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ok you got me there,

i ment for having the craic,

its about personality as well as being great in the sack,,,lol

Great in the sack with boys or girls or both?clap2.gifcheesy.gif

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yes, its true - Thai girls are the most unfaithful in the world along with Ghana.

Great for me as I never want one as a gf, but don't mind having a few giks on the go and always using condoms


According to the survey carried out by condom producer Durex on 29,000 women in 36 countries, Malaysian women came third - 39 per cent admitting they often cheat on their mates, behind Ghana (62 per cent) and Thailand (59 per cent).

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If she's charging 2000 it's not really cheating.

Sounds more like working although 2000 for all night seems to be very cheap.

Must be one of those UnSiGhtly girls eu guys so adore............lol. 2k is very cheap for long -time.


If she's charging 2000 it's not really cheating.

Sounds more like working although 2000 for all night seems to be very cheap.

Must be one of those UnSiGhtly girls eu guys so adore............lol. 2k is very cheap for long -time.

It's getting pretty obvious who are the one month millionaires members that come here 3 weeks a year, or maybe never at all, and the ones that live here.

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"So, so many times I see this. Its always the foreign guy who lives outside of Thailand, while she waits for a travel visa or for him to return. When I finish having sex with a girl (or during), her boyfriend calls and she tells him how much she loves him while winking at me.....it happens so many times to me, and I'm sure others here as well."

Just make sure the phones off when you paying your 2000thb...unless such conversations are your turn ons, of course.


I don't see girls cheating so much on guys that actually live here. Its the guys living overseas and visiting occasionally. Do they not read ThaiVisa or any forums that talk about this? I'm just tired of the complete lack of conscience and morals of these girls. They have such a twisted concept of sex and love that I haven't seen anywhere before in my life.

They have sex for money because they don't want to work a normal job. They say how much they hate having se but they have an orgasm and get turned on while having sex with the stranger. Then they go back to their boyfriend and tell him how much they miss him.

Perhaps if I was born and raised in Thailand, I would see things differently.


I don't see girls cheating so much on guys that actually live here. Its the guys living overseas and visiting occasionally. Do they not read ThaiVisa or any forums that talk about this? I'm just tired of the complete lack of conscience and morals of these girls. They have such a twisted concept of sex and love that I haven't seen anywhere before in my life.

They have sex for money because they don't want to work a normal job. They say how much they hate having se but they have an orgasm and get turned on while having sex with the stranger. Then they go back to their boyfriend and tell him how much they miss him.

Perhaps if I was born and raised in Thailand, I would see things differently.

In my single years, the best possible fun, incl sex, i had with women who are like you describe. However never there was money involved. They just wanted to have a good time. They could pay their own way. Many married women living in the vicinity of touristareas who are married with men living abroad or hubbie working offshore fool around as well. Especially the 1s not having children or working. It is not limited to thailand though.


I remember being on the receiving end of a cheating Tgf. At the time it felt terrible to learn the truth but once I was back in Bangkok I made sure to completely get over it by sleeping with 2 of her equally slutty friends.

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conscience is not a concept many thai's are familiar with.

my ex GF married a german - who paid 2.4 mil for the pleasure and is regarded as an idiot by her family and friends, but that's another story - whenever she's in bangkok she calls me up, we go out spending big 'because he is paying' then back to mine for a session.

this behaviour is exactly why i dumped her but we get on well and have fun.

as for the husband, ignorance is bliss - but i worked her put pretty its bizarre how he ended up marrying her! coffee1.gif

I love your story.Sounds like you got smart.You worked it out in the end.Let somebody else pay while you just have fun 555

Sent from my GT-N7100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app


Your girlfriends friend ? Ever heard of the expression birds of a feather etc, it would seem your girlfriend may also have lose morals if she doesn't blink and eye at what her friend does. Just a thought

shhhh.U cant say that.smirk 555

Sent from my GT-N7100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app


I don't see girls cheating so much on guys that actually live here. Its the guys living overseas and visiting occasionally. Do they not read ThaiVisa or any forums that talk about this? I'm just tired of the complete lack of conscience and morals of these girls. They have such a twisted concept of sex and love that I haven't seen anywhere before in my life.

They have sex for money because they don't want to work a normal job. They say how much they hate having se but they have an orgasm and get turned on while having sex with the stranger. Then they go back to their boyfriend and tell him how much they miss him.

Perhaps if I was born and raised in Thailand, I would see things differently.

How do you know all this? Sounds like you sleep with a lot of girls that are in relationships...

How does you're gf feel about that?

I guess the biggest slut here must be you

Sent from my HTC One using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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What do you expect when your partner lives on the other side of the world 6-9 months of the year?

Dunno how people can have that kind of relationship..... waste of time and money!

Sent from my GT-I9300T using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app


OP I have some sad news for you.

There is a saying " show me your friends and I tell you who and what you are"

Moral of the story is your gf does the very same thing when you not looking .

Telling you just in case you think "but mine is different"

did you just say, "this one's different?"

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I would love to have met you men "who think we are the best", back here in the West about five or ten years ago. When you realised that us Western women found you boring, fat, football mad with your panting and sweating sex not very attractive at all...

And told you that women all around the World would probably think the same thing. I think i am right. Enjoy.

thats wierd, because, usually it is the girl panting, in my world. just sayin


I'm surprised the OP is surprised. Isn't this the norm?

The OP isn't surprised at all.

He just wants boast that he's shagging women who've got boyfriends on the other side of the world.

My guess is the OP was on the shitty side of a similar threesome deal at some point before he moved to Thailand.

he just likes the forbidden fruit,

cant blame a guy like him for seeking a new challenge,

sadly, the knife in the back awaits


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Munger, on 22 Apr 2014 - 18:43, said:Quote
CharlieH, on 22 Apr 2014 - 18:35, said:Quote

Not just here, there are girls all over the world who do the same thing in one form or another.

No surprises, its called life ! Thats just the way it is.

Off topic. the thread is about Thais

Don't see how that is off topic??

Why just concentrate on Thai girls? The truth is in Charlie's writing.

Perhaps the OP has only had one night stands in Thailand, or it is the particular class of girl that he is attracted to that he has had so many experiences of casual sex happening.................tongue.png


A cheating wife was asked, do you talk to your husband during sex? sure, she relied, if he call me on the phone,

yeah why not?

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Thais don't cheat. Even if they do its the farang's fault.

Sent from my GT-I9500 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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I work on oil rigs.

I found out that while I was away, she had 2 thai boyfriends on the go.

She was taking them out and sleeping with them at my expence.

When I confronted her about it, she simply said. " Darling, this is Thailand" Enough said.


dont mean to be rude / take the piss, but sounds like the girls the OP is hanging around with are prostitutes

i'm sure if you kept similar company in uk / usa / any other country, you would find these girls to be slightly promiscuous

most thai girls are very faithful even when just at the very early stage of a relationship (dating)

my thai female friends often get "heartbroken", because they assume the guy will also be faithful from 1st date onwards

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I work on oil rigs.

I found out that while I was away, she had 2 thai boyfriends on the go.

She was taking them out and sleeping with them at my expence.

When I confronted her about it, she simply said. " Darling, this is Thailand" Enough said.

Another rig pig throwing his money away to a "working girl".

Do you "have it" to make it with a quality girl???

No...and she knows it.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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