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Do you find Moslems more noticeable than before where you ive

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I live in Kamala which was 80% Moslem when i first moved over from Patong 18 years ago. Up until a few years ago they did not dress any noticeable diferent than the other thais on the island

BUT more and more i see many more young women wearing the head scarf around town, shopping, in the market, working, on their way to school, out in the daytime,etc etc.

I have also spent some time in the far south these past few months, ( down to Satun, around south Thailand, Yalla, Betong, Hat Yai and as far north as Chumpon and see more an more Mosques around.

Speaking with local thais, it appears many of the younger men are travelling to the south and spending time in schools, (hate to use the term indoctorated ) and there returning to Phuket and telling others what's going on.

Is anyone else seeing this on other parts of the island??

This is one issue,( independence or at least more say in how their area is governed) ) that every Thai goverment, since i have lived here has ignored. Just wondering how much longer will it be till we see something happen here.

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RE: "Speaking with local thais, it appears many of the younger men are travelling to the south and spending time in schools, (hate to use the term indoctorated ) and there returning to Phuket and telling others what's going on."

I am glad you refrained from using the word "indoctrinated", or a close facsimile thereof.

For a start, most Phuket Muslims who went to a religious school in Patani would not have a clue about what was going on as they don't speak the language.

(NOTE: I spell it with a single 't' to refers to the entire disputed territory as oppose to the Thai government designated province)

IMHO, the conflict down there stems mostly from Patanians wanting to maintain their ethnic identity, and their unique brand of Malay is at the core of it: not religion. Not only does the Thai govt build them provincial mosques at taxpayer expense (which I disagree with) but they also have paid to fly hundreds of Muslims to Mecca for the Hajj. Even the Organization of the Islamic Conference has tacitly conceded that this is not a religious conflict, though there are some radical elements on facebook that might have you believe so.

To be honest, I really like the attitude of the Muslim women in covering up a little bit at a time when the rest of the world seems to be awash in outrageous narcissistic behavior and digital porn.

The only part that I don't like about it is that it is sexist; but so are all the other major religions: In Buddhism women can't be monks, in Catholicism they can't be clergy. All of these religions were invented by men, for men. I don't understand why so many women put up with it.

We need to find the happy medium, which lies somewhere between the burka and what you might view on pornhub.

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This was the point of my thread,

not about the south but about the obvious more noticeable Moslem women wearing the head scarf,

I live in Kamala which was 80% Moslem when i first moved over from Patong 18 years ago. Up until a few years ago they did not dress any noticeable diferent than the other thais on the island

BUT more and more i see many more young women wearing the head scarf around town, shopping, in the market, working, on their way to school, out in the daytime,etc etc.

I prefer my moslem neighbors than any of my Thai neighbors i had in Patong before. In patong i had bars on my windows and stil had my house broken into 3 times, here in kamla, no bars on windows, never even lock the windows and never had my home broken into

BTW i figure the numbers have dropped to high 60 % as many Farangs and Buddhists have moved over here


This was the point of my thread,

not about the south but about the obvious more noticeable Moslem women wearing the head scarf,

I live in Kamala which was 80% Moslem when i first moved over from Patong 18 years ago. Up until a few years ago they did not dress any noticeable diferent than the other thais on the island

BUT more and more i see many more young women wearing the head scarf around town, shopping, in the market, working, on their way to school, out in the daytime,etc etc.

I prefer my moslem neighbors than any of my Thai neighbors i had in Patong before. In patong i had bars on my windows and stil had my house broken into 3 times, here in kamla, no bars on windows, never even lock the windows and never had my home broken into

BTW i figure the numbers have dropped to high 60 % as many Farangs and Buddhists have moved over here

I take it then that your "Muslim" neighbours are not Thai - weird!!!


One advantage of living in a Muslim area ==> no soi dogs!!

For 'newbies' to Thailand, it is important to distinguish between the ethnic Thai population who follow Islam and the Malay Muslims of the 3 southern provinces. They may be bound by religion, but their stance on being 'Thai' is worlds apart.

However, I always have an underlying concern that blood is thicker than water, and that the Thai Muslims may be dragged into the southern conflict through religious conviction and support for their Malay 'brothers'.

Back to the OP - no, I haven't noticed an increase in the Muslim population, because I do not live in an area where there is a Mulsim population. Curiously, several of our Moobahn neighbours rear pot-bellied Vietnamese pigs, which are allowed to roam at will throughout the village, scattering rubbish and whatever all over the area. I often wonder why my Buddhist neighbours tolerate this nightly scavenging and wandering of these pigs....



muslim population growing bigger every year in thailand..

Not just Thailand..their population is increasing in multiple cities in multiple countries world wide...


muslim population growing bigger every year in thailand..

Not just Thailand..their population is increasing in multiple cities in multiple countries world wide...

I think this is a lot to do with a trend in ''social fashion'' i.e EMO, ROckers etc... it was/ is seen as the new mysterious east. In the 70/80s Eastern philosophy was de rigeur, now somehting new. MIke Tyson, Cat Stevens or Yusef Islam?


Just regular folk here in Kamala. I do enjoy the many Muslim noodle and curry shops throughout the village.


Muslims see dogs as unlean and do something about it, unlike the rest of Thailand, good for them

Not so great when It's someones pet, i.e a beautiful golden retriever that was baited in Kamala quite a few yrs ago.

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"To be honest, I really like the attitude of the Muslim women in covering up a little bit at a time when the rest of the world seems to be awash in outrageous narcissistic behavior and digital porn."

Fully, absolutely, completely, 100%, entirely, totally disagree.

I fully, absolutely, completely, 100%, entirely, totally (and I will raise you one 'wholeheartedly') suspect that you don't have any daughters....tongue.png

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Seems like the cranked the muezzin speaker up a bit in Rawai. I live 2kms away from the mosquee and I can hear it quite clearly, more than before. Or maybe it's the season winds that chained the perception. Kinda annoying considering the fact that only a minority of muslims are living there, but not so much. My neighbour's dogs are a nightmare in comparison.


"To be honest, I really like the attitude of the Muslim women in covering up a little bit at a time when the rest of the world seems to be awash in outrageous narcissistic behavior and digital porn."

Fully, absolutely, completely, 100%, entirely, totally disagree.

I fully, absolutely, completely, 100%, entirely, totally (and I will raise you one 'wholeheartedly') suspect that you don't have any daughters....tongue.png

i have one ( 19 now) and find it strange that at any women would submit to allowing her husband/.father/etc telling her she has to cover her face and body.

Guys the point i was making is here in Kamala i see more of the moslem younger girls wearing the head scarf now vs a few years ago., There are not more moving into Kamala, just more covering up.


"To be honest, I really like the attitude of the Muslim women in covering up a little bit at a time when the rest of the world seems to be awash in outrageous narcissistic behavior and digital porn."

Fully, absolutely, completely, 100%, entirely, totally disagree.

I fully, absolutely, completely, 100%, entirely, totally (and I will raise you one 'wholeheartedly') suspect that you don't have any daughters....tongue.png

i have one ( 19 now) and find it strange that at any women would submit to allowing her husband/.father/etc telling her she has to cover her face and body.

Guys the point i was making is here in Kamala i see more of the moslem younger girls wearing the head scarf now vs a few years ago., There are not more moving into Kamala, just more covering up.

If as you say more Westen foreigners moving into the area, would be a good defence mechanism to minimalise being 'approached'


"To be honest, I really like the attitude of the Muslim women in covering up a little bit at a time when the rest of the world seems to be awash in outrageous narcissistic behavior and digital porn."

Fully, absolutely, completely, 100%, entirely, totally disagree.

I fully, absolutely, completely, 100%, entirely, totally (and I will raise you one 'wholeheartedly') suspect that you don't have any daughters....tongue.png

i have one ( 19 now) and find it strange that at any women would submit to allowing her husband/.father/etc telling her she has to cover her face and body.

Guys the point i was making is here in Kamala i see more of the moslem younger girls wearing the head scarf now vs a few years ago., There are not more moving into Kamala, just more covering up.

If as you say more Westen foreigners moving into the area, would be a good defence mechanism to minimalise being 'approached'

I hear this arguemnt a lot and find it total nonsense! I have live & worked in the M.E. & other muslim countries and local girls still get hassled. Most men looking for ladies know where & when to approach said targets.......

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