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Do thai University girls avoid relationships with Farang?


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My girl is from university. Her friends all seem to approve and see the idea of dating a foreigner positively (exotic/romantic/etc).

BUT: the ones I've met, including my now girlfriend, were definitely shy and wary, and perhaps easy to scare off. Keep in mind that girls at that age will have had very little exposure to foreigners, you maybe first they've ever met. Some of them may not have had much exposures to guys at all. And a lot will be unconfident in their English skills (speaking thai helped me a lot).

But I don't think there is an attitude of 'foreigners = bad guys'. Not what i have seen. Most haven't had enough contact or exposure to the west to make that kind of judgement. It's more a case of 'these guys are so alien and different'.

That's just my experience, I teach english at universities also.

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Don't think they have a problem.

My wife is a Uni Graduate. Her eldest daughter is also a Uni Graduate and married to an American, living happily in the USA.

As others have suggested, depends on the Farang....if he is a grotty, tattooed, beer swilling, flip-flop wearer then I doubt any self respecting Thai Girl, Uni Graduate or not, is going to want to be seen with him.

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Any girl in any country is going to prefer to go out with guys who speak her language and has the same culture. Most probably haven't given it any thought at all as to dating a foreigner, why would she? But her being in university probably makes her more open to intercultural 'adventure'. When I was an exchange student, there were a group of girls who had studied abroad before who liked hanging out with us foreigners. In places like RCA, back then in the early 2000s, there was A LOT of interest by uni girls. Not quite the same for me these days, have to work for it more, but things even out, because now I have more moneybiggrin.png

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It's a "mixed-bag."

Most wouldn't risk the disapproval and ridicule

from their peer group. Occasionally, you could find

a curious one that needs "sponsorship."

That's only true if you take "Farang" to mean some fat balding sexpat in a sleeveless vest. I've known some 20-something white guys studying at Thai universities and the Thai university girls are all over them. They have the pick of the bunch when it comes to dating and I'm sure the girl's friend all think she really cool and "inter" for dating an international student.

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Some finance their way thru uni by working the bars of some posh hotels in Bangkok waiting for passing businessmen to help them with their business administration courses. Don't ask me how I know that!

You ain't gonna catch one if you are wearing tatoos, a beer belly and a wife-beater.

That's also the case in the northeast. Some work as Heineken girls, some visit hotel guests to make some pocket money. Can't tell you how I know it, but it's true.

Here're their favorite types of foreigners, where all girls fall in love immediately.




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Not necessarily. Some are, some aren't. Depends upon the farang and the uni student. I've dated a few students, had a student gf and a professor gf.

You dated the professor's girl friend, wow.

To get back to the question. It's everywhere the same on this planet. Good looking guys will find it easy to get a good looking girl and vice versa.

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