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Abhisit challenges PM Yingluck to quit


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So, just checking to see if I have it right .... ...

Anybody can lay siege to polling places for a legitimate election thereby stopping people from voting: the police do nothing and the courts say .."Oh wait, that wasn't a real election 'cos some polling booths were closed off !

The Democrats say .. I'm taking my bat n ball and not playing'

A madman decides he doesn't want elections and he should have sovereign power.

The courts think .. 'Hmmm yep ..that sounds about right.'

What a joke.

This is not a joke.

This is exactly how Thailand needs to do to get rid of the evil Thaksin, and his whole family, clan, friends, etc.

And who would you think will get rid of the evil Suterp, conniving Ahbisit and the scheming Amarts after they get rid of the evil Taksin and his family. This no solution but a continuation of the division. Dem must reform to challenge PT in an election. Suterp must push for dialogue for reform and made reform a decree with royal endorsement and agreed by all parties. Courts must stop their double standard and PT must listen to all the stakeholders.

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So, just checking to see if I have it right .... ...

Anybody can lay siege to polling places for a legitimate election thereby stopping people from voting: the police do nothing and the courts say .."Oh wait, that wasn't a real election 'cos some polling booths were closed off !

The Democrats say .. I'm taking my bat n ball and not playing'

A madman decides he doesn't want elections and he should have sovereign power.

The courts think .. 'Hmmm yep ..that sounds about right.'

What a joke.

This is not a joke.

This is exactly how Thailand needs to do to get rid of the evil Thaksin, and his whole family, clan, friends, etc.

Certainly not a joke - but a pretty good summary of what has taken place over the last months. The elites here in the City of Angles would agree with you -- its the price of lancing the boil that is Thaksin. Drown the baby to save it, take Thailand down to keep our power. Democracy or at least the illusion of it is a slippery slope for Bangkok's oligarchs. Next thing you know, these upcountry farmers will start thinking they are good as city folk. And then where will it end - the maid eating dinner with the family? Demanding A/C and a sitdown toilet out in her room? The taxi driver not allowing us to cut in to the front in our lovely black Merc? Man, next you know, they would expect to turn the Royal Bangkok Sports Club into a public park!

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The prime minister, said Abhisit, should tell the truth to the public about her case and should not cause public misunderstanding that she was persecuted or unfairly treated.

Which of course is exactly what Yingluck has been doing. Touring the NE trying to drum up support with her poor me routine, but the monk beaters don't care anymore. Jatuporn, Nuttawhut and the rest of the paid leaders can't exhort enough of them to start a big enough fire for a marshmallow roast. She is trying to buy time, but she will be gone soon. I am on record, for some time now, as an advocate of Abhisit stepping down. Not because I think he isn't capable, or because I think he is corrupt. He should step down because a large segment of the population will never vote for him. Step down before an election and give people an alternative, a real choice, so that they can vote FOR someone instead of against you.

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So, just checking to see if I have it right .... ...

Anybody can lay siege to polling places for a legitimate election thereby stopping people from voting: the police do nothing and the courts say .."Oh wait, that wasn't a real election 'cos some polling booths were closed off !

The Democrats say .. I'm taking my bat n ball and not playing'

A madman decides he doesn't want elections and he should have sovereign power.

The courts think .. 'Hmmm yep ..that sounds about right.'

What a joke.

This is not a joke.

This is exactly how Thailand needs to do to get rid of the evil Thaksin, and his whole family, clan, friends, etc.

Certainly not a joke - but a pretty good summary of what has taken place over the last months. The elites here in the City of Angles would agree with you -- its the price of lancing the boil that is Thaksin. Drown the baby to save it, take Thailand down to keep our power. Democracy or at least the illusion of it is a slippery slope for Bangkok's oligarchs. Next thing you know, these upcountry farmers will start thinking they are good as city folk. And then where will it end - the maid eating dinner with the family? Demanding A/C and a sitdown toilet out in her room? The taxi driver not allowing us to cut in to the front in our lovely black Merc? Man, next you know, they would expect to turn the Royal Bangkok Sports Club into a public park!

Let us know when one of the elite Shin clan invite you over for dinner, or allow you to borrow one of the family cars. What the Shins think of the poor is reflected in how they treated the farmers. Anyone that thinks this is a class war instead of a money grab is a deluded fool.

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Thaksin can't bear the thought of Yingluck resigning because he has no one to replace her with. Surapong or Yaowapa on the campaign trail kissing babies will only result in infants traumatised for life.

Yingluck has limited intellectual ability but that doesn't matter upcountry.Just look pretty and smile is all that is required.

I see you have a very low opinion of Thais in the north, quite sad. 1508477.GIF

It's an opinion reinforced on this forum every day and on the PDRC stage. Let's face even abhisit came out with the "Stupid Bitch" remark - they really do think they are born to rule and still cannot see why they don't. If anybody was looking for a display of ignorance just look at the dem party.

Gentlemen please stop your romanticising of Miss Yingluck. Nobody of any ntelligence could say she is an informed administrator who merits being PM.

Everybody knows she only got the job because she's Thaksin's sister. She has done nothing but avoid any difficult questions from the media. She communicates through facebook, almost certainly not written by herself.

This has got nothing to do with regions or classes, I myself come from Ban Pai, Khon Kaen and would like nothing better than to see decent, informed local Issan leaders form their own party free from this ugly influence of the Shinawats who care only about power and money.

Many upcountry voters chose Pheua Thai for 2 reasons-the populist policies and the pretty smiling face of Yingluck. Once that face is gone, to be replaced by the doleful,unsmiling Surapong, ( why does he remind me of an undertaker) or the loud and bossy plump Yaowapa, then the poster and billboard makers of Pheua Thai will have a problem.

In the end Thaksin will probably go for Pongthep, he's more presentable, both in personality and looks.

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PTP will drag Thailand down and down to the very last breath of life

I am being treated unfairly we hear her cry

Yingluck could not care that she it treating the Thai people unfairly by splitting the nation in 2, people are suffering, some are dieing, and Thailand is suffering badly

I get sick and tired of Thai fools who say that Suthep wants to run the country and be a dictator, when he is only a pawn in the cause of the people

The real power is in the shadows, and Suthep is not the head of the Democrats , that position belongs to Abhisit

"Suthep is not the head of the Democrats , that position belongs to Abhisit"

I assume that you are referring to the same Democrat Abhisit who refused to fight an election based on the principle that he could not win a democratic mandate.

If Yingluck is as bad as you think get your friends the Democrats to fight an election based on argument and rational thought and persuade the majority to vote for you. When you have won the election you then get to form government. Refusing to acknowledge that, is pushing Thailand towards they abyss of civil strife even civil war.

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I hope she hangs in there and faces the kangaroo court.

The yellows have already found her guilty so she is on a hiding to nothing.

Then the PTP will find another leader and when the people of Thailand vote the PTP will win in a landslide and the circus will begin again.

Unless the yellow brigade get there sovereign state which they believe is their birth rite.

Anyway get on with the elections if the reds win they win if the yellows win they win.

The yellows greatest fear is the ballot box.

That's why they are called the yellows

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Amazed Abhisit still has the balls to say anything.

He and his party of failed democrats are a complete disgrace to what they purport to stand for, if anyone should stand down he should.

That said the country is in a complete political clusterFK., all the main parties suck big time.

They should all stand down and let some of the TV members that have all the answers run the country.

Me- I have no idea! 1512039.gif

Well you have made that perfectly obvious.clap2.gif

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The comments here are so funny - like this is a case about the constitution or justice or wrongdoing. Hey people, this is all about power politics and Thai backroom games. The yellows - or BKK elite or PDRC or Suthep's Crew or whatever we want to call them under the current iteration - control the EC, courts, NACC and military. The reds - or Thaksin's Boys or upcountry folk or serfs - have the numbers. Both fight over the media and public space. The yellows - and let's stick to colors for simplicity - have to decide how much of their power they can use without really upsetting the masses. Can they throw her out? Of course, whether she broke the law or not - that is not the question. What will result? Well that is the question, as it appears the protests / Bangkok mob haven't worked, and the military is unwilling to make a move and take the blame. So a judicial coup or whatever you want to call this process is going to happen. But you all can go back to arguing about the law, like that matters, and demonstrate your naivete.

Last time I checked the Yellows were a dead issue. they removed them selves from the political scene in their failed attempt to get Abhist to go to war with Cambodia. In fact their leader is in a Cambodian jail.

My big question is why do the red shirts continually try to blame it on a defunct section of the population when the truth is it is the grass roots people in the population who have brought the situation to the attention of the whole world and refuse to cover it up to make the PTP and their red shirts hired goons happy?wai.gif

I do have one answer but I can not verify it.burp.gif. Let the ear medicine flow.sorry.gif Not

Stunning ignorance of reality.

Veera (he of being banged up in a cambodian jail and left to rot by abhisit) leader of PAD? You couldn't be more wrong. The "main" man (that can be identified as such) behind the PAD hasn't been anywhere near a jail (despite being convicted 5 times, the last sentence being 20 years, sorry, forgot about the the very latest jail sentence of 2 years for Lese Majeste - still not gone to jail) is the media moghul, Sondhi Limthongkul.

The PAD renamed itself the "People’s Movement to Overthrow the Thaksin Regime" and aligned itself with the PDRC. Several members of PAD/PEFOT are core leaders in the PDRC and are anything but defunct in their quest to rid Thailand of all things Thaksin/PTP/UDD

Sondhi and Chamlong stage a come-back
in Politics | November 11, 2013
BANGKOK: -- Leaders of the People Alliance for Democracy (PAD) now announced to join the anti-government protest to the end to bring reform to the country.

In a joint press conference at 11.00 a.m. today, Sondhi Limthongkul and Maj-Gen Chamlong Srimuang read their joint statement supporting the current protests by various groups, though they were not enough to bring reform to the country but they were justified since the Yingluck government during the past 10 months did not heed their call no matter they be the amnesty bill, the protection of Thai territory and upholding of sovereignty over the temple dispute.

They said that if all these demands were not met, they were ready to join as now they said the time was ripe for the return of the PAD to press for reform in the country.Sondhi also said everybody always keep asking why they did not show up to protest for a long time, adding that they did not stay put but just wanted to see other patriotic and right groups to play their roles.He said that now it was timely for PAD leaders to stage a comeback and this time would fight for the reform of the country. http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/sondhi-chamlong-stage-come-back/

So your "big question" is answered. The PAD never really went away, they just changed their name.

You''l find that your beloved "grass roots people in the population who have brought the situation to the attention of the whole world" are actually being manipulated by suthep and his backers, using the tried and trusted method of appealing to their notions of nationalism and monarchism, the traditional bedrock of PAD supporters.

You really do have a lot to learn.

The leader of the drive to start a war with Cambodia is in a Cambodian Jail. The grass roots people who brought the whole mess to the attention of the world were before Suthep came on the scene. Hard to manipulate when you are not involved. Why don't you forget your wants and check what really happened and is happening.

The PAD may have changed their name but they were still a burnt out voiceless unit seeking for some thing to hang on to as their golden ideas had failed them.biggrin.png

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Abhisit ignored calls for him to step down when he was PM. Why should anyone listen to him now?

You can't compare the reasons for the calls to step down.

Abhisit had much less valid reasons to step down, so why should he have listen to these calls.

YS on the other hand will have no other choice then to step down - sooner or later (if she is clever enough - which I doubt). Otherwise she will be removed by other means - but it has to be done anyway.

I don't say the Suthep (I don't like him at all) and all the anti government groups are a 'good' solution, but they are by far better then what is in power now. If you have to choose between 'bad' and 'certainly the worst' (and there is no other choice in sight) it's better to take the 'smaller evil'.

Abhisit was called to step down because he claimed power through judicial intervention and backdoor deals without an electoral mandate. Moreover he was responsible for the largest (As a percentage of GDP) deficit in Thailand over the past decade, doing far more damage to the economy than Yingluck has been accused of doing, to say nothing of the nearly 100 protestors/innocent bystanders slaughtered during his incompetent crackdown.

But yeah, Yingluck moved a civil servant to an alternate position with equal pay. What a monster.

Spare us another know nothing red shirt.

Abhist paid the bills including the ones from the 1997 farce. Yingluck transferred those bills to the BOT and is unable to pay the bills she has currently run up even with all the money she saved in sliding out from under the 1997 bills which even her brother the army and Abhist paid. Now she asks for 2.2 trillion baht with no plan on how it will be spent. I am sure Fab4 will welcome you to the fold. As will Chalarm the PTP who supports the red shirts and was planning on cutting his head off. Quite a group. We won't even talk about the court jester being the leader. He took over from a communist and has his lieutenant's talking about separating Thailand into two countries. Raising and army of 600,000 in short you are supporting as international joke.cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

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TV is obviously being inundated by pad/pdrc stooges, the pad/pdrc has an unlimited supply of money from the billionairs that back them, one tactic often used by fanatical political organizations is to actually pay people to post garbage all day.. the idea is to make it 'seem' like a fascist organization like the pdrc actually has this 'overwhelming' support, even though it's allied party the democrats loose every election by a landslide..

Not sure challenge is the right word here.

  1. a call to someone to participate in a competitive situation or fight to decide who is superior in terms of ability or strength.
    "he accepted the challenge"
  2. a call to prove or justify something.
    "a challenge to the legality of the banning order"

Lets try this:

I challenge Abhisit to give me B1,000,000

Well 80 posts in less than a day and no sence in any of them..................coffee1.gif

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Abhisit ignored calls for him to step down when he was PM. Why should anyone listen to him now?

You can't compare the reasons for the calls to step down.

Abhisit had much less valid reasons to step down, so why should he have listen to these calls.

YS on the other hand will have no other choice then to step down - sooner or later (if she is clever enough - which I doubt). Otherwise she will be removed by other means - but it has to be done anyway.

I don't say the Suthep (I don't like him at all) and all the anti government groups are a 'good' solution, but they are by far better then what is in power now. If you have to choose between 'bad' and 'certainly the worst' (and there is no other choice in sight) it's better to take the 'smaller evil'.

Abhisit was called to step down because he claimed power through judicial intervention and backdoor deals without an electoral mandate. Moreover he was responsible for the largest (As a percentage of GDP) deficit in Thailand over the past decade, doing far more damage to the economy than Yingluck has been accused of doing, to say nothing of the nearly 100 protestors/innocent bystanders slaughtered during his incompetent crackdown.

But yeah, Yingluck moved a civil servant to an alternate position with equal pay. What a monster.

Spare us another know nothing red shirt.

Abhist paid the bills including the ones from the 1997 farce. Yingluck transferred those bills to the BOT and is unable to pay the bills she has currently run up even with all the money she saved in sliding out from under the 1997 bills which even her brother the army and Abhist paid. Now she asks for 2.2 trillion baht with no plan on how it will be spent. I am sure Fab4 will welcome you to the fold. As will Chalarm the PTP who supports the red shirts and was planning on cutting his head off. Quite a group. We won't even talk about the court jester being the leader. He took over from a communist and has his lieutenant's talking about separating Thailand into two countries. Raising and army of 600,000 in short you are supporting as international joke.cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

I totally agree John,so many have forgotten about the one point odd trillion baht swept under the carpet to the BOT,when you start to add up the debt this Govt has imposed on the folk of Thailand is shamefull. One has to think who would really want to administer this country. If I was Mark I wouldn't want to have to impose austerity measures to keep the Kingdom afloat,I have only been living here for 5 years but I have noticed from the short period of the Dems administrations budgets were in the hundreds of millions now its billions and trilions,I pity the next administration to have to sort this mess out.

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"Democrat party leader Abhisit Vejjajiva yesterday (Wednesday) challenged caretaker Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra to quit the office....."

Basically, what he is saying:

>Electoral majority, I ask that you rescind your votes?

>Please don't force the CC into exposing themselves


We can all paraphrase what is said to suit our purpose. Abhisit's call on YL to stand down was clearly explained, so your paraphrasing of what was said is, as usual, designed to put a completely different spin on it...!

well he says

>Electoral majority, I ask that you rescind your votes?

I notice that he fails to mention the majority of the population did not want Yingluck. It was the majority of about 500 people that wanted her. 52% of the population did not want her. That is a conservative estimate with no proof that there was more.

Just common sense tells us that many of them did not want her they wanted Thaksin.

This is just one of many PAD-Dem's trying to spin a Governing Parliamentary Majority into not be a 'majority'

Until elections show otherwise, an electoral majority-minority characterization applies and will be used to designate the two sides.

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"Democrat party leader Abhisit Vejjajiva yesterday (Wednesday) challenged caretaker Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra to quit the office....."

Basically, what he is saying:

>Electoral majority, I ask that you rescind your votes?

>Please don't force the CC into exposing themselves


We can all paraphrase what is said to suit our purpose. Abhisit's call on YL to stand down was clearly explained, so your paraphrasing of what was said is, as usual, designed to put a completely different spin on it...!

well he says

>Electoral majority, I ask that you rescind your votes?

I notice that he fails to mention the majority of the population did not want Yingluck. It was the majority of about 500 people that wanted her. 52% of the population did not want her. That is a conservative estimate with no proof that there was more.

Just common sense tells us that many of them did not want her they wanted Thaksin.

This is just one of many PAD-Dem's trying to spin a Governing Parliamentary Majority into not be a 'majority'

Until elections show otherwise, an electoral majority-minority characterization applies and will be used to designate the two sides.

" Until elections show otherwise, an electoral majority-minority characterization applies and will be used to designate the two sides."

What on earth does this mean?

By my count we have zero MPs. Are you trying to argue that there is some kind of virtual majority implied from a years old vote?

If so, I'd advise you to lay off the psychedelics over the holiday period

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Abhisit ignored calls for him to step down when he was PM. Why should anyone listen to him now?

You can't compare the reasons for the calls to step down.

Abhisit had much less valid reasons to step down, so why should he have listen to these calls.

YS on the other hand will have no other choice then to step down - sooner or later (if she is clever enough - which I doubt). Otherwise she will be removed by other means - but it has to be done anyway.

I don't say the Suthep (I don't like him at all) and all the anti government groups are a 'good' solution, but they are by far better then what is in power now. If you have to choose between 'bad' and 'certainly the worst' (and there is no other choice in sight) it's better to take the 'smaller evil'.

Abhisit was called to step down because he claimed power through judicial intervention and backdoor deals without an electoral mandate. Moreover he was responsible for the largest (As a percentage of GDP) deficit in Thailand over the past decade, doing far more damage to the economy than Yingluck has been accused of doing, to say nothing of the nearly 100 protestors/innocent bystanders slaughtered during his incompetent crackdown.

But yeah, Yingluck moved a civil servant to an alternate position with equal pay. What a monster.

Presumably this is the sort of garbage taught in red schools to continue the hate into the next generation, the hate that is destroying this country .

If you are as new to this country as you are to this forum and you really want to know the truth then you should do some checking before you make post number 9.

However if you are just another red troll, carry on, you might even get a like or two from the fellow brainwashed.

What an arrogant reply! In keeping with Thainess: seniority and hierarchy are first and respect for other people's opinions is last.

Instead of debating the issue you take it ad hominem and put labels on those who have a different view on the subject.

Who told you that you are the owner of the truth or that your vitriol is warranted?

Your words sound much like Suthep's verbal attacks on the PM and her son.

Tawdry comment that exposes the true colors of your soul.

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Thaksin can't bear the thought of Yingluck resigning because he has no one to replace her with. Surapong or Yaowapa on the campaign trail kissing babies will only result in infants traumatised for life.

Yingluck has limited intellectual ability but that doesn't matter upcountry.Just look pretty and smile is all that is required.

I see you have a very low opinion of Thais in the north, quite sad. 1508477.GIF

You think that is sad what is even sadder is he is right.sad.png

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

So, just checking to see if I have it right .... ...

Anybody can lay siege to polling places for a legitimate election thereby stopping people from voting: the police do nothing and the courts say .."Oh wait, that wasn't a real election 'cos some polling booths were closed off !

The Democrats say .. I'm taking my bat n ball and not playing'

A madman decides he doesn't want elections and he should have sovereign power.

The courts think .. 'Hmmm yep ..that sounds about right.'

What a joke.

This is not a joke.

This is exactly how Thailand needs to do to get rid of the evil Thaksin, and his whole family, clan, friends, etc.

As I have said in other posts..I can't believe the way some expats on TV believe that Thai politics in some way equates with western democracy. It is no more than a sham, smoke and mirrors FROM BOTH SIDES. Thailand is a feudal system with a thin veneer of democracy to please its trading partners. Posts like yours really make me smile... it's like...'Yeah they are all corrupt BUT Thaksin is more corrupt so there...' Of course Thaksin is corrupt... what the hell did you expect in a country where corruption is actively fostered and agreed to by most Thais? What did you think was going to happen? The Democrats are just as bad. It is endemic in this society so please spare me from the idea that somehow, a knight in white armour (Mark ? Suthep?) will somehow ride in and clean the place up. Everything in this society is designed to keep the masses down. Their language complexity for one, their pathetic excuse for an education system, the banking systems which encourage personal debt, the total lack of a transparent judicial system where money talks and you don't get punished. You are living in a fools paradise if you think it is going to change because Suthep will somehow fix it all...he won't. The Constitution Court was set up by the coup makers so I have little faith in that or any other aspect of so call Thai justice.

Thailand is at a crossroads and a crisis of major proportions and they have brought it on themselves. Democracy does not exist in this country and until the Thais change their attitudes it will never come to pass. I just feel sorry for all the Thais who care about their country but have been shortchanged by both the amart and the Thaksin machine.

Like I said .... Thai politics is a joke and there is no point getting too upset or involved ... hell you can't even vote (if you are a non Thai).... expats are a tollerated inconvenience.

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I love what the anti-democracy pro-dictatorship loons call 'corruption'!

sponsoring an amendment to the constitution that would make the upperhouse fully elected (like it was under the 1997 constitution) is 'corruption'.

a farm subsidy to help Thai rice farmers (who are amoung the poorest in the region, poorer than in countries that are less economically developed than Thailand) is 'corruption'.

Preventing floods is 'corruption'.

Giving poor kids cheap tablets so they have access to the internet is 'corruption'.

in the post wwii era, every dictator wether he be marxist like Castro, or Thailand's US backed field marshal Sarit, or indonesias suharto, etc. used the 'corruption' excuse to deny their people democratic rights, this is nothing new and the dictators always wind up being much more corrupt becuase a dictatorship is pure cronism.

"Democrat party leader Abhisit Vejjajiva yesterday (Wednesday) challenged caretaker Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra to quit the office....."

Basically, what he is saying:

>Electoral majority, I ask that you rescind your votes?

>Please don't force the CC into exposing themselves

Or he could be saying

Thailand needs time to get rid of the corruption in bred into our political system

Would it not be better to step down now, and not be part of Thai history what you have caused

I wrote my answer

who wrote yours PTP

The problem with this is that Abhisit and his party are the source of much of the corruption in Thailand.

Are you saying that the Democrats are totally to blame for the rice scam, the flood prevention scam, the tablet for school children scam, all the corruption NOT stopped by the PM etc?

How did you manage to work that out?

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Thaksin can't bear the thought of Yingluck resigning because he has no one to replace her with. Surapong or Yaowapa on the campaign trail kissing babies will only result in infants traumatised for life.

Yingluck has limited intellectual ability but that doesn't matter upcountry.Just look pretty and smile is all that is required.

We all have limited intellectual ability because none of us are super beings.However there's no evidence at all that Yingluck is other than a smart woman, and what is more with the charm and poise that many of her critics lack.You have of course made the same mistake as many in confusing intellect with education.Her university is of course less starry than that of Abhisit but that's a different matter.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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Presumably this is the sort of garbage taught in red schools to continue the hate into the next generation, the hate that is destroying this country .

If you are as new to this country as you are to this forum and you really want to know the truth then you should do some checking before you make post number 9.

However if you are just another red troll, carry on, you might even get a like or two from the fellow brainwashed.

What an arrogant reply! In keeping with Thainess: seniority and hierarchy are first and respect for other people's opinions is last.

Instead of debating the issue you take it ad hominem and put labels on those who have a different view on the subject.

Who told you that you are the owner of the truth or that your vitriol is warranted?

Your words sound much like Suthep's verbal attacks on the PM and her son.

Tawdry comment that exposes the true colors of your soul.

"Your words sound much like Suthep's verbal attacks on the PM and her son".

Please explain what verbal attack Suthep made on Yingluck's son...!

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I love what the anti-democracy pro-dictatorship loons call 'corruption'!

sponsoring an amendment to the constitution that would make the upperhouse fully elected (like it was under the 1997 constitution) is 'corruption'.

a farm subsidy to help Thai rice farmers (who are amoung the poorest in the region, poorer than in countries that are less economically developed than Thailand) is 'corruption'.

Preventing floods is 'corruption'.

Giving poor kids cheap tablets so they have access to the internet is 'corruption'.

in the post wwii era, every dictator wether he be marxist like Castro, or Thailand's US backed field marshal Sarit, or indonesias suharto, etc. used the 'corruption' excuse to deny their people democratic rights, this is nothing new and the dictators always wind up being much more corrupt becuase a dictatorship is pure cronism.

Is this seriously meant to be taken as a firm rebuttal of the corruption charges against the current administration....?!!

None of the policies that you speak of are "corruption" in and of themselves, it's the failure to actually implement them that indicates "corruption", particularly when the budgets were already in place, and have now completely disappeared...!!

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

So, just checking to see if I have it right .... ...

Anybody can lay siege to polling places for a legitimate election thereby stopping people from voting: the police do nothing and the courts say .."Oh wait, that wasn't a real election 'cos some polling booths were closed off !

The Democrats say .. I'm taking my bat n ball and not playing'

A madman decides he doesn't want elections and he should have sovereign power.

The courts think .. 'Hmmm yep ..that sounds about right.'

What a joke.

This is not a joke.

This is exactly how Thailand needs to do to get rid of the evil Thaksin, and his whole family, clan, friends, etc.

As I have said in other posts..I can't believe the way some expats on TV believe that Thai politics in some way equates with western democracy. It is no more than a sham, smoke and mirrors FROM BOTH SIDES. Thailand is a feudal system with a thin veneer of democracy to please its trading partners. Posts like yours really make me smile... it's like...'Yeah they are all corrupt BUT Thaksin is more corrupt so there...' Of course Thaksin is corrupt... what the hell did you expect in a country where corruption is actively fostered and agreed to by most Thais? What did you think was going to happen? The Democrats are just as bad. It is endemic in this society so please spare me from the idea that somehow, a knight in white armour (Mark ? Suthep?) will somehow ride in and clean the place up. Everything in this society is designed to keep the masses down. Their language complexity for one, their pathetic excuse for an education system, the banking systems which encourage personal debt, the total lack of a transparent judicial system where money talks and you don't get punished. You are living in a fools paradise if you think it is going to change because Suthep will somehow fix it all...he won't. The Constitution Court was set up by the coup makers so I have little faith in that or any other aspect of so call Thai justice.

Thailand is at a crossroads and a crisis of major proportions and they have brought it on themselves. Democracy does not exist in this country and until the Thais change their attitudes it will never come to pass. I just feel sorry for all the Thais who care about their country but have been shortchanged by both the amart and the Thaksin machine.

Like I said .... Thai politics is a joke and there is no point getting too upset or involved ... hell you can't even vote (if you are a non Thai).... expats are a tollerated inconvenience.

So your answer to the problem is, ignore it, and let things continue the way they are...?!

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So, just checking to see if I have it right .... ...

Anybody can lay siege to polling places for a legitimate election thereby stopping people from voting: the police do nothing and the courts say .."Oh wait, that wasn't a real election 'cos some polling booths were closed off !

The Democrats say .. I'm taking my bat n ball and not playing'

A madman decides he doesn't want elections and he should have sovereign power.

The courts think .. 'Hmmm yep ..that sounds about right.'

What a joke.

This is not a joke.

This is exactly how Thailand needs to do to get rid of the evil Thaksin, and his whole family, clan, friends, etc.

As I have said in other posts..I can't believe the way some expats on TV believe that Thai politics in some way equates with western democracy. It is no more than a sham, smoke and mirrors FROM BOTH SIDES. Thailand is a feudal system with a thin veneer of democracy to please its trading partners. Posts like yours really make me smile... it's like...'Yeah they are all corrupt BUT Thaksin is more corrupt so there...' Of course Thaksin is corrupt... what the hell did you expect in a country where corruption is actively fostered and agreed to by most Thais? What did you think was going to happen? The Democrats are just as bad. It is endemic in this society so please spare me from the idea that somehow, a knight in white armour (Mark ? Suthep?) will somehow ride in and clean the place up. Everything in this society is designed to keep the masses down. Their language complexity for one, their pathetic excuse for an education system, the banking systems which encourage personal debt, the total lack of a transparent judicial system where money talks and you don't get punished. You are living in a fools paradise if you think it is going to change because Suthep will somehow fix it all...he won't. The Constitution Court was set up by the coup makers so I have little faith in that or any other aspect of so call Thai justice.

Thailand is at a crossroads and a crisis of major proportions and they have brought it on themselves. Democracy does not exist in this country and until the Thais change their attitudes it will never come to pass. I just feel sorry for all the Thais who care about their country but have been shortchanged by both the amart and the Thaksin machine.

Like I said .... Thai politics is a joke and there is no point getting too upset or involved ... hell you can't even vote (if you are a non Thai).... expats are a tollerated inconvenience.

So your answer to the problem is, ignore it, and let things continue the way they are...?!

Are you a Thai? If not understand you can and should do nothing. Ignore ?? What does that mean? The implication of the word ignore is that you have a choice..to do something or to do nothing. The key word here is choice... you have no choice in this society as far as making lasting change is concerned. Sure you can get upset by lots of things here and in some things you can make a difference ... perhaps start a charity for the homeless etc., etc. But as for making changes to the Thai character, Thai politics, Thai judicial system etc. nope.... not a snowball's chance in hell ... so... as I said...don't get too involved in THEIR DRAMA. When you talk of not ignoring are you talking about everything? For example ignoring the continual interfering in the judicial process by those with power and status in this society... or are you confining yourself to ignoring the wrongs of Thaksin (and yep there have been heaps of them that disgust me).

But, do understand that there is a much much bigger drama being played out here and it is all about fighting for power when that which we must not discuss happens .

What disgusts me most about some aspects of Thai (and other societies) is the complete and total imbalance of power in the society, where institutions are designed soley to concentrate power into the hands of the elite (and Thaksin is part of that elite...just a different colour) at the expense of the masses. Who knows, maybe there is a little Issan boy or girl who, given equal access to a good education may find the cure for cancer or go on to make a significant contribution to the world. But the way Thai society works, these life opportunities are forever closed, whilst the Thai elite send their children off to prestigous international schools.

Think outside the square for a moment.

Just my humble opinion.

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Abhisit noted that the prime minister was trying to create a misunderstanding that she was being unfairly treated by the National Anti-Corruption Commission on the rice pledging scheme because she oversaw policy matters and was not concerned with policy implementation.

She should not implement schemes if she is not sure of the mechanisms that keep the scheme secure and successful. Even ignoring the fact that it is honourable for a leader to be at least interested, even involved, in the actual ground-level work and not just the top-level signatures on some papers, if she had decided to just sign her name and let others make sure the process ran smoothly, she should have made sure beforehand those other people / groups were responsible and law-abiding.

This is something she can't wriggle out of, she failed either way. Failed to be more involved in her own policy, failed to ensure the other people involved were working in the interests of farmers and Thailand as a whole. And this is all assuming it wasn't intended as a scam from the start, and the larcenous syphoning of funds has gone according to plan, in which case of course she failed the nation on a much grander scale.

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"Democrat party leader Abhisit Vejjajiva yesterday (Wednesday) challenged caretaker Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra to quit the office....."

Basically, what he is saying:

>Electoral majority, I ask that you rescind your votes?

>Please don't force the CC into exposing themselves

What majority was that Bop?

Another oft repeated lie? Large minority is not a majority, how ever much you wish it to be, or how often you pretend it is. Much better to "elect" a PM for life eh Bop? One with a large but diminishing minority?

She dare not go - someone might get a look at the real books eh?

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