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Going Back to Nothing and Nobody.


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Look, Let's Get Serious Here, for a moment.....

The absolute best thing, the cheapest thing, the least costly thing for the UK taxpayers would be to send this guy about 150 pounds per week, PLUS a case of whiskey.

Then, before you know it, he would probably be up in heaven for a minimal taxpayer outlay.

Or, who knows, he might clean himself up if he had a steady monthly allowance, and a clean house with some help.

This would be the smart thing, to keep him in Thailand where it costs far less to maintain him than to put him in prison or in a hospital, or on the streets of the UK.

The UK should consider a policy where it could export its ne'erdowells, with a minimum monthly stipend, just to allow other countries to manage their problem better than the UK is equipped to do so now.

Yes a good idea IMO.

Like the payment of the National state pension in its fullest form and also to have some state health insurance cover whilst in Thailand or any other Country, just like the Norwegians do ( I think ) for their over 60s

Further more Why all the negatives in this thread?

Doe anyone know how much this chap paid into the system before he left the UK?

Was He at one time a successful business man who may have paid thousands into the system?

Did He have a failed business or was He perhaps a victim of the vagaries of the ups and downs of UK boom and bust brought on by so many of the real real losers purporting to be taking care of our Country

So many questions to answer before consigning this poor bugger to the trash bin.

Even if He was the biggest loser, so what!

The UK is already over run with claimants who have never paid a red cent into our UK so why is there all this nasty rhetoric about our UK talking care of one of its own?

The nasties on here who are so conscientious in making malicious statements about a poor sod who has washed up rather badly should maybe take the same initiative and talk about the dolorous state of their own Mother Country which shortly will be over run by Eastern European "nere do wells"

Sometimes a little of thought before writing would throw a better light on some of those who assume that bad circumstances could never ever happen to them.

Wake up and show some Empathy and remember even though you think that you are in charge of your life, you really are not in control of your destiny because shzer really can happen to the most undeserving of people, usually when they become complacent and least expect it!

Was He always a loser?

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People are always in charge of their own destiny. It means planning your life.

In your opinion.

But your statement is patently untrue and people are simply not in charge of their destiny

Isn't there an old saying that goes something like ;

"The best laid plans of mice and men often go astray"?

Of course there are those whose lives will go according to "their! plan but whether this is good management or plain just good luck who knows, who can tell what is around the corner and what is in store for a person?

When it goes pear shaped there as it does from time to time there will be those who can weather the storm and then there will be those who are simply overwhelmed.

Let the person who has never made a mistake or taken a wrong road in his life throw the first stone or they can do what they usually do and make un-emphatic and critical posts on this thread.


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People are always in charge of their own destiny. It means planning your life.

In your opinion.

But your statement is patently untrue and people are simply not in charge of their destiny

Isn't there an old saying that goes something like ;

"The best laid plans of mice and men often go astray"?

Of course there are those whose lives will go according to "their! plan but whether this is good management or plain just good luck who knows, who can tell what is around the corner and what is in store for a person?

When it goes pear shaped there as it does from time to time there will be those who can weather the storm and then there will be those who are simply overwhelmed.

Let the person who has never made a mistake or taken a wrong road in his life throw the first stone or they can do what they usually do and make un-emphatic and critical posts on this thread.


I agree we all make mistakes but there are many things we can do in order to control destiny. Manage risk, identify the problems or hazards one may encounter in life, unemployment, ill-health, relationship problems, financial hardship, bereavement etc etc and then plan what you do should these events occur. Learn different or complementary skills as a standby, purchase insurance for the unforeseen, ensure financial stability for a given period are just a few examples. I wasn't being "un-empathetic" or critical I was giving my point of view that it is possible to manage ones life by minimising risk and therefore controlling ones destiny.

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People are always in charge of their own destiny. It means planning your life.

In your opinion.

But your statement is patently untrue and people are simply not in charge of their destiny

Isn't there an old saying that goes something like ;

"The best laid plans of mice and men often go astray"?

Of course there are those whose lives will go according to "their! plan but whether this is good management or plain just good luck who knows, who can tell what is around the corner and what is in store for a person?

When it goes pear shaped there as it does from time to time there will be those who can weather the storm and then there will be those who are simply overwhelmed.

Let the person who has never made a mistake or taken a wrong road in his life throw the first stone or they can do what they usually do and make un-emphatic and critical posts on this thread.


I agree we all make mistakes but there are many things we can do in order to control destiny. Manage risk, identify the problems or hazards one may encounter in life, unemployment, ill-health, relationship problems, financial hardship, bereavement etc etc and then plan what you do should these events occur. Learn different or complementary skills as a standby, purchase insurance for the unforeseen, ensure financial stability for a given period are just a few examples. I wasn't being "un-empathetic" or critical I was giving my point of view that it is possible to manage ones life by minimising risk and therefore controlling ones destiny.

Being born, is the greatest risk of all.

And we should minimize this risk if we do not wish to be unhappy.

But once born in to this veil of tears,

Then you are correct we should follow your methodology as much as we are capable of doing so.

Your suggestions require a methodical personality, one who keeps plodding along, inch by inch, always making the best logical choices.

Still, there are others who cannot live lives always making the best choices, and instead are drawn to excitement, and falling in holes.

I have known some people like you describe.

Their lives seem too boring for me.

And, let us not forget, that no matter what we do our destinations are all the same.

We all will have the same result, no matter what decisions we make.

We go from this can of worms we call life,

To being food for the worms, or at least food for something or some organism.

Life will be over shortly, before we even know it, almost

So do not sweat it, please.

Happy times are here again.

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People are always in charge of their own destiny. It means planning your life.

In your opinion.

But your statement is patently untrue and people are simply not in charge of their destiny

Isn't there an old saying that goes something like ;

"The best laid plans of mice and men often go astray"?

Of course there are those whose lives will go according to "their! plan but whether this is good management or plain just good luck who knows, who can tell what is around the corner and what is in store for a person?

When it goes pear shaped there as it does from time to time there will be those who can weather the storm and then there will be those who are simply overwhelmed.

Let the person who has never made a mistake or taken a wrong road in his life throw the first stone or they can do what they usually do and make un-emphatic and critical posts on this thread.


I agree we all make mistakes but there are many things we can do in order to control destiny. Manage risk, identify the problems or hazards one may encounter in life, unemployment, ill-health, relationship problems, financial hardship, bereavement etc etc and then plan what you do should these events occur. Learn different or complementary skills as a standby, purchase insurance for the unforeseen, ensure financial stability for a given period are just a few examples. I wasn't being "un-empathetic" or critical I was giving my point of view that it is possible to manage ones life by minimising risk and therefore controlling ones destiny.

No, with the greatest of respect you are completely missing my point.

I selectively quote from your last;

"but there are many things we can do in order to control destiny. Manage risk, identify the problems or hazards one may encounter in life, unemployment, ill-health, relationship problems, financial hardship, bereavement etc etc "

And When you have done all that and still you find yourself in the deepest shizer through circumstances that may well be not of your making control or even covered within the scope of your plans. What is your contingency plan then?

For instance How could you plan for an addictive disease, a terminal illness, a mental health problem, AIDS, bereavement?

There are all manner of causes relating to why people become "washed up" and unable to cope with their existence, to name a few:

Depression, other mental health issues, addictions alcoholic, sexual!

The ability for some to overcome some of lifes serious obstacles or events is clearly missing, look at the suicide rate in Pattaya alone if you dont believe me.

Maybe I am becoming too forgiving in my old age, I sure know that I am lucky in that I have reasonable health. a great partner and comfortable lifestyle.

Personally despite many comprehensive plans I have made many mistakes in my life and am very grateful to maybe a superior power who has kept me on the level that I am on, it certainly wasn't because of good planning in my case that has kept me out of the gutter or being washed up.

Maybe its because I have made many mistakes that I dont feel qualified to make critical comments on those that are seriously less fortunate than I am ( Self inflicted or not) who need a leg up at this moment in their lives

One thing I will not do is to tempt fate by criticizing some poor sad bugger who is credited by those on here as being washed up.

Just remember with all the best planning in the world it could be you that the subject of this topic, only God is perfect Men are fallible!

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People are always in charge of their own destiny. It means planning your life.

In your opinion.

But your statement is patently untrue and people are simply not in charge of their destiny

Isn't there an old saying that goes something like ;

"The best laid plans of mice and men often go astray"?

Of course there are those whose lives will go according to "their! plan but whether this is good management or plain just good luck who knows, who can tell what is around the corner and what is in store for a person?

When it goes pear shaped there as it does from time to time there will be those who can weather the storm and then there will be those who are simply overwhelmed.

Let the person who has never made a mistake or taken a wrong road in his life throw the first stone or they can do what they usually do and make un-emphatic and critical posts on this thread.


I agree we all make mistakes but there are many things we can do in order to control destiny. Manage risk, identify the problems or hazards one may encounter in life, unemployment, ill-health, relationship problems, financial hardship, bereavement etc etc and then plan what you do should these events occur. Learn different or complementary skills as a standby, purchase insurance for the unforeseen, ensure financial stability for a given period are just a few examples. I wasn't being "un-empathetic" or critical I was giving my point of view that it is possible to manage ones life by minimising risk and therefore controlling ones destiny.

Being born, is the greatest risk of all.

And we should minimize this risk if we do not wish to be unhappy.

But once born in to this veil of tears,

Then you are correct we should follow your methodology as much as we are capable of doing so.

Your suggestions require a methodical personality, one who keeps plodding along, inch by inch, always making the best logical choices.

Still, there are others who cannot live lives always making the best choices, and instead are drawn to excitement, and falling in holes.

I have known some people like you describe.

Their lives seem too boring for me.

And, let us not forget, that no matter what we do our destinations are all the same.

We all will have the same result, no matter what decisions we make.

We go from this can of worms we call life,

To being food for the worms, or at least food for something or some organism.

Life will be over shortly, before we even know it, almost

So do not sweat it, please.

Happy times are here again.

Here here!

You must be a member of the "One foot in the grave club" cheesy.gif

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From Ahanfan

"Being born, is the greatest risk of all.

And we should minimize this risk if we do not wish to be unhappy."

Maybe I have misread or deliberately misconstrued this bit but how can I minimize being born?


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Posted 31 minutes ago

From Ahanfan

"Being born, is the greatest risk of all.

And we should minimize this risk if we do not wish to be unhappy."

Maybe I have misread or deliberately misconstrued this bit but how can I minimize being born?


Correct, it is too late for us to minimize this risk of being born.

However, we should be extra careful before we cause others to be exposed to the same risk as we, unless we have some way of minimizing this risk for our children.

So we must be honest before fathering a child, or giving birth to a child.

Make sure we are very honest in assessing our capabilities to provide our children with whatever it takes to lead lives that are better lived, rather than better not lived.

I know what you are going to say, that it is up to the child to fend for himself or herself.

But this is just propaganda based on nothing which we often hear when people are talking through their hats,

Similar to when they say that these kids should pull themselves up by their own bootstraps.

The simple truth is that too many kids are being born to parents who are not enough capable, either wealthwise or mentalhealthwise, of minimizing the risks which need minimizing if the kids are to have a decent fighting chance in this world.

If you cannot be fairly sure that your kids will be happy, and happier alive than never being born, then you should not have any.

So, for all you young things of 16, try to take your contraceptives until you are very, very, VERY sure of what you are doing.

You have no right to make this decision for another human being, to bring them into this world unless you are far surer than most seem to be.

Edited by AhanFan
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I'm glad your friend has made it home, and good luck to him. It will probably be hard for a few months as he learns the ins and outs of the Social Security, benefits etc. I am on Benefits here in Switzerland (where it is very strict) and just found out last week that i can get my eyes tested and new glasses for nothing!! If you don't ask you don't get.

Get your friend to make friends with others in his situation to find out what he is entitled to. Which may not have come up on his initial interview with them.

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For anyone that's interested, he went back to the UK, and through this forum, he had a temporary address, he is now under the care of the social security, his credit card fraud was wiped off after 7 years and the unsecured bank loans are wiped off too, he is now in a hostel type accommodation and is trying to find ways to get back to Thailand, I hope he don't end up in Jail.

Thanks for all those guys that tried to help, and the one guy that did.

Topic Closed.

Its good to hear that the guy is back in the UK and at least a roof over his head and is in some kind of care situation.

Sometimes mental health issues are under estimated and I would have thought that there would be some organisation that could help him with these problems possibly before anything else.

That he is already trying to get back to Thailand makes me think that He indeed is suffering from a mental illness, I base my thoughts on his recent urgent need to get back to the UK.

your comment that you hope that he doesn't end up in jail is disconcerting. to say the least and must be an indicator that the lad is not stable or well.

When you said "Topic closed" at the end of your last post did you mean that you personally didn't want any further posts on this topic and if so why not?.

With respect you started this topic and you must accept the points of view of dissenting posters with as much appreciation as those like me who happen to agree in principle with the idea of helping some one .

I hasten to add that in cases of chronic alcoholism I would find it very difficult to help anyone in that terrible situation but never the less am very empathetic to the sufferer and much more so to their long suffering families

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For anyone that's interested, he went back to the UK, and through this forum, he had a temporary address, he is now under the care of the social security, his credit card fraud was wiped off after 7 years and the unsecured bank loans are wiped off too, he is now in a hostel type accommodation and is trying to find ways to get back to Thailand, I hope he don't end up in Jail.

Thanks for all those guys that tried to help, and the one guy that did.

Topic Closed.

I am appalled at the audacity of this guy, so whats to stop him racking up more debt and disappearing back to Thailand again. Nothing really as I see. Theres nothing more to be said on this matter.

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For anyone that's interested, he went back to the UK, and through this forum, he had a temporary address, he is now under the care of the social security, his credit card fraud was wiped off after 7 years and the unsecured bank loans are wiped off too, he is now in a hostel type accommodation and is trying to find ways to get back to Thailand, I hope he don't end up in Jail.

Thanks for all those guys that tried to help, and the one guy that did.

Topic Closed.

I am appalled at the audacity of this guy, so whats to stop him racking up more debt and disappearing back to Thailand again. Nothing really as I see. Theres nothing more to be said on this matter.

The topic is not "closed", rather it is an ongoing problem that is both entertaining and informative to discuss.

Why ask a question, receive 100's of responses then abruptly request no further posts?

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For anyone that's interested, he went back to the UK, and through this forum, he had a temporary address, he is now under the care of the social security, his credit card fraud was wiped off after 7 years and the unsecured bank loans are wiped off too, he is now in a hostel type accommodation and is trying to find ways to get back to Thailand, I hope he don't end up in Jail.

Thanks for all those guys that tried to help, and the one guy that did.

Topic Closed.

I am appalled at the audacity of this guy, so whats to stop him racking up more debt and disappearing back to Thailand again. Nothing really as I see. Theres nothing more to be said on this matter.

The topic is not "closed", rather it is an ongoing problem that is both entertaining and informative to discuss.

Why ask a question, receive 100's of responses then abruptly request no further posts?


In the absence of any further reply from Banzai I must conclude that He is a bit annoyed with the tone of some of the replies to his OP.

He does sound a bit miffed and some of his comments a little acerbic but I cannot for the life of me understand why.

Maybe what He was saying was that the topic was closed from his point of view but then again why the need for the sort of verbal command "The topic is closed" surely in his position you just turn the volume knob down or off and ignore the rest of the thread.

I do feel for the person He was talking about but because I have no access to all the relevant info I cannot make any useful input other than to generalize on the unfortunate guys situation and to give the benefit of the doubt in not making any adverse criticism.

There are those on here who are diagrammatically opposed to my view on this matter and through their own maybe painful experiences have a more black and white opinion of this chap and voice that opinion with gusto.

That is their right within the rules of the forum and as long as it is a genuine opinion without malicious intent, it should be accepted just for what it is, some ones opinion !

That is the risk of posting on a public forum and if you cannot stand the heat then dont post in a hot kitchen.

There was a good assortment of concerned posters on the side of the chap needing a leg up, indeed according to Banzai there were people wanting to help and one that in fact did give good and practical help.

If I was the OP of this thread I would be very pleased that I had got some help for this chap and maybe wanting to let the thread run just for its own value of giving diverse and genuine opinion on an issue that may well be more common that is supposed.

I would comment that these days there seems to be a lack of that common old fashioned concern for our every day common fellow men who have fell foul of the system in Thailand or anywhere else for that matter.

What happened to considering "There go I but for the grace of God" thought process that surely must be the first thoughts of good and decent men when they hear of story's like this one from Banzai?

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Banzai has gone for a beer, happy in the knowledge his mate is home safe and cared for.

Who cares now. His mates life is his own. Maybe he will overcome his probs and come back to his good friends in thailand.

I wish him all the best anyway.

Sent from my GT-N7100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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My friend got sorted out, no big problem , no great drama ( except on ThaiVisa ), so for me , It's topic over.

Is that so hard to understand ?

Thanks again to the poster that actually gave great info, as to the rest of you, live with it, it's real life, people do get into trouble, your pontificating and disgust won't change that while you have a breath in your body, and it wont change after you have no breath at all. we are humans, we make human mistakes.

If you think you are so great, think where you get your food from, take a look at this, then eat a steak.


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For anyone that's interested, he went back to the UK, and through this forum, he had a temporary address, he is now under the care of the social security, his credit card fraud was wiped off after 7 years and the unsecured bank loans are wiped off too, he is now in a hostel type accommodation and is trying to find ways to get back to Thailand, I hope he don't end up in Jail.

Thanks for all those guys that tried to help, and the one guy that did.

Topic Closed.

The Credit Card debts will be null and void but not the fraud that aquired them.............

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My friend got sorted out, no big problem , no great drama ( except on ThaiVisa ), so for me , It's topic over.

Is that so hard to understand ?

Thanks again to the poster that actually gave great info, as to the rest of you, live with it, it's real life, people do get into trouble, your pontificating and disgust won't change that while you have a breath in your body, and it wont change after you have no breath at all. we are humans, we make human mistakes.

If you think you are so great, think where you get your food from, take a look at this, then eat a steak.


Hold on.......

I ask again what does that have to do with his mate?

Looks like BS to me.

Kind of wondering why i went along with this guy.

Sent from my GT-N7100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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For anyone that's interested, he went back to the UK, and through this forum, he had a temporary address, he is now under the care of the social security, his credit card fraud was wiped off after 7 years and the unsecured bank loans are wiped off too, he is now in a hostel type accommodation and is trying to find ways to get back to Thailand, I hope he don't end up in Jail.

Thanks for all those guys that tried to help, and the one guy that did.

Topic Closed.

I agree, it should be closed lest others read this and think it okay to cheat and then head home when the coast is clear to leech off the state. I can empathize with genuine folk who fall on hard times and need to head back, but this is totally lost on me. Op should appreciate all feedback.

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I wouldn't wish jail or prison on anyone.

There has to be shelters in the UK to help him.

I'm sure he's not the first to have to return broke and homeless.

This is another sad story best of luck to you and him.

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