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Eight protesters injured in bomb attack against Suthep's procession

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What we really need is for a big bunch of reds to come to BKK and have massive and ugly street battles with the yellows.

Now that would make for some good TV.

that's cursing the good with ugly! what if someone wishes the same upon you??? are you thinking and shrinking fast??

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Come tell us what you hope to achieve Mr. Pipkins. What do you hope to gain from your extreme rantings. If you are a farang in this country then you are involving your feelings where they don't belong.

Sit back, relax and hope that the winner changes the 90 day report requirement. thumbsup.gif

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All these 'so called ' bomb attacks on the Suthep mob!.........No one home at the time, only slight property damage? C'mon Suthep, your sheep might believe it, but no one else is 'buying in' We are too smart for your infantile tricks and ideas !

oh really? I wonder who's the idiot?

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The 5th day of the Yellow Mob (southern left yesterday afternoon already.) Today the people of Bkk have enough. Malls, Bars, Shops, Hotels are rather empty. They loosing so much business. Where the 6 millions Thai Duce followers were gone?

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All these 'so called ' bomb attacks on the Suthep mob!.........No one home at the time, only slight property damage? C'mon Suthep, your sheep might believe it, but no one else is 'buying in' We are too smart for your infantile tricks and ideas !

If you are so smart

why are you commenting on something that has nothing to do with you

some thing you can not have a say in

and why are you living here in Thailand

seems to me you are not very smart at all

and when you say we

are you at a red shirt pub because pleause pleas donlt include me or the many other thousand that want to stop the Taskin destroy Thalland with Curruption

Suthep once we have got rid of Taskin we will hand him over to you and your we mob

He will never have a place in a new government

he is just a pawn, the real big shots sit in the shadows waiting

but then again you.we are so smart you should know this

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I spent the last week in Bangkok at both Asoke and outside MBK. The protesters took over 24 hours away from my life in detours and put my life in danger and the life of my son by not allowing us to walk on the sidewalk they were blocking. It was dangerous.

If they want to protest, they should protest in Lumpini park, and not FORCE everyone else to listen to their whistles until midnight and block people from getting to and from work and school, and the hospital. Or better yet, just participate in democracy and to stop being soar losers. Most people, don't really understand what is going on.

Thank you, I wish I would of had the guts to toss the bomb myself.

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There getting brave with daylight attacks now. Give the Weekend Warriors something to think about this weekend.

Cowardly attacks on unarmed protesters is not brave!

I think he was being sarcastic not serious.

Thanks for telling him. He wasn't smart enough to figure it out for himself.

A sarcastic post like your first on this thread is not smart. Is it?

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I just can not hear it anymore - the Thai government is corrupt!! Big news!!

you want perspective? Bangkok produces only 26% of GDP but gets 70 % of the budget - the South gets twice the budget compared to the north and North East!

You know how much money we are talking fore Bangkok a 70% slice of the cake?? This is what this is all about money is being distributed to different people now and the elite who is used to get the loins share will not have it!

Do you have source for those statistics? Interesting if true.

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Your logic is somewhat misaligned if you can make a comparison between a national protest against a definitively corrupt and ineffectual government,

And what about your logic of accusing the current government of corruption, when the people they want to replace it with are even more corrupt. You don't find that a bit hypocritical?

So, Mister know it all, who has been named as a replacement?

You're just making it all up as you go along!

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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I like to think it is more of a live-for-today attitude than laziness. This will be relevant too when the Red supporting Bangkok taxi drivers find the money in their pockets drying up. It won't be long now. There is now a potent mix of a colour divide, a North/South divide, increasing anger and some of the most arrogant people on the planet. Resentment will soon build up too if they don't watch out. This is the road the ignorant Suthep is leading these protesters. Their arrogance makes them blind to just how good they have it. I am not sure at what point they will realize that Thailand truly is one of the best places in the world to be rich. Probably when it isn't any more.

This is a "peaceful" protest so that Suthep's mob is seen to hold the moral high ground, although they don't actually hold any such thing. A democratically elected government can perhaps make that claim. They also know that the government dare not use force against them. This is why they can be "peaceful" and at the same time bring Bangkok to its knees.
This minority wants nothing less than power back in their hands and it won't happen ever again, no matter where you stand politically. Thailand is heading to a civil war as there is nowhere else to go. Strangling the breath out of a city will inevitably lead to violence like this. If there is no such violent response to this "protest", the Yellows will win, so there has to be a response. This development is as logical as it is wrong. This is simply how civil wars start.

Many if not most expats believe thailand can never descend into civil war.
They generally believe the people are too lazy etc.
Just as people in Britain said that a figure like Hitler could never rise up.
Many at the time though were pro nazi against the socialists and communists.
It happened in vietnam, in laos, in cambodia why not thailand?
The arrogance of the elite makes it more and more likely and then there will be no winners.
Edited by SPIKECM
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I hope if they caught the bomber, hope they let him have a phone call to Yingluck before they lynched him...

That's the way to go, assume guilt, assume association, forego a trial and lynch law!

And amazingly you got a "like"!

Not amazingly....predictably. One needs only read a few posts in one of these threads to see the same theme play out over and over by frothing farangs who seem to have Thai politics all figured out.


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I spent the last week in Bangkok at both Asoke and outside MBK. The protesters took over 24 hours away from my life in detours and put my life in danger and the life of my son by not allowing us to walk on the sidewalk they were blocking. It was dangerous.

If they want to protest, they should protest in Lumpini park, and not FORCE everyone else to listen to their whistles until midnight and block people from getting to and from work and school, and the hospital. Or better yet, just participate in democracy and to stop being soar losers. Most people, don't really understand what is going on.

Thank you, I wish I would of had the guts to toss the bomb myself.

with the amount of warning we had

why you not do what we have done

gone on holidays for 2 weeks

sure the wife parents would be glad to see their grandson

If you want to live in Thailand

guess yiu have to except the thai way and stop whinging

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The thing that makes it look even more like a set up is that :

PDRC guards and protestors went into the building before police or army got there, what did they do inside ?

PDRC guards refused access to the building for the police it has been reported in some media.

Only when Army turned up did PDRC let them in.

This is understandable - if you were struck by a bomb you'd expect them to go up after him and try to catch him. Didn't the army get there before police - as they were nearby? No one has mentioned the report earlier in the thread that says three men in green fatigues were seen in there by witnesses. Of course, if they were actually military I doubt they'd be wearing fatigues. But then police wouldn't leave police stuff in the room either by that same logic... I also saw there were unopened food boxes ready to eat in there and the ceiling fan was left on. That might point to the occupier of the room being behind it, contrary to what I said before. But if he left his ID card there, it's hard to see him being so stupid.

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The bombings were planned to stir up emotions and raise support for the flagging numbers of Mr. Suthep protesters. Ms. Yingluck knows better than to disrupt or cause violence. Throughout these times, she has never condoned violence. "Protesters want to occupy police station - be my guest". So I find it difficult to believe she would start now.

On the other hand, the protests have not been going the direction Mr. Suthep wanted it to go. It must be beginning to hurt the pockets of his supporter. Actually, it is to the advantage of Ms. Yingluck to have a protracted protest - as it would drain the coffers of Suthep and his backers.

Therefore an early resolution to the conflict is what Suthep and his backers would want. Otherwise, it would mean more money should be shelled out a an increasingly reluctant group of shadow supporters.

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Al Jazeera seems impressed by the caretaker PM's resolve answering questions today. That seemed a big part of their bomb story. I came away feeling 'oh she has strong determined resolve in the face of this situation'. Such a nice news story.

...so many people underestimate her, it works to her very significant advantage. But she would not use violence.

I agree that is doubtful that Yingluck would use violence, but it is frankly also doubtful that she has known much at all about the corruption in the rice scheme or the real intent behind the 350 million baht flood program. She is a pretty face that has singularly failed to be, in any visible way, the PM.

Any comments about who actually is directly responsible for this cowardly attack are, of course, purely speculative. We all, have our own different hate-figures we would love to blame. My personal one is Thaksin's long-term crony Chalerm.

But PM Yingluck, as head of the caretaker government, is responsible for what happens in Thailand and how conflicts are resolved. No two ways about that.

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The Yellow Mob has lost their last battle. Even Sutheps paid people from the upper South have left the scene. The time of the old Elites comes to an end this year.

would you like to put a 5000 baht wage on that ?

or are you all talk ?

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The thing that makes it look even more like a set up is that :

PDRC guards and protestors went into the building before police or army got there, what did they do inside ?

PDRC guards refused access to the building for the police it has been reported in some media.

Only when Army turned up did PDRC let them in.

So what were they doing inside before the Army turned up and found all this stuff they found ? When the lines get blurred they are often blurred deliberately.

If they were really attacked they should have cordoned off the building and let the police in as soon as possible - not go in themselves, hold the building themselves and only let the Army in later on to make a few surprise findings.

And add on to that this marching route was only decided by PDRC leaders slightly earlier, they have never been down that road before, so how come someone was waiting to throw a grenade ?

The only thing that can make a coup happen is protestors start getting shot/bombed, injured and killed on a regular basis, which is why red shirts have in the whole kept well away.

If you look at events I see something.

Some red shirts actually went into Bangkok today, and soon after they did suddenly PDRC are walking down a road they do not normally walk on (never before) and there is a grenade attack. Looks very much like 3rd hand/MIB trying to start a coup in my opinion. They saw an opportunity of reds somewhere in Bangkok and so time for a grenade attack.

The lesson to red shirts is stay out of Bangkok, because if you enter Bangkok then the special MIB will be in action to blame red shirts again, burning buildings and throwing grenades so red shirts can take the blame again.......... that would be my opinion.

All of the above, just my opinion.

All the signs of a yellow set up indeed...

Rather basic set up though...

A child would understand easily...

Sent from my iPhone...

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I just can not hear it anymore - the Thai government is corrupt!! Big news!!

you want perspective? Bangkok produces only 26% of GDP but gets 70 % of the budget - the South gets twice the budget compared to the north and North East!

You know how much money we are talking fore Bangkok a 70% slice of the cake?? This is what this is all about money is being distributed to different people now and the elite who is used to get the loins share will not have it!

Do you have source for those statistics? Interesting if true.

The World Bank - available information on their website.

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I spent the last week in Bangkok at both Asoke and outside MBK. The protesters took over 24 hours away from my life in detours and put my life in danger and the life of my son by not allowing us to walk on the sidewalk they were blocking. It was dangerous..........

Thank you, I wish I would of had the guts to toss the bomb myself.

Thanks for the tip. When street traders on just about any main street in Bangkok have 'bombs' thrown at them in the future, we'll at least have some idea who is responsible.

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I watched the video of the grenade explosion. I am not going to speculate on who did it but finding the large cache of weapons, etc., seems incredibly convenient. Strange, indeed. Given the fact that the side of the truck appeared to have taken the brunt of the explosion and there were still 30 people that were still injured. Seems to indicate to me that it must have been a pretty powerful blast. Could have been much worse if the grenade had rolled under the truck and caused a secondary explosion of the truck's gas tank. Since this happened, I have pondered what several other posters have raised in this thread: Is there a way out? I have some ideas and I am sure there are thousands of others who have ideas as well. BUT, if the parties to this dispute are unwilling to negotiate to find some middle ground, there are no solutions. Corruption is the mantra of the PDRC and its affiliates. To the PDRC, the only way to rid corruption is to rid the country of the Thaksin clan. To me, such a view is the same as saying that the arrest of Al Capone resulted in the eradication of the mafia. The issue of corruption will take a fundamental shift if the way Thais act. Refusing to give the traffic cop is the first step I always like to propose. But after mulling over this for a while, I can only conclude that the PDRC is using hatred for Thaksin clan to further its own political agenda. I know, not much of a stark revelation. But the molding and use of hate is a powerful tool and creates 'stop think' reactions to such words as 'negotiations', 'reconciliation', mediation, arbitration, etc. Within the last several days, one of the PDRC leaders admitted that it was a 'minority' movement. Even if I were to assume that all the allegations against the Phue Thai were true, isn't the act of a minority of people imposing it's will on the majority the ultimate corruption of democracy? I have some ideas about a way out but are not relevant if no one wants to talk. AND, I am still waiting on an explanation on how 'reform' works as opposed as it just being a slogan. Again, my condolences to the families of the injured. To avoid further bloodshed, I sincerely hope there is a way out.

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He kinda reminds me of someone.

actually these PDRC "guards" remind me more and more of the way Hitler started out with his SA - the thugs he had carry out all the dirty work, intimidation, planting of evidence, false accusations, murder - taking over police duties without being accountable - fabricating "evidence" - using the results in the Nazis propaganda network.

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Another cowardly attack on unarmed protesters. I hope they bring this Government to it's knee's asap. So sad to watch people get hurt and dying, almost on a daily basis, when they believe in peaceful protesting against a corrupt Government

Sorry but did you mean a High treason protest against and "ELECTED" government?

If we talking treason, lets start with the Shinawatra's...

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The bombings were planned to stir up emotions and raise support for the flagging numbers of Mr. Suthep protesters. Ms. Yingluck knows better than to disrupt or cause violence. Throughout these times, she has never condoned violence. "Protesters want to occupy police station - be my guest". So I find it difficult to believe she would start now.

On the other hand, the protests have not been going the direction Mr. Suthep wanted it to go. It must be beginning to hurt the pockets of his supporter. Actually, it is to the advantage of Ms. Yingluck to have a protracted protest - as it would drain the coffers of Suthep and his backers.

Therefore an early resolution to the conflict is what Suthep and his backers would want. Otherwise, it would mean more money should be shelled out a an increasingly reluctant group of shadow supporters.

Please explain me how bombing a group of protesters in broad daylight is going to encourage other people to join said protest were they can expect to be victims of further attacks.

I´ve asked that question to other posters spousing the same idea but I haven´t had an answer yet.

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There getting brave with daylight attacks now. Give the Weekend Warriors something to think about this weekend.

hoping for blood in the streets are we! Brave attacking peaceful protesters. Really How f*cked is that?

What we are hoping for is a peacful end to a fascist coup attempt.

The games almost up for Suthep and he has no allies as they have all been exposed and cornered this week by our sharp thinking and acting PM!!!

Enjoy it whllst it lasts as it is the last coup they will be able to stage in Thailand with any luck. Hope this will break the finiancial backs of their backers.

Before replying to these kind of things it would be nice if the posters could have a clue as to what is going on. Maybe they do but just hate to admit that the party they are backing is aiming to make one man a dictator. To top it all off he doesn't even live in Thailand.

The anti government protesters have continually called for peace and a honest government. Yet all these ill informed posters don't bother with that. If they think Yingluck is doing so much good compare what she is now doing and advocating to what she was doing and advocating three months ago. On paper it looks like she is in full retreat. Every day I wonder what else she is going to do to make Suthep's goal of an honest government come true.

Would one of these Shinawatra clan supporters care to explain to me why she doesn't want election reform before the election?whistling.gif

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What we really need is for a big bunch of reds to come to BKK and have massive and ugly street battles with the yellows.

Now that would make for some good TV.

that's cursing the good with ugly! what if someone wishes the same upon you??? are you thinking and shrinking fast??

who cares?

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