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Suthep predicts violence if Yingluck is ruled guilty and removed


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Suthep predicts violence if Yingluck is ruled guilty and removed


BANGKOK: -- People’s Democratic Reform Committee (PDRC) secretary-general Suthep Thaugsuban predicted of political violence from unruly redshirt supporters of the caretaker Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra if she is ruled guilty by the National Anti-Corruption Commission (NSCC).

Suthep said he based his prediction on the gradual and growing movement by her redshirt supporters and other elements which included caretaker cabinet ministers, politicians and the ruling Pheu Thai party to reject any decision to be ruled by all constitutional independent organizations.

He cited the rice scandal in which Ms Yingluck would have to report to the NACC to hear malfeasance and corruption charges and defend herself end of this month.

He said it was certain she will not report to the NACC.

But before the date, he said there are growing activities waged by the lackeys of the Thaksin regime in the North and Northeast regions urging supporters to reject any ruling to overthrow what they called democratic government of Ms Yingluck.

He said they also called the move to topple Yingluck as a conspiracy of the independent organizations.

Suthep told anti-government protesters to be prepared for the expected surge of violence if the ruling is to be handed down saying these unruly supporters of Yingluck will turn “mad dogs”.

He said the PDRC would not counter them but to stay peacefully as the situation which national security is posed to serious threat would be handled by the military.

He also dismissed allegation by redshirt leaders that Privy Council chairman Gen Prem Tinsulanonda is cooperating with the PDRC, and masterminding the conspiracy to overthrow the government.

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/suthep-predicts-violence-yingluck-ruled-guilty-removed/

-- Thai PBS 2014-03-20

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It seems to me that the reds have settled down since Suthep and his minions stopped obstructing business in Bangkok.

a little bit harder to launch grenades with only one location and military around. - they do continue to try though.

"In other news, Popcorn Shooter Arrested and at press conference..."

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Of course there is going to be violence, simply because u are removing the wrong person, remove the corrupt officials. Surly if one wants to have a blossoming rose plant, you remove the parasites that are chocking it to death?

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For once this clown is correct.

It is also exactly what he has wanted from day one.

Blood in the streets to give the military a pretext to jump in.

Vile selfish man that he is.

Interesting denial at the end of who is supporting him and backing the PDRC.

If there was no truth in the allegations then couldn't he have just let them slide without any comment.

Obviously, the geriatric brigade is behind him 100%

The end game begins on Friday, lets hope the end game itself ends swiftly and bloodlessly.

he wanted the Shinawatras clan to stop ruling Thailand.

What would indicate that he ever wanted blood on the streets? He gave them ample chance to pack their bags full of money and leave peaceful.

Their bags are very full already. The had 2.5 years to steal from the rice budget. Thaksin knew he might only have a few years and therefor he plundered the rice money in a hurry.

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Of course there is going to be violence, simply because u are removing the wrong person, remove the corrupt officials. Surly if one wants to have a blossoming rose plant, you remove the parasites that are chocking it to death?

According to Yingluck, there is no corruption in the rice scheme.

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It seems to me that the reds have settled down since Suthep and his minions stopped obstructing business in Bangkok.

Rather the opposite...In the beginning it was always a peaceful rally. It wasn't until it had a serious effect on the government that things got nasty. You suggest that that it's was business interests that settled the Reds down. Well think about the fact that more grenades have been thrown and bullets fired since the anti govt rallies have slowed than when it was in full swing. I might suggest to you that this well beyond the perimeters of just business.

It's egos. Mr. T has diversified business interests world wide and more money than he can ever spend, so business can't be the answer. Good businessmen know the economics of "sunken costs" and when to walk away from a loss. It's egos my friend.

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BANGKOK: -- People’s Democratic Reform Committee (PDRC) secretary-general Suthep Thaugsuban predicted of political violence from unruly redshirt supporters of the caretaker Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra if she is ruled guilty by the National Anti-Corruption Commission (NSCC).

I believe Suthep is treading on Chalerms toes. I find Chalerm to be much more accurate when he predicts violence, in fact, he has never been wrong. Uncanny really, predict nightly bombings, and voila, they come to pass. Stick to what you are good at Suthep, continue to point out the corruption, lies and crimes of the PTP.

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EC's Somchai says court ruling will not end political crisis
The Nation

BANGKOK: -- Somchai Srisutthiyakorn, the election commissioner in charge of holding the election, says the Constitutional Court's ruling on Friday on the February 2 election is unlikely to end the political crisis.

He posted a message on his Facebook wall late Wednesday night saying that no matter how the court rules, one of the two polarised sides would not be happy.

"Whether the court annuls the election or gives the go-ahead for the 28 remaining constituencies, there will be a new round of troubles," Somchai wrote.

Were the election to be annulled by the ruling, the government and the EC would have to reach an agreement to issue a new decree to set a new election date, which could fall on May 18.

"But the UDD (United Front of Democracy against Dictatorship] may not accept the ruling and the PDRC [People's Democratic Reform Committee] may insist that reforms precede the election," Somchai wrote.

Somchai said if the court rules that the election for the 28 constituencies could go ahead, the election might be held on April 27 with advance voting possibly taking place on April 20.

But he said several make-up elections would need to be held to complete the entire process and that there could be more protests and blocking of the elections.

"If it turns left, it won't end easily. If it turns right, it will face hurdles. We must resign ourselves to a fate where the situation we have experienced over the last seven months will continue," he said.

Somchai said the situation would definitely develop to the point where only negotiations could provide a solution.

-- The Nation 2014-03-20

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"But he said several make-up elections would need to be held to complete the entire process and that there could be more protests and blocking of the elections."

Surely not, that would be most undemocratic and probably illegal. The security authorities would have to act to prevent such an outrage.

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The prophet of the south has spoken again !!!

Actually he just repeated what Pheu Thai members and MP's, UDD leaders and red-shirt militants and secessionists have been saying.

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He also dismissed allegation by redshirt leaders that Privy Council chairman Gen Prem Tinsulanonda is cooperating with the PDRC, and masterminding the conspiracy to overthrow the government.

The usual unsubtle proxy attacks by the reds against the 93 year old Prem. Everybody knows who their real target is. I wonder who they will find to blame when Prem is gone and realise that he probably had nothing to do with any of this, as they are still loathed by a large number of people.

There can be no doubt that there will be violence orchestrated by the caretaker government through its red shirt and MIB armed terrorist wings very soon in response to court and NACC decisions they don't like. The police, who never bothered to do anything except pot a few protestors at Phan Fa, during the SOE, are moving their checkpoints into place to ensure the killers can slip in and out unhindered and to prevent the army from getting involved. A caretaker government running a terrorist campaign will be a new achievement for the man in Dubai who will stop at nothing to hang on to power, get his Amnesty Bill passed and recover his lost billions, even if Thailand ends up as smoking rubble in the process. Then we will see the purge against anyone who ever opposed him, using judicial and extrajudicial methods.

Soon Thailand will be awash with M16s, AK47s, M79 grenade launchers (in addition to the vast quantity of hand guns already here) being imported by the government and its opponents and placed in the hands of mentally unstable young punks who are otherwise unemployable. Ultimately they will use the weapons on for gang warfare and banditry the people who distributed them for their own selfish reasons without a second thought will not be able to put Humpty together again..

If you know anything about what this is all REALLY about then you will know that Prem is just keeping the chair warm for Thaksin.

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Yes, I think that violence is very likely scenario. However, I think that violence will be answered by the military, and I think that's almost a given. Now the real question. Will Yingluck who is the heir to the Shin dynasty sitting in a wheelchair babbling in broken English about dying on the battlefield of democracy still be in power. Should she be, then it could look bad for the army on an international level. If she's not... no one will care.

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He also dismissed allegation by redshirt leaders that Privy Council chairman Gen Prem Tinsulanonda is cooperating with the PDRC, and masterminding the conspiracy to overthrow the government.

The usual unsubtle proxy attacks by the reds against the 93 year old Prem. Everybody knows who their real target is. I wonder who they will find to blame when Prem is gone and realise that he probably had nothing to do with any of this, as they are still loathed by a large number of people.

There can be no doubt that there will be violence orchestrated by the caretaker government through its red shirt and MIB armed terrorist wings very soon in response to court and NACC decisions they don't like. The police, who never bothered to do anything except pot a few protestors at Phan Fa, during the SOE, are moving their checkpoints into place to ensure the killers can slip in and out unhindered and to prevent the army from getting involved. A caretaker government running a terrorist campaign will be a new achievement for the man in Dubai who will stop at nothing to hang on to power, get his Amnesty Bill passed and recover his lost billions, even if Thailand ends up as smoking rubble in the process. Then we will see the purge against anyone who ever opposed him, using judicial and extrajudicial methods.

Soon Thailand will be awash with M16s, AK47s, M79 grenade launchers (in addition to the vast quantity of hand guns already here) being imported by the government and its opponents and placed in the hands of mentally unstable young punks who are otherwise unemployable. Ultimately they will use the weapons on for gang warfare and banditry the people who distributed them for their own selfish reasons without a second thought will not be able to put Humpty together again..

If you know anything about what this is all REALLY about then you will know that Prem is just keeping the chair warm for Thaksin.

Enlighten us then as to what's really going on.

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