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Pattaya Beach- what are those small metal posts for ?


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There are groups of three shinny metal small posts about every 100-200 feet along the newly improved beach walkway. They are about 2 feet high and look like stainless steel. Anyone know why they are there ? They don't seem to have any lights. Thanks

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Single man detectors. Girls will pay a subscription fee to receive real-time notifications to their smartphones with maps pinpointing your location. Premium service includes credit reports, last three years' tax returns. . .

Another good idea that I didn't think of.

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They are zen-esqe expressions of Thai wisdom designed to confuse falang and provoke intrigue and mystique into the superior and profoundly wise Thai approach of urban planning.

Edited by RandomSand
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My guess is that the lamp pole vendor hasn't been paid for their previous projects so they're not delivering the actual lamp poles to go on the pedestals until they get paid.

And, a few years after the poles are installed, the lamp vendor will get paid and they'll put lamps on top the poles.

But that's just a guess.

That's the best guess I have heard so far.
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They are escape interfaces like in matix films

U hold on to one and if u are compatible u are transported to the real world ie a paddy field in issan

Sent from my GT-S5310B using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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probably they have NO purpose. they were put there by a contractor, someone "behind the curtain" made a quick buck and fled the scene ;-)

and before u say this can only happen in thailand, there's plenty of ghost bridges in the rest of the world.


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there are also the same posts located at various points at the edge of the paved area to prevent cars from mounting the walkway. they are generally located where there are ramps which were put there so cars could enter the walkway.

so first they built the ramps then they blocked them off - work that one out.

the posts that run vertically along the walkway must also be some form of traffic calming. but in the real world they make no sense

Edited by jonesthebaker
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A place to tie up your horse

ee kwai!

Not horses, everyone knows the girls all have treasured pet water buffaloes, now that farang are getting so skeptical (thanks to TV) they need to have them close to hand as proof.

Business opportunity here - sick buffalo rental agencies. . .

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probably they have NO purpose. they were put there by a contractor, someone "behind the curtain" made a quick buck and fled the scene ;-)

and before u say this can only happen in thailand, there's plenty of ghost bridges in the rest of the world.


NO NO this is for the next olympic winter games after sotschi. IOC received already there tea money.

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