about the attackers' identity over to the appropriate authority ASAP.

Oh, hang on...

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Could the grenade have been deliberately aimed at truck to deflect the blast? If that's the case, the grenade thrower intended to injure but not to inflict maximum damage. Nor was it a deliberate attempt to assassinate Suthep. A warning? I'd also guess that the clothes found in the room do not belong to the grenade thrower. Some security guard at Walls Ice Cream or something, which would explain the radios. If he'd planned this, why would he leave that stuff there? More likely someone else.

But then that also raises the question of why he'd bring all these bits of non-functioning guns etc into the room. Like all these cases, we'll have to wait and see if more comes out. The security guard shouldn't be hard to find if he left his ID there.

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I hope if they caught the bomber, hope they let him have a phone call to Yingluck before they lynched him...

That's the way to go, assume guilt, assume association, forego a trial and lynch law!

And amazingly you got a "like"!

Not amazingly....predictably. One needs only read a few posts in one of these threads to see the same theme play out over and over by frothing farangs who seem to have Thai politics all figured out.

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Well, lets look at some of the info.

1/ This is a new protest route, the protestors have never been down this road before and only decided to do so just before they started out.

So who knew they would be walking past these shop houses ? Just the PDRC leaders themselves one would guess.

2/ Any crime scene which is contaminated is void. The PDRC guards rather than sealing everything off, went in with protestors and messed everything up. Who knows what was planted, moved, removed ? Stupid mistake by them, or did they do this on purpose ?

Thank goodness nobody was killed. I have watched the video and the bomb went off just at the right side front wheel of the pickup, only a small explosion as seen on the video of it. I guess most are just shrapnel wounds with a small device like that, thankfully.

Just my opinion on a couple of things.

Adroit perlustration?

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All these 'so called ' bomb attacks on the Suthep mob!.........No one home at the time, only slight property damage? C'mon Suthep, your sheep might believe it, but no one else is 'buying in' We are too smart for your infantile tricks and ideas !

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Seems clear the purpose is to cause chaos and fear, not to kill. Must have been a stun or crowd control grenade, plenty of people close enough to be killed and maimed if it were a high explosive.

The grenade spoon supposedly found at the scene exactly matches some photos of the Soviet F1 grenade, don't know if that comes in a non-lethal variety.

Edited by chmod777
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