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Whats with Thais Feeding and Caring For Vicious Packs of Stray Dogs ?

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I wonder how many Thai children could use some "compassion" and a little food. While Thai people are busy feeding dogs and sheltering them. It is a hypocracy of the highest order, in my opinion.

And just to add, since my post (above) follows yours, the people I see in my gf's town are very caring toward children. On her lane, there's a young child whose drink-addled mom ran off leaving her alone with her dad who is barely making ends meet. All the neighbours are helping him care for the child and even buy food and clothes for her. And my gf loves dragging me to poor country schools to make donations for the children. Maybe it depends where you live...

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they misguidedly think they are making merit for themselves, not much to do with the dogs at all

This is correct.

This kind of behaviour is often related to a certain kind of religious zealot. Making merit in the minds of many of the people here, often women, tends to be highly ritualised and far removed from actually doing anything good or a deeper consideration of what spirituality is. e.g. free some fish which will be bagged up and sold to the next pilgrim. Hand over some blankets to people who have spent their entire existence up a mountain and know very well how to keep warm. Hand over money to a professional beggar. The list goes on.

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Whats with Thais Feeding Vicious PETS!

Living on a moo Bann I am really upset by the number of dogs that are never exercised , chained up all day not really cared for or those left to wander the streets of the moo Bann with "dog collars" who roam as packs and then go into the gates to steal other dogs food ..... Includes a Rottweiler!

I will not mention Dog Barking in this posting .

I can understand Thais wanting to help the strays but I share a concern for those dogs that are mistreated as "pets" .

Classic lapdog anecdote .. going up the escalator at Big C I cam upon Mr Farang ( US accent) and Thai partner with small dog. They put the dog in a coat .. as you know some of the big stores have overactive aircon .. and then proceeds to put the animal into her handbag to take in store ... The security thought the bag was too big and requested it was deposited.. it was with the dog inside!!!!! I do not understand and the Us accent guy did not seem to think it was an issue when I reminded him the dog was still inside ..



Whats with Thais Feeding Vicious PETS!

Living on a moo Bann I am really upset by the number of dogs that are never exercised , chained up all day not really cared for or those left to wander the streets of the moo Bann with "dog collars" who roam as packs and then go into the gates to steal other dogs food ..... Includes a Rottweiler!

I will not mention Dog Barking in this posting .

I can understand Thais wanting to help the strays but I share a concern for those dogs that are mistreated as "pets" .

Classic lapdog anecdote .. going up the escalator at Big C I cam upon Mr Farang ( US accent) and Thai partner with small dog. They put the dog in a coat .. as you know some of the big stores have overactive aircon .. and then proceeds to put the animal into her handbag to take in store ... The security thought the bag was too big and requested it was deposited.. it was with the dog inside!!!!! I do not understand and the Us accent guy did not seem to think it was an issue when I reminded him the dog was still inside ..


How do you tell the difference between a US accent guy and a West coast of Canada guy?


Whats with Thais Feeding Vicious PETS!

Living on a moo Bann I am really upset by the number of dogs that are never exercised , chained up all day not really cared for or those left to wander the streets of the moo Bann with "dog collars" who roam as packs and then go into the gates to steal other dogs food ..... Includes a Rottweiler!

I will not mention Dog Barking in this posting .

I can understand Thais wanting to help the strays but I share a concern for those dogs that are mistreated as "pets" .

Classic lapdog anecdote .. going up the escalator at Big C I cam upon Mr Farang ( US accent) and Thai partner with small dog. They put the dog in a coat .. as you know some of the big stores have overactive aircon .. and then proceeds to put the animal into her handbag to take in store ... The security thought the bag was too big and requested it was deposited.. it was with the dog inside!!!!! I do not understand and the Us accent guy did not seem to think it was an issue when I reminded him the dog was still inside ..


How do you tell the difference between a US accent guy and a West coast of Canada guy?

Having worked for an Eastern seaboard based company for around 6 years I became quite aware of the accents around New Jersey Port Elizabeth area .. and it was certainly similar - including the style of language used. They tell you to F.. off so nicely - Perhaps rather than specifically suggesting the person was likely a US person I should probably say I suspect the person was from the North American region - to be safe including Nafta economical region ( or doing a first class impersonation of someone from that area and IMHO specifically NJ .. but then what do I know - I just hope the dog survived and shi* in the bag . If the person was English one may have suspected more to happen .. as seen today http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2556514/Baby-girl-dies-attacked-mauled-dog.html


Having worked for an Eastern seaboard based company for around 6 years I became quite aware of the accents around New Jersey Port Elizabeth area .. and it was certainly similar - including the style of language used. They tell you to F.. off so nicely - Perhaps rather than specifically suggesting the person was likely a US person I should probably say I suspect the person was from the North American region - to be safe including Nafta economical region ( or doing a first class impersonation of someone from that area and IMHO specifically NJ .. but then what do I know - I just hope the dog survived and shi* in the bag . If the person was English one may have suspected more to happen .. as seen today http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2556514/Baby-girl-dies-attacked-mauled-dog.html

I realize Americans are the bogey man of Thai Visa but might it not be easier just to call them a nice non judgmental word like Farang so we don't another one of those nationalistic name calling bouts?


You will only be attacked by stray dogs if you show fear,if you are an alpha male the dogs will not go near you. Lots of betas and worse on this thread. Toughen up boysxcool.png.pagespeed.ic.WVYpdUy2j0.webp

I am terrified of dogs

Or do what the Thais do.. here we got a club of older Thais they all carry a cane to hit dogs when they go walking in this village. Thing is I have yet to see a dangerous dog in the village. But maybe it makes them feel secure and that is why no one gets bitten.

The canes are working then.


Having worked for an Eastern seaboard based company for around 6 years I became quite aware of the accents around New Jersey Port Elizabeth area .. and it was certainly similar - including the style of language used. They tell you to F.. off so nicely - Perhaps rather than specifically suggesting the person was likely a US person I should probably say I suspect the person was from the North American region - to be safe including Nafta economical region ( or doing a first class impersonation of someone from that area and IMHO specifically NJ .. but then what do I know - I just hope the dog survived and shi* in the bag . If the person was English one may have suspected more to happen .. as seen today http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2556514/Baby-girl-dies-attacked-mauled-dog.html

I realize Americans are the bogey man of Thai Visa but might it not be easier just to call them a nice non judgmental word like Farang so we don't another one of those nationalistic name calling bouts?

I am not really going to reopen the usual can of worms here - and in no way wanted of have the intension of starting a nationalistic name calling bout. As you know many resent people being called a fruit! -I will not use that in TV. Try calling a Thai K. Durian

I am not going to discuss the TV opinion or otherwise on Americans as many of my good friends as from the US. I stated a comment on my belief that the guy was a bona fide US citizen and it was not intended to be contentious - If I see him again I will ask him! I still really believe this.

I also passed comment about the Brits ( I am one)

From my point of view no offence was intended or accusations that Topic politely closed from my side closed.

sam sen, on 11 Feb 2014 - 08:21, said:

... and while i'm at it... what about the idiots that feed chicken to dogs. dont they realise that chicken bones are brittle and can potentially choke a dog?

...and i've seen people feed dogs meat on sharp wooden sticks which can cause horrific injuries to a dog's mouth...

i despair sometimes.

Well mr idiot, in the wild, dogs do eat birds of all kinds, what people like you don't understand, too lazy to google anything, is that it's COOKED bones that are a hazard, as they might splinter. Oh, and it's not only chicken bones.


Ive run over two dogs who dont move on the roads, I refuse to panic brake and cause another accident, the bloody things are a menace and the people that feed them are even more stupid.

Dogs on the roads is just ridiculous.

The suggestion to give them some contraceptive is a good one but of course Mr "average Thai" cant be bothered with any of that malarky, much better to "do nothing" typical Thai way, lazy same same etc

Your a tosser for admitting running over 2 dogs. You are a cruel and clearly a scum bag. Go home scum to your own country. you dont fit into LOS


You will only be attacked by stray dogs if you show fear,if you are an alpha male the dogs will not go near you. Lots of betas and worse on this thread. Toughen up boysxcool.png.pagespeed.ic.WVYpdUy2j0.webp

I am terrified of dogs

Or do what the Thais do.. here we got a club of older Thais they all carry a cane to hit dogs when they go walking in this village. Thing is I have yet to see a dangerous dog in the village. But maybe it makes them feel secure and that is why no one gets bitten.

thats all very logical. the next step is then learning taek won do, buying a knife, gun aso....

this is the right way in civilisation to protect yourself and others. and ladies and children only go out with the strongest alpha male in town.

we are the apemen chookookachu!!!!!!


Always love the humanity expressed around here at TV ... all that love of God's creatures and one's fellow man.

Anyway, a street dog was hit by a car and badly injured outside my gf's shop in her town. She took it in and nursed it back to health even though I told her that he should probably be 'put down' ... this meant cleaning his shit and piss (which I've warned her is good practice for looking after me in my old age). The poor guy lost the use of his rear legs because of the accident--broken spine I suppose--so I bought him a not-too-cheap wheelchair, and he's taken to it quite nicely. But just wanted to add, for all the shoot-the-strays mob here, he's the most affectionate, well-tempered animal you could imagine. A real gem... and he was just a 'lousy street dog' before. [Have to say I learned something from my gf from this experience ... in my country, it would have been down to the vet for a quick needle and lights out].


If you do not mind, can you PM me or post place where you bought the wheelchair?

I am in the same situation at the moment, found a stray hit by a car, nursed him back to life, he also had broken spine and can not use back legs.

Vet thinks he might still be able to walk, but need to wait for up to 6 months for nerves to possibly start working.With my one i paid for spinal surgery,so there is hope.

But in the mean time, i want to get him wheel chair to get around.

Thanks in advance

sam sen, on 11 Feb 2014 - 08:21, said:

... and while i'm at it... what about the idiots that feed chicken to dogs. dont they realise that chicken bones are brittle and can potentially choke a dog?

...and i've seen people feed dogs meat on sharp wooden sticks which can cause horrific injuries to a dog's mouth...

i despair sometimes.

Well mr idiot, in the wild, dogs do eat birds of all kinds, what people like you don't understand, too lazy to google anything, is that it's COOKED bones that are a hazard, as they might splinter. Oh, and it's not only chicken bones.

No, you are wrong. See my earlier post. Stray dogs eat cooked anything, bones and all. No dog or any dog owned or observed by anyone in my life of 55 years has ever actually heard of or seen a dog in distress over a bone. Domesticated dogs or street dogs, they are all the same. The bone thing is urban myth. Do your real, hands on research and you will be set free by the truth.


1. The idea that a certain kind of bone (chicken was mentioned) can be dangerous to dogs is bullshit. In my 55 years of owning dogs (or dogs of my parents when I was young) and in conversation with other dog owners I have never seen or heard of a single case where a dog choked to death, or was otherwise skewered by any kind of bone. This is an urban myth. Dogs are naturally able to eat whatever they find consumable, and, more to the point, stray dogs will eat any kind of bone on its own without any problems.

2. Don't dismiss rabies and tetanus injection regimes as nothing until you've had to undergo them and pay for them. They are an inconvenience and the first injection is very expensive -- about 12,000 baht -- and you will need that injected in the wound site and then the rest in one butt cheek and then the other. You'll get your first tetanus shot then too; two more to follow in three months and six months.

3. I currently am trying to convince the several neighbors in my small mooban to stop feeding stray dogs. One dog has been lured into hanging around the neighborhood by the food handouts and gave birth to six pups about a month and a half ago in the undeveloped section at the end of the mooban. Since these Thai people here have no sense of consequences, they don't understand that "taking care" of the dog by feeding it is counterproductive if you do not also take care of the dog's vaccinations and sterilization. Therefore, in some months, the female mother will be pregnant again and however many of its female pups (who have now grown to the age whereby they can reproduce) will also be having offspring. Let's everyone keep feeding those cute puppies -- as the number of unsterilized and unvaccinated dogs start to build around the mooban with their shitpiles along the lanes, their barking at night at something/each other/nothing, and the possibility of one of the little curs taking a chunk out of you. What a wonderfully stupid idea.

If you want a dog, buy one or take one in off the street, keep it at home, have it inoculated and sterilized, keep it clean and be responsible when you take it out -- such as not taking it for a walk for the express purpose of having it take a dump in front of someone else's front gate.

4. I am a dog-lover, was even born in the year of the dog, and have had dogs pretty much all my life. However, street dogs are, for the most part, an undesirable side effect of the domesticated canine. Dogs are not people and there is no point trying to anthropomorphize them. Dogs without owners are never washed, never vaccinated, never spayed or neutered, often diseased externally and sometimes internally, pollute the streets with their feces, make loud noise often late at night, fight with each other when a female is in heat, and can bite humans. There is nothing redeeming about encouraging the proliferation of stay dogs.

All that may be true, but trying to change things, or even more so educating us here on TV is completely useless, it ain't gonna change.

Same with governance problems, traffic, overcharging etc etc.

Put your energy into things you can actually have an impact on.

WRT the dogs, go ahead and get the dogs in your neighborhood sterilized, ideally getting cooperation maybe even contributions from your fellow neighbors.

Or even take matters into your own hands otherwise, but that I don't advise for practical reasons.

People who eat meat they don't slaughter themselves shouldn't waffle on about cruelty.

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You will only be attacked by stray dogs if you show fear,if you are an alpha male the dogs will not go near you. Lots of betas and worse on this thread. Toughen up boysxcool.png.pagespeed.ic.WVYpdUy2j0.webp

I am terrified of dogs

Or do what the Thais do.. here we got a club of older Thais they all carry a cane to hit dogs when they go walking in this village. Thing is I have yet to see a dangerous dog in the village. But maybe it makes them feel secure and that is why no one gets bitten.

I use the opposite approach.I have patted and given titbits to most dogs in my village.I always get a free pass as i walk by.In fact a couple of dogs just come over for a visit most days and go home at night.


1. The idea that a certain kind of bone (chicken was mentioned) can be dangerous to dogs is bullshit. In my 55 years of owning dogs (or dogs of my parents when I was young) and in conversation with other dog owners I have never seen or heard of a single case where a dog choked to death, or was otherwise skewered by any kind of bone. This is an urban myth. Dogs are naturally able to eat whatever they find consumable, and, more to the point, stray dogs will eat any kind of bone on its own without any problems.

2. Don't dismiss rabies and tetanus injection regimes as nothing until you've had to undergo them and pay for them. They are an inconvenience and the first injection is very expensive -- about 12,000 baht -- and you will need that injected in the wound site and then the rest in one butt cheek and then the other. You'll get your first tetanus shot then too; two more to follow in three months and six months.

3. I currently am trying to convince the several neighbors in my small mooban to stop feeding stray dogs. One dog has been lured into hanging around the neighborhood by the food handouts and gave birth to six pups about a month and a half ago in the undeveloped section at the end of the mooban. Since these Thai people here have no sense of consequences, they don't understand that "taking care" of the dog by feeding it is counterproductive if you do not also take care of the dog's vaccinations and sterilization. Therefore, in some months, the female mother will be pregnant again and however many of its female pups (who have now grown to the age whereby they can reproduce) will also be having offspring. Let's everyone keep feeding those cute puppies -- as the number of unsterilized and unvaccinated dogs start to build around the mooban with their shitpiles along the lanes, their barking at night at something/each other/nothing, and the possibility of one of the little curs taking a chunk out of you. What a wonderfully stupid idea.

If you want a dog, buy one or take one in off the street, keep it at home, have it inoculated and sterilized, keep it clean and be responsible when you take it out -- such as not taking it for a walk for the express purpose of having it take a dump in front of someone else's front gate.

4. I am a dog-lover, was even born in the year of the dog, and have had dogs pretty much all my life. However, street dogs are, for the most part, an undesirable side effect of the domesticated canine. Dogs are not people and there is no point trying to anthropomorphize them. Dogs without owners are never washed, never vaccinated, never spayed or neutered, often diseased externally and sometimes internally, pollute the streets with their feces, make loud noise often late at night, fight with each other when a female is in heat, and can bite humans. There is nothing redeeming about encouraging the proliferation of stay dogs.

12,000 Baht is laughable and not true,try 200 baht.You must like showing your bum.As for myself,i showed my stomach,the doctor laughed and told me to just roll up my sleeve.The locals were having a joke with me.No need for tetanus if you have had one recently.I had mine at different hospitals as i was traveling at the time.Only inconvenience was waiting but as usual just take a book.


dogs do suffer from cooked bone including stray dogs; i worked in a vet clinic and saw the results in the anus area of a dog being torn. also one of my own dogs got in to garbage and i had to pull out pieces of bone out of her anus as well, she had bloody stools for a week, and could easily have had a ruptured intestine, however, dogs do manage to survive or not on anythng they eat if they ahve to do so.

again: THERE ARE NO WILD DOMESTIC DOGS. they are FERAL. and PARIAH dogs are a genetic distinction. and the original thai village dog is a pariah dog.

and packs of dogs anywhere can be vicious, and do have rabies and most likely fleas although the fleas dont bother humans but prefer dogs/cats; as well as democectic mange. the mange does not pass over to humans for the most part, the fleas stick to the dogs, the rabies is a problem.

rabies shots in thailand are not supposed to be expensive. and if u have had a tetanus vaccine within 7 years might not need the tetanus booster which is only one time.

im going to move this discussion to the pet/vet forum in the hopes taht people will discuss thsi subject (which has been discussed to death many times in the past) in a more polite fashion, no name calling, no bashing.

as others have pointed out including me, for those that complain, you can always volunteer at a strays organization, or take in a few of the younger bitches to spay and release after vaccinating them (the vaccine for rabies holds for about three years). a small drop in a large pool but still something.


Yes, when we stayed in a big Condominium block in Prachachuen, Bangkok, there was a dog nearby which barked all night.

It amazed me that a dog owner could think it OK that the dog could hold hundreds of people awake.

Once exasperated I went down stairs to sort the thing out, but it was behind a twelve foot wall as is common in Bangkok homes.

As well we stay a lot in Cha-am where there are many street dog packs.

In the day they are placid, but at night they will sometimes howl.

I practiced as a Veterinarian in New Zealand ,

and here a dog howling all night is not acceptable


There is mention in this discussion about chicken bones.

In all my years as a Veterinarian I never saw a small sharp bone problem.

As stated elsewhere it is an urban myth.

We do get large bone problems. That is a dog swallowing a large bone of something.

These can get stuck in various places along the intestinal tract.


and here a dog howling all night is not acceptable

What does "not acceptable" even mean, other than "I personally don't like it"?


Ive run over two dogs who dont move on the roads, I refuse to panic brake and cause another accident, the bloody things are a menace and the people that feed them are even more stupid.

Dogs on the roads is just ridiculous.

The suggestion to give them some contraceptive is a good one but of course Mr "average Thai" cant be bothered with any of that malarky, much better to "do nothing" typical Thai way, lazy same same etc

Bad Karma, no one will brake for your sorry ass-down the road jack.


My vicious soi dog last night. She was first rescued by a lady friend as a puppy and the lady cared for her for four months and then gave the dog to me. It is now two years later. The dog has not seen the first lady in two years. Last night the lady came over on business. I assumed the dog would have forgotten her first rescuer in the intervening two years. The lady had a different car. I chained the dog up which is what I do when visitors stop by. The lady got out of her car and my dog began to bark and growl as she noticed someone approach the front gate (she is a guard dog and that is what she is supposed to do). She (the dog) couldn't see over the gate.

Then the dog started to sniff. All of a sudden the ears went back in happiness and her tail and complete hind quarters started to wag. I thought was going to wag her butt off. The lady opened the gate and it was like my dog saw her mother after a two year absence. They both jumped for joy and hugged each other for 20 minutes.

I was amazed that the dog would remember her after two years and react with such joy.

What is my point? Given love soi dogs can be wonderful caring animals who never a kindness.


If you feed a dog it will require to take a poop. Do you go back and clean up the poop caused by your feeding? If not then you are as disgusting as the poop the dog left for people to tread in, get disease from etc.

Taking care of the dogs is one thing but having respect for your human neighbors is far more important.

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If you feed a dog it will require to take a poop. Do you go back and clean up the poop caused by your feeding? If not then you are as disgusting as the poop the dog left for people to tread in, get disease from etc.

Taking care of the dogs is one thing but having respect for your human neighbors is far more important.

I have one neighbor and jungle on the other three sides of my home. I take the dog out at 6 every morning and 5 every evening to walk in the jungle and poop. I don't pack it up. I don't think it is necessary in the jungle to pack up poop. Birds poop in the jungle (really big birds in my jungle) and cats and other jungle animals poop in the jungle every day.


Actually I am told that Buddhists do not kill animals. A friend of mine had a rather nasty looking snake in her kitchen. The landlord whose place of work was some 50 kms from there; collected the snake and dropped it out somewhere along the road. I'm not quite sure how they deal with chicken ig etc question.


Actually I am told that Buddhists do not kill animals. A friend of mine had a rather nasty looking snake in her kitchen. The landlord whose place of work was some 50 kms from there; collected the snake and dropped it out somewhere along the road. I'm not quite sure how they deal with chicken ig etc question.

You are wrong. Buddhists kill animals in Thailand.


If you feed a dog it will require to take a poop. Do you go back and clean up the poop caused by your feeding? If not then you are as disgusting as the poop the dog left for people to tread in, get disease from etc.

Taking care of the dogs is one thing but having respect for your human neighbors is far more important.

If the dog has nothing to eat, it will starve. Do you go back and pick up dead dogs caused by your refusal to feed them? If not, you are as disgusting as the dead dog that stinks and spreads disease.

Again, let's just kill them all. Put together a shooting gallery with a rotating belt. Get a couple pellet guns, and nail all the dogs' feet to the belt, turn it on and start selling tickets.

Problem solved!!!!!!

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