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Young adults and their sexual morality - Facebook posts


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This is meant to be a serious question, not some attempt at "trolling".

Some students broadcast their weekly affairs on FB. When I first came over, I met some very traditional girls again which I knew from my home country. They would never even kiss some foreigner AFAIK. One girl had to commute back home for hours every day...

Q1: Is there a new trend in young people's behavior?

Q2: Is this typical for 18 years olds - changing partners weekly and posting about intercourse on FB?

Q3: What do the monks teach about these issues?

Just wondering. (As a Christian youth, I was very troubled about sexual urges... Living with my grandmother who held old views. By no means am I trying to diss anyone. And I do respect openness and honesty!

Edited by Rooo
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A1: from the media/internet, more and more sexual content hits the young and not too young alike...it is today's "normal"? probably.

A2: guess yes. should i be 18, and attractive enough, i have no doubt i could enjoy that for a while. wait. just look around on this forum or better, on the streets how many foreigners ( and if you look a bit harder, then see thai too) enjoy just doing the same, although many in their 60s-70s!

in neither thess group, but also cant fully condemn them. live and let live...this doesnt bother me, really.

A3: what monks? not one, nor two very high ranked monks were accused/prosecuted/disrobed for sexual offences. ( as a personal opinion, there is only "monk" as rank above 20... any ordinained person from day 1 is a monk. what will he teach about sex? when that same morning just had a farewell shag with girlfriend? and in many case that might not be that last for the "monkhood" that might last a few weeks, or till the next rainy season.

but did you really cared what the priest or the Bible told you about sex, when you were 18? i doubt! :) maybe when grandma was around? but after?

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Buddhism teaches the five basic precepts are to be kept...just to mark time on the spot...not go up or down...the minimum requirement to be reborn human.

the Third of these being...to avoid any sexual action which brings suffering to other beings...(not just the usually quoted adultery.)

Promiscuity cheapens the sexual act since it is usually about scratching an itch, rather than love or procreation. For young people today, especially here in Thailand where prostitution exists in many forms, it is easy to slide into prostitution for the purpose of getting the money to buy those nice things they all want...like trendy phones, clothes, bags, motorbikes, etc.

It is happening to younger and younger kids now...even 5th and sixth grade.

Monks can only advise people to keep the precepts. If they are involved in any sexual activity then they are defeated and should disrobe.....even masturbation is forbidden and punishable for monks. Novices live under more relaxed but similar rules.

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The obsession with self was a mainly Western phenomenon that is now being absorbed by Thailand and other countries, facilitated by FB and the Internet in general. Unfortunately, it runs counter to Buddhist teachings.

Monks can advise the laity against "sexual misconduct" (3rd precept), which in Thailand often seems to mean promiscuity, but I think any sermons on the dangers of an inflated sense of self would be lost on the Facebook generation.


In terms of observing the Buddhas teachings, this can only come from a follower him/herself.

One can't force rules or beliefs (except where law is involved) on those who don't subscribe.

In terms of inappropriate sexual behavior, most lack awareness at many levels of the harm they may be causing, to themselves and to others.

Just as the 19 billion dollar annual soft drink budget has had a huge impact on western mans diet and health, internet porn has completely altered what is viewed as sexually normal amongst the youth.

Unfortunately, Monk or leity, all are influenced by ego, greed, and self gratification.

Edited by rockyysdt
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  • 3 weeks later...

Is morality just an invention of man ?

Morality might be influenced by attitudes, custom, religion, & law, and may alter over time and place.

On the other hand the Buddhist precept regarding sexual misconduct is aimed at avoiding harm.

In our world Sexual Misconduct very often intersects with Morality.

For example performing an act which one considers acceptable with a person who is conditioned to abhor it, will lead to harm.

Therefore, although an act maybe benign, this will depend on the individuals involved.

This is one of a number of reasons why a Bikkhu abstains.

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  • 7 months later...

1. There are always new trends in young people's bahaviour.

2. Yes, 18 years-olds do dumb things dumb things, usually involving sex. Its what nature intended on them to do (for the survival of species) that's why the prontal lobe (the part of the brain dealing with consequences) doesn't fully develope until mid 20s.

3. Hmm...

Would never kiss a foreigner...what?

They travel for hours?

Stop drivelling.

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We live in a village, Wongchumpu. The local young girls belong to a dancing group. You can hire them to dance at a function; wedding, funeral. And they are booked well in advance.

They are dancing girls. Young, sweet, innocent.

All their stuff goes on Facebook. Would you like some links??

Just leave them be, and don't confuse them with some others..

They are not confused about their sexuality, nor their religion, nor their social status. Their brothers are monks, and soldiers. They have good families..

Don't interfere..

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What do the monks teach about these issues?

Just wondering. (As a Christian youth, I was very troubled about sexual urges..

Discussing sexual urges with a monk is just a little more sensible than discussing them or getting marriage counseling from a Catholic priest who has never been in a relationship with a woman or been married before! ( and probably prefers little boys anyway)!

it is no wonder that you are confused.

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Sure you want openess?

OK forget your crazy "Christian Morals", we are here to reproduce,, if they are so immature they have to post their weekly score thats their business.

Go back centuries morals vary, morals are something humans create.

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When i was 18 we used to shag as well. No FB back then. Just good old rumour mills that would spread across the school.


Next subject please. It's a holiday. Normally I charge double for my time on holidays but I will let you off with 50% down and 70% over 6 days at 0.99% interest.

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do people really believe what they read on FB, all it is , is a place to brag and try to outdo each other for these teens. When they say they have been having sex with x amount of girls what they really mean is they have been visiting mrs palmer and her 5 daughters a lot, FB has made it possible for them to brag to the world so they bullsh*t as much as possible to make up for their tiny weeners and pimply faces.

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the Third of these being...to avoid any sexual action which brings suffering to other beings...(not just the usually quoted adultery.)

I think the idea of not bringing suffering to others is the most important element.

Westerners trying to understand morality in Thailand should first rid themselves of Christian prejudices such as unmarried sex is automatically a sin, and in general stop to be so obsessed about sexual things - sex isn't a very big deal, just one thing among others.

Edited by manarak
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We live in a village, Wongchumpu. The local young girls belong to a dancing group. You can hire them to dance at a function

what are their rates, are they 7 in number?

Their numbers go up and down, depending on who is around at the time. Normally 6 or 7. I don't know their rates or how far they travel, but can find out. If you are in the far NE and want to hire them, PM me and I will give you their details. They only speak Thai.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Is morality just an invention of man ?

IMHO, morality was invented to conform with society, which was an invention of man..........................wink.png

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It would seem from my observations that many young adults here and in the west are self obsessed and I personally call them the X factor generation. They are constantly taking selfies, taking photos over and over again where ever they are. Letting everyone know on FB when they are basically going for a crap. Well if that is development you can keep it.

FB was good when it first come out IMO, posting pictures for family and friends afar. Now it is a self obsession, people checking every minute, to see if anyone has posted something. Although not an adult I recently asked a 16 year old about FB. They were proud to tell me they had over 900 friends. I asked how many they had actually met in 'real life'. It was 12 people.facepalm.gif

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It would seem from my observations that many young adults here and in the west are self obsessed and I personally call them the X factor generation. They are constantly taking selfies, taking photos over and over again where ever they are. Letting everyone know on FB when they are basically going for a crap. Well if that is development you can keep it.

More sophisticated and advanced gentlemen choose internet message boards to affirm their physical prowess, documented in any Thai Visa topic related to relationships and/or age gaps.

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