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Good Thai ladies are around good men - got it? If he has problems with women he needs to look at himself first. then he needs to learn the culture and the woman's education and finances. This is not USA it is not easy - you only think it is. Before you get taken away with image (Thai is 99+% image) write down what you want in a lady. Occassionally go back and read it and update it. Good ladies exist but they know bad men, stupid men, only want sex men, angry men - they arre professionals knowing men and you know nothing about Thai women. No easy.

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Okay thanks...not.

Any others want to give me SOMETHING I can tell him or is a website thing the best option?

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

I tried Thailovelink once only to find out that 99% of the girls was only interested in how much money I had, how big my house was and what kind of car I owned. Seem to me they are all gold diggers and not want a honest guy with good intentions. Some of the girls I was chatting with even started to begging money to pay their university education after after I had known them for a few weeks :-(

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My advice to him is to contact one of the large Private Hospitals ( they are full of well educated ladies who all speak English to a reasonable standard)

May I suggest that he makes a courtesy call to one of his fellow Medics at one of these hospitals under the premise that he would like to make some comparisons between the two countries health care systems ....once there he can fill his boots .....take my word they are filled wall to wall high quality females (most univerisity educated).....that's where my present gf works.

Edited by banglay
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It's so easy to find a nice woman. Just go shopping in any market in a normal town, buy some fruit or fried chicken and you will see an honest hard working person. The chances are they will have at least one child and the husband has done a bunk. That's why they are working selling their wares as opposed to their body. Don't get too chatty till they know you don't have a wife or girlfriend and they will approach you. Their are many many very nice women that really do need a bit of financial support for kids schooling etc. In return they will support you through thick and thin.

As for recommending somewhere to stay. If you want to increase the odds of him getting stiffed go anywhere except Pattaya or Phuket. Thailand has beautiful places to stay in just about every province.

Yes, find a woman in a local market without of any kind of education, 2-3 kids and a drunken abusive thai husband and you will have a partner forever. It doesn't matter if you have to support her husband for the rest of his life or the fact that you don't have anything in common with her whatsoever. If your uncle is rich, tell him to find a girl with master degree from a foreign university and a rich high class Thai family, stay away from farmers daughters from north east Thailand coffee1.gif

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Best thing for him is a bar girl. There are many many ripper ones with good intentions and possibly have a good life with him. .

Most likely she will have a kid being looked after by mother. If he doesn't want that gig then get into the internet. Not my scene but before I even came to Thai meet an office chick from it and dated for a time.

Its easy. Just don't buy em a condo.

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Good girls (whatever that means) do not congregate in any given place, and are not easily identified by any particular physical traits, nor even anything about their personality that could be properly assessed in a few weeks holiday.

Trying to hook up with a "good girl" while on holiday is going to be nearly impossible due to adverse selection, as a willingness to date random foreigners on holiday isn't characteristic of a good girl by most reasonable definitions.

When looking for a life partner it is important to really get to know the person, which takes years (not months as I learned from very painful experience), well enough to sensibly make a long-term commitment.

But I'm sure the OP's friend can have a fun holiday with the bad girls hanging around outside his luxury resort...

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Sign him up for Thailovelinks and Thaifriendly and state exactly what he wants. Finding a perfect girl on a short vacation might happen by chance, but going looking for the perfect girl in a short time probably won't bring good results. Finding an educated, young, attractive woman with kids who is looking for a stable guy with his finances in order and who will treat him well is very doable. Without kids, then that is another story.

I think this is misleading. These websites are for desperate women with baggage. Thai culture is different to Thai in that they don't think they'll join these sites for a laugh or for fun, it's pure desperation. They are willing to lose face in order to hook a farang. They don't care what he looks like or his personality, it's all about how gullible and rich he is.
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It's maybe a bit too much hopeful thinking since it's such a short time. My girlfriend was the sweetest girl in America but since I've been with her in Thailand I found there was a side that I never saw in America. For better or worse.

And sorry the resort question was sort d separate but if there was "two birds with one stone" scenario it could work.

Again. I'm currently in Thailand and have been for 6 or 7 months now. I think the best thing is that my girlfriend can smell a rat so him getting in some trouble would

probably be avoided.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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PLEASE do let us know the eventual outcome! I have actually been asked to perform weddings for men who have met girls on line two weeks previously. I tell them to come back in a year. None of them do!

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What kind of woman do you think he is going to meet on a holiday in a tourist area. He may get lucky and find a hotel manager or the like but most service workers will not be educated. Why is he limiting himself to 26 year olds. Unless your unlce is in his 30's most sucessful younger educated woman don't need/want an older man to provide for them. It seems that he wants a submissive woman to cater to his needs. He will find that but she will not be educated and will come with extra burdens and financial responsibilities.

I think that your Unlce and you need a wake up call. But perhaps your girl friend will just leave you for him because he has more money. Be careful. Especially if you think that is what Thai women are all about.

I know this ins't an april fools joke but it is the april troll post of the year

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  • cheesy.gifcheesy.gif

If he is at all attractive to women they will let him know here.

If he isn't the gold diggers will be interested in him.

What age is he ?

This is how you meet women in Thailand if you are attractive to them. ............... You walk out your front door.

Reminds me of a guy in PNG who asked his mate, who would regularly come home with a pretty lady he had picked up off the street on the way home, what he said to the girls to entice them.

He answered, "Get in"

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Okay thanks...not.

Any others want to give me SOMETHING I can tell him or is a website thing the best option?

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

I tried Thailovelink once only to find out that 99% of the girls was only interested in how much money I had, how big my house was and what kind of car I owned. Seem to me they are all gold diggers and not want a honest guy with good intentions. Some of the girls I was chatting with even started to begging money to pay their university education after after I had known them for a few weeks :-(

I've had the same experience.

I'm young(ish), fit, healthy and yet 5 years here and I cannot find a single girl to date.

Then again I don't want someone with kids, don't want someone who desperately wants kids (I might one day but I'm not guaranteeing it), anyone who writes "I want someone to take care of me" and any girl who implies that she isn't interested in a one night stand (how can you evaluate the girl if you don't see her naked and sleep with her?).

I miss the Western girls in Hong Kong who go out partying just to have fun and get laid.

There must be Thai girls who are like that here surely? Although I can't find them....

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Haha I'm not saying that's what thai women are about, I don't even know that type but I do know people who have had some serious situations because they're probably too nice or dumb to realize it. Whatever the case I'm not trying to troll I'm really trying to get an idea of how an older successful guy could find some love. I don't need you to take some moral high ground or belittle the idea that I'm proposing. I thought it could create quite the discussion and in the end I could take away something to tell him or suggest as I presumed some people on here have sort of looked for the same thing.

Disregard the wealth or success. I'm not talking educated at a top university but I am saying "more educated" if that helps.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

It's so easy to find a nice woman. Just go shopping in any market in a normal town, buy some fruit or fried chicken and you will see an honest hard working person. The chances are they will have at least one child and the husband has done a bunk. That's why they are working selling their wares as opposed to their body. Don't get too chatty till they know you don't have a wife or girlfriend and they will approach you. Their are many many very nice women that really do need a bit of financial support for kids schooling etc. In return they will support you through thick and thin.

As for recommending somewhere to stay. If you want to increase the odds of him getting stiffed go anywhere except Pattaya or Phuket. Thailand has beautiful places to stay in just about every province.

Yes, find a woman in a local market without of any kind of education, 2-3 kids and a drunken abusive thai husband and you will have a partner forever. It doesn't matter if you have to support her husband for the rest of his life or the fact that you don't have anything in common with her whatsoever. If your uncle is rich, tell him to find a girl with master degree from a foreign university and a rich high class Thai family, stay away from farmers daughters from north east Thailand coffee1.gif

And don't forget he's gonna be stuck with the fruit or fried chicken too.

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Landmark Hotel, close to Bumrungrad Hospital, and other attractions....

mrtoad, you're on the right track. OP, put your uncle in a good hotel--there are many. Have him visit universities--one's that school in his medical field. Attend Rotary, Kiwanis meetings and charity events. Go to Thai classical theatre. In short, stay out of the sex industry areas and go to places where well-educated respectable Thai women might go.

On the other hand, if you are not trying to be his matchmaker, he may need some more banal experience--take him out to the sex joints and get him laid. Drum into his mind that these are ladies of negotiable virtue and are; therefore, not keepers.

He is an educated adult; perhaps you should show him a little of each and let him decide. Some men seem to prefer the ladies of negotiable virtue.

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Hi Rossco

I understand where he is coming from. Stay away from the likes of Puket & Pattaya type resorts, there is one place I have been to 3-4 times Koh Chang lovely island and good top hotels, girly bars are very few, he could meet some nice girls working in these resorts etc.

if he meets one and things go well tell him to ask her straight, does she have another man as he is looking for nice lady to be with and marry and take back to live in USA. He would have to understand that they will have family and would need to come back to see them at times.

Best of Luck to him

Kiwi Kenny

Khon Kaen

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Thanks for the help. Off topic but u mentioned Bumrungrad and I'm actually there right now and this is another gorgeous Thai hospital and makes my American counterpart look like crap.

I think that would be a good idea to show him the different virtues and vices and let him decide. The spectrum of girls is much more broad than what he's used to I'm sure of that.

My girlfriend always cooks for me and cleans and washes clothes and pretty much does for me what I imagined a wife in the 1950s did for their husband and it surprised me. My American girlfriends really never cared to do much of that. That's what he's looking for out here. And I think that's what the lot of you have experienced.

Don't forget to ask any of your current birds if they have some friends or family that fit the mold to a certain degree.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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Some good posts, many rubbish.

Given the situation from the guy in his homecountry, he has to work on which woman he wants, why he seems to select the wrong one (more than ones). His attitude towards woman ?!

Some posters mention dating sites, that is a reasonable way to go, of course many golddiggers, and desperate woman. But also many good, educated, single persons who never go out in the nightlife.

It is not an easy task, but doable to date woman on those sites,

(select age category and area where you will stay or look for a woman, education higher as bachelor degree, up to him, kids or no kids).. Start a chatting, see if they have something smart to answer or not. See if there is a conversation going. Make selections, after a few weeks/months the list will be very short. Make a date for lunch or so, they will show up with a friend or family member if they are serious.

Do not expect to stay together in the same room alone in the begunning. Take your time.

Other posters mention hospitals, schools, shopping centra, markets, etc. It all can work, but alot depends on the guy himself, and how he is able to select the right woman for him.

In most Asian cultures it is normal, that a man takes care financially for woman and family. Be prepared for that.

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Yeah my girlfriend is more of a person to ask if the girl is good AFTER the person has been found. She can judge the character she just isn't sure where to find them.

His cousin recently married a thai girl he met on the Internet. I'm sure he's not completely against that.

He did say she can have kids already just no awkward husband situation. The thing is most of us aren't even aware of these scenarios till after we meet the girl.

My girlfriend made me think she was more normal but then you start to unearth the good stuff.

Lol. Anyways. I'm not looking for perfect here nor is he. Let's simplify it. Where to find a good girl as opposed to a bar girl.

What's wrong with bar girl I've been with one for 6 years

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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