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thai police interested in my GF!


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A lot of farang are to scared to let their mrs work incase she runs off with customers, encourage her to work and if she needs to start her own noodle shop support her it's not expensive.

I'm watching channel 3 just now chompoo is on...

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

yah .. thats what i am doing now...

so they have thai channel 3 where you are. cos you left the country hence this post - hehe

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Now I am hearing 2 sides of solution..be afraid and not afraid. ...

Guess we will just live with it..

Today she appeared busy and had her dad entertaining him through...and she say he looked bored already...

Sent from my SM-N9005 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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I fear the answer to your 4 questions are:





Bring out the rose tinted glasses brigade to flog me with their keyboards of death.

Your gf needs to be polite and consistent with her answers and he will probably get bored.

OP, you should put down your armour, shield and broadsword and ignore drivel like this quoted post from people who are probably scared of their own shadows. You just know he's the kind of Westerner who'd be too frightened to question a Thai who'd shortchanged him at a noodle stall in case he got bludgeoned to death with a ladle. laugh.png

Ok so a copper's taken a shine to your bird; so what?!

She's not up for it. That's pretty much all you need to know.

Your bird is Thai and, as such, has probably forgotten more about what it takes to ease through life in this country than any of the farts on Thaivisa will ever learn

Sure, she might be "disturbed" right now but if and/or when push comes to shove, she'll almost definitely know someone who can make the issue disappear.

And since you know so much about Thailand, you would know that the police officer in question might very well know someone who will tell the someone the OP's girlfriend engages to make the issue disappear to mind his own damn business.

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I fear the answer to your 4 questions are:





Bring out the rose tinted glasses brigade to flog me with their keyboards of death.

Your gf needs to be polite and consistent with her answers and he will probably get bored.

OP, you should put down your armour, shield and broadsword and ignore drivel like this quoted post from people who are probably scared of their own shadows. You just know he's the kind of Westerner who'd be too frightened to question a Thai who'd shortchanged him at a noodle stall in case he got bludgeoned to death with a ladle. laugh.png

Ok so a copper's taken a shine to your bird; so what?!

She's not up for it. That's pretty much all you need to know.

Your bird is Thai and, as such, has probably forgotten more about what it takes to ease through life in this country than any of the farts on Thaivisa will ever learn

Sure, she might be "disturbed" right now but if and/or when push comes to shove, she'll almost definitely know someone who can make the issue disappear.

And since you know so much about Thailand, you would know that the police officer in question might very well know someone who will tell the someone the OP's girlfriend engages to make the issue disappear to mind his own dam_n business.

And since you know so much about Thailand, I guess you'd advise they move into a safe house, employ armed guards and horde tinned food until the copper's interest wanes, right?

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I fear the answer to your 4 questions are:





Bring out the rose tinted glasses brigade to flog me with their keyboards of death.

Your gf needs to be polite and consistent with her answers and he will probably get bored.

OP, you should put down your armour, shield and broadsword and ignore drivel like this quoted post from people who are probably scared of their own shadows. You just know he's the kind of Westerner who'd be too frightened to question a Thai who'd shortchanged him at a noodle stall in case he got bludgeoned to death with a ladle. laugh.png

Ok so a copper's taken a shine to your bird; so what?!

She's not up for it. That's pretty much all you need to know.

Your bird is Thai and, as such, has probably forgotten more about what it takes to ease through life in this country than any of the farts on Thaivisa will ever learn

Sure, she might be "disturbed" right now but if and/or when push comes to shove, she'll almost definitely know someone who can make the issue disappear.

And since you know so much about Thailand, you would know that the police officer in question might very well know someone who will tell the someone the OP's girlfriend engages to make the issue disappear to mind his own dam_n business.

And since you know so much about Thailand, I guess you'd advise they move into a safe house, employ armed guards and horde tinned food until the copper's interest wanes, right?

No -- I gave my advice in Post # 28.

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Now I am hearing 2 sides of solution..be afraid and not afraid. ...

Guess we will just live with it..

Today she appeared busy and had her dad entertaining him through...and she say he looked bored already...

Sent from my SM-N9005 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

The only thing you should be afraid of is that your GF will fall for this other guy and dump you. Some of the comments on this thread amazes me. Do these guys think that a Thai policeman is like freakin Gaddafi or Idi Amin, they can just go anywhere and choose any woman they want? Don't think so. Now if you were to intentionally insult this guy or publicly humiliate him, I would imagine he would react like any cop would anywhere else.

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Be nice to the policeman, invite him out when you go drinking. If you're a reasonable person (happy, calm, generous, etc) he won't screw you over and you'll be able to count on him if you have problems with other people.

Invite him out for a drink while he is trying to get in your girl's knickers?? Really? I would have thought that distancing him would be a better option.

He is a customer in a noodle shop, a policeman, not a celebrity. If he is annoying to your GF, tell her to tell him to p1ss off. Let her work it out Thai to Thai, don't have to be nasty about it.

It worries me that advice like this is given, based on stories told about the bad side of the BiB which seems to make them all out to be nightmares.

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What does he speak to you on the phone about..?

he is friendly.. ask me how is the weather in my country, ask me when am i coming to see her again?

my gf is not rude to him but is not showing too keen to talk to him as well...

I new this would happen one day..!! darn...

hope someone can give some advise to counter

Sounds a Gay BIB

Wow you have a BF also

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The only thing you should be afraid of is that your GF will fall for this other guy and dump you. Some of the comments on this thread amazes me. Do these guys think that a Thai policeman is like freakin Gaddafi or Idi Amin, they can just go anywhere and choose any woman they want?

This is short-sighted.

Assuming this is not an outright troll, the police officers actions are noteworthy. Constantly flirting with a woman who is not interested and is already in a relationship and then always wanting her to invite her foreigner boyfriend into the conversation is hardly normal behavior. The officer might not be Gaddafi, but in his own mind he probably imagines himself that way, which does make him dangerous. I really don't envy the OPs position.

Edited by farang000999
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I have had this issue.

How it develops depends entirely on your gf. Thai girls are used to being hit on and have excellent defences. Just let her deal with it by being polite and giving the bib the clear message she is not interested. Do not get involved and sooner or later he will get bored and disappear.

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The only thing you should be afraid of is that your GF will fall for this other guy and dump you. Some of the comments on this thread amazes me. Do these guys think that a Thai policeman is like freakin Gaddafi or Idi Amin, they can just go anywhere and choose any woman they want?

This is short-sighted.

Assuming this is not an outright troll, the police officers actions are noteworthy. Constantly flirting with a woman who is not interested and is already in a relationship and then always wanting her to invite her foreigner boyfriend into the conversation is hardly normal behavior. The officer might not be Gaddafi, but in his own mind he probably imagines himself that way, which does make him dangerous. I really don't envy the OPs position.

C'mon, get serious. I had an ex-GF get hit-on by a cop when she got stopped for a traffic infraction. She handled it. Never heard from him again. Police officers are men as well and they will approach women that they're interested in all the time. They will get rejected occasionally, just like all men.

Having said that, there are rogue cops out there who will do crazy things. But I wouldn't assume that every cop was like that. As someone else mentioned, let the GF handle it and the farang keep out of it.

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The copper has zero to offer, no money and a wee cock I doubt he is hanging out the back of her, you've done what you can by setting her up if she is any decent girl then she will be happy.

Post up the address of noodle shop I'd be keen to try some

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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I fear the answer to your 4 questions are:





Bring out the rose tinted glasses brigade to flog me with their keyboards of death.

Your gf needs to be polite and consistent with her answers and he will probably get bored.

OP, you should put down your armour, shield and broadsword and ignore drivel like this quoted post from people who are probably scared of their own shadows. You just know he's the kind of Westerner who'd be too frightened to question a Thai who'd shortchanged him at a noodle stall in case he got bludgeoned to death with a ladle. laugh.png

Ok so a copper's taken a shine to your bird; so what?!

She's not up for it. That's pretty much all you need to know.

Your bird is Thai and, as such, has probably forgotten more about what it takes to ease through life in this country than any of the farts on Thaivisa will ever learn

Sure, she might be "disturbed" right now but if and/or when push comes to shove, she'll almost definitely know someone who can make the issue disappear.

A little bit harsh and personal from someone who doesn't know me. I was just answering the questions he put with no regard to my personality but from what I have seen and read. The Police can and do arrest people without reason. They can make business owners lives difficult. There is little or no help for foreigners. And there is no-one who can help with a dishonest cop. Does that make me a coward or a realist? I know the answer to that but don't let that stop you knowing me better on the basis of an opinion.

But you are correct that his girlfriend probably knows how to swim through the muddy waters of Thailand better than any Westerner.

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I fear the answer to your 4 questions are:





Bring out the rose tinted glasses brigade to flog me with their keyboards of death.

Your gf needs to be polite and consistent with her answers and he will probably get bored.

OP, you should put down your armour, shield and broadsword and ignore drivel like this quoted post from people who are probably scared of their own shadows. You just know he's the kind of Westerner who'd be too frightened to question a Thai who'd shortchanged him at a noodle stall in case he got bludgeoned to death with a ladle. laugh.png

Ok so a copper's taken a shine to your bird; so what?!

She's not up for it. That's pretty much all you need to know.

Your bird is Thai and, as such, has probably forgotten more about what it takes to ease through life in this country than any of the farts on Thaivisa will ever learn

Sure, she might be "disturbed" right now but if and/or when push comes to shove, she'll almost definitely know someone who can make the issue disappear.

A little bit harsh and personal from someone who doesn't know me. I was just answering the questions he put with no regard to my personality but from what I have seen and read. The Police can and do arrest people without reason. They can make business owners lives difficult. There is little or no help for foreigners. And there is no-one who can help with a dishonest cop. Does that make me a coward or a realist? I know the answer to that but don't let that stop you knowing me better on the basis of an opinion.

But you are correct that his girlfriend probably knows how to swim through the muddy waters of Thailand better than any Westerner.

Yeah you're right, mate.

Apologies for the dig

Anyway, back to the topic;

Your answers encourage the OP to expect the worst case scenario to ensue and that is daft not to mention completely unhelpful.

I mean, if the copper was a mid-ranking officer rather than just a street grunt then there might be some justification for a heightened level of caution but, going on the available evidence, it's just a bloke who fancies another bloke's bird; he just happens to be a copper.

If the cards are so stacked against us with the police here, why isn't every other TV forum member fighting a lawsuit for wrongful arrest?

Why aren't we being jailed in droves?

Frankly, it's far more likely that you're just regurgitating tall stories passed through the farang rumour mill a couple of hundred times and repackaging them as fact in an effort to portray the country as some kinda lawless wonderland

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She must be a hotty...any pics ?

Please!!!!!!!!!!! You think a hottie is going to go the noodle shop route.

Anyway.....You buy a shop to teach a young girl whats its like to work- may or may not work.

You dont buy a shop for a girl youve seen nude.

I bet girl will get bored after the novelty wears off and op will have a worthless noodle shop and prolly no gf.

What makes guys think buying Noodles , Hair, shops will work? I dont get it!

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