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Is Bangkoks septic system not good enough to handle toilet paper?

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During the American coverage of the Olympics they made fun of disposing of toilet paper in the bin. There isn't a bum gun in the US.


What about places that have septic tamks? Using toilet paper fills them up with non-biodegradable material.

What do most people do if, say, they put their hand in some faecal matter from perhaps a dog? Do they scrape it off with a bit of paper or do they wash their hand? So, it makes more semse to wash your bum, and if toilet paper is provided use that to dry afterwards. If you don't dry it yourself you soon dry out anyway. Washing is far more hygienic anyway, stops malodour and prevents chafing.

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Answer: To save money?

Traditionally, in countries like Greece, Spain, France etc, in the sparsely populated regions, every household had its own septic tank.

If you flush the paper, the tank fills with solid material quicker and needs to be emptied.

This costs money so don't flush the paper.

Easy really.

In Thailand the easy blockage of small bore of waste pipes may also be a good reason not to flush.


It's the common word-of-mouth syndrome passed down from person to person, but as I understand, it is because the septic system in the typical Thai homes (country side / up country) are not built to handle toilet paper. Obviously, the word would go all the way up to malls, hotels and condos with signs being posted not to flush toilet paper down the toilets.

Those "bum guns" are actually used as the primary form of washing/cleaning your bum. Then you'd use the toilet paper to dry yourself afterwards, and tossing the toilet paper in the bin. Unfortunately, as buildings become modernized, and depending on developer, may not add the "bum guns" to the toilets. So you can imagine the typical Thai using the toilet paper to clean themselves and tossing the paper in the bin (yuck!!).

So, what's the bottom line?

The septic system in Thailand are unknown. Meaning, it can vary from being modern to extremely primitive. It's fair to assume that if the toilets don't have a "bum gun" then you can safely flush the toilet paper.

I think it's safe to assume that the history of a "bum gun" came from Bidets (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bidet).

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The Bum Gun as some here refer to, is the advanced version of using a bowl out of a bucket of water that you still find in some of the squatting toilets.We born Asians learn the technique at the age of three or four from the mother, It makes sense when the European paper scrapers have a big issue with the more hygienic methods. This is so common in almost all countries after you cross the Bosporus.

I live in Germany and it was when I was rebuilding my Bathroom in my own house, I had to draw the Bum gun and explain to the German born Plumber how and where I wanted it. When the raw drawing was done I saw the letters written by the Plumber, AD which made no sense to me and asked him what fitting that was.....and with a broad smile, he told me......Das ist deine ARSCH DUSCHE! Believe it or not, I had to import the Gun part from Sri Lanka as it was not available in the continental market!

My European wife has become a fan of the water and paper method since then and has no problem to use them in a Thai toilet!

I hope this Anecdote will get some of the Brits and Aussies here to smile!


Actually there is a topic on TV referring to the Bum Gun.

We live half half Thailand/Spain and we had to import the bum gun to Spain.

There is a potential problem with the cheap ones that have plastic fittings.

The fittings tend to break over time or quickly if overtightened.

In Spain it was not possible to find a replacement tube that would withstand the high water pressure.

If taking a bum gun home to install try to get a good quality one plus a spare.

We now have a stainless steel model from Thaiwatsadu costing about 570 Baht and it is great.

The tube is small bore and clad in a flexi steel outer, looks very nice too.

Its control valve has an option to be open all the time - hands free.

Great for hosing down the bathroom floor.

It is very flexible, rotates 360 degrees.

The small bore means that even when the water pressure is high, it does not Blast yr bum off!.

A previous model was also stainless and had a swivel valve for rotation but it was not small bore

it did blast yer bum off.

We could not live without one.

In Spain we have a bidet but the BG is so much nicer to use.

(Wakes you up in the winter though).

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.Das ist deine ARSCH DUSCHE! Believe it or not, I had to import the Gun part from Sri Lanka as it was not available in the continental market!

Here in central Mexico [where 4% ot the Thai pop of MX live] we just use a locally available kitchen sprayer head. Does the trick!


The Bum Gun as some here refer to, is the advanced version of using a bowl out of a bucket of water that you still find in some of the squatting toilets.We born Asians learn the technique at the age of three or four from the mother, It makes sense when the European paper scrapers have a big issue with the more hygienic methods. This is so common in almost all countries after you cross the Bosporus.

I live in Germany and it was when I was rebuilding my Bathroom in my own house, I had to draw the Bum gun and explain to the German born Plumber how and where I wanted it. When the raw drawing was done I saw the letters written by the Plumber, AD which made no sense to me and asked him what fitting that was.....and with a broad smile, he told me......Das ist deine ARSCH DUSCHE! Believe it or not, I had to import the Gun part from Sri Lanka as it was not available in the continental market!

My European wife has become a fan of the water and paper method since then and has no problem to use them in a Thai toilet!

I hope this Anecdote will get some of the Brits and Aussies here to smile!

A great post. Whist English the French did actually get this correct with the separate Bidet



I feel sure there is a market for these products in the Far East.

I am not exactly in favour of combining the two, Especially the Hi tech Japanese soultions applied to the Toilet - Press the wrong button at the wrong time....

I am limited to taking a short shower afterwards.


the gun or not the gun, as long as there is bloody SOAP available in them public wcs. i always carry some small hotel soap with me when on the way.

anyway, the other day i was in this restaurant and the ladyboss went to bathroom and came back with totally wet pants (lower ass part)... maybe she was "clean" but it looked... er... wet ;-)


Thailand has syphonic toilets, which have a 100mm diameter pipes, unlike the 150mm dia pipes in Oz, Britain, and NZ, and I assume other Western countries. 100mm pipes a more liable to blockage.

I wanted to install one here, but the thought of winter cold water put me off.


so do Germans

completely unnecessary IMO with a bum gun

no problem using a regular kitchen sink sprayer in the US

definitely one area (like BTS/MRT) where Thailand's technology is superior

TP is so unsanitary and crazy killing trees for that as well


TP is so gross - I won't go places anymore that don't give you a decent bum gun.

Agree, but how are you drying?

Just sit there.

You in a hurry for what?

Not to go to the toilet....

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa app


Thailand has syphonic toilets, which have a 100mm diameter pipes, unlike the 150mm dia pipes in Oz, Britain, and NZ, and I assume other Western countries. 100mm pipes a more liable to blockage.

I wanted to install one here, but the thought of winter cold water put me off.

The water in the pipe is at room temp, so lucky the first squirt.

You can get used to it LOL


Actually in one my apartments in sweden both toilets have a bum gun installed by the developer when they renovated the building and is the same in all apartments in the building. First and last time for me to see that in Sweden. But my grand parent had a french bidet in their house back in the day

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