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Double vision, should I worry yet.


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OK, no not too much Chang.

I'm seeing an odd effect which I really only noticed today.

Reasonably distant horizontal lines (roofs, power lines etc.) are doubled, with a dim image below the solid 'real' line.

It's not a focus issue, as I see it with my driving glasses as well and it only affects horizontal lines, nor is it an eye alignment problem as it does not go away with one eye closed, the effect is roughly equal on both eyes.

Tilting my head through 90o moves the effect to vertical lines.

Should I worry, is my head going to explode or is it possibly an indicator of something scary going on inside?

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I would highly advise medical evaluation. As it seems to be both eyes from what you are saying does not sound as if something like MD as tested with grid as below


But things like that need to be treated ASAP to stop bleeding. As said I do not think this is your problem and likely nothing serious but do get it checked as an emergency.

Will add that I get a second image at times due to cataract in one eye - but only notice when just using the one eye in an eye test making a T look like =.

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Get it checked....Most probably it is nothing, but the brain is calculating the 2 pictures into one and a malfunction there might be caused by a small stroke.

strokes can cause all kind of visual problem.

No panic, most probably it is nothing. I had once some slimy thing in my eye that caused strange vision and just disappeared a day later or a couple hours later....but let it be checked....

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I had some thing like this a couple of years ago, I did see a optometrist (hope that is right spelling!) ... and was told to take 81mg aspirin daily .... which really helps... I forget the technical name of the problem off hand....

But your problem could be different, so best see the Doc... and get it checked out ASAP!! wink.png

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"glaucoma'.... that's the word I was looking for! ^^^ wink.pngmemory test to be done next tongue.pngbiggrin.png

Oh my memory came back .......facepalm.gif It was the start of Macular degeneration, not glaucoma....... that hit me when I went to bed last night.... I thought I should just clear that up~ !wink.png

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I doubt a neurological problem if this is the sole symptom. The most probable cause is cataract, possibly a fairly early one(s). See an opthalmologist.

I agree that an ophthalmologist should be seen, not an optometrist.

But depending on age and other factors, macular degeneration needs to be considered. My eyes see the world in slightly different ways because of varying subretinal pressure and as changes take place I often get double vision until my brain readjusts to the two sets of data being sent to it.

You might try looking at the Amsler grid (below) with each eye to see if either or both distort the grid, but whatever you do, still see an ophthalmologist.

In Bangkok the best place is Rutnin Eye Hospital. In Pattaya Dr. Attaporn at Bangkok Pattaya Hospital is excellent.

Instructions for use of the grid here: https://www.amd.org/living-with-amd/resources-and-tools/31-amsler-grid.html


Edited by Suradit69
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i think the term is astigmatism. and i've had it all my life. i've just learned to live with it as glasses and

contact lenses haven't been able to solve the problem.

i've seen both optometrists and ophthalmologists about it. no help. still have a distorted image.

for me, it isn't a big deal.. i still enjoy my life just fine.

i just try my best not to drive at night when my sight is limited by dark and i can't tell how far away

a light, headlight, traffic, or any other. really is. I be dangerous on the road in the dark!

Edited by somchy
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Go get your eyes checked at a good hospital. My father had (still has) a bacteria in his eyes that comes from chickens. According to the doctors, many people have it, especially if they have grown up or lived near poultry, as mine had. For most people, nothing happens. But in like 5% or less of the population, it causes eye problems,, including double vision. I probably have it, but it isn't affecting me (yet??).

Anyway, not saying that is what is happening to you, but it is worth finding out, as you never know what kind of random thing could be causing this. In my father's case, the doctors were able to take measures to slow it down and he can still drive, etc.

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Been living with double vision for years but not your type, mine goes with one eye closed.

When first diagnosed I was sent for a MRI scan on the head to check if there was anything abnormal like a tumor on the brain. They told me that they found nothing in my brain!! but better to have it checked properly.

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The heck with Bamrungrad or Samithivet, I had no idea TV was packed with medical experts

Crikey most "diagnosticians" here have neither provided a prognosis nor given a referral. What's going on? blink.png

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I doubt a neurological problem if this is the sole symptom. The most probable cause is cataract, possibly a fairly early one(s). See an opthalmologist.

I agree that an ophthalmologist should be seen, not an optometrist.

But depending on age and other factors, macular degeneration needs to be considered. My eyes see the world in slightly different ways because of varying subretinal pressure and as changes take place I often get double vision until my brain readjusts to the two sets of data being sent to it.

You might try looking at the Amsler grid (below) with each eye to see if either or both distort the grid, but whatever you do, still see an ophthalmologist.

In Bangkok the best place is Rutnin Eye Hospital. In Pattaya Dr. Attaporn at Bangkok Pattaya Hospital is excellent.

I rarely recommend anything at BPH, but the eye clinic there is state of the art.

I went there once when my ex-wife had punched me in the eyes and I couldn't see properly. I found the doctor very thorough, caring and knowledgeable. It wasn't even very expensive. (And he cured me...)

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Also may find something that needs treatment so yes do keep the appointment. Had expected you would have been seen by now but guess they are always very busy. I used to use them for CVFT as my hospital did not have but two years ago Vejthani made there optical department a priority and now do not need to use Rutnin.

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I doubt a neurological problem if this is the sole symptom. The most probable cause is cataract, possibly a fairly early one(s). See an opthalmologist.

I agree that an ophthalmologist should be seen, not an optometrist.

But depending on age and other factors, macular degeneration needs to be considered. My eyes see the world in slightly different ways because of varying subretinal pressure and as changes take place I often get double vision until my brain readjusts to the two sets of data being sent to it.

You might try looking at the Amsler grid (below) with each eye to see if either or both distort the grid, but whatever you do, still see an ophthalmologist.

In Bangkok the best place is Rutnin Eye Hospital. In Pattaya Dr. Attaporn at Bangkok Pattaya Hospital is excellent.

Instructions for use of the grid here: https://www.amd.org/living-with-amd/resources-and-tools/31-amsler-grid.html


Thanks for that.

For some time I have been having some problem with what I can only describe as " tired eyes" and deteriorating eyesight.

Using that grid, fine with my left eye, but double lines( noticeably so ) with my right eye.

Best I have an eye test I guess, I`m 51 don`t wear glasses, read a lot, mostly on line.

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