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Forums (are they old hat & dying)

commie Joe

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With all the new social media (as they call it) are forums on the way out ? I think they are. Once upon a time forums was fun as well as a place where maybe you could ask for info about things . Now theres no fun just for most of the time the same few members that have lost the fun side of forums. Just what I see from where I am sitting.

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a forum is a simple way for people to pose questions and seek advice - as well as fight and bicker :) i can't understand why you think that by more people using social media (eg forums) that less people will use forums.

more people using social media (eg forums) equals more people visitng forums. just simple logic ..

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the value of a Forum is the sum of the value that it's members bring in... so OP, you have to ask yourself, whether and how you can provide value to this forum or if you just want to continue to moan?

Weeeeeeeeeeeell, my post of the day........thumbsup.gif

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OP, you are sitting on the wrong place.

There is lots of fun and enjoyment at least on TV Forum.

Lots of information also.

Look at how many people are using TV every day, about 6 - 7 thousand.

They can't all be wrong and you are the correct one.

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mate, I love em, you can wet yourself laughing at some of the crap and still vent your frustration at the same time. What I cant handle is all the social media crap and pics of every single thing you do each day, I mean who in the hell wants to see what you change into every 5 minutes(or cares) and what you are eating, yukblink.png

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Social media does the forums a favour by keeping a lot of the 'fun' stuff, as you call it, in facebook, twitter etc., letting the forums actually get on with providing an exchange of useful information. Just imagine how much more crap would be on here if people weren't busy telling each other what they had for breakfast elsewhere.

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I personlly think that the quality of topics posted is getting worse trivia dribble it goes on who cares if you cannot get you normal tea bags your gf is giving you troubles dribble dribble dribble I would also suspect that a huge amount of topics are fiction made up by those who don't have a life and spend untold hours on the net.

Self professed experts about nothing all sorts of advice that if taken literally ( ie visa's etc ) you would be in deep trouble my favorite.....WELL WHERE I COME FROM they ! ! ! !

SO that's my ten cents worth for what's it's worth there are some really great members who post funny intelligent worth while topics to them I say thank you

I will now have another red and contemplate the meaning of life.....

Good Evening to you all

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Anyone who has kept up reading my posts fully knows that I am probably the most logical member on here and always mean what I say, say what I mean and straight to the point.


We need a most logical member of the year contest!

I don't think it's you, but that was funny!

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I think starting late 90s and continuing for the next decade or so there was an exponential increase in forums & forum activity covering... just about everything. A lot of that has dried up, including many Thai forums that were once thriving.

For whatever reason, this one still is (thriving). I'd take that as a healthy sign and you can get good info here, I've certainly been saved some grief in reference to Thai banking and immigration thanks to accurate info disseminated here (and inaccurate info being questioned).

So, hey.... :)

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I find that forums can be quite addictive, and also can be negative, you can easily get sucked into them, and that make you more negative, if you are that way inclined..

But i have had a load of laughs one way or another, with some of the ''CATTY'' comments, and ''DAFT'' comments...

I just think, ''What planet are some people on'"...

as for me, i am on Planet ''MARS''...

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TVF is the only forum that I (currently) peruse.

I look forward to the twice daily emails. A quick scan of the offerings lets me see the ones that I might want to read.

I avoid the political ones because they are just full of rabid reds and yanking yellows. You cannot have a decent debate with closed minded people.

Over the years I have gleaned useful information fron TVF, and have also enjoyed a chuckle thanks to the more intelligent/witty members here.

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a lot of the fun members have been banned.....Often there is a small line between a good joke and an insult and we live in time of political correctness...

I would love to really answer this, but it's against forum rules. Thaivisa is brilliant, helpful, and I have met good people through it. But just one thing blights it all.

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I am glad TV is here, like many posters before said. And I am glad there is Twitter (which I don't use, btw) for those who think friends need to know right away about their bowel movements ad nauseum. Forums are good for those of us who like to ponder for more than one minute which group to insult, what insane opinions to post, and useful info. Glad the trendys have a place to be ADHD.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Forums stem from abuse and conflict. As did the ancient Romans.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

But the ancient Romans became modern Romans........................rolleyes.gif


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Anyone who has kept up reading my posts fully knows that I am probably the most logical member on here and always mean what I say, say what I mean and straight to the point.


We need a most logical member of the year contest!

I don't think it's you, but that was funny!

You`re only jealous because I have a better avatar than you.

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I personlly think that the quality of topics posted is getting worse trivia dribble it goes on who cares if you cannot get you normal tea bags your gf is giving you troubles dribble dribble dribble I would also suspect that a huge amount of topics are fiction made up by those who don't have a life and spend untold hours on the net.

Self professed experts about nothing all sorts of advice that if taken literally ( ie visa's etc ) you would be in deep trouble my favorite.....WELL WHERE I COME FROM they ! ! ! !

SO that's my ten cents worth for what's it's worth there are some really great members who post funny intelligent worth while topics to them I say thank you

I will now have another red and contemplate the meaning of life.....

Good Evening to you all

I have to agree about some of the OPs on here. When I see ones along the lines of....."How should I feel etc.," .....I wonder to myself how they ever made it this far to Thailand. I would like to say to them...."Well, seeing as you haven't yet left your Mother's apron strings perhaps it would be best to call her and ask her how you should feel"....but of course I'm too polite to say that (555)....I leave to the thicker skinned of the bunch out there. Some of the posts appear as if they are posted by 10 year olds....and that is a bit of an insult to 10 year olds.

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I enjoy the eclectic nature of the topics and subject matter, and the diverse reponse which is engendered as a result. This is what gives TV its uniqueness.

For entertainment value, and especially being without cost, this forum has no equal!

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With this forum there are two areas of concern...one...OPs who start their post with..."if you do not agree with this post or have any negative comments...move on...do not post"...so much for balanced reporting...two...and then you have certain restrictions which could be liberally interpreted so that one is forced to become cryptic in his response to a post...or become a target for dismissal...

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