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stupid action by me


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A self-serving thread placed to make the OP look like a reluctant hero in order to receive congratulatory slap-on-backs for his modest heroic act.

I'll pass.

Pass the 'roids


Another one that does not understand the OP..............gawd.................rolleyes.gif

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When it comes to taxi drivers in Thailand they are all animals, lucky for you he didn't get his samurai sword in his car and hacked you into small pieces.

As a falang in this country always mind your own business and let the Thais fight and kill each other. coffee1.gif

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Would you have done the same had a protester been threatening a red shirt and her family. I only ask because the politics element seems like a red herring here.

For some people it is in their nature to run for the hills at any sign of conflict, for others it is to protect the weak, both are survival mechanisms and both have their place, your nature plays a big part in these decisions but in a civilized society everybody needs to manage and balance their natural instincts and importantly be prepared to live with the consequences of their actions.

Culture, politics and communication differences will aggravate the risks particularly in a foreign country and as such you need to consider these as much more with your head than with your gut.

Having courage means different things to different people, if you are a runner standing firm takes courage, if you are a get involved with everything sort of person walking away takes courage but either way you still need to deal with a sense of right and wrong and the consequences of your actions.

Someone above mentioned the results determine if your actions were correct, it could have gone many ways, you walk away and it turns out just to be a small storm in a T-cup, you walk away and a child ends up in hospital, you get involved and calm the situation down, you stay and get hurt or worse you stay and hurt someone else are all possible outcomes.

Keep a cool head and consider the risks which are different with every situation and then err on the side of caution every time, this won't always mean walking away but it's likely to mean walking away in most cases.

I did not have time to think at that point, I did not think else i would not have acted. So to be honest i think i would have done the same. Later i just tried to piece it together WHY this happened. This just seemed the most logical explanation.

But as i said tons of times already.. if i get time to think i probably don't do a thing as I always worry about consequences of actions. I never ever get into fights. Not since i turned adult. Just too risky for nothing.

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Yes we know you didnt even think about it. Your superhero instinct just kicked in. I will send you a medal. YAWN.

Hmmmmm, You don't have to get on your knees KG on this forum, as your avatar clearly shows, some are stronger or have more care about folk than that............coffee1.gif

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I suppose it depends on what sort of upbringing you have. Many years ago while having a beer at a road side bar, I saw a motorbike taxi rider showing off, he roared off doing a wheelie.He lost control and smashed into a noodle vendor, sending a young mother and baby crashing into the road. Instinctively, my immediate reaction was to run across and grab the offender and tell someone to call the police. I Thai sidled up to me and said " You are a farang. Nothing to do with you. Let him go" Discretion being the better part of valour, I did what he said and vowed to never again interfere in any Thai incident.

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Yes we know you didnt even think about it. Your superhero instinct just kicked in. I will send you a medal. YAWN.

Go back to bed idiot! The man was making a point. And I can think of a good place to put it. Right where the monkey puts its nuts!xcool.png.pagespeed.ic.WVYpdUy2j0.webp

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Yes we know you didnt even think about it. Your superhero instinct just kicked in. I will send you a medal. YAWN.

Hmmmmm, You don't have to get on your knees KG on this forum, as your avatar clearly shows, some are stronger or have more care about folk than that............coffee1.gif

All he did was tell a man to stop argueing with two women. He dressed it up about how dangerous that was. Garbage.

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Yes we know you didnt even think about it. Your superhero instinct just kicked in. I will send you a medal. YAWN.

Hmmmmm, You don't have to get on your knees KG on this forum, as your avatar clearly shows, some are stronger or have more care about folk than that............coffee1.gif

All he did was tell a man to stop argueing with two women. He dressed it up about how dangerous that was. Garbage.

You were there eh thumbsup.gif , give it to us straight...........clap2.gif

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Just wondering, when the thing was finished did you tell the ladies to mind their own business and leave the protest gear and their kid at home?

After rescuing them I think I would have given them a piece of advice not to get involved for sure.

thailiketoo.....give it a rest.

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Just wondering, when the thing was finished did you tell the ladies to mind their own business and leave the protest gear and their kid at home?

After rescuing them I think I would have given them a piece of advice not to get involved for sure.

thailiketoo.....give it a rest.

The guy retreated to his taxi's and we all made an exit no real conversation after that just walking away from there because I was not sure if the guy would get something from his taxi or that it had ended. I went up the nana bts they walked further down.

I am anti government they have their right to protest, but with all those explosives going off I don't think its a place for kids. I actually went with the bts and not with the bike (last part of the trip) because I wanted to avoid the protesters. I might be agreeing with them but they would block my way just the same.

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Just wondering, when the thing was finished did you tell the ladies to mind their own business and leave the protest gear and their kid at home?

After rescuing them I think I would have given them a piece of advice not to get involved for sure.

thailiketoo.....give it a rest.

Give what a rest? Rob is trying to turn everything into politics. Even in the above post he makes a point of saying he is anti government. He should give politics a rest. This is the general forum and as a Foreigner I have no business messing with Thai politics anyway. So why don't you guys give the politics a rest or post in the news forum.

PS. Identifying violent abusive people as red shirts and identifying yourself as anti government are both political statements that have nothing to do with the real question of the OP. The Taxi driver could have been any color shirt and you could have been pro government and still helped the woman.

Edited by thailiketoo
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I would have stayed out of it as it's Thai on Thai. My logic would tell me that his aggression would probably increase at the sight of a farang interfering in Thai matters (as you've previously stated that he was clearly a red shirt). I would have simply observed and interfered if and only if he would have attacked them (and i honestly would have).

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The OP did right and thats all that matters. To much of this "not my business" when others are in trouble. Good on you......

I agree. If the OP knew what was being said. It is fortunate he is psychic since he is not fluent in Thai or Lao or whatever language Issan cab drivers in Bangkok speak.

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The OP did right and thats all that matters. To much of this "not my business" when others are in trouble. Good on you......

I agree. If the OP knew what was being said. It is fortunate he is psychic since he is not fluent in Thai or Lao or whatever language Issan cab drivers in Bangkok speak.

Hmmmmmmmm, think you forgot about body language rolleyes.gif, but I think we can accept you always seem to not consider stuff...........coffee1.gif

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The OP did right and thats all that matters. To much of this "not my business" when others are in trouble. Good on you......

I agree. If the OP knew what was being said. It is fortunate he is psychic since he is not fluent in Thai or Lao or whatever language Issan cab drivers in Bangkok speak.

Hmmmmmmmm, think you forgot about body language rolleyes.gif, but I think we can accept you always seem to not consider stuff...........coffee1.gif

If body language was enough why would people learn how to speak Thai? You are not looking at the incident objectively. Try looking at what happened without a preconceived idea of the Thai taxi driver being in the wrong.

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The OP did right and thats all that matters. To much of this "not my business" when others are in trouble. Good on you......

I agree. If the OP knew what was being said. It is fortunate he is psychic since he is not fluent in Thai or Lao or whatever language Issan cab drivers in Bangkok speak.

Hmmmmmmmm, think you forgot about body language rolleyes.gif, but I think we can accept you always seem to not consider stuff...........coffee1.gif

If body language was enough why would people learn how to speak Thai? You are not looking at the incident objectively. Try looking at what happened without a preconceived idea of the Thai taxi driver being in the wrong.

Stupid comment.

If I was to come at you without saying a word you would know you were in trouble. It is called body language..........gawd.....rolleyes.gif

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Hmmmmmmmm, think you forgot about body language rolleyes.gif, but I think we can accept you always seem to not consider stuff...........coffee1.gif

If body language was enough why would people learn how to speak Thai? You are not looking at the incident objectively. Try looking at what happened without a preconceived idea of the Thai taxi driver being in the wrong.

Stupid comment.

If I was to come at you without saying a word you would know you were in trouble. It is called body language..........gawd.....rolleyes.gif

Women in Thailand do many crazy things. They chase men and throw things at men and borrow money and gamble it away and give away children to relatives. Many things could have happened before the incident where the taxi driver yelled at the women. You don't know and a person who does not speak Thai/Lao would not know. Try looking at the situation objectively.

The OP is entitled, "Stupid action by me." Apparently I am not the only one who had that thought.

Edited by thailiketoo
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Hmmmmmmmm, think you forgot about body language rolleyes.gif, but I think we can accept you always seem to not consider stuff...........coffee1.gif

If body language was enough why would people learn how to speak Thai? You are not looking at the incident objectively. Try looking at what happened without a preconceived idea of the Thai taxi driver being in the wrong.

Stupid comment.

If I was to come at you without saying a word you would know you were in trouble. It is called body language..........gawd.....rolleyes.gif

Women in Thailand do many crazy things. They chase men and throw things at men and borrow money and gamble it away and give away children to relatives. Many things could have happened before the incident where the taxi driver yelled at the women. You don't know and a person who does not speak Thai/Lao would not know. Try looking at the situation objectively.

What has that got to do with the OP's situation where he probably stopped a violent situation against ladies. ?

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no point thinking could of, should of, would of, all in the past.

you did an honorable thing and should be proud of yourself.

I agree, most decent males would've reacted the same way, but probably not too wise to do it often, especially in the current "climate"

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If body language was enough why would people learn how to speak Thai? You are not looking at the incident objectively. Try looking at what happened without a preconceived idea of the Thai taxi driver being in the wrong.

Stupid comment.

If I was to come at you without saying a word you would know you were in trouble. It is called body language..........gawd.....rolleyes.gif

Women in Thailand do many crazy things. They chase men and throw things at men and borrow money and gamble it away and give away children to relatives. Many things could have happened before the incident where the taxi driver yelled at the women. You don't know and a person who does not speak Thai/Lao would not know. Try looking at the situation objectively.

What has that got to do with the OP's situation where he probably stopped a violent situation against ladies. ?

It is obvious by the OP that he had some questions about what he did, "stupid action". It is obvious that by not speaking Thai/Lao that he did not know the whole story. As a young man in Thailand I asked a lady to leave my apartment after lunch one day. If you did not speak Thai you would have thought I threatened to murder her. I only asked her to leave. One never knows unless one speaks the language of the other person or persons.

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Not the brightest thing in the world to do because you have no idea on what the argument was about.

I saw a farang do much the same when a thai lad was verbally absuing a thai bird - he got in the middle of it and then got laid out with some nearby rebar. You just never know what might happen.

Any rate take your new found luck and go play the lottery. biggrin.png

Edited by britmaveric
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Just to clarify. You're only reason for thinking the abusive person was a red shirt was the fact that he drove a taxi in Bangkok?

Of course not

The two older ladies were in protesting gear.

Taxi drivers are often red shirts

Currently there is a lot of political violence between the two groups.

I put those things together.

If the ladies would not have been in full protesting gear I would not have made the assumption. You don't make assumptions on one thing you combine the whole stuff.

Had they been kicking his taxi I would have said nothing about his alliance as that would have explained it easier. But there was absolutely no reason for violence.

Occam's razor

The taxi driver. Just the taxi driver. You had no reason to think he was a red shirt except that he was a taxi driver. The ladies may have had a totally different beef with the guy. All I'm saying is how the ladies were dressed has nothing to do with the taxi driver.

You are projecting your stereotypes into the situation. Protestors good and red shirts evil. Ergo anyone who does not like the protestors must be red shirts. It doesn't wash. It is not logical nor would any court in the world buy the argument.

Think of it this way. The cab driver assaults you after you yelled at him. You tell the judge he is a red shirt and was attacking the protestors. It becomes incumbent on you to explain why you thought he was a red shirt. You can't verbally assault a Thai and not expect a response.

You got a problem to begin with because you are twice the size and strength of the little taxi driver. He would be reasonable to assume you were going to attack him.

The bottom line is you assume anyone who attacks a protestor in Bangkok is a red shirt. He may in fact have lost money because of their actions and been complaining about it.

If someone prevented me from earning a living and feeding my starving children I would complain and complain loudly. Red shirt, green shirt or no shirt. Take my money and I'll complain. Perhaps the ladies led a march past his taxi stand and prevented him from picking up his normal fares. Did you think about it? No. You, thought I'm a big guy and he is a little guy and he'll have to do what I say because of my size.

Spectacular! clap2.gif

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