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Are thai people the most illogical people you have ever met?


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Formal Logic follows strict rules and structure to produce consistent outcomes, should be pretty much the same everywhere (i.e. university based). In life, there are decisions made using much looser rules, if they can be called such, and tend to follow sometimes illogical reasoning to reach a logical conclusion. To the person making the decision their reasoning may not be illogical from their own cultural point of view but to an outsider could seem illogical.

A story related a man who wore extremely over-sized clothes. Casual observers wrote him off as eccentric and weird. But when someone finally asked him why he wore such baggy clothes he said that he could get twice the amount of material for the same price as clothes that fit him. To him, he was getting a bargain and he obviously didn't care what other people thought about his appearance so what they thought was not part of his logical decision.

So no difference between East and West university taught logic. What is the difference between East and West Non formal logic? You wrote, " Western "logic" and Eastern "logic" just work differently." OK. How?

To my observations, Eastern (specifically, Thai) logic comes off more like the example of the man with the baggy clothes. Thais do not seem much concerned with what we Westerners think about what they do and how they do things. Some of them charge a farang more than a Thai for the exact same merchandise or service. To us, that is illogical and unfair but to the Thais, it makes perfect sense...because we (usually) can afford it. We say that fairness, by our logic, dictates the same price for everyone but those Thais that practice such discriminatory pricing believe that we can absorb the cost easily, mai bpen rai. We, on the other hand, even if it is absolutely true we can afford it, fall back on our sense of principle and to us it is only logical to do so. And by the way, I observed the same thing in China.

Again, discriminatory pricing is the basis of economics, contructing a demand curve. People pay according to how they value a product. For simplicty, we generally charge the same price - what the market will bear - given that constant bargaining can be inefficient, but fact of the matter is there will always be those who would have been happy to pay more than the posted price.

I disagree with basing your decisions on race - but not ability to pay.

In the west we generally undertake discriminatory pricing in more benign ways. Kids prices, adult prices and pensioner prices. Not done out of any compassion for the kids and pensioners - it is pure profit maximising so you get the most revenue out of each of these demographics.

Me? I charge my clients more if I think they can afford it....

Sorry, I'm not basing my conclusions on race but on culture, mores, what have you, but never on race. But business decisions are also logically made based on various factors and most of the time products or services are priced according to what the market will bear. Jewelry is a prime example. Raw material in jewelry is a fraction of what it is sold for.

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It is more about the education system than anything else. It was the same in most western countries too when only the wealthy had any real education and everyone else was taught to learn by rote and never ask why. Educated Thais here are just as astute as their equally educated western contemporaries. When trained from birth to follow the rules given, never deviate, never think out of the box and never ask questions, it is not hard to see the problems going forward. Someone has already referred to the "American rednecks" , and it is likewise. Someone also said the same was once said about the Chinese - that was when the only Chinese we heard of were poorer classes working in restaurants or low paid manual labour - now we see the educated bankers etc, we can think differently!

We used to say it of the poor in the west, of the blacks, of the Irish, etc - because the only interaction was with uneducated ones (not though their own volition, but because they were either disallowed education or simply could not afford it). This is why it is not racism, and should be stated - no one here (I believe) actually believes there is a biological reason for it (or for the very low national IQ results), but a failed education system - hiding it does not make for impetus to change. The world laughed at Japanese products in the 50-70s, by the 90s all the best stuff comes from Japan (from suits to TVs, cars to robots).

I would say the root of the problem is the hierarchic culture. The education, proper lack of, is the result.

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Some of them charge a farang more than a Thai for the exact same merchandise or service. To us, that is illogical and unfair but to the Thais, it makes perfect sense...because we (usually) can afford it. We say that fairness, by our logic, dictates the same price for everyone but those Thais that practice such discriminatory pricing believe that we can absorb the cost easily, mai bpen rai. We, on the other hand, even if it is absolutely true we can afford it, fall back on our sense of principle and to us it is only logical to do so. And by the way, I observed the same thing in China.

So imagine in a queue to purchase an item we have a scruffy low-paid English teacher for ECC and just behind him an obviously wealthy Thai-Chinese businessman. What happens then? Your (Thai) logic would dictate that the businessman is charged more because as you wrote, 'He can afford it and absorb the cost easily'. But no, the teacher will be charged more. Yep! Totally logical!

That kind of thinking is based on ridiculous and outdated assumptions and a sure sign of ignorance.

Let's be honest. Discriminatory pricing is just that, discriminatory. And in this case racist. The westerner is being charged more just because of the color of his skin. Nothing else.

Suzuki GSX-R1000 L3 182 hp in-line 4 Superbike

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Some of them charge a farang more than a Thai for the exact same merchandise or service. To us, that is illogical and unfair but to the Thais, it makes perfect sense...because we (usually) can afford it. We say that fairness, by our logic, dictates the same price for everyone but those Thais that practice such discriminatory pricing believe that we can absorb the cost easily, mai bpen rai. We, on the other hand, even if it is absolutely true we can afford it, fall back on our sense of principle and to us it is only logical to do so. And by the way, I observed the same thing in China.

So imagine in a queue to purchase an item we have a scruffy low-paid English teacher for ECC and just behind him an obviously wealthy Thai-Chinese businessman. What happens then? Your (Thai) logic would dictate that the businessman is charged more because as you wrote, 'He can afford it and absorb the cost easily'. But no, the teacher will be charged more. Yep! Totally logical!

That kind of thinking is based on ridiculous and outdated assumptions and a sure sign of ignorance.

Let's be honest. Discriminatory pricing is just that, discriminatory. And in this case racist. The westerner is being charged more just because of the color of his skin. Nothing else.

Suzuki GSX-R1000 L3 182 hp in-line 4 Superbike

Basher !

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It is more about the education system than anything else. It was the same in most western countries too when only the wealthy had any real education and everyone else was taught to learn by rote and never ask why. Educated Thais here are just as astute as their equally educated western contemporaries. When trained from birth to follow the rules given, never deviate, never think out of the box and never ask questions, it is not hard to see the problems going forward. Someone has already referred to the "American rednecks" , and it is likewise. Someone also said the same was once said about the Chinese - that was when the only Chinese we heard of were poorer classes working in restaurants or low paid manual labour - now we see the educated bankers etc, we can think differently!

We used to say it of the poor in the west, of the blacks, of the Irish, etc - because the only interaction was with uneducated ones (not though their own volition, but because they were either disallowed education or simply could not afford it). This is why it is not racism, and should be stated - no one here (I believe) actually believes there is a biological reason for it (or for the very low national IQ results), but a failed education system - hiding it does not make for impetus to change. The world laughed at Japanese products in the 50-70s, by the 90s all the best stuff comes from Japan (from suits to TVs, cars to robots).

There's a man talking sense! I agree. We are mostly born equal.

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Some of them charge a farang more than a Thai for the exact same merchandise or service. To us, that is illogical and unfair but to the Thais, it makes perfect sense...because we (usually) can afford it. We say that fairness, by our logic, dictates the same price for everyone but those Thais that practice such discriminatory pricing believe that we can absorb the cost easily, mai bpen rai. We, on the other hand, even if it is absolutely true we can afford it, fall back on our sense of principle and to us it is only logical to do so. And by the way, I observed the same thing in China.

So imagine in a queue to purchase an item we have a scruffy low-paid English teacher for ECC and just behind him an obviously wealthy Thai-Chinese businessman. What happens then? Your (Thai) logic would dictate that the businessman is charged more because as you wrote, 'He can afford it and absorb the cost easily'. But no, the teacher will be charged more. Yep! Totally logical!

That kind of thinking is based on ridiculous and outdated assumptions and a sure sign of ignorance.

Let's be honest. Discriminatory pricing is just that, discriminatory. And in this case racist. The westerner is being charged more just because of the color of his skin. Nothing else.

Suzuki GSX-R1000 L3 182 hp in-line 4 Superbike

In your scenario there may well be more to the game than what is suggested. Why are coffee shops more expensive at train stations in the west - why are fastfood places also more expensive and often with worse food (any Londoner remember Cassey jones at Charring Cross - worst and most expensive burgers going - always packed). The answer is passing trade. The shop keeper sees the Thai business man and knows three things: 1. he will be aware of the fairness of the price he is give, 2. he will know of other places to go instead if the price is insulting and 3. he is likely to return with good service and a good price. He sees the scruffy foreigner (and knows nothing about his job - he see "back packer" - scruffy + foreign = backpacker): 1. passing trade, will never be back, 2. has no idea what a fair price is, 3. is probably more concerned with getting the item than worrying about the cost. Rightly or wrongly, the decision is made for business sake.

I am less concerned with shops and stall holders using heuristics to decide on a price than I am with non-state enterprises charging many times the price for foreigners to enter. The state has the right to make things cheaper for local people whose taxes pay for it (i.e. National Parks) - a company only has this right through frequent use reductions (such as membership cards and annual passes etc - which should be open to all races too!).

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Logical or analytical thinking is not taught at schools here, so common sense is a rare commodity, hence the reason why some things are almost impossible to accomplish , while other complicated matters are done in minutes

Patronizing unsubstantiated pronouncements on what is or is not taught in Thai schools and, by implication, what has been successfully taught to all the farang in ear shot is arrogant and utter:


especially on a website that specializes in emotional comments and responses that are totally absent any facts, logic or analytically defensible conclusions.

I would feel safe in saying that the vast majority of the "Chosen People" on TV could not construct the most basic of truth tables based on elementary logic despite your implication that logic and analytical thinking are commonly taught outside of Thailand and even those who might manage would be hard put to employ those acadmic skills in day to day occupations.

I suggest you look through a summary of theses offered in Applied Mathematics at one Thai university and then pontificate on what is and is not taught in Thailand: http://stang.sc.mahidol.ac.th/text/thes/4.htm#2010

I suggest you move away from the computer and familiarize yourself with the country and its people, the real country and the real people, not internet people.thumbsup.gif

English is also taught at university's and yet a large number of doctors, lawyers and engineers just to name a few, can not put few words together.

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Sorry, I'm not basing my conclusions on race but on culture, mores, what have you, but never on race. But business decisions are also logically made based on various factors and most of the time products or services are priced according to what the market will bear. Jewelry is a prime example. Raw material in jewelry is a fraction of what it is sold for.

What is the difference in price between a 96.5% 1 baht bar of gold (no ornamentation) 20,310 and a 1 baht ornate gold necklace 20,011?


Methinks the prime example is a person who knows nothing about Thailand.

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It is more about the education system than anything else. It was the same in most western countries too when only the wealthy had any real education and everyone else was taught to learn by rote and never ask why. Educated Thais here are just as astute as their equally educated western contemporaries. When trained from birth to follow the rules given, never deviate, never think out of the box and never ask questions, it is not hard to see the problems going forward. Someone has already referred to the "American rednecks" , and it is likewise. Someone also said the same was once said about the Chinese - that was when the only Chinese we heard of were poorer classes working in restaurants or low paid manual labour - now we see the educated bankers etc, we can think differently!

We used to say it of the poor in the west, of the blacks, of the Irish, etc - because the only interaction was with uneducated ones (not though their own volition, but because they were either disallowed education or simply could not afford it). This is why it is not racism, and should be stated - no one here (I believe) actually believes there is a biological reason for it (or for the very low national IQ results), but a failed education system - hiding it does not make for impetus to change. The world laughed at Japanese products in the 50-70s, by the 90s all the best stuff comes from Japan (from suits to TVs, cars to robots).

I would say the root of the problem is the hierarchic culture. The education, proper lack of, is the result.

Well lets see. Is Thailand in Africa? Or Europe? So in comparison to whom? Laos, Burma, Cambodia and Vietnam? I would say those countries should switch their education system to the Thai one because Thailand is doing quite a bit better.

I will admit Thailand is not US or UK or Australia. Thailand is also not anywhere near the US,UK or Australia.

Fair dinkum after all. Apples to apples. Compare Thailand to her neighbors and tell me who has the problem?

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Sorry, I'm not basing my conclusions on race but on culture, mores, what have you, but never on race. But business decisions are also logically made based on various factors and most of the time products or services are priced according to what the market will bear. Jewelry is a prime example. Raw material in jewelry is a fraction of what it is sold for.

What is the difference in price between a 96.5% 1 baht bar of gold (no ornamentation) 20,310 and a 1 baht ornate gold necklace 20,011?


Methinks the prime example is a person who knows nothing about Thailand.

I am talking about purely ornamental jewelry such as rings, earrings, bracelets with stones, especially jewelry with stones. If you are talking about Thai gold, I would guess that the volume sold in necklace gold is greater than bar gold.

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Some of them charge a farang more than a Thai for the exact same merchandise or service. To us, that is illogical and unfair but to the Thais, it makes perfect sense...because we (usually) can afford it. We say that fairness, by our logic, dictates the same price for everyone but those Thais that practice such discriminatory pricing believe that we can absorb the cost easily, mai bpen rai. We, on the other hand, even if it is absolutely true we can afford it, fall back on our sense of principle and to us it is only logical to do so. And by the way, I observed the same thing in China.

So imagine in a queue to purchase an item we have a scruffy low-paid English teacher for ECC and just behind him an obviously wealthy Thai-Chinese businessman. What happens then? Your (Thai) logic would dictate that the businessman is charged more because as you wrote, 'He can afford it and absorb the cost easily'. But no, the teacher will be charged more. Yep! Totally logical!

That kind of thinking is based on ridiculous and outdated assumptions and a sure sign of ignorance.

Let's be honest. Discriminatory pricing is just that, discriminatory. And in this case racist. The westerner is being charged more just because of the color of his skin. Nothing else.

Suzuki GSX-R1000 L3 182 hp in-line 4 Superbike

In your scenario there may well be more to the game than what is suggested. Why are coffee shops more expensive at train stations in the west - why are fastfood places also more expensive and often with worse food (any Londoner remember Cassey jones at Charring Cross - worst and most expensive burgers going - always packed). The answer is passing trade. The shop keeper sees the Thai business man and knows three things: 1. he will be aware of the fairness of the price he is give, 2. he will know of other places to go instead if the price is insulting and 3. he is likely to return with good service and a good price. He sees the scruffy foreigner (and knows nothing about his job - he see "back packer" - scruffy + foreign = backpacker): 1. passing trade, will never be back, 2. has no idea what a fair price is, 3. is probably more concerned with getting the item than worrying about the cost. Rightly or wrongly, the decision is made for business sake.

I am less concerned with shops and stall holders using heuristics to decide on a price than I am with non-state enterprises charging many times the price for foreigners to enter. The state has the right to make things cheaper for local people whose taxes pay for it (i.e. National Parks) - a company only has this right through frequent use reductions (such as membership cards and annual passes etc - which should be open to all races too!).

And if we replace the scruffy foreigner by a scruffy thai, what would be the thinking of the shopowner ?

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Sorry, I'm not basing my conclusions on race but on culture, mores, what have you, but never on race. But business decisions are also logically made based on various factors and most of the time products or services are priced according to what the market will bear. Jewelry is a prime example. Raw material in jewelry is a fraction of what it is sold for.

What is the difference in price between a 96.5% 1 baht bar of gold (no ornamentation) 20,310 and a 1 baht ornate gold necklace 20,011?


Methinks the prime example is a person who knows nothing about Thailand.

I am talking about purely ornamental jewelry such as rings, earrings, bracelets with stones, especially jewelry with stones. If you are talking about Thai gold, I would guess that the volume sold in necklace gold is greater than bar gold.

Necklaces are cheaper than the gold bars. They sell millions of baht of each every hour. For some reason unknown to me the raw material (bar) is more expensive than the complicated worked gold jewelry in Thailand.

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It is more about the education system than anything else. It was the same in most western countries too when only the wealthy had any real education and everyone else was taught to learn by rote and never ask why. Educated Thais here are just as astute as their equally educated western contemporaries. When trained from birth to follow the rules given, never deviate, never think out of the box and never ask questions, it is not hard to see the problems going forward. Someone has already referred to the "American rednecks" , and it is likewise. Someone also said the same was once said about the Chinese - that was when the only Chinese we heard of were poorer classes working in restaurants or low paid manual labour - now we see the educated bankers etc, we can think differently!

We used to say it of the poor in the west, of the blacks, of the Irish, etc - because the only interaction was with uneducated ones (not though their own volition, but because they were either disallowed education or simply could not afford it). This is why it is not racism, and should be stated - no one here (I believe) actually believes there is a biological reason for it (or for the very low national IQ results), but a failed education system - hiding it does not make for impetus to change. The world laughed at Japanese products in the 50-70s, by the 90s all the best stuff comes from Japan (from suits to TVs, cars to robots).

There's a man talking sense! I agree. We are mostly born equal.

Ah yes, the education. Can't get enough of the education. It's all about the education. Wait a minute, aren't you the guy who got fleeced by the Thai ex-wife? She managed to take you for all your assets? A well-traveled, well educated (according to you) man-of-the-world, taken to the cleaners by a peasant farm girl. So now you're here to get back at the Thais....or at least in your mind. An axe to grind. The classic profile of the Thai-bashing farang. Wise up little man, it's time to move on.

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It would seem this is a generational issue, as,

Thai hospitals and doctors, dentists etc., all claim to be high on merits,

I have met my share of the wealthy, they were highly educated, and some, married to foreigners, although, I was unable to tell who was who, ie., whose mmoney made the wealth

I also saw my share of Lamborghini and Ferrari here, albeit, nothing compared to Miami

You can't walk two blocks without seeing ATM's everywhere.

There is money everywhere, malls flooded (selling mostly discounted good), but flooded.

Money management firms, other wealth indicators, all there.

It seems the education is same as it is everywhere else,

If the parents are uneducated, they hope at least their kids will finish school

Those kids will have kids that perhaps will go to college.

The advantage here is apparently, those who have been closest to the city,

the flood of thai immigrants to the city, causes the numbers to be inaccurate, and makes the division between have's and have nots, more extreme.

someone is buying into all those high rises, which also havent stopped rising

Edited by Scarpolo
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Formal Logic follows strict rules and structure to produce consistent outcomes, should be pretty much the same everywhere (i.e. university based). In life, there are decisions made using much looser rules, if they can be called such, and tend to follow sometimes illogical reasoning to reach a logical conclusion. To the person making the decision their reasoning may not be illogical from their own cultural point of view but to an outsider could seem illogical.

A story related a man who wore extremely over-sized clothes. Casual observers wrote him off as eccentric and weird. But when someone finally asked him why he wore such baggy clothes he said that he could get twice the amount of material for the same price as clothes that fit him. To him, he was getting a bargain and he obviously didn't care what other people thought about his appearance so what they thought was not part of his logical decision.

So no difference between East and West university taught logic. What is the difference between East and West Non formal logic? You wrote, " Western "logic" and Eastern "logic" just work differently." OK. How?

To my observations, Eastern (specifically, Thai) logic comes off more like the example of the man with the baggy clothes. Thais do not seem much concerned with what we Westerners think about what they do and how they do things. Some of them charge a farang more than a Thai for the exact same merchandise or service. To us, that is illogical and unfair but to the Thais, it makes perfect sense...because we (usually) can afford it. We say that fairness, by our logic, dictates the same price for everyone but those Thais that practice such discriminatory pricing believe that we can absorb the cost easily, mai bpen rai. We, on the other hand, even if it is absolutely true we can afford it, fall back on our sense of principle and to us it is only logical to do so. And by the way, I observed the same thing in China.

Your reasoning is flawed, unless you are saying that they can't deduce that a Thai person driving a merc wearing a 500$ suit can pay more too, whom they do not charge extra

Sent from my GT-I9300T using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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It is more about the education system than anything else. It was the same in most western countries too when only the wealthy had any real education and everyone else was taught to learn by rote and never ask why. Educated Thais here are just as astute as their equally educated western contemporaries. When trained from birth to follow the rules given, never deviate, never think out of the box and never ask questions, it is not hard to see the problems going forward. Someone has already referred to the "American rednecks" , and it is likewise. Someone also said the same was once said about the Chinese - that was when the only Chinese we heard of were poorer classes working in restaurants or low paid manual labour - now we see the educated bankers etc, we can think differently!

We used to say it of the poor in the west, of the blacks, of the Irish, etc - because the only interaction was with uneducated ones (not though their own volition, but because they were either disallowed education or simply could not afford it). This is why it is not racism, and should be stated - no one here (I believe) actually believes there is a biological reason for it (or for the very low national IQ results), but a failed education system - hiding it does not make for impetus to change. The world laughed at Japanese products in the 50-70s, by the 90s all the best stuff comes from Japan (from suits to TVs, cars to robots).

There's a man talking sense! I agree. We are mostly born equal.

Ah yes, the education. Can't get enough of the education. It's all about the education. Wait a minute, aren't you the guy who got fleeced by the Thai ex-wife? She managed to take you for all your assets? A well-traveled, well educated (according to you) man-of-the-world, taken to the cleaners by a peasant farm girl. So now you're here to get back at the Thais....or at least in your mind. An axe to grind. The classic profile of the Thai-bashing farang. Wise up little man, it's time to move on.

You have alot to learn.


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It's their illogical nature that keeps me coming to Thailand, besides the women and the food and the beaches. Their own little ''kindergarten style of logic'' is plain gold, pure entertainment. Thailand is the most unique in this regard. No else in the world would one have constant free comedy entertainment.

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It's their illogical nature that keeps me coming to Thailand, besides the women and the food and the beaches. Their own little ''kindergarten style of logic'' is plain gold, pure entertainment. Thailand is the most unique in this regard. No else in the world would one have constant free comedy entertainment.

Yes it is indeed plain gold and entertainment when all goes well. When you get into problems though, not at your own doing, you wont think the same.

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It's their illogical nature that keeps me coming to Thailand, besides the women and the food and the beaches. Their own little ''kindergarten style of logic'' is plain gold, pure entertainment. Thailand is the most unique in this regard. No else in the world would one have constant free comedy entertainment.

You do know that the Thais say the same thing about Farang. When you walk into a restaurant every is on the Foreigner waiting for him to do something funny. Rarely are they disappointed.

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It's their illogical nature that keeps me coming to Thailand, besides the women and the food and the beaches. Their own little ''kindergarten style of logic'' is plain gold, pure entertainment. Thailand is the most unique in this regard. No else in the world would one have constant free comedy entertainment.

You do know that the Thais say the same thing about Farang. When you walk into a restaurant every is on the Foreigner waiting for him to do something funny. Rarely are they disappointed.

An honest post showing alot of selfreflection. Well done.

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It's their illogical nature that keeps me coming to Thailand, besides the women and the food and the beaches. Their own little ''kindergarten style of logic'' is plain gold, pure entertainment. Thailand is the most unique in this regard. No else in the world would one have constant free comedy entertainment.

You do know that the Thais say the same thing about Farang. When you walk into a restaurant every is on the Foreigner waiting for him to do something funny. Rarely are they disappointed.

An honest post showing alot of selfreflection. Well done.

It's a fair cop, guv, you've got me bang to rights. Thais learn so much from me language skills too.

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It would seem this is a generational issue, as,

Thai hospitals and doctors, dentists etc., all claim to be high on merits,

I have met my share of the wealthy, they were highly educated, and some, married to foreigners, although, I was unable to tell who was who, ie., whose mmoney made the wealth

I also saw my share of Lamborghini and Ferrari here, albeit, nothing compared to Miami

You can't walk two blocks without seeing ATM's everywhere.

There is money everywhere, malls flooded (selling mostly discounted good), but flooded.

Money management firms, other wealth indicators, all there.

It seems the education is same as it is everywhere else,

If the parents are uneducated, they hope at least their kids will finish school

Those kids will have kids that perhaps will go to college.

The advantage here is apparently, those who have been closest to the city,

the flood of thai immigrants to the city, causes the numbers to be inaccurate, and makes the division between have's and have nots, more extreme.

someone is buying into all those high rises, which also havent stopped rising

You've obviously had and interesting stay.

6 months only here ....and your first few months ...your ready to go home until you go to the high end soapy bar and meet the most wonderful whore of your life and you spend the rest of your time moving in with her and educating her as to a better life...

NOW...it seems your in the HIGH SOCIETY of Thailand knowing doctors and dentists....who own Lamborghini's and Ferrari's

I must say after my 10 years here ....you've done and seen more ...(and am obviously more of an expert on women and the wealthy of Thailand ) than anyone else I've read on TV

You are obviously an ASSET to this forum with your wonderful knowledge ....really don't know how to thank-you;;;;

Your six months knowledge of living in Thailand has left me in the dust....

Can't wait to hear the rest of you self centric BS....cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcoffee1.gif

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I see it daily my common law wife (Thai/Canadian) she has been here for over 20 years and she still do before thinking.So I always watch from a distance and try predict the outcome, over all it is not bad she became a thai/farang if you know what I mean.

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It would seem this is a generational issue, as,

Thai hospitals and doctors, dentists etc., all claim to be high on merits,

I have met my share of the wealthy, they were highly educated, and some, married to foreigners, although, I was unable to tell who was who, ie., whose mmoney made the wealth

I also saw my share of Lamborghini and Ferrari here, albeit, nothing compared to Miami

You can't walk two blocks without seeing ATM's everywhere.

There is money everywhere, malls flooded (selling mostly discounted good), but flooded.

Money management firms, other wealth indicators, all there.

It seems the education is same as it is everywhere else,

If the parents are uneducated, they hope at least their kids will finish school

Those kids will have kids that perhaps will go to college.

The advantage here is apparently, those who have been closest to the city,

the flood of thai immigrants to the city, causes the numbers to be inaccurate, and makes the division between have's and have nots, more extreme.

someone is buying into all those high rises, which also havent stopped rising

You've obviously had and interesting stay.

6 months only here ....and your first few months ...your ready to go home until you go to the high end soapy bar and meet the most wonderful whore of your life and you spend the rest of your time moving in with her and educating her as to a better life...

NOW...it seems your in the HIGH SOCIETY of Thailand knowing doctors and dentists....who own Lamborghini's and Ferrari's

I must say after my 10 years here ....you've done and seen more ...(and am obviously more of an expert on women and the wealthy of Thailand ) than anyone else I've read on TV

You are obviously an ASSET to this forum with your wonderful knowledge ....really don't know how to thank-you;;;;

Your six months knowledge of living in Thailand has left me in the dust....

Can't wait to hear the rest of you self centric BS....cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcoffee1.gif

Even you, with effort, can live in many worlds, and not have self image problems.

But it takes a certain amount of IQ.

It is possible, it will grow

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It would seem this is a generational issue, as,

Thai hospitals and doctors, dentists etc., all claim to be high on merits,

I have met my share of the wealthy, they were highly educated, and some, married to foreigners, although, I was unable to tell who was who, ie., whose mmoney made the wealth

I also saw my share of Lamborghini and Ferrari here, albeit, nothing compared to Miami

You can't walk two blocks without seeing ATM's everywhere.

There is money everywhere, malls flooded (selling mostly discounted good), but flooded.

Money management firms, other wealth indicators, all there.

It seems the education is same as it is everywhere else,

If the parents are uneducated, they hope at least their kids will finish school

Those kids will have kids that perhaps will go to college.

The advantage here is apparently, those who have been closest to the city,

the flood of thai immigrants to the city, causes the numbers to be inaccurate, and makes the division between have's and have nots, more extreme.

someone is buying into all those high rises, which also havent stopped rising

You've obviously had and interesting stay.

6 months only here ....and your first few months ...your ready to go home until you go to the high end soapy bar and meet the most wonderful whore of your life and you spend the rest of your time moving in with her and educating her as to a better life...

NOW...it seems your in the HIGH SOCIETY of Thailand knowing doctors and dentists....who own Lamborghini's and Ferrari's

I must say after my 10 years here ....you've done and seen more ...(and am obviously more of an expert on women and the wealthy of Thailand ) than anyone else I've read on TV

You are obviously an ASSET to this forum with your wonderful knowledge ....really don't know how to thank-you;;;;

Your six months knowledge of living in Thailand has left me in the dust....

Can't wait to hear the rest of you self centric BS....cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcoffee1.gif


you do not dispute the facts posted,

part of your personality disorder no doubt?

consider this,

you have one woman at table, who works for JP Morgan, and loses hundreds of millions for "customers" and provides no pleasure,

and then, a girl who works at a job she wishes she didn't, but provides real pleasure, for far less;

who are you attracted too?

be honest.

All your "friends" are watching you perform now

Edited by Scarpolo
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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Wanna see an utter lack of logic?? Try applying for a marriage visa

Where does one obtain a "marriage visa" ?

Does such a "visa" even exist ?

Would you like to see it? It will cost you a bottle of wine

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Edward de Bono would despair

Yeah!? And you can tell that guy to shut up, get back to singing his crappy little songs about Bloody Sunday and stop preaching to the rest of us.

Irish git!

Really? clap2.gifcheesy.gif Priceless!

Pioneer on multiple intelligences, coined "lateral thinking", nominated for a Nobel. Actually Maltese, but culturally British.

A bit more significant than a rock star, no matter how philanthropic.

So imagine in a queue to purchase an item we have a scruffy low-paid English teacher for ECC and just behind him an obviously wealthy Thai-Chinese businessman. What happens then? Your (Thai) logic would dictate that the businessman is charged more because as you wrote, 'He can afford it and absorb the cost easily'. But no, the teacher will be charged more. Yep! Totally logical!

That kind of thinking is based on ridiculous and outdated assumptions and a sure sign of ignorance.

Let's be honest. Discriminatory pricing is just that, discriminatory. And in this case racist. The westerner is being charged more just because of the color of his skin. Nothing else.

The logic has nothing to do with who can afford it.

People with more imperfect market knowledge will always pay more, and so they should.

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Wym, I like your post but in "first Australians" do you mean the "real Australians" that you used to hunt? Sorry, just couldn't resist it!

And I'm sorry that I just don't get it. I emigrated there because my first wife was Australian (yes I accept your condolences 8-). She kept me on a pretty short leash, not much opportunity for any hunting, other than getting rid of the pestilential rabbits infesting our blocks - the neighbors paid me a bounty, lots of fun with the kids those days. A roo killed our dog though, drowned it in the dam before our eyes, that wasn't so much fun 8-(

'Wym' could please explain the 'illogical fellas' at Uluru

At first I thought total morons, but as I got to know them I realized they were very very clever, just in (to me) other-worldly ways. Ended up giving away every shirt I owned, usually right off my back. And crikes you never take your hand off your stubby or it's gone in a flash! 8-)

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Wanna see an utter lack of logic?? Try applying for a marriage visa

Where does one obtain a "marriage visa" ?

Does such a "visa" even exist ?

Would you like to see it? It will cost you a bottle of wine

The visa you get from the MFA (embassies, Ministry of Foreign Affairs) is just to ENTER the country, and the one you get for being married is exactly the same as the one I get for being a SINGLE father of two Thai citizens.

The extension you get that allows you to stay long-term from the Immigration Dept of the Royal Thai Police has nothing to do with visas.

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Well lets see. Is Thailand in Africa? Or Europe? So in comparison to whom? Laos, Burma, Cambodia and Vietnam? I would say those countries should switch their education system to the Thai one because Thailand is doing quite a bit better.

I will admit Thailand is not US or UK or Australia. Thailand is also not anywhere near the US,UK or Australia.

Fair dinkum after all. Apples to apples. Compare Thailand to her neighbors and tell me who has the problem?

Actually Thailand's pretty close to the bottom in the only international objective measure I'm familiar with.

And taking into account the money spent per child, or budget ratio of GDP, the Thai record is absolutely disgraceful.



I'm all for rose-tinted glasses, but maybe you need to clean yours.

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