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NSPTR Leader Killed During Election Blockade Rally

Lite Beer

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If he hadn't been blocking people from voting, he wouldn't have got killed. Just saying...

In the UK, I am going to vote and someone tried to tell me no do not vote, or threatened me I would get help-as in the police....BUT they are nowhere.

What do I do is get out my gun and kill him. ( thinking thattle teach him for trying to stop me).

If this guy is wrong--then where is your government ?? where are the police to help ? either clear the streets once and for all---OR cancel until the police get out of their dugouts and lend a hand. For both sides.

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Khun Ginjag!

Why do you assume I knuckle under, I don't. I have my own opinion as stated.

That it happens to agree with most of my family/friends is probably because we live in a rural community.

No we have not been made rich, but the PTP has done a lot more than anybody else for the rural community, health, education etc.

The dems did nothing.

And just taking your situation as one example , have your family and friends seen any evidence of specific pork barrelling by the PTP during these elections? I would have thought they haven't had the time to even think of any of that and they probably don't even have the money this time around.

So from what I can see voters in the rural areas will simply be voting by who they prefer to be in power without the other side being able to throw around accusations that there has been any vote buying ?

You are correct during the day they have no time, however they keep track as to what is going on in the evening, television, internet etc.

All I can say is what people around us are saying, that is they will vote for who will help them the most, but they will vote.

Both sides throw around the vote buying statements without much evidence to back it up, all these 500 Baht per person votes.

certainly not seen it here.

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Once again we see the true colours of the reds, they are the violent thugs and will kill anyone who op[poses them, even peacefull protesters. This is directly on yingluck and she is now responsible for this death. Comeon all you red lovers, start bragging how great you are now .

Please let me remind you once again. It was not Yingluck that started this problem, but his excellency the mouth from the south. So this death has to be directly his responsibility. If he had not started this problem, that man would still be alive and waiting for the next election whilst the Elected government would be getting on with running the country as they were popularly elected by a large majority to do.

Running the country or ruining the country !

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The poor poor victim here, who before lunchtime none of the posters here even knew he existed, suddenly becomes a hero, a fighter for his cause and a leader!!whistling.gif

He was one of the founding members of PAD's political party, New Politics Party, with a very facistlike ideologi: Only 30% of the parliament should be elected, and the rest appointed by different pressure groups in Thai society (An early "peoples council")

The party is by Asian Human Rights Commission described as a neo-facist party.

According to the party themselves, they are a Royalist, Nationalist, Rightwing party!

So here is a facts on your "hero"!bah.gif

Normally I don't condone violence, but with this small rat, I see it as pestcontrol.

He played with fire and got burned!!

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To make a simple analogy I would say this... the yellow Mob has been acting like a schoolyard bully .... but the rest of kids have had enough and are about gang up on the "Bully" and kick his YELLOW ASS.

Sent from my SM-N900 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Oh how intelligent you think you are.

Except someone was murdered in cold blood. Killing someone is not the same as standing up to him.

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All the red lovers in T.V. will now be happy - of course it was Suthep's own people who did it - just ask a red and bear in mind they never lie

Not beyond the realms of possibility though, is it?

You'll be claiming Bin Laden planned and executed the bringing down of the WTC, next.

And we all know that that particular claim myth belongs with Father Christmas and the Tooth-Fairy.

Keep an open mind at least.

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What did they expect to happen when they trample over the democratic rights of others? That people would just obediently accept it? They have sown the wind and they will reap the whirlwind.

You quote this from Che ? A hero to some a terrorist to those who care to learn a bit

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The poor poor victim here, who before lunchtime none of the posters here even knew he existed, suddenly becomes a hero, a fighter for his cause and a leader!!whistling.gif

He was one of the founding members of PAD's political party, New Politics Party, with a very facistlike ideologi: Only 30% of the parliament should be elected, and the rest appointed by different pressure groups in Thai society (An early "peoples council")

The party is by Asian Human Rights Commission described as a neo-facist party.

According to the party themselves, they are a Royalist, Nationalist, Rightwing party!

So here is a facts on your "hero"!bah.gif

Normally I don't condone violence, but with this small rat, I see it as pestcontrol.

He played with fire and got burned!!

It's the same with the police isn't it?

Any other time, there's nothing good to say about the BIBs. They're corrupt, they're lazy and they're useless. One policeman dies in a clash and suddenly he's the hero of all red sympathizers. whistling.gif

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What did they expect to happen when they trample over the democratic rights of others? That people would just obediently accept it? They have sown the wind and they will reap the whirlwind.

You quote this from Che ? A hero to some a terrorist to those who care to learn a bit

I just think he made really awesome T-shirts

Edited by onewhowalkswithbuffalo
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This just show how violence the Red shirt can be.

The Yellow shirt has the right to protest, and they did it without arms.

Yaaaaaay for no weapons!

Only sticks, iron bars, slingshots, rockets, molotov cocktails and pistols.

But no weapons.






Too bad these are all people of the redshirt / blackshirt Thaksin-paid brigade. What a maroon!


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When you prevent millions of people from exercising their voting rights you are bound to make a few bad ones angry. Killing someone is always wrong but he knew the risks of his actions and paid the price.

Spot on.

yeah sure .... with a brain like "Spot" the dog

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There is a huge difference between 2 men fighting for 2 very different things. In the Ukraine, Klitschko is among the protesters, even at the very front of the fights with police. He is fighting for Democracy, calling for elections. Suthep on the other hand is currently in a safe house according to the latest media reports, hoping his supporters will make a power grab for him and is not afraid of causing a civil war in order to prevent elections. Two men, one a hero, one a coward.

It's my understanding that the present government in the Ukraine is democratically elected and the troubles are the same as in Thailand, in that the opposition just don't understand that in a democracy, Governments rule.

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All the red lovers in T.V. will now be happy - of course it was Suthep's own people who did it - just ask a red and bear in mind they never lie

No evidence that it was a red, may have been a pissed off citizen from either the reds, whites or yellows who didn't like these morons stripping away their right to vote.

Time to take of your sunglasses

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what shameful behavior, these people are surely still primitive

You nailed it. Primitive, uneducated animals. However, why arn't they educated properly (government's fault). Where were the police and the army to stop or prevent this from happening? Seems like everyone and anyone who can stop this bullshit are to busy with their head up their <deleted>. There are a number of options 1) Yinluck could walk away and let someone else take over and proceed with he election 2) Have a proper political system with multiple parties 3) The army could move in and take over 4) There is also a number of people who could stop everything at the drop of a hat. What I don't understand is why isn't anyone doing anything or why her party hasn't thrown her out themselves?

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Fastest growing thread of the year. Why all the hot air about one dead terrorist?

One of thee most sick posts in a long time.

He had a purpose, he had a vision, he had a family right or wrong he believed in what he did was right. your view is so heartless and will steer clear of anything you post in the future, I had to say this without going to the mods, your insensitive.

Most terrorists have families. Doesn't mean they should get away with their crimes.

Terrorist? Did he kill anyone? Did he burn down a building? Did he blow up anything? He was murdered because he protested against a vile and corrupt family. For you to brand him a terrorist after he was shot in cold blood shows you're just as vile as the Shinawatras. bah.gif

he did not just protest though, he tried to prevent Thai citizens from voting, which is a democratic right. A right that cannot and should not be taken away by anyone.

Therefore don't look for any sympathy from me, as he quite clearly doesn't deserve any.

The only criticism here is that he should have been arrested (by the police) and be tried for violating the law instead of being shot dead.

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Very well written

To those who are responsible for this Murder

You have just opened Pandoras Box

once open you will find it hard to close again

Wow, you have solved the case !!

So who did it then ? Who shot him ? What is their name and ID card number ?

Are they from Udon ? Or Surat Thani ? Or Cambodia ? Or a jihadist from down south ?

I await you to post their photo and their ID card number as you are sure it was a "RED" and you claim so.

So based on these claims, please provide the details of who it was along with absolute proof they are a red shirt, not a yellow in disguise, or a black shirt, or green shirt, or blue shirt, or made in Cambodia shirt.........

I await..............

In my opinion of course.

Read Digest THEN respond to posts please! Whether a red shirt, yellow shirt, purple monkey or Suthep in disguise shot him doesn't matter - The box is open... And it's not good news for ANYONE in this country. Tezza never claims to know any details - he's just speculating on possible consequential events

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That is not true.

The leader said more than 6 million came out on the street to protest in Bangkok alone.

BKK have 10 million people.

So, not counting those supporter at home, 60% of Bangkok people will go to black the polling stations.

Just like today, more than 90% (47 of total 50) of the polling station were closed by Suthep's PCAD.

Rest in Piece... nobody should be dying on this road to nowhere.......Whomever said 6 million came out into the streets is smoking VIAGRA... and it has given him a false sense of inflation... it's called creative math but...don't take my word for it.... Google a look at Wembley Stadium Filled to the max for a Queen concert (110,000) and then look at the drone shots of PCADS six million claim... at best 550k or slightly more..(if that) and remember Viagra.. no matter how ingested is only a temporary condition... it serves the purpose for a short time but at the end of the day... reality sets back in...not sure anybody will actually believe that 6 million of the approximately 9.3 BKK residents were in the streets protesting... but I guess if you repeat a lie long enough there are those that actually believe it..except maybe the leader who said it...

I'm grateful for this reflection -- as by now I wonder ab the effects of "smoking VIAGRA" on the foundations of... demoscarcy... on TVF? Pls?

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Killing someone is always wrong but are we surprised it happens when this is what happens when wanting to vote?


is that a red shirt guy?

As we have no idea what brought this on, how can you make a jugdment

before the photo was taken he could have spit in this guys eye

or even kicked and punched him

take a good photos and then create a spin so it fit you bias

Can you put some spin on this....041.jpg

Or spin your way out of why this Democrat leader said on Channel News Asia that the Democrat Party had no links with Suthep. Nice whistleabhisit-and-whistle.jpg

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Once again we see the true colours of the reds, they are the violent thugs and will kill anyone who op[poses them, even peacefull protesters. This is directly on yingluck and she is now responsible for this death. Comeon all you red lovers, start bragging how great you are now .

Please let me remind you once again. It was not Yingluck that started this problem, but his excellency the mouth from the south. So this death has to be directly his responsibility. If he had not started this problem, that man would still be alive and waiting for the next election whilst the Elected government would be getting on with running the country as they were popularly elected by a large majority to do.

You seem to have a very short memory my friend. The previous government were democratically elected and remember the red shirt riots in Bangkok that practically closed the capital down for 6 months and the number of dead then? After which we had a rigged election and the sister of a convicted felon (with no previous experience in politics) becomes Prime Minister? You think this is okay? Basically the corrupt Shinawatra dynasty has to go for this country to move forward. If it does not, then you would do well to remember the last time people wore red in southeast Asia. That time 2.5 million lost their lives. Taksin's strings are being pulled by the very same people who pulled Pol Pot's. It's about enslaving all the people here and you really don't get it. Unfortunately the next election will be rigged and so the democratic process does not and will not work now in Thailand. This is why we have the current protests because the people have no faith in the system and rightly so. Thaksin has now bought, or at least moved his cronies into, all senior positions the judiciary, police and army. So let's not knock Suthep. Let us first get rid of the Shinawatras, then put something better in their place.

Totally agree

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What is happening to this country!!!

Sent from my GT-N7100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

I think Thailand is about to learn a lesson that elections are better than guns and that clean elections are better than dirty politics.

This country is reaping the whirlwind if generations of educational neglect and institutional corruption.

Where are the police, where are the political commentators, where are the intelligentsia, where are the experts?

Nowhere. They have ALL had their opinion bought. All corrupt, all with a vested interest.

To answer your questions: what do you think? That ppl are inept to understand their own situation?

& yes, sure, there _is_ a vested interest: being alive.

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Just listed to all the anti democracy posters on here!

Their beloved yellow shirt thugs have been running riot all over Bkk for the past 2 months, killing and intimidating Thai citizens and trying their best to stop the people from their right to vote.

As soon as the citizens come out to stop them and restore law and order so the people can excercise their right to vote...They cry foul!

This is the mind set of these so called "good people".

Do you actually know what the word "thugs" means or are you just copying you fellow indoctrinated partisans?

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he did not just protest though, he tried to prevent Thai citizens from voting, which is a democratic right. A right that cannot and should not be taken away by anyone.

Therefore don't look for any sympathy from me, as he quite clearly doesn't deserve any.

The only criticism here is that he should have been arrested (by the police) and be tried for violating the law instead of being shot dead.

No one expects your sympathy knowing where it lies.

Whatever the case, preventing someone from voting is a far cry from being a 'terrorist'. People like to use that word a lot. They either don't know what a terrorist is or are deliberately misusing the word.

This was never about upholding the law. This was cold blooded murder. Simple as that.

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Violence is ugly and never justified, no matter what your opinion of the two sides in this conflict. But to those who express shock on this forum, I can only assume that you either don't read the papers, are being disingenuous or have very little idea of the true nature of the country you are in. visit nationmaster.com and you will quickly discover that Thailand has the 3rd highest rate of gun murders in the country. Despite the Amazing Thailand promotions and The Land of Smiles image, Thailand, despite being a wonderful country, is unfortunately populated by people (many in political office) who routinely settle scores by attacking and/or murdering others. This was seen vividly in 1973, 1976 and 1992, but away from the cameras happens all the time.

One thing you learn once we've been here for a few years and lost the roe-tinted specs is to never, ever, truly upset a Thai person unless you have a swift exit available. Jai yen yen has a flip-side: if you bottle things up, sooner or later the pressure will force an explosion.

I suppose it's the same with politics: don't mess with people's freedoms unless you're willing to suffer the rage of others. Which, of course, does not make it right. But it is as much an aspect of Thailand as the smiles and the wais, sadly.

Edited by Ozymandias
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To make a simple analogy I would say this... the yellow Mob has been acting like a schoolyard bully .... but the rest of kids have had enough and are about gang up on the "Bully" and kick his YELLOW ASS.

Sent from my SM-N900 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

How this mans death fills you with so much smug satisfaction is beyond me. The attempts to block voting is wrong but no one deserves to die for it. Yours and others gloating over his death is vile.

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He was from the student network, not pcad.

Protesters are the minority in bkk and they will suffer further losses next Sunday, if they try to block polling boots

You think 5 million protester (and growing) are a minority, give a break !! Are you looking only the red shirt tv channel ?

I suggest you read londonthai's previous posts.

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What did they expect to happen when they trample over the democratic rights of others? That people would just obediently accept it? They have sown the wind and they will reap the whirlwind.

You quote this from Che ? A hero to some a terrorist to those who care to learn a bit

The Bible Hosea 8:7

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