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PCAD activist accuses red lobbyist of lese majeste


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I'm glad to see these articles from Khaosod posted here. They keep us abreast of what the ruling government has in mind for their cannon fodder.

cannon fodder:

Usually soldiers who are used as "fodder" during an attack to use up enemy fire before launching an attack. Cannon Fodder is usually made up of units that are expendable.
Sad to say the rank and file red shirt participants do not realize this.
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a friendly reminder

It is however OK to express disrespect for Amsterdam.

The case sounds a bit weak, but I think there are very strong grounds for charges of inciting hatred, insurrection, sedition and secession against this moron.

I recall that the red shirts and the "authorities" jumped all over the last foreigner who stood on a demonstration stage (a peaceful one at that) with subsequent attempts to have him deported.

I trust that Amsterdam (or is it Fryslan Boppe?) will be immediately arrested if he ever tries to set foot on Thai soil....?!

So I am not the only one who suspected that FB is RA... So I am not going loopy after all.

Don't know that I could agree that FB and RA are one and the same, however, I have long suspected that a red-boiler room typing pool is in action being feed constant updates / information - just look at the number of posts they make every day, it also appears that a number of them have been banned over the past few months but pop up again 5 minutes later with a new handle.

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If we compare the speech of Robert Amsterdam with the speech of Sathit Segal on the stage, Sathit did not showed disrespect or attacked any person or institution; Sathit basically said that for the goodness of Thailand there should be more transparency and less corruption. And yet the caretaker government wanted to deport him to the country where he was born, although he has lived almost all his life in Thailand and he has worked hard for the development of strong business relationships between Thailand and India (he was president of the India-Thai Chamber of Commerce).

On the other side, Robert Amsterdam, who only works for Thaksin Shinawatra and does not live in Thai soil, insulted Royal Thai institutions like the Constitutional Court, the National Anti-Corruption Commission, the Judicial System, the Senate…

With or without Thaksinism on power, Amsterdam does not have a future in Thailand.

You should add the Royal Thai Army to the list of institutions defamed by Robert Amsterdam in his speech.

I don't thing the LM charges have any credibility because it is not an insult to the monarchy to advocate reform of the law or to criticize Poo for not reforming it, despite PT campaign promises to hard core red shirts that they would. But they have the advantage that they can be filed by anyone and are much harder to shake off than other charges.

Amsterdam should certainly be blacklisted by Immigration for his remarks and his personal involvement in confrontational street politics as a foreigner. The defamed institutions should also pursue criminal defamation charges against him and the rally organisers who broadcast his defamatory remarks.

My favourite comment.

He added that he is not deterred by the threats of legal actions against him, and that he will visit Thailand again in the near future.

Please come Mr Amsterdam.... You can stay at my house.

Hopefully he will announce time, date and flight number for his arrival. But suspect he is the same as the coward fugitive he represents - will never have the balls to set foot in Thailand - too many out there with a score to settle - permanent settlement.

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This Robert Amsterdam is the lawyer of the devils of this world.

Mugabe, thaksin, Taylor, all people who violate human rights.

I bet this looser had Hitler, and Stalin, Lenin, Idi Amin, pinochet etc as his clientele if they were still alive

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RA - ""I have never seen so unfair a conduct. This Council should be ashamed of themselves, because they have duty to fight for human rights," Mr. Amsterdam said from Los Angeles, "They should remember that they are lawyers ... yet they have violated due process and fairness".

You should acqaint yourselve with the other reptile - Tharit

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It is also clear that the PDRC are now intent on smearing the pro-democracy movement via false claims that the UDD leadership is "anti-monarchy" - similar claims have been used previously by Thai fascist movements to rationalise bloody massacres of pro-democracy activists.

Kotee made this speech, Kotee is a red leader, reds shirt are supporter of PTP, some red are minister and menber of PTP. This show clearly one of red shirt and PTP real goal................

Edited by than
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So I am not the only one who suspected that FB is RA... So I am not going loopy after all.

Don't know that I could agree that FB and RA are one and the same, however, I have long suspected that a red-boiler room typing pool is in action being feed constant updates / information - just look at the number of posts they make every day, it also appears that a number of them have been banned over the past few months but pop up again 5 minutes later with a new handle.

How right you are. Why, WoopyDoo has averaged over 23 posts a day since he joined (again?) just over a week ago..................................

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Could be of course that there are a number of people on this board who just don't agree with what PDRC are up to? Hard to comprehend I know but there we are.

On the subject of Friedan Boppe being Robert Amsterdam, well it's time to come clean. It is so. It gets worse. Publicus is actually President Obama, desperately arguing in support of his beloved Yingluck, Fab4 wanted to be Yingluck but hasn't got the legs for it, and me; well let's just say that I spend a lot of time in Dubai, use Skype, and have a Montenegrin passport!

That should give the conspiracy theorists something to chew on for the rest of the day.

On the subject of Lese Majeste laws being used as a political tool, didn't His Majesty himself speak out to discourage that practice several years ago?

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Haven't got the legs for it! You'll be hearing from my lawyer - if FB has got the time to represent me that is...............

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It is also clear that the PDRC are now intent on smearing the pro-democracy movement via false claims that the UDD leadership is "anti-monarchy" - similar claims have been used previously by Thai fascist movements to rationalise bloody massacres of pro-democracy activists.

Kotee made this speech, Kotee is a red leader, reds shirt are supporter of PTP, some red are minister and menber of PTP. This show clearly one of red shirt and PTP real goal................

Seems like UDD wants to amputate themselves a member. They may be scared about the consequences of the secessionist propaganda of Ko-Tee that they all applauded.


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a friendly reminder

In using Thai Visa I agree:

1) Do not express disrespect of the King of Thailand or anyone else in the Thai royal family, whether living or deceased, nor to criticize the monarchy as an institution. Speculation, comments and discussion of either a political or personal nature are not allowed when discussing HM The King or the Royal family. Discussion of the lese majeste law or lese majeste cases is permitted on the forum, providing no comment or speculation is made referencing the royal family. To breach this rule will result in immediate ban. This rule also applies to links to external websites.


It is however OK to express disrespect for Amsterdam.

I would say it's obligatory.

But I guess he's just another cash chasing lawyer who knows his client is desperate enough to pay top baht so it may as well be him as another legal jackal.

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It is also clear that the PDRC are now intent on smearing the pro-democracy movement via false claims that the UDD leadership is "anti-monarchy" - similar claims have been used previously by Thai fascist movements to rationalise bloody massacres of pro-democracy activists.

Kotee made this speech, Kotee is a red leader, reds shirt are supporter of PTP, some red are minister and menber of PTP. This show clearly one of red shirt and PTP real goal................

Seems like UDD wants to amputate themselves a member. They may be scared about the consequences of the secessionist propaganda of Ko-Tee that they all applauded.


The UDD has already denounced Kotee speech and said the UDD do not endorse his views as they are a peaceful democratic movement.

The extremism of Kotee is similar to the NPSRT, violent and thuggish, however in contradiction the PDRC support them.

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RA is a defense lawyer. Defense lawyers get paid to defend criminals. RA is getting paid to say what he says. It is his job. When we see RA in TV, on Skype, on youtube defending thaksin and the Brady bunch, you are seeing a defense lawyer doing his job and getting paid well to do it. When you see thaksins son on TV, on Skype, on youtube defending his father you see a son doing it out of love for a family member.

Of course you won't see Ahbisit have RA in his corner because RA primarily defends criminals. That is his job. That is why you hear degrading jokes about defense lawyers like what does RA use for birth control?…His personality. People hate Defense lawyers because they defend criminals. Criminals that no one wants on the street near their families. If however Ahbisit was of the same corrupt devilish ilk of thaksin then RA would defend AV. (if he wasn't defending thaksin..conflict of interests and all that) You would see RA on Skype denouncing the UDD, highlighting that the rule of law is paramount to a democracy, that the PTP regime only support one principle of democracy while abusing the others and Suthep would be photographed next to RA, bot with smiles on their faces.

RA is a lawyer. He will say what the money tells him to say. A prime example is that he comes from a country that has had an appointed senate for 140 years and has served the country well yet the money tells him to say that an appointed senate is evil and undemocratic. So surprise surprise when the senate make up was going to be altered RA was there spouting an appointed senate is undemocratic. WOW. So your country is undemocratic too? Pay him enough and he will say it is…yes.

I think RA is a great defense lawyer. If I was a criminal of thaksins caliber I would want RA on my side as well. When your the worst possible criminal that has the blood of 100's on your hands and think corruption is acceptable then you need the best possible defense lawyer. RA and thaksin are a match made in heaven.

Well done RA. Your a shining example of why jokes are made about lawyers.

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RA is a defense lawyer. Defense lawyers get paid to defend criminals. RA is getting paid to say what he says. It is his job. When we see RA in TV, on Skype, on youtube defending thaksin and the Brady bunch, you are seeing a defense lawyer doing his job and getting paid well to do it. When you see thaksins son on TV, on Skype, on youtube defending his father you see a son doing it out of love for a family member.

Of course you won't see Ahbisit have RA in his corner because RA primarily defends criminals. That is his job. That is why you hear degrading jokes about defense lawyers like what does RA use for birth control?…His personality. People hate Defense lawyers because they defend criminals. Criminals that no one wants on the street near their families. If however Ahbisit was of the same corrupt devilish ilk of thaksin then RA would defend AV. (if he wasn't defending thaksin..conflict of interests and all that) You would see RA on Skype denouncing the UDD, highlighting that the rule of law is paramount to a democracy, that the PTP regime only support one principle of democracy while abusing the others and Suthep would be photographed next to RA, bot with smiles on their faces.

RA is a lawyer. He will say what the money tells him to say. A prime example is that he comes from a country that has had an appointed senate for 140 years and has served the country well yet the money tells him to say that an appointed senate is evil and undemocratic. So surprise surprise when the senate make up was going to be altered RA was there spouting an appointed senate is undemocratic. WOW. So your country is undemocratic too? Pay him enough and he will say it is…yes.

I think RA is a great defense lawyer. If I was a criminal of thaksins caliber I would want RA on my side as well. When your the worst possible criminal that has the blood of 100's on your hands and think corruption is acceptable then you need the best possible defense lawyer. RA and thaksin are a match made in heaven.

Well done RA. Your a shining example of why jokes are made about lawyers.

What absolute rubbish. I am sure that Suthep and Abhisit will be defending themselves in their court cases as they dont need defense lawyers...........

What the hell are you on?

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a friendly reminder

In using Thai Visa I agree:

1) Do not express disrespect of the King of Thailand or anyone else in the Thai royal family, whether living or deceased, nor to criticize the monarchy as an institution. Speculation, comments and discussion of either a political or personal nature are not allowed when discussing HM The King or the Royal family. Discussion of the lese majeste law or lese majeste cases is permitted on the forum, providing no comment or speculation is made referencing the royal family. To breach this rule will result in immediate ban. This rule also applies to links to external websites.


It is however OK to express disrespect for Amsterdam.

I would say it's obligatory.

But I guess he's just another cash chasing lawyer who knows his client is desperate enough to pay top baht so it may as well be him as another legal jackal.

Only someone this vile could take sides with the Shinawatras and the red shirts and sit at his keyboard sniping away at the institutions of a country he has never resided in. Gives level headed Farangs a bad name

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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RA is a defense lawyer. Defense lawyers get paid to defend criminals. RA is getting paid to say what he says. It is his job. When we see RA in TV, on Skype, on youtube defending thaksin and the Brady bunch, you are seeing a defense lawyer doing his job and getting paid well to do it. When you see thaksins son on TV, on Skype, on youtube defending his father you see a son doing it out of love for a family member.

Of course you won't see Ahbisit have RA in his corner because RA primarily defends criminals. That is his job. That is why you hear degrading jokes about defense lawyers like what does RA use for birth control?…His personality. People hate Defense lawyers because they defend criminals. Criminals that no one wants on the street near their families. If however Ahbisit was of the same corrupt devilish ilk of thaksin then RA would defend AV. (if he wasn't defending thaksin..conflict of interests and all that) You would see RA on Skype denouncing the UDD, highlighting that the rule of law is paramount to a democracy, that the PTP regime only support one principle of democracy while abusing the others and Suthep would be photographed next to RA, bot with smiles on their faces.

RA is a lawyer. He will say what the money tells him to say. A prime example is that he comes from a country that has had an appointed senate for 140 years and has served the country well yet the money tells him to say that an appointed senate is evil and undemocratic. So surprise surprise when the senate make up was going to be altered RA was there spouting an appointed senate is undemocratic. WOW. So your country is undemocratic too? Pay him enough and he will say it is…yes.

I think RA is a great defense lawyer. If I was a criminal of thaksins caliber I would want RA on my side as well. When your the worst possible criminal that has the blood of 100's on your hands and think corruption is acceptable then you need the best possible defense lawyer. RA and thaksin are a match made in heaven.

Well done RA. Your a shining example of why jokes are made about lawyers.

Thaksin's son is also being paid for it. Do you think he would bother, if his father suddenly donated all the family's wealth to a temple. Some one has to pay the people who write it for him anyway.

Amsterdam is not really a defence lawyer. He doesn't plead in court for his criminal clients or brief their trial lawyers. He is more of a lobbyist for criminals.

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a friendly reminder

In using Thai Visa I agree:

1) Do not express disrespect of the King of Thailand or anyone else in the Thai royal family, whether living or deceased, nor to criticize the monarchy as an institution. Speculation, comments and discussion of either a political or personal nature are not allowed when discussing HM The King or the Royal family. Discussion of the lese majeste law or lese majeste cases is permitted on the forum, providing no comment or speculation is made referencing the royal family. To breach this rule will result in immediate ban. This rule also applies to links to external websites.


A post in violation of the above friendly reminder has been removed as well as the replies.

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RA is a defense lawyer. Defense lawyers get paid to defend criminals. RA is getting paid to say what he says. It is his job. When we see RA in TV, on Skype, on youtube defending thaksin and the Brady bunch, you are seeing a defense lawyer doing his job and getting paid well to do it. When you see thaksins son on TV, on Skype, on youtube defending his father you see a son doing it out of love for a family member.

Of course you won't see Ahbisit have RA in his corner because RA primarily defends criminals. That is his job. That is why you hear degrading jokes about defense lawyers like what does RA use for birth control?…His personality. People hate Defense lawyers because they defend criminals. Criminals that no one wants on the street near their families. If however Ahbisit was of the same corrupt devilish ilk of thaksin then RA would defend AV. (if he wasn't defending thaksin..conflict of interests and all that) You would see RA on Skype denouncing the UDD, highlighting that the rule of law is paramount to a democracy, that the PTP regime only support one principle of democracy while abusing the others and Suthep would be photographed next to RA, bot with smiles on their faces.

RA is a lawyer. He will say what the money tells him to say. A prime example is that he comes from a country that has had an appointed senate for 140 years and has served the country well yet the money tells him to say that an appointed senate is evil and undemocratic. So surprise surprise when the senate make up was going to be altered RA was there spouting an appointed senate is undemocratic. WOW. So your country is undemocratic too? Pay him enough and he will say it is…yes.

I think RA is a great defense lawyer. If I was a criminal of thaksins caliber I would want RA on my side as well. When your the worst possible criminal that has the blood of 100's on your hands and think corruption is acceptable then you need the best possible defense lawyer. RA and thaksin are a match made in heaven.

Well done RA. Your a shining example of why jokes are made about lawyers.

What absolute rubbish. I am sure that Suthep and Abhisit will be defending themselves in their court cases as they dont need defense lawyers...........

What the hell are you on?

I said if you're the worst possible criminal you need the best possible defense lawyer.

I said IF AV was of the same ilk as thaksin then he could have RA in his corner.

Want to know what I didn't say? I did not say anywhere that AV let alone Suthep did not or will not take advantage of the services of lawyers in any upcoming court appearances.

If you feel like taking my words and misconstruing them to suit your agenda, by all means do that. If you don't like certain sections remove them from my post and read the remainder.

The remainder is my favorite bit anyway!

Edited by djjamie
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Thailand’s Source of Strength : His Majestie's system of self-sufficiency economy.

Very interesting article. Despite what some of you may think about Mr. Cartalucci being biased, in this article he explains very well what is the best source of strength that Thailand has, as a sovereign nation.

And that is, precisely, what Mr T, the greedy money-maker tycoon, and his associates want to destroy for the benefit of their business empire.


Edited by MGP
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a friendly reminder

In using Thai Visa I agree:

1) Do not express disrespect of the King of Thailand or anyone else in the Thai royal family, whether living or deceased, nor to criticize the monarchy as an institution. Speculation, comments and discussion of either a political or personal nature are not allowed when discussing HM The King or the Royal family. Discussion of the lese majeste law or lese majeste cases is permitted on the forum, providing no comment or speculation is made referencing the royal family. To breach this rule will result in immediate ban. This rule also applies to links to external websites.


It is however OK to express disrespect for Amsterdam.

That's a polite word,I would use something else,but I am sailing close to the wind.

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Thaksin's Lawyer Denounces Lese Majeste Allegation

By Khaosod English


Mr. Robert Amsterdam (File photo)

If you ever need an emetic, just look at a picture of this guy, or better still watch him in action on YouTube.

I don't think he will actually be visiting Thailand, in the near future, as he claims but rather hope he tries The police will most likely agree to file the case, however frivolous it may be, because everyone has the right to file a case. The police can be charged for refusing to cooperate and he has managed to get the Lawyers Council of Thailand up in arms against him. He might be arrested without bail, if he came to Thailand, since all foreigners are regarded as flight risks. The army might also decided to file a criminal defamation case against him for good measure.

He might actually have a great opportunity to spend a few months in jail facing LM and criminal defamation charges. That would put him a good position to campaign against the laws from abroad as a martyr once he has been released, deported and blacklisted. If he is a genuine activist, he will seize this chance.

Everyone is entitled to be ugly and stupid,but this guy abuses the privelage.Is this the best that ET (extra testicle ) can employ.

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