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Steroids for Exercise


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I've been out of shape for a long time but I'm trying to get fit again.

Every time I exercise I get really stiff and sore the next day and have to wait for days before I can exercise again.

I'm not lifting weights,just doing press-ups and crunches and stretches but I really pay for it after.

I don't want to be misunderstood in two ways-1 I am not into body building and-2, I don't want anything illegal

So I've heard that some testosterone based drugs and other mild performance enhancing drugs are legal in Thailand.Does anyone know anything about these.

I just want to take something for a month to get used to exercising and then wean myself off for another month while keeping up the exercise.

Does anybody know what drugs are on sale over the counter in Thailand for this.

I would prefer tablets to injections because I am only going to be taking them for a short while.

If some body could advise me on some drugs or brand names or even another forum,preferably Thai based I would be grateful.


PS I'm a 48 year old male

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You are half right, half wrong....

Testosterone as middle+ age man in small amounts might be a good idea. Sure some members here can advise on it...I don't know much about it.

But steroids, while helping a bit on the recovery are complete wrong in your situation.

First start slow....make exercises so little and light weight that you just feel a bit next day...but not much, than give your body two days for recovery and do it again, but a bit more, bit more hard...up to the feeling you got last times next day.

And take good care that you eat enough protein to help your muscles recover and improve. With steroids you have a very high risk to damage joints and tendons, as they adjust much slower than muscle even without steroids. With steroids you surely overload them.

Make a good plan how to exercise, best with weights and you'll have an amazing increase of power and muscle in the first few month, and even better if you had more muscles in the past as they somehow "remember" their past. Many members here can point you in the right direction.

Steroids are something when the natural way slows down. Or for people who have medical reasons....

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Every time I exercise I get really stiff and sore the next day and have to wait for days before I can exercise again.

That is exactly your problem. You should start with very light exercises, so that you're able to continue the next day, and build up slowly for the first 2 - 3 weeks.

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Some amount of stiffness and soreness is inevitable until you get back into shape, but if it is really bad then you are overdoing it.

Patience + persistance will solve this...not drugs.

point is going light first and slowly increase....but that is obvious...

If overdone and a lot pain....maybe half an aspirin (250mg) might be a suitable drug.

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Go to the gym and get a personal trainer to organize a workout program that takes into account your current fitness ability...take your time and accept that it is a bit harder as you age. And congratulations about deciding to exercise.

Ask yourself also, what do you really want to achieve and then take the time to do it progressively. No-one needs steroids to get fit.

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Go to the gym and get a personal trainer to organize a workout program that takes into account your current fitness ability...

Depends where you live. Out in the sticks in Kut Chap, there doesn't appear to be anything gym wise until you get to Udon, about 45 minutes drive. I like training, but a 90 minute round trip on Thai roads for a workout is not appealing.

I improvise with various things around the house. Press ups and stretching are a part of my regular workout.

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Some amount of stiffness and soreness is inevitable until you get back into shape, but if it is really bad then you are overdoing it.

Patience + persistance will solve this...not drugs.

Good stretching before the work out and after is a major component.

Voltaren and alike(hot gels) gels can also help if applied prior to working out

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Go to the gym and get a personal trainer to organize a workout program that takes into account your current fitness ability...

Depends where you live. Out in the sticks in Kut Chap, there doesn't appear to be anything gym wise until you get to Udon, about 45 minutes drive. I like training, but a 90 minute round trip on Thai roads for a workout is not appealing.

I improvise with various things around the house. Press ups and stretching are a part of my regular workout.

You can buy some basic things yourself, and if you like it, buy more of the things later....If you have the space for it.

Totally these things aren't expensive and when you consider that they last forever, than even less....

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Some amount of stiffness and soreness is inevitable until you get back into shape, but if it is really bad then you are overdoing it.

Patience + persistance will solve this...not drugs.

Good stretching before the work out and after is a major component.

Voltaren and alike(hot gels) gels can also help if applied prior to working out

I don't see any reason for stretching and even less after work out.....the muscles, tendons, joints need to be warmed up. This can be done by stretching, but as well by doing the exercise with very low weights.

Stretching after to remove waste from the muscles is a myth.....taking a protein drink, so they muscles can repair their damages is enough.....

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Ok mate, lets do a test, i will stretch and warm up a bit and you dont.

Then we sprint 100 meters. Assuming you havent pulled or torn anything, i will buy u a beer to celebrate. ;-)

Sent from my LG-P970 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Ok mate, lets do a test, i will stretch and warm up a bit and you dont.

Then we sprint 100 meters. Assuming you havent pulled or torn anything, i will buy u a beer to celebrate. ;-)

Sent from my LG-P970 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

you are writing nonsense....

A 100 meter sprint isn't exercise with weights.

Not stretching doesn't meant no warm up at all.

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When starting to exercise I would suggest stretching exercises only. The large problem people have is that you are using muscles and tendons that are lazy and have shortened.

I started out with stretching them started push ups.

There are many stretching exercise programs that you can do that actually start you towards heavier action.

You might also want to go to GNC they hve a fair amount of stuff.

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I would not bother with the low dose seroids, totally overkill. Or any of the ibrofen types of drugs, also bad for you.

Do your routine one day and swim the next, that will stretch out the muscles and help remove the lactic acid build up, which I think is what stiffens up the muscles. You need to use the muscles top get the blood flowing freely into them.

A little bit of pain in the abs and pecs should remind you how you have not used them, and it is a good pain. It is like the pain after a game of rugby/football etc, you are getting stronger pains.

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I recommend at your age/fitness level to avoid any muscle training at the start.

Go for a walk then progress to jogging then running (30mins Sessions) 3xtimes a week. Using Nike Running app to log your progress (Dont forget a 10min warm up video and basic trainers *shoes*) Take water if you really need it but i never have.

Use fitness yoga once per week for a good stretch session.

Once your able to progress to running and are doing at least 3kms per session then your most likely ready for weight training.


Basic Diet: Make sure you eat 3 meals a day.


Edited by Sayonarax
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im a good few years older than you (OP) and have trained in gyms all my life - well since being about 15. if i have a month or so off then i fully expect to be stiff for a week or two when starting up agiain. i will also be stiff for a couple of weeks if i start a new program/routine with different excersises.

sounds to me that your just being lazy and looking for an easy way to get in shape.

advice: take it slowly. accept the stiffness and discomfort. build up time and weight slowly - over weeks and months. stop bieng a pussy. you are not old

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Do a search in health forum, as this has been brought up a few times.

Get your blood work done and see if your testosterone is low.

Dr Oliver in Pattaya does hormone replacement therapy [hrT] and his website lists some meds that can be purchased from his clinic.

Best to talk to or do research into this as there are a number of medications available. Read other web sites on the topic.

I have seen Dr Oliver a few times over the past two years. I have Chronic Fatigue syndrome and tried testosterone to improve my fatigue and general well being. The one I have used is Nebido. This has helped my condition with improvement with cognitive thought, general wellbeing and has improved stamina. I have been receiving this medication for the last two years every three months.

It just depends what you want out of this process. Getting older for men, HRT is a new area of medicine. Done properly there can be benefit. Unfortunately testosterone use has a stigma due to misuse in the athletic/gym/football etc. where this type of medicine has been used to obtain a competitive edge over rivals. There are also medical conditions that can be aggravated by its use.

Do some more research; talk to doctor that is working in this area; figure out what you want to achieve and then go from there. You might also find that a good regime of Vitamins could also be of great benefit. Or massage and accupuncture may help.

Good luck.

PS It took me 12 months of reseach and talking before I decided to give this a go. I wanted to be sure of my health and a legitimate process.

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Go to the gym and get a personal trainer to organize a workout program that takes into account your current fitness ability...

Depends where you live. Out in the sticks in Kut Chap, there doesn't appear to be anything gym wise until you get to Udon, about 45 minutes drive. I like training, but a 90 minute round trip on Thai roads for a workout is not appealing.

I improvise with various things around the house. Press ups and stretching are a part of my regular workout.

Don't you have parks or grounds with exercise machines where you live? Surely there must be, they are all over Thailand, rather than do a round 90 min trip on a motorbike. Living in the sticks myself, I know how bad the roads are.

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Ok serious one, come to my gym follow my routine without warming up or stretching and grin and bare it the next morning.

If stretching is counter productive, better inform every am or pro athlete trainer in the world they got it wrong. Meanwhile, i will continue to warm up/stretch before doing any kind of weight lifting.

Sent from my LG-P970 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Sly Stallone says "you have to be nuts not to take HGH when you're over 50 if you want to feel younger, stronger and more vibrant". I'm over 50 and am still very strong, I lift and do long distance running, I don't really feel any need for HGH, TRT, HRT etc. however, I'm open to it if it will make me feel even better and can be done completely safely.

Actually I've thought about it a lot over the past few years, my body , while still good for my age isn't like it was when I was in my 20's. From a conceit standpoint, I'd like to improve my body's look. I really have nobody to impress, I'm happily married, have great kids and don't screw around but still like to try to be and look physically fit.

Maybe I'll talk to the Pattaya doctor referenced. Well, I'll also do a hell of a lot more research before I take something as serious as the alphabet soup of letters I referenced above.

p.s. take aspirin with food rather than Ibuprofen or Tylenol. Those things if taken too much can kill you.... literally.

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