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Dating a younger Thai girl - or why I love Thailand.


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Is this thread about getting into relationships or ease of finding bed partners? The "young hansum man" types on this thread crack me up. For the most part you only attract airheads who have a thing for young farang guys and collect them like trophies to show off to their equally clueless friends. Believe me, most/all of your conquests don't really like or want to be with you for any valid reason that constitutes a "genuine relationship" apart from the fact that they don't know any better (yet). Any expat worth their salt will avoid this type of girl like the plague and have learned how to weed them out with experience. Especially after it becomes apparent that they have a long list of young farangs in their contact list. You will learn this in time. You are not anything "special" because you can attract tail easier than an older man. Men over 40 can quite easily find young girls to date and bed without going to bars, this is not a pool reserved for "young hansum man farangs" and to convince yourself otherwise is delusional.

You also need to take into consideration the fact that generally speaking most Thai girls/women are extremely immature and child-like compared to their "western" equivalents. That hot 21 year old you're curently boning has the mentality and personality of a 14 yr old back home. The reason these types of girls like the Adam Levine, Boyband, Twighlight types etc is because they haven't grown up yet, and are still misguided as to what constitutes an ideal mate. They are similar to pre-pubescent western girls with posters on their bedroom walls. Youngsters like you are the closest they can get to that fantasy, and you are a curiosity and novelty for them, nothing more. You wouldn't try having a relationship with a 14 yr old back home but you do in Thailand because her ID says she is 21. Think about it.

Don't for one second delude yourself into thinking you can sustain any meaningful relationship with them. For the most part they don't possess the knowledge, experience, or sophistication to even remotely judge your personality, sense of humour, character or difference in nationality or cultural traits compared to any other "young hansum farang" from any other country. You're all the same to them. If you think there is any substance to your relationship apart the relative ease of getting them into bed, then you are indeed the demographic who are delusional, and one day (assuming you spend enough time here) you will realise that. Bear in mind also that you have been culturally brainwashed by a female dominated society to look down on older men being with younger women. Learn to rise above it, because one day (sooner than you think) you will be that 45 year old man and your desire to bed girls in their early-mid twenties will not wane. Or are we to expect that you will be trying to bed 40 year old Thai women? I think not...

You wrote, "You also need to take into consideration the fact that generally speaking most Thai girls/women are extremely immature and child-like compared to their "western" equivalents."

Whoa dude I never thought of that. What would you change the age of consent to? 39? And would change only for Farang dudes or Thai dudes too? Are Thai men generally speaking extremely immature too?

And what about lady boys? They extremely immature too? Oh so many questions.

Do Thai women ever get mature? Have you ever dated one? At what age to they stop playing Candy Crush and liking Hello Kitty stuff?

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Your point was that things will change like they changed in the West. My point was, no they will not change because this is not the West and never was. Young women in the West have no respect for family now. Thai women will always have respect for family even if the family is rich. The family will always respect money more than age and good looks.

A rich old guy can always get plastic surgery. A poor young guy can't always get rich. What can the poor young guy do for the family? What can the rich old guy do for the family? Those are the questions asked in Thailand.

Thailand has always respected age and wealth and will continue to do so; it is the Thai way. The West has changed to a media driven youth culture and you have bought the line.

What you say is true, except that the day will come - may be a long time - when only relatively wealthy westerners can afford the going rate in Asia.

How dare you insinuate that I have ever paid for sex. How dare you. Because I have paid rents, bought homes and cars and sustained families does not mean I have ever paid for sex in Thailand. Because I have put numerous women through college and equipped them to function in a modern international world of business does not mean I have ever paid for sex. I'll thank you not to judge everyone by yourself.

I do hope you're joking.

Or, find a gal with a good education and job who has bought a new home on the new home scheme, and a new car on the new car scheme, but who is struggling with debt and helping parents. Move in, toss 40k pm into the mix to make life easy. Then if things go sideways you can get into your own car and leave.

And you too, even if you're rich why on earth would you spend that kind of money?

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You have been saying that Thais respect family most, but how many Thai families will 'turn a blind eye' to whatever their daughters have to do to get them money, even their daughter's happiness and self respect. And in many cases - their personal safety and health- for those turning a blind eye to their daughters working in the "entertainment" industry.

I didn't think we were talking about the sex industry but (relatively) long-term relationships, where the transactional aspects are well-mixed in with the romantic/family ones, even if sometimes the latter are just a reasonable facsimile.

Many many many many families do just that, turn a blind eye. The poorer the family the happier they are to do that, even for the explicit sex industry or outright scam routines they'll all pitch in together to operate.

For the more normative examples if there's enough wealth and status involved even the highest-so families will go along. What you think it's important to mom and dad their kids marry for love alone? That's not normal here, in fact even I think it's stupid, that's a western Disney-medieval myth.

good news for you then. there will remain a supply of impoverished "salt of the earth" girls for you to "take".

i personally have seen a significant change of attitude in my 18 years here, and now in my mid forties have discovered a much more independent class of women who are more interested in company than cash.

Absolutely, sure, but it's not such a large class proportional to the Thai population, and personally I have no more interest in them than they would in me.

I strenuously object to your use of the term troglodytes to insult these salt of the earth people, usually far more pleasant and sincere than the wealthier urban minority.

And I don't wear shorts except at the beach.

"Salt of the earth people"???!!!

Don't pretend you see them as anything more than the wellspring for the young girls you routinely exploit for your own despicable ends.

One day, mate, those police sirens you hear whizzing past your home every night will come to rest right outside your front door attached to a search warrant.

No idea what you're on about, I have the utmost respect for poor upcountry people and enjoy their company in all sorts of ways. And what ends of mine are so despicable, AFAICS no different from most here?

And I'm not doing anything illegal, plenty of my SOs have immediate family in the BiB, I'm well known locally in my neighborhood everyone knows the story, no one's got a problem with it. I suspect it's mostly your imagination all worked up projecting all kinds of salacious scenarios from your fevered subconscious, like the older white folk brainwashed by "Reefer Madness" prohibition types who banned pot because they were convinced it turned their precious virgin daughters into negro-screwing nymphos.

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I love this country.

I'm 72 and still a "prospect".

I don't give a flying <deleted> why.

Hear, Hear! laugh.png

Are you basing your "Like" about what (his post) could easily be a lie or the reality of living & treating all Thais as if they were created just for your amusement?

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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Do Thai women ever get mature? Have you ever dated one? At what age to they stop playing Candy Crush and liking Hello Kitty stuff?


Last week a 53 year old Thai female acquaintance invited me to play Candy Crush!


I know a very nice 42 year old Thai lady, who has "This car is Pink" written on the body of her white car, and the entire inside is decked out in "Hello Kitty" merchandise, including pink furry HK seat covers.

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You wrote, "You also need to take into consideration the fact that generally speaking most Thai girls/women are extremely immature and child-like compared to their "western" equivalents."

Whoa dude I never thought of that. What would you change the age of consent to? 39? And would change only for Farang dudes or Thai dudes too? Are Thai men generally speaking extremely immature too?

And what about lady boys? They extremely immature too? Oh so many questions.

Do Thai women ever get mature? Have you ever dated one? At what age to they stop playing Candy Crush and liking Hello Kitty stuff?

Whilst I acknowledge that your tongue is planted firmly in your cheek with the above response, I suspect that you missed the point of what I was saying. I take issue (humorously) with young guys who think it is some kind of achievement to get silly young girls to sleep with them and then buy into their bullsh*t that they don't like "old men" or whatever. It has nothing to do with age of consent or when they will outgrow Hello Kitty, but everything to do with those men/boys not looking at the big picture whilst trying to convince older men they are delusional about the realities of their relationships whilst they are in similar situations themselves. Anyway...

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And what ends of mine are so despicable, AFAICS no different from most here?

And I'm not doing anything illegal, plenty of my SOs have immediate family in the BiB, I'm well known locally in my neighborhood everyone knows the story, no one's got a problem with it.

Doesn't mean a damned thing.

There are international scam artists and drug dealers with immediate family in the BiB - that don't mean what they're doing is legal does it?

If as you claim, "everyone knows the story", my guess is you'd probably not want to hear what Thais' in the neighbourhood really think of you.

I'd imagine they take a very dim view of someone, especially a clinically obese farang, who ostensibly trains the local daughters to be prostitutes in return for free poontang.

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It has nothing to do with age of consent or when they will outgrow Hello Kitty, but everything to do with those men/boys not looking at the big picture whilst trying to convince older men they are delusional about the realities of their relationships whilst they are in similar situations themselves. Anyway...

Exactly right. We are all in pretty much the same boat here, no matter how much some folks try to convince themselves otherwise.

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It has nothing to do with age of consent or when they will outgrow Hello Kitty, but everything to do with those men/boys not looking at the big picture whilst trying to convince older men they are delusional about the realities of their relationships whilst they are in similar situations themselves. Anyway...

Exactly right. We are all in pretty much the same boat here, no matter how much some folks try to convince themselves otherwise.

You two...

Get a room :)

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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And what ends of mine are so despicable, AFAICS no different from most here?

And I'm not doing anything illegal, plenty of my SOs have immediate family in the BiB, I'm well known locally in my neighborhood everyone knows the story, no one's got a problem with it.

Doesn't mean a damned thing.

There are international scam artists and drug dealers with immediate family in the BiB - that don't mean what they're doing is legal does it?

If as you claim, "everyone knows the story", my guess is you'd probably not want to hear what Thais' in the neighbourhood really think of you.

I'd imagine they take a very dim view of someone, especially a clinically obese farang, who ostensibly trains the local daughters to be prostitutes in return for free poontang.

This whole "training for prostitution" thing is 100% a figment of your imagination I assure you.

As is your claim I'm doing anything illegal.

And as you say, that's not relevant to your screaming sirens fantasy anyway, which just ain't gonna happen.

And I have no problem with some people disapproving of what I do, but the end results speak for themselves, so I've always got more "clients" queued up than I want to take on; maybe I should franchise the system 8-)

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This whole "training for prostitution" thing is 100% a figment of your imagination I assure you.

As is your claim I'm doing anything illegal.

And as you say, that's not relevant to your screaming sirens fantasy anyway, which just ain't gonna happen.

And I have no problem with some people disapproving of what I do, but the end results speak for themselves, so I've always got more "clients" queued up than I want to take on; maybe I should franchise the system 8-)

I could easily find the posts you made as BigJohnnyBKK where you described your "program" for girls if you'd like me to.

Would you?

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This whole "training for prostitution" thing is 100% a figment of your imagination I assure you.

As is your claim I'm doing anything illegal.

And as you say, that's not relevant to your screaming sirens fantasy anyway, which just ain't gonna happen.

And I have no problem with some people disapproving of what I do, but the end results speak for themselves, so I've always got more "clients" queued up than I want to take on; maybe I should franchise the system 8-)

I could easily find the posts you made as BigJohnnyBKK where you described your "program" for girls if you'd like me to.

Would you?

Does the bloke need to give a signed permission note before you can find them?

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25 and 42 is a HUGE difference. The old guy should be looking for validation, but won't get it from me. 25 is just out of college (and for Thai 25 is like 18 in some metrics), and 42 is in mid-life crisis mode and can usually only use money as the proper metric. 40 to 60 is different, imo. Good luck trying to talk about current events, or having any philosophical conversation. 24 is in the age of making money, career, and finding a nice guy to maybe marry. 42 is probably not in good shape, bitter about career, and doesn't have the same energy. Of course, i'm generalizing but it is generally true.

so, when you have kids: she will be 45 when the kid is 20. you will be closer to social security. trust me, that is a big difference for the kid.

manipulating a younger girl with money is no different than paying. If you didn't post and i met you both on the street, i wouldn't jump to these assumptions. but you posted, showed the insecurity, and i gave my 2 cents. anyhow, good luck.

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25 and 42 is a HUGE difference. The old guy should be looking for validation, but won't get it from me. 25 is just out of college (and for Thai 25 is like 18 in some metrics), and 42 is in mid-life crisis mode and can usually only use money as the proper metric. 40 to 60 is different, imo. Good luck trying to talk about current events, or having any philosophical conversation. 24 is in the age of making money, career, and finding a nice guy to maybe marry. 42 is probably not in good shape, bitter about career, and doesn't have the same energy. Of course, i'm generalizing but it is generally true.

so, when you have kids: she will be 45 when the kid is 20. you will be closer to social security. trust me, that is a big difference for the kid.

manipulating a younger girl with money is no different than paying. If you didn't post and i met you both on the street, i wouldn't jump to these assumptions. but you posted, showed the insecurity, and i gave my 2 cents. anyhow, good luck.

Why would he want your validation? This thread is about dating younger girls and why this is a reason to love Thailand. I don't believe "philosophical conversation" is something older guys come to Thailand to look for. Perhaps you need to spend a little longer here!

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42 / 25

Are you crazy, man ??

This is a full normal relationship every where in the world.

If you are 62, 72 and your GF (of course her heart is full with love:))))) is 25 yrs old, people will stare you, BUT not in TH wink.png

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25 and 42 is a HUGE difference. The old guy should be looking for validation, but won't get it from me. 25 is just out of college (and for Thai 25 is like 18 in some metrics), and 42 is in mid-life crisis mode and can usually only use money as the proper metric. 40 to 60 is different, imo. Good luck trying to talk about current events, or having any philosophical conversation. 24 is in the age of making money, career, and finding a nice guy to maybe marry. 42 is probably not in good shape, bitter about career, and doesn't have the same energy. Of course, i'm generalizing but it is generally true.

so, when you have kids: she will be 45 when the kid is 20. you will be closer to social security. trust me, that is a big difference for the kid.

manipulating a younger girl with money is no different than paying. If you didn't post and i met you both on the street, i wouldn't jump to these assumptions. but you posted, showed the insecurity, and i gave my 2 cents. anyhow, good luck.

Man, did you make this big BS post alone or some-one helped you ???

".... for validation, but won't get from me. "

It's time to take in your medicine.

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You wrote, "You also need to take into consideration the fact that generally speaking most Thai girls/women are extremely immature and child-like compared to their "western" equivalents."

Whoa dude I never thought of that. What would you change the age of consent to? 39? And would change only for Farang dudes or Thai dudes too? Are Thai men generally speaking extremely immature too?

And what about lady boys? They extremely immature too? Oh so many questions.

Do Thai women ever get mature? Have you ever dated one? At what age to they stop playing Candy Crush and liking Hello Kitty stuff?

Whilst I acknowledge that your tongue is planted firmly in your cheek with the above response, I suspect that you missed the point of what I was saying. I take issue (humorously) with young guys who think it is some kind of achievement to get silly young girls to sleep with them and then buy into their bullsh*t that they don't like "old men" or whatever. It has nothing to do with age of consent or when they will outgrow Hello Kitty, but everything to do with those men/boys not looking at the big picture whilst trying to convince older men they are delusional about the realities of their relationships whilst they are in similar situations themselves. Anyway...

Who said it was an achievement to shag silly young girls?

That's no achievement, mate.

Anyone can do that.

Your point - however eloquently made - is lost

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Spot on.

But I don't have the same optimism about their development path; the corruption no-rule-of-law impunity issues, very poor education, inefficient agriculture basis for most people, language issues and close-minded false-pride xenophobia in general are all pretty major barriers.

Seems to me the self-foot-shooting is set to continue for some time, as well as a few tough transitions pending.

Don't think we have to worry anytime soon.

good news for you then. there will remain a supply of impoverished "salt of the earth" girls for you to "take".

i personally have seen a significant change of attitude in my 18 years here, and now in my mid forties have discovered a much more independent class of women who are more interested in company than cash.

Further to your observation:

Interested in male company their own age


Interested in 'interesting' male company of any age


Do you mean being independent they are interested in foreigners or Thai men?

id say both, what they are not looking for is a handout.

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You wrote, "You also need to take into consideration the fact that generally speaking most Thai girls/women are extremely immature and child-like compared to their "western" equivalents."

Whoa dude I never thought of that. What would you change the age of consent to? 39? And would change only for Farang dudes or Thai dudes too? Are Thai men generally speaking extremely immature too?

And what about lady boys? They extremely immature too? Oh so many questions.

Do Thai women ever get mature? Have you ever dated one? At what age to they stop playing Candy Crush and liking Hello Kitty stuff?

Whilst I acknowledge that your tongue is planted firmly in your cheek with the above response, I suspect that you missed the point of what I was saying. I take issue (humorously) with young guys who think it is some kind of achievement to get silly young girls to sleep with them and then buy into their bullsh*t that they don't like "old men" or whatever. It has nothing to do with age of consent or when they will outgrow Hello Kitty, but everything to do with those men/boys not looking at the big picture whilst trying to convince older men they are delusional about the realities of their relationships whilst they are in similar situations themselves. Anyway...

Who said it was an achievement to shag silly young girls?

That's no achievement, mate.

Anyone can do that.

Your point - however eloquently made - is lost

Well yes... that IS the point exactly. I think you got it. thumbsup.gif

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In my 20's Thai women loved me for my body. In my 40's they loved me for my mind. In my 60's they loved me for my money. Somehow I don't think it the women changing.

Sorry, no offense, but you do know your words interpret (you got)...unattractive & more so, fat. But way of the uneducated or lazy, would congratulate you on your wisdom.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

In my 20's I walked into a bar in on an American base in Thailand with my uniform on. I looked good. And young women fought for me and took me home for the night. In my 40's in a suit from Savile row at the Mandarin Oriental for tea, ladies in little black dresses from Chanel nibbled on finger sandwiches chatted intelligently and then took me home for the night. In my 60's in cargo shorts and polo shirt in a bar on Soi LK Metro in Pattaya women in next to nothing ate som tom chatted with me in Lao/Thai and took me home for the night. I hope that explains how the women in Thailand have changed over the years.biggrin.png

indeed it does show how the women have changed. now you are scraping the barrel in beer bars. congratulations.

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How dare you insinuate that I have ever paid for sex. How dare you. Because I have paid rents, bought homes and cars and sustained families does not mean I have ever paid for sex in Thailand. Because I have put numerous women through college and equipped them to function in a modern international world of business does not mean I have ever paid for sex. I'll thank you not to judge everyone by yourself.

now im just laughing at you.

Edited by HooHaa
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42 / 25

Are you crazy, man ??

This is a full normal relationship every where in the world.

If you are 62, 72 and your GF (of course her heart is full with love:))))) is 25 yrs old, people will stare you, BUT not in TH wink.png

When I was 42, I was getting divorced from wife #1

The girl in the law office was 23. We dated.

My other lawyers assistant was 24. We dated.

A girl who worked in PR came to interview me, she was 24.

That night at a party thrown by Microsoft in LA, she had a fight with her 25 year old husband,

walked up to me and told me she was leaving, and wanted to know if I was coming with her.

I did.

42 and 25 is completely normal in the US,

all three girls were american, all 3 college grads.

In thailand, I dont know any 25 year olds, but the girl I have been with for 5 months is 32, I am 54 now,

She is highly developed emotionally, prays every morning in the spare bedroom,

is what everyone on TV would call a northern predator girl,

but from what I can tell,

these girls deserve better than they way they are treated, by the majority

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for the past 6 weeks I've been dating an M5 girl in an EP. Starts M6 next term. 11 year difference but so what. Great, fun and 'active' young woman. smile.png So what. Complainers are probably jealous.

I certainly have no reason to be jealous, more power to you and hope you're happy together for many years to come, but aside from the theoretical legal question, also from a practical POV that can definitely be a risky scenario from many many directions.

To start with, have you been introduced to the family and are mum and dad OK with it?

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for the past 6 weeks I've been dating an M5 girl in an EP. Starts M6 next term. 11 year difference but so what. Great, fun and 'active' young woman. smile.png So what. Complainers are probably jealous.

I certainly have no reason to be jealous, more power to you and hope you're happy together for many years to come, but aside from the theoretical legal question, also from a practical POV that can definitely be a risky scenario from many many directions.

To start with, have you been introduced to the family and are mum and dad OK with it?

Whats an M5 in an EP and an M6?

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upper secondary education, English Programme - sometimes IP for International Programme

Mathayom 6 is the final year before applying for uni

So M5 is likely to be 17, maybe 18 end of the school year.

Unless she got held back. . .

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