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Customer service concerns vs defamation


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I'm being vague about this topic until I talk to my attorney, but would like some feedback.

I have a used vehicle that I bought for around approximately 75% of it's retail value. It was about two years old when I purchased it (Please: no trolls about buying second hand vehicles -- I've have slapped myself black and blue for being such a fool (figuratively). The vehicle manufacturer is currently breaking into the market.

As much as I enjoy driving this vehicle (and the ride is good, although could be better), it has had two major problems.

First - the overall quality is not good. There are defects in the paint and in the exhaust system that are documented elsewhere. Then read the rest of my post.

Second, my regional distributor's mechanical service is, well at best, is poor to almost negligent. Their service department does not check their work prior to returning the vehicle, and I have multiple instances of having problems related to the initial problem, and worst, additional problems I did not have prior to bringing the vehicle in for service. Also, generally I get the vehicle back with no attempt to clean it (I don't want a wash job! I want the vehicle back in the same condition the it entered the shop. Not smeared with grease and grime.)

Let's start from the beginning.

Problem 1:

Replace front light.

Problem 2:
The vehicle started leaking gas. I took it to the regional distributor's service shop. They replaced a fuel line.

Problem 3:

The vehicle has a switch to go from the main to reserve tank. The knob fell off after service.

Problem 4:
Took the vehicle back to replace the knob, but had to replace the entire fuel distribution unit. Guess they couldn't just replace the knob. No idea <deleted> not.

Problem 5:

Part of the engine housing fell off. Had a third party mechanic systemically check all bolts and screws on the vehicle and tighten. And I had him have a machine shop make a part to the steering assembly that had fallen off (don't know when)
Problem 6:

Rear shocks bottom out with a rider on the back (52 kilos ain't much weight) Discussed with dealer who just shrugged it off and said there was no solution. I asked about replacing them and was told 'no'. I still consider that to be BS.

Problem 7:

Replace the front light again.

Problem 8:

Replace the clutch.

Problem 9:

Once I got the vehicle back, it was leaking oil in puddles. Immediately took it back to dealer while wondering how much oil I lost.

Problem 10:

Second ride out, the clutch cable goes slack about 20km from the dealer. Drive back in 2nd gear, praying that I don't have to stop for anything. Once back to the shop, they showed me the clutch adjustment. My question, <deleted> wasn't the clutch cable tightened in the first place?

Problem 11: Can't get the vehicle to start. Take to third party to jump start (no hills where I live to compression start).

Problem 12: Oil is leaking from top of cylinder head. Note to self: take back to dealer in the next couple of days.

Problem 13: A day later there is a pool of gas under the previously 'fixed' fuel line.

Problem 14: Take vehicle back to dealer. Ask why it wasn't fixed? Dealer states that the third party must of damaged the fuel line while taking off the cover to check the battery. (Yep! Really!) Later tells my Thai companion that they replace one fuel line out of (I believe) three, and the other two lines had degraded and started leaking (this is a vehicle just over two years old! Had service department replace all fuel lines.

Problem 15: After driving the vehicle about 2 kms, I noticed that none of the display lights were working (shame on me, but you don't understand how badly I just want to get away for this dealer's service center after they 'work over' (pun intented) my vehicle.

Problem 16: Drive back to dealer an hour later. All the lights works prior prior to Problem 12, but the dashlights are now all non-functional. Service department determines that a wire distribution cable had malfunctioned.
Problem 17: Paid for the wire distribution cable, started the vehicle only to find the four of the five lights works (they all use to work prior to Problem 12.
Problem 18: Service department staff informs by that I need a new distribution network of five display bulbs (that worked prior to Problem 12. Now awaiting new parts.

My impression: The owner/service manager was rude, belligerent, and (obviously) excepted no fault at all -- heaven forbid, this is Thailand. The dude pulled out service receipts for the bike (written in Thai) , at one point told me that the bike had been purchase at a different dealer than his (not true, I have the receipt), told me that there were no such service problems (he had the receipts for the previous owner, not the ones I had), and basically disrespected me and my companion. Belligerent. That's probably the best word to describe the experience.

Now! I have all receipts for the vehicle except for maybe two of the problems, nor do I have receipts for work that was done to fix problems they created and fixed for free.

So! I'd really like to write a letter to, heck, the CEO, Head of Customer Service, and whoever else I can think of at the Thai Corporate level, if not the corporation in the manufacturers home country. What a farang thing to do. I've done it before in the West, and I've gotten results.

But!!!!! TIT and the corporation in the manufacturers home country is not a Western country. The latter I could care less about. But, and this is a big but - can I get sued for defamation in Thailand for complaining to the head corporation of an individual that holds a franchise for that company. Western countries generally like to know when their franchisees are screwing up -- but this ain't the West.

Also, I can't recommend this vehicle to anyone, primarily because it is a disaster from a quality point of view. POC if you know what that means.

So. Any recommendations or advice (other than trolls). I've done enough research to know I'm not the only person with problems with this particular company.

Edited by connda
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Very few companies in this part of the world have a good customer-service-minded attitude.

There have been spasmodic attempts to put in effective consumer protection laws here, but I'd be surprised if they would be practically helpful in your case.

Unless you put very little value on your time, I'd advise chalking it up to experience and cutting your losses.

Personally I'd stick with the Japanese brands, ideally Honda and Toyota full stop.

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WOW ... I thought my ride was bad ... and I only paid Bt 50,000 for it.

Good luck with that.

Well documented read ... thumbsup.gif

Actually, I really like driving this, errr, vehicle. But from a manufacturing point of view it's a piece of crap, and from a regional service center point of view -- well, it's bad...really bad. Really really bad.

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Very few companies in this part of the world have a good customer-service-minded attitude.

There have been spasmodic attempts to put in effective consumer protection laws here, but I'd be surprised if they would be practically helpful in your case.

Unless you put very little value on your time, I'd advise chalking it up to experience and cutting your losses.

Personally I'd stick with the Japanese brands, ideally Honda and Toyota full stop.

I'm with you 100%. My next purchase (after selling this POS at a deep discount is a Honda CBR 250. I've had Honda cars and bikes all my life and -- they are definitely excellent drives!

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Actually, I really like driving this, errr, vehicle. But from a manufacturing point of view it's a piece of crap, and from a regional service center point of view -- well, it's bad...really bad. Really really bad.

Buy the shop manual, start acquiring tools and learn to work on it yourself.

Not expensive to pay a trained mechanic to tutor you when you hit something that needs specialist tools or knowledge.

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WOW ... I thought my ride was bad ... and I only paid Bt 50,000 for it.

Good luck with that.

Well documented read ... thumbsup.gif

Actually, I really like driving this, errr, vehicle. But from a manufacturing point of view it's a piece of crap, and from a regional service center point of view -- well, it's bad...really bad. Really really bad.

why on gods green earth would you keep returning to the dealer, there are plenty of competent 3rd party garages around that could sort you out.


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Actually, I really like driving this, errr, vehicle. But from a manufacturing point of view it's a piece of crap, and from a regional service center point of view -- well, it's bad...really bad. Really really bad.

Buy the shop manual, start acquiring tools and learn to work on it yourself.

Not expensive to pay a trained mechanic to tutor you when you hit something that needs specialist tools or knowledge.

I think I'd have to go to Bangkok to find a factory trained mechanic because they obviously don't have any where I live -- seriously!

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Yep upcountry I'd say a Toyota pickup's the way to go.

Factory training's not needed for a decent guy's had tons of experience with the identical model.

Asking for trouble even driving a new marque out there much less living there with one.

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WOW ... I thought my ride was bad ... and I only paid Bt 50,000 for it.

Good luck with that.

Well documented read ... thumbsup.gif

Actually, I really like driving this, errr, vehicle. But from a manufacturing point of view it's a piece of crap, and from a regional service center point of view -- well, it's bad...really bad. Really really bad.

why on gods green earth would you keep returning to the dealer, there are plenty of competent 3rd party garages around that could sort you out.


Opss! My bad. Dyslexia sets in again! Oh, and my 3rd party garage wouldn't touch the clutch issue and recommended going back to the OEM dealer. Just saying! Yeah, that bad. 3rd parties don't want to touch them.

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Yep upcountry I'd say a Toyota pickup's the way to go.

Factory training's not needed for a decent guy's had tons of experience with the identical model.

Asking for trouble even driving a new marque out there much less living there with one.

My car??? 22 year old Toyota Corolla. My mechanic has the exact same make, model, and year. Runs like a top.

My other vehicle??? Remember, the manufacturer is just now breaking into the market. Ain't Honda. Ain't Toyota. Ain't Kawasaki. Ain't Yamaha.

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I've had excellent luck with 2nd hand autos. Except for one that I fell in love with and bought in spite of all the red flags.

On the other hand, there are brands out there I wouldn't touch if they were 90% off and only 1,000 km on the clock.

My sympathy for your problems, but I wouldn't let them put me off a 2nd hand Honda, Toyota, etc.

And now, a little Brit bashing... Had I read this thread back in the '80s, I'd have asked what color your Range Rover was.

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Customer service concerns vs deflamation

and (obviously) excepted no fault at all

I'm sure you could find a specialist attorney who would "except" to defend you if you were charged with "deflaming" someone.

Edited by Maestro
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WOW ... I thought my ride was bad ... and I only paid Bt 50,000 for it.

Good luck with that.

Well documented read ... thumbsup.gif

Actually, I really like driving this, errr, vehicle. But from a manufacturing point of view it's a piece of crap, and from a regional service center point of view -- well, it's bad...really bad. Really really bad.

why on gods green earth would you keep returning to the dealer, there are plenty of competent 3rd party garages around that could sort you out.


Thank goodness his spelling was corrected. I had no idea what he meant...actually, I did and preferred not to nanny him.

Live and Let Live

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Suzuki? why dont you just tell us the name.

I think it may be that company from China.

If so why would anybody expect to get anything other than what he got? Cheap + Chinese = ?

I'm still confused as to whether it's a motorbike or not. The OP mentions a bike, but looking at his list of complaints, you would think it was a car or truck.

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