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Democrats boost pressure for caretaker PM Yingluck's resignation


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Democrats boost pressure for caretaker PM Yingluck's resignation
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BANGKOK, Jan 17 – The Democrat Party today called on caretaker Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra to resign for her alleged involvement in the controversial rice pledging scheme.

The National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC) announced yesterday that Ms Yingluck would be investigated in the rice subsidy fraudulent in which 15 people including former commerce minister Boonsong Teriyapirom were named suspects.

Democrat spokesman Chavanond Intarakomalyasut said the NACC’s decision has clearly indicated that the government’s scheme in the past two years was not intended to help farmers, but to open the door for politicians and traders to cheat from the national budget or the taxpayers’ money.

The NACC unanimously agreed that Mr Boonsong and his deputy Poom Sarapol were involved in hoaxes in deals for government-to-government rice sales to China, but there were no rice exports as claimed.

The NACC announced too that Ms Yingluck would be further probed for her alleged failure to stop the damage, despite her assuming the post of chairperson of the National Rice Policy Committee.

The Democrat spokesman said the government’s populism policy has been a severe blow to the country’s financial system and proved the government’s failure and corruption.

“It is no longer legitimate for Ms Yingluck to talk about national reform. She should show her responsibility by resigning,” said Mr Chavanond.

Warong Dejkitvikrom, former Democrat MP, said the NACC’s decision is a lesson for state officials who serve corrupt politicians until they are legally punished. (MCOT online news)

-- TNA 2014-01-17

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So how does this work? I was thinking about how they could cream a few hundred billion out of this. I suppose there is a fake rice sale to China. Someone pays for the rice at just under market prices.

The rice is never shipped, although there are some fake contracts etc to make it look legit. A few weeks later the unshipped rice is then re-plegded to the government for double the market price.

Seems like it would be pretty easy to pull this off, over and over with a few friends in the right positions.

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So how does this work? I was thinking about how they could cream a few hundred billion out of this. I suppose there is a fake rice sale to China. Someone pays for the rice at just under market prices.

The rice is never shipped, although there are some fake contracts etc to make it look legit. A few weeks later the unshipped rice is then re-plegded to the government for double the market price.

Seems like it would be pretty easy to pull this off, over and over with a few friends in the right positions.

And don't forget to investigate who has controlling interests in the mills and storage and transportation businesses. I don't think there will be many surprises when they are looked into also.

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So how does this work? I was thinking about how they could cream a few hundred billion out of this. I suppose there is a fake rice sale to China. Someone pays for the rice at just under market prices.

The rice is never shipped, although there are some fake contracts etc to make it look legit. A few weeks later the unshipped rice is then re-plegded to the government for double the market price.

Seems like it would be pretty easy to pull this off, over and over with a few friends in the right positions.


Apt name, buddy.

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Corruption on an industrial scale, while on Yinglucks watch, with Yingluck in charge and with Yingluck policing corruption. The buck stops with the darling of Issan.........

attachicon.gif Yingluck and Obama (2).jpg attachicon.gifYingluck corruption.jpg

Totally with you nothing to add really it was there before, people either didn't believe or were in denial. It is now apparent that these chosen ones cannot go on and bluff their way out of it. There is so come to come out of the woodwork, how can they be so stubborn thinking like some posters they have a right to stay on because they were democratically elected.

It is now past a joke, mark my words within a short space of time when more is revealed there will be many doing a runner. Flee the scene.

I wouldn't be surprised if some have not already gone before they can be charged.

I would like to see an order come out that passports be suspended for the PTP members, and rice millers/businesses and connections until this is sorted out with it being on a gigantic scale.

Edited by ginjag
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Corruption on an industrial scale, while on Yinglucks watch, with Yingluck in charge and with Yingluck policing corruption. The buck stops with the darling of Issan.........

attachicon.gif Yingluck and Obama (2).jpg attachicon.gifYingluck corruption.jpg

Totally with you nothing to add really it was there before, people either didn't believe or were in denial. It is now apparent that these chosen ones cannot go on and bluff their way out of it. There is so come to come out of the woodwork, how can they be so stubborn thinking like some posters they have a right to stay on because they were democratically elected.

It is now past a joke, mark my words within a short space of time when more is revealed there will be many doing a runner. Flee the scene.

I wouldn't be surprised if some have not already gone before they can be charged.

I would like to see an order come out that passports be suspended for the PTP members, and rice millers/businesses and connections until this is sorted out with it being on a gigantic scale.

Interesting point about suspension of passports, given the past / recent history of convicted people being allowed to leave the country then absconding.

I wonder if NACC has the power to do this or whether it's within it's remit to ask a higher / appropriate court to issue such an order, after a charge has been officially lodged.

Different point - the lady says that under the Thai constitution she cannot resign.

Seems to me this cannot be true. This surely would be contrary to basic human rights:

- the right to freedom to choose ones own path

- employer cannot write contract of employment which forbids employee to resign, etc.

Anybody get and deeper insight into whether Thai constitution really says she would be breaking the law if she resigned?

Edited by scorecard
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" The NACC unanimously agreed that Mr Boonsong and his deputy Poom Sarapol were involved in hoaxes in deals for government-to-government rice sales to China, but there were no rice exports as claimed. "

In the West, this alone would bring down an administration. And these transgressions are popping up on a daily basis - for anyone who has been brave enough to keep count.

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Corruption on an industrial scale, while on Yinglucks watch, with Yingluck in charge and with Yingluck policing corruption. The buck stops with the darling of Issan.........

attachicon.gif Yingluck and Obama (2).jpg attachicon.gifYingluck corruption.jpg

Totally with you nothing to add really it was there before, people either didn't believe or were in denial. It is now apparent that these chosen ones cannot go on and bluff their way out of it. There is so come to come out of the woodwork, how can they be so stubborn thinking like some posters they have a right to stay on because they were democratically elected.

It is now past a joke, mark my words within a short space of time when more is revealed there will be many doing a runner. Flee the scene.

I wouldn't be surprised if some have not already gone before they can be charged.

I would like to see an order come out that passports be suspended for the PTP members, and rice millers/businesses and connections until this is sorted out with it being on a gigantic scale.

Interesting point about suspension of passports, given the past / recent history of convicted people being allowed to leave the country then absconding.

I wonder if NACC has the power to do this or whether it's within it's remit to ask a higher / appropriate court to issue such an order, after a charge has been officially lodged.

Different point - the lady says that under the Thai constitution she cannot resign.

Seems to me this cannot be true. This surely would be contrary to basic human rights:

- the right to freedom to choose ones own path

- employer cannot write contract of employment which forbids employee to resign, etc.

Anybody get and deeper insight into whether Thai constitution really says she would be breaking the law if she resigned?

I have a feeling someone did post about this, was there a part that said like---illness-bereavement-scandal dishonesty- surely the PM is sworn in to uphold the law, and above all to protect her people abide by the constitution. If she does not carry out her duties she has to resign, I said before Maggie Thatcher resigned through pressure, her party carried on and elected a new leader. The problem with this is the PTP are equally guilty if the grounds of mega corruption took place.

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Go ahead with your Feb 2 elections because when they find you guilty for corruption, they're going to boot your ass out anyway. clap2.gif

In an ideal world, yes. Here, it's quite possible the head of the DSI will change his personal definition of corruption, the AG will see that there is not enough evidence to forward the case to the courts, and the whole matter will be dropped. Not likely? Change the charge from corruption to to perjury and it has already happened.

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their puny pressure adds up to little ,shes not going anywhere ,only a fool would walk away from bullyboy suthep

Suthep is the least of her problems at this point. The Nacc is going to throw her in jail where she deservesto be. Then 308 members of parliament will be tossed by the constitutional court. If by some unbelievable scenario she survives that she will be a little lonely in government house.

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their puny pressure adds up to little ,shes not going anywhere ,only a fool would walk away from bullyboy suthep

Suthep is the least of her problems at this point. The Nacc is going to throw her in jail where she deservesto be. Then 308 members of parliament will be tossed by the constitutional court. If by some unbelievable scenario she survives that she will be a little lonely in government house.

And then.........................?

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Corruption on an industrial scale, while on Yinglucks watch, with Yingluck in charge and with Yingluck policing corruption. The buck stops with the darling of Issan.........

attachicon.gif Yingluck and Obama (2).jpg attachicon.gifYingluck corruption.jpg

Totally with you nothing to add really it was there before, people either didn't believe or were in denial. It is now apparent that these chosen ones cannot go on and bluff their way out of it. There is so come to come out of the woodwork, how can they be so stubborn thinking like some posters they have a right to stay on because they were democratically elected.

It is now past a joke, mark my words within a short space of time when more is revealed there will be many doing a runner. Flee the scene.

I wouldn't be surprised if some have not already gone before they can be charged.

I would like to see an order come out that passports be suspended for the PTP members, and rice millers/businesses and connections until this is sorted out with it being on a gigantic scale.

Interesting point about suspension of passports, given the past / recent history of convicted people being allowed to leave the country then absconding.

I wonder if NACC has the power to do this or whether it's within it's remit to ask a higher / appropriate court to issue such an order, after a charge has been officially lodged.

Different point - the lady says that under the Thai constitution she cannot resign.

Seems to me this cannot be true. This surely would be contrary to basic human rights:

- the right to freedom to choose ones own path

- employer cannot write contract of employment which forbids employee to resign, etc.

Anybody get and deeper insight into whether Thai constitution really says she would be breaking the law if she resigned?

I have a feeling someone did post about this, was there a part that said like---illness-bereavement-scandal dishonesty- surely the PM is sworn in to uphold the law, and above all to protect her people abide by the constitution. If she does not carry out her duties she has to resign, I said before Maggie Thatcher resigned through pressure, her party carried on and elected a new leader. The problem with this is the PTP are equally guilty if the grounds of mega corruption took place.

Gin do you really believe Suthep and co would accept that and go home ? No the next will be the entire PTP are corrupt, which i believe to be true but................... i think we also know the other side is corrupt and given the chance would be to the same extent.

The country will not accept being ruled by the elite purely on their terms any longer that time has gone. There will not be corruption reforms or a rule of law for all high or low it will continue as it has in the past.

This MUST resolve by election and could take years sure, you imprison the corrupt and criminal but this must be unbiased and for all but it cant be simply because the elite control so many key areas to suit themselves. It will continue to be the elite controlling the ability to change things but they wont and itll continue to be the masses electing the alternative.

Until the elite change or a poorer honest group show up things will be as they always have.

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Corruption on an industrial scale, while on Yinglucks watch, with Yingluck in charge and with Yingluck policing corruption. The buck stops with the darling of Issan.........

attachicon.gif Yingluck and Obama (2).jpg attachicon.gifYingluck corruption.jpg

Totally with you nothing to add really it was there before, people either didn't believe or were in denial. It is now apparent that these chosen ones cannot go on and bluff their way out of it. There is so come to come out of the woodwork, how can they be so stubborn thinking like some posters they have a right to stay on because they were democratically elected.

It is now past a joke, mark my words within a short space of time when more is revealed there will be many doing a runner. Flee the scene.

I wouldn't be surprised if some have not already gone before they can be charged.

I would like to see an order come out that passports be suspended for the PTP members, and rice millers/businesses and connections until this is sorted out with it being on a gigantic scale.

Ohhh.... where's the intrepid DSI and their fearless leader when you need them???

They could announce today they're planning to place immigration/exit holds on all the named parties -- and then get around to actually doing something 5 or so years later, if anyone was actually left in country or remembered after all that time. whistling.gif

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Corruption on an industrial scale, while on Yinglucks watch, with Yingluck in charge and with Yingluck policing corruption. The buck stops with the darling of Issan.........

attachicon.gif Yingluck and Obama (2).jpg attachicon.gifYingluck corruption.jpg

Totally with you nothing to add really it was there before, people either didn't believe or were in denial. It is now apparent that these chosen ones cannot go on and bluff their way out of it. There is so come to come out of the woodwork, how can they be so stubborn thinking like some posters they have a right to stay on because they were democratically elected.

It is now past a joke, mark my words within a short space of time when more is revealed there will be many doing a runner. Flee the scene.

I wouldn't be surprised if some have not already gone before they can be charged.

I would like to see an order come out that passports be suspended for the PTP members, and rice millers/businesses and connections until this is sorted out with it being on a gigantic scale.

Interesting point about suspension of passports, given the past / recent history of convicted people being allowed to leave the country then absconding.

I wonder if NACC has the power to do this or whether it's within it's remit to ask a higher / appropriate court to issue such an order, after a charge has been officially lodged.

Different point - the lady says that under the Thai constitution she cannot resign.

Seems to me this cannot be true. This surely would be contrary to basic human rights:

- the right to freedom to choose ones own path

- employer cannot write contract of employment which forbids employee to resign, etc.

Anybody get and deeper insight into whether Thai constitution really says she would be breaking the law if she resigned?

She`s not employed, she`s elected, the same occurs for all the cabinet members. The constitution forbids them as an caretaker administration to abandon the sinking ship before a new election has been held. Not so difficult to understand ???

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their puny pressure adds up to little ,shes not going anywhere ,only a fool would walk away from bullyboy suthep

Suthep is the least of her problems at this point. The Nacc is going to throw her in jail where she deservesto be. Then 308 members of parliament will be tossed by the constitutional court. If by some unbelievable scenario she survives that she will be a little lonely in government house.

And then.........................?

And this is where the yellow posters thought process fails them even more. And then what indeed.

Lets here it, what will happen. Will Abhisit be elected? Will anybody be elected? Will the population just say "hey ho, there goes coup number 19, lets just let them have it this time and let them keep it for all time?

Nope, the coup will be the trigger for the real protest. This mob is just a facade driving Suthep back the trough because he has lost his way in politics and somehow has to save his skin and that of his followers.

Make no mistake. If there is no coup, this mob will be rounded up eventually. They got a lot of em all ready from The Ramkanghaeg shooting and bus burning. They'll easily get the rest as they are all on camera and FB selfies.

Government is playing cool hand, totally trounced PDRC in PR all over the world. Much as they don't like it, she has outsmarted them just by letting them have their space to throw their tantrum.

Coup possibilites are coming to an end in Thailand as you need older, lesser educated Army commanders in a situation with no media reporting on them to get away with it. Even they think they can't do it!!!! or they would have done already. The backers are losing a lot of money already and set to lose even more. Would love to see them having to clean their own cars and wash their own pots....

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Corruption on an industrial scale, while on Yinglucks watch, with Yingluck in charge and with Yingluck policing corruption. The buck stops with the darling of Issan.........

attachicon.gif.pagespeed.ce.eFBhf2OPKe.g Yingluck and Obama (2).jpg attachicon.gif.pagespeed.ce.eFBhf2OPKe.gYingluck corruption.jpg

Totally with you nothing to add really it was there before, people either didn't believe or were in denial. It is now apparent that these chosen ones cannot go on and bluff their way out of it. There is so come to come out of the woodwork, how can they be so stubborn thinking like some posters they have a right to stay on because they were democratically elected.

It is now past a joke, mark my words within a short space of time when more is revealed there will be many doing a runner. Flee the scene.

I wouldn't be surprised if some have not already gone before they can be charged.

I would like to see an order come out that passports be suspended for the PTP members, and rice millers/businesses and connections until this is sorted out with it being on a gigantic scale.

Interesting point about suspension of passports, given the past / recent history of convicted people being allowed to leave the country then absconding.

I wonder if NACC has the power to do this or whether it's within it's remit to ask a higher / appropriate court to issue such an order, after a charge has been officially lodged.

Different point - the lady says that under the Thai constitution she cannot resign.

Seems to me this cannot be true. This surely would be contrary to basic human rights:

- the right to freedom to choose ones own path

- employer cannot write contract of employment which forbids employee to resign, etc.

Anybody get and deeper insight into whether Thai constitution really says she would be breaking the law if she resigned?

She`s not employed, she`s elected, the same occurs for all the cabinet members. The constitution forbids them as an caretaker administration to abandon the sinking ship before a new election has been held. Not so difficult to understand ???

The situation would be totally different if the police arrested the prime minister and any other members of the caretaker administration because of fraud or other crimes. Then you can not say the caretaker left in oppose to the constitution. The problem will i such case be that the eventually not arressted members of the caretaker government has to carry on until election has been held and a transition to a new legally elected government has been done.

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So how does this work? I was thinking about how they could cream a few hundred billion out of this. I suppose there is a fake rice sale to China. Someone pays for the rice at just under market prices.

The rice is never shipped, although there are some fake contracts etc to make it look legit. A few weeks later the unshipped rice is then re-plegded to the government for double the market price.

Seems like it would be pretty easy to pull this off, over and over with a few friends in the right positions.

You've got it in 3 Nutshells.

You can fool some of the people some of the time.

You can fool all of the sheeple some of the time ,but you cannot fool somtam experts with the ole 3 shells,

Rice try

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I really hope Yingluck doesn't resign under this pressure. We know what this is all about, and we know who are trying to get rid of her.

They can't do it through the Army so they're trying to do it through the judiciary, while leaving the hapless Mr Suthep in charge of the "public outrage" part of the campaign.

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Corruption on an industrial scale, while on Yinglucks watch, with Yingluck in charge and with Yingluck policing corruption. The buck stops with the darling of Issan.........

attachicon.gif Yingluck and Obama (2).jpg attachicon.gifYingluck corruption.jpg

Totally with you nothing to add really it was there before, people either didn't believe or were in denial. It is now apparent that these chosen ones cannot go on and bluff their way out of it. There is so come to come out of the woodwork, how can they be so stubborn thinking like some posters they have a right to stay on because they were democratically elected.

It is now past a joke, mark my words within a short space of time when more is revealed there will be many doing a runner. Flee the scene.

I wouldn't be surprised if some have not already gone before they can be charged.

I would like to see an order come out that passports be suspended for the PTP members, and rice millers/businesses and connections until this is sorted out with it being on a gigantic scale.

Dubai population will soon increase. Hope they raise the rent there for the running clan. Big time.

And a new government can put out an international arrest warrant.

Edited by EricBerg
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So how does this work? I was thinking about how they could cream a few hundred billion out of this. I suppose there is a fake rice sale to China. Someone pays for the rice at just under market prices.

The rice is never shipped, although there are some fake contracts etc to make it look legit. A few weeks later the unshipped rice is then re-plegded to the government for double the market price.

Seems like it would be pretty easy to pull this off, over and over with a few friends in the right positions.

you are right ..that's how everything works in Thailand - if there is a loophole it will be exploited, if you can not do it alone you bring in the people you need and share the pie!

It has always been that way. Now the problem here is that they are ALL THE SAME! The problem is that in most other countries this would be a scandal - here it is normal procedure - take what you can while you are in the position to do it.

And the other problem is - and this is very sad - the only reason the opposition is bringing this up is because they are so jealous it was not them to be in the position to fill their pockets.

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Corruption on an industrial scale, while on Yinglucks watch, with Yingluck in charge and with Yingluck policing corruption. The buck stops with the darling of Issan.........

attachicon.gif Yingluck and Obama (2).jpg attachicon.gifYingluck corruption.jpg

Totally with you nothing to add really it was there before, people either didn't believe or were in denial. It is now apparent that these chosen ones cannot go on and bluff their way out of it. There is so come to come out of the woodwork, how can they be so stubborn thinking like some posters they have a right to stay on because they were democratically elected.

It is now past a joke, mark my words within a short space of time when more is revealed there will be many doing a runner. Flee the scene.

I wouldn't be surprised if some have not already gone before they can be charged.

I would like to see an order come out that passports be suspended for the PTP members, and rice millers/businesses and connections until this is sorted out with it being on a gigantic scale.

Interesting point about suspension of passports, given the past / recent history of convicted people being allowed to leave the country then absconding.

I wonder if NACC has the power to do this or whether it's within it's remit to ask a higher / appropriate court to issue such an order, after a charge has been officially lodged.

Different point - the lady says that under the Thai constitution she cannot resign.

Seems to me this cannot be true. This surely would be contrary to basic human rights:

- the right to freedom to choose ones own path

- employer cannot write contract of employment which forbids employee to resign, etc.

Anybody get and deeper insight into whether Thai constitution really says she would be breaking the law if she resigned?

She`s not employed, she`s elected, the same occurs for all the cabinet members. The constitution forbids them as an caretaker administration to abandon the sinking ship before a new election has been held. Not so difficult to understand ???

How did her brother quit the same position, Care Taker PM and another person I believe was

Royally Approved as CT PM, then big brother came back and retook the position but was not

Royally Approved, then his UN trip and his glorious ousting, big face


but he lied about the money in his driver and maids names, should have lost the court case!

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