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Nai Thon Beach's Raw Sewage, Black River. YUM

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Seriously black water crap stinking with chinks of excrement running into the sea at the north end. Wonder how much the Pullman is getting for the balconey rooms right above the stench. Locals havng a picnic right next to it B A R F S

This island will unfit for human habitation within three years. Plan accordingly.

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Good spot, E. Blair.

It is more of this kind of uncensored information that the public needs, not the TAT-advert pictures of pristine Indonesian beaches purporting to be Phuket.

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I did a run up the north west beaches yesterday

North Bang Tao is now murky, no longer that clear green colour- probably from the hundreds of rai that has been razed above it out of the NAt'l Forest this last year. You also get a lot sea lice stings.

The river that runs into it at the extreme north Layan end is realatively clear and odorless- for now. I expect when the development is finished in a year or so, this will turn black, also.

(Will anyone in Cherng Telay ever get investigated for issuing these permits? )

Bananna beach, between Layan and Nai Thon still features that postcard clear green water, but now crowded havng been taken over by a restaurant vendor with 50 lounge chairs or so. I asked what they did with their garbage as I noted a lot of plastic black bags. They assured me it is taken care of properly- and stopped the superficial grinning.

One might note the abundance of black plasitc bags on the side of the road between Layan and Nai Thon.

There is Thai man wearing an orange traffic vest and carrying a baton who agressively patrols the beach endlessly. When I arrived he reversed his direction and came toward me and I was expecting a request to pay, but none came and no one objected when I laid my towel out on the sand.

Regrettably, the path to smaller beach to the north is blocked, " members only" so I did not go there.


Good spot, E. Blair.

It is more of this kind of uncensored information that the public needs, not the TAT-advert pictures of pristine Indonesian beaches purporting to be Phuket.

Actually one of the ads from last year was Boracay supposed to be Phuket. My friend sent me the link as you could clearly see his house in the backgroundcheesy.gif I stayed in that house and recognised it straight away. What a joke, are they really that ashamed of what they have done to Phuket, they need to use other countries to advertise it?...

  • Like 1

Good spot, E. Blair.

It is more of this kind of uncensored information that the public needs, not the TAT-advert pictures of pristine Indonesian beaches purporting to be Phuket.

Actually one of the ads from last year was Boracay supposed to be Phuket. My friend sent me the link as you could clearly see his house in the backgroundcheesy.gif I stayed in that house and recognised it straight away. What a joke, are they really that ashamed of what they have done to Phuket, they need to use other countries to advertise it?...

No, not ashamed, more like deceptive , i would believe.

  • Like 1

Good spot, E. Blair.

It is more of this kind of uncensored information that the public needs, not the TAT-advert pictures of pristine Indonesian beaches purporting to be Phuket.

Actually one of the ads from last year was Boracay supposed to be Phuket. My friend sent me the link as you could clearly see his house in the backgroundcheesy.gif I stayed in that house and recognised it straight away. What a joke, are they really that ashamed of what they have done to Phuket, they need to use other countries to advertise it?...

No, not ashamed, more like deceptive , i would believe.

We are, almost, at the point of no return... sadly I am sure we will pass this point & predictably the locals will push the blame onto the tourists


Took some pics today, the water was not as black as two days ago but still pretty bad, turds still visible , tide was coming in so was mixed up a bit. WOuld inagne it's worse as the tide is going out.

Talked to one guy, paying 7500 baht a night at the Pullman and he was deeply disappointed- his 3rd and last visit to Thailand . He also felt the entire demeanor of the locals had changed to barely concealed hostility.

Couple of Thais wanted to know why I was taking pics of " the uggy " I told them I was doing an expose on how disgusting the island was becoming and would be sending pics to tour operators. They got indignant " you said bad things about Thailand, " blah blah blah

No Sh*t, Somchai.( Or actually- Yes, sh*t)

Oh yeah , and forget about parking, vendors have taken it over. At least the fruit smoothies are a reasonable 40 baht. Beach restaurant on the south end charged me 120 baht . post-179390-0-63455100-1394016648_thumb.






^ Thank you for that, I needed a good laugh, didn't even realize that's what it looks like.

Sorry the pics are too small, guess I need more practice posting- resize to document small would be better than larger " web" ?

  • Like 1

Nai thons done for.

I wouldn't concern yourself too much with some sooty water.

The real show stopper is the national park mountainside that they have just cleared behind the southern end of the beach.

It boggles my mind how someone can just arrive with bulldozers and hundreds of burmese labourers and clear fell hundreds of rai of park forest.

Good good how corrupt is this place.

Nai Thon's death knel will be when this wet season arrives. All of the overburden from the illegal clearing will come rushing down the mountain and into the ocean. What little coral that is still alive around that headland will be buried in silt.

The OP might also like to note that the huge beachside plot of land at Kamala that runs from the new Novotel in the north all the was down to the middle of the beach has also just recently changed hands and they have already fenced it off to commence cutting down the (protected) ton son (pine trees).

I have been here about four years now....I predicted Phuket would be unihabitable within another five.

But I am wrong, I think 2016 will see Phuket finished.


I've never been to naithon, was going to stick it on my to do list next time. I thought it looked like this.


There are still plenty of nice beaches around Phuket. Just look at Phuket 101 on Facebook. Every day another nice beach.


^ That's not Nai Thon, Nai Thon is loaded with guest houses and now condo-tels. The entire beach side is loaded with restaurants and t he colour is no where near that green.

I htink it has been established at this point, there are false images used to promote Phuket.


Just noticed today a road cut through the pines at Bang Tao running north of the Reggae Bar


Nai thons done for.

I wouldn't concern yourself too much with some sooty water.

The real show stopper is the national park mountainside that they have just cleared behind the southern end of the beach.

It boggles my mind how someone can just arrive with bulldozers and hundreds of burmese labourers and clear fell hundreds of rai of park forest.

Good good how corrupt is this place.

Nai Thon's death knel will be when this wet season arrives. All of the overburden from the illegal clearing will come rushing down the mountain and into the ocean. What little coral that is still alive around that headland will be buried in silt.

The OP might also like to note that the huge beachside plot of land at Kamala that runs from the new Novotel in the north all the was down to the middle of the beach has also just recently changed hands and they have already fenced it off to commence cutting down the (protected) ton son (pine trees).

I have been here about four years now....I predicted Phuket would be unihabitable within another five.

But I am wrong, I think 2016 will see Phuket finished.

What happened to no building on slopes? About 4 or 5 resort on route 4018 violating that one.

Agree this will mudslide and wash out with the monsoon season, if thatever comes, might skip us this year. ( Three months and one week no rain at my house )

My camera ran out of stick so no pic of it, but the parking garage is one of the most precarious constructions I've seen.

post-179390-0-48993200-1394287943_thumb. post-179390-0-17787600-1394287955_thumb.


who cares? thais wont because they don't swim anyway..

swimming and sunbathing outside is very unhealthy your skin gets older and risk of getting skin cancer is quite high...


Nai thons done for.

I wouldn't concern yourself too much with some sooty water.

The real show stopper is the national park mountainside that they have just cleared behind the southern end of the beach.

It boggles my mind how someone can just arrive with bulldozers and hundreds of burmese labourers and clear fell hundreds of rai of park forest.

Good good how corrupt is this place.

Nai Thon's death knel will be when this wet season arrives. All of the overburden from the illegal clearing will come rushing down the mountain and into the ocean. What little coral that is still alive around that headland will be buried in silt.

The OP might also like to note that the huge beachside plot of land at Kamala that runs from the new Novotel in the north all the was down to the middle of the beach has also just recently changed hands and they have already fenced it off to commence cutting down the (protected) ton son (pine trees).

I have been here about four years now....I predicted Phuket would be unihabitable within another five.

But I am wrong, I think 2016 will see Phuket finished.

What happened to no building on slopes? About 4 or 5 resort on route 4018 violating that one.

Agree this will mudslide and wash out with the monsoon season, if thatever comes, might skip us this year. ( Three months and one week no rain at my house )

My camera ran out of stick so no pic of it, but the parking garage is one of the most precarious constructions I've seen.

attachicon.gifNai Thon Encroach 1.jpg attachicon.gifNai Thon encroach 2.jpg

What blows me away is that that entire development in your photos is on National Park land.

A few months ago a fleet of bulldozers showed up and a team of burmese labours and the entire jungle on that mountside was laid bare.

How can someone clear fell national park forest and then build that monstrosity without any scrutiny or retribution from a government authority.

Phuket is rotten to the very core.


^ It's not just Phuket, the governance and policing of the entire nation is rotten.

If oyu look at the DSI map, the entire area north of Laguna is Sirinart Nat'l Forest reserve. http://www.dsi-map.go.th/

( you have to zoom in )

Imagine the Cherng Telay Or Bor Tor has some extremely wealthy public servants in its employ. Looks like the Sakoo authority is gettin in on it too. And now Mai Khao which is also Reserve land.

Follow the money !!


Nai Thon is the next beach down from my home location, just inland from Nai Yang beach.

Having seen the beach destruction at both beaches over the years, it will come as no surprise that although I live in Phuket for 12 years, I never swim in the sea here and never visit the beaches, (with the exception of remote parts of Mai Khao beach).

Vientiane has a better 'beach' that what I see in those photos.....



Thinking about all this, Phuket's only saving grace are the Russians and mainland Chinese, because those two large tourist groups (generalisation here), seem not to be the slighttest concerned about the environment where they swim and sunbathe. So sh*t on the beach and in the sea isn't top of their list of things to avoid.

  • 2 weeks later...

^ Good point Simon, these groups are quite inculcated to environmental degradation and corruption.

A pertinent article at the Phuket News ( Thank Stars for TPN !! ) has it the Nai Thon Beach Pullman Resort is encroaching. Unfortunately , it will now go to court. An injunction to operatewill be issued and it will be business as usual for the 20 or so years it takes to exhaust the courts.


“For the Pullman Arcadia Nai Thorn Resort, one of the land titles has already been cancelled and we are still investigating [the others]. - See more at: http://www.thephuketnews.com/20-more-encroachments-into-phuket-park-identified-45230.php#sthash.8U30fEwL.dpuf

The Pullman is a big development. So what is also very frightening is that the banks are willing to lend for a development that they know (or should know) is on national park land.

Everything is corrupt to the core here...even the banks...


Agree corrupt to the core but in all fairness , if a bank has a legal document indicating ownership, they cannot be expected to act as National Park Rangers

a third party who is really culpable, and should really know better is the Or Bor Tor who issues the building permits.

Of course I am assuming such permits are issued.


Agree corrupt to the core but in all fairness , if a bank has a legal document indicating ownership, they cannot be expected to act as National Park Rangers

a third party who is really culpable, and should really know better is the Or Bor Tor who issues the building permits.

Of course I am assuming such permits are issued.

This isn't a little obscure patch of land we are talking about here. It is a huge hillside in full view next to the beach. Everyone knows it is National Park land...even the fruit vendors along the beach strip.

Moreover, the bank must hold the relevant deed as security against the loan it provides. So it is clear that the bank does not even do the simplest of due diligence on the deed to ensure their loan is secured against a REAL asset.

In effect the bank might as well loan money with a photocopy of an old potatoe chip packet as the title deed. The deed they currently hold has the same value...

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