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Why do so many TV users dislike Thailand so much and yet stay?


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Yes the knowledge from real life experience are not the same like the google knowledge, or looking a travel movie and was in each country but only with the finger on the map!

it's when you get the finger off the map,and onto something warm and moist,that when discovery really begins.

The bum gun is right next to you. Try it next time.

Water is off right now,plenty of juice though.

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The best garden in the world needs a little manure.

You don't have to like or praise the manure though do you.

Negative advertising promotes Thailand? You don't really believe that do you? I mean really, Thailand does enough themselves with political turmoil, airport closures, floods and coups not to need any Farang bad mouthing to compliment the normal mix.

How did you manage to reach your monumental conclusion from a perfectly innocent little statement?

Telling people what you think they mean when they don't actually mean that at all is not an enviable trait.

I thought you meant that without a little bad people would not think it was real. I said there is already enough bad without some Farang adding to it. Since you said I was wrong. What did you mean? No flame now...... Tell me what you meant and how I was wrong?

I was talking about the little things that on some days just irritate and on others can drive you mental (well, me at least) litterbugs, inept driving skills, the police shakedown when you have done nothing wrong and the likes. Plus my all time classic,"Don't tell me that you will have it tomorrow just to make me happy if there is a chance that you are not going to have it tomorrow, because when tomorrow becomes today and today become tomorrow again, I will not be happy, just tell me the truth and not what you think I want to hear"

Political turmoil, airport closurers etc I can have little or no effect on so that is water off a ducks back. Some of the nonsensical political antics (usually Chalerm) just make me laugh. And let's face it, not that much different from where I originate and some other countries are way worse.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

It's safer to blow a fuse on here than in real life!

Just got a belt from my keyboard. One of the greatest things I hate about being here is electricity.......................sad.png


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@ beb

As the OP you seem to have backed off soon after your original post. NO support?

Actually I don't come on TV very often so my responses will be much lighter than others here. Some comments were interesting, others not.

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@ beb

As the OP you seem to have backed off soon after your original post. NO support?

He's probably riding through darkest Isaan on his white charger looking for whining 'farangs' to chop down and take to that Dr bloke for being 'trash'

Wow, some of the comments are hilariously unintelligible.

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He's probably riding through darkest Isaan on his white charger looking for whining 'farangs' to chop down and take to that Dr bloke for being 'trash'

Wow, some of the comments are hilariously unintelligible.

I have the same questions as you, beb, in your OP. It's quite bizarre, but I think that Thailand does attract a large number of what we call in the west "white trash." They think that when they move to a developing country, they would move up in class. But when they realize they haven't and never will, they vent. Thais are the most obvious target.

What is even more perplexing is that these same idiot farangs can't even stay on point. Your thread is NOT ABOUT FARANGS COMPLAINING. It's about FARANGS WHO HATE THE THAIS AND THAILAND. Surely in their little pea-brains they can tell the difference. There's already a few of the usual haters on this thread. And that's all they ever spew is hate.

What took you so long ....to write an other quality post.....at least you are not insulting.....again...white trash....pea-brains.....dont hold back please.....

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Maybe because most of the "Men" on here came with an addiction/obsession for cheap and available Pussy.

Maybe because after they were "sated" and near skint and the realization that they weren't really "handsum men" came home to them they turned against all that they originally thought was wonderful in that wonderful bitter and twisted way that is exemplified in some TV threads.

Maybe because they burned most of their bridges and cannot easily return to their place of origin and feel trapped.

So many different reasons borne out of frustration and unhappiness that they blame all their unhappiness and frustration on anything but the real reason for their sad state, themselves!

Then they "Vent" on here!

Weeeell yeh, I look forward to tomorrow here.........intheclub.gif.pagespeed.ce.TVIbELwsxN.gi

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He's probably riding through darkest Isaan on his white charger looking for whining 'farangs' to chop down and take to that Dr bloke for being 'trash'

Wow, some of the comments are hilariously unintelligible.

I have the same questions as you, beb, in your OP. It's quite bizarre, but I think that Thailand does attract a large number of what we call in the west "white trash." They think that when they move to a developing country, they would move up in class. But when they realize they haven't and never will, they vent. Thais are the most obvious target.

What is even more perplexing is that these same idiot farangs can't even stay on point. Your thread is NOT ABOUT FARANGS COMPLAINING. It's about FARANGS WHO HATE THE THAIS AND THAILAND. Surely in their little pea-brains they can tell the difference. There's already a few of the usual haters on this thread. And that's all they ever spew is hate.

What took you so long ....to write an other quality post.....at least you are not insulting.....again...white trash....pea-brains.....dont hold back please.....

Are you stalking me again, benalibina? You seem to follow my posts more intimately than others. is it a man-crush sort of thing? Don't answer that because I really don't want to know.

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He's probably riding through darkest Isaan on his white charger looking for whining 'farangs' to chop down and take to that Dr bloke for being 'trash'

Wow, some of the comments are hilariously unintelligible.

I have the same questions as you, beb, in your OP. It's quite bizarre, but I think that Thailand does attract a large number of what we call in the west "white trash." They think that when they move to a developing country, they would move up in class. But when they realize they haven't and never will, they vent. Thais are the most obvious target.

What is even more perplexing is that these same idiot farangs can't even stay on point. Your thread is NOT ABOUT FARANGS COMPLAINING. It's about FARANGS WHO HATE THE THAIS AND THAILAND. Surely in their little pea-brains they can tell the difference. There's already a few of the usual haters on this thread. And that's all they ever spew is hate.

What took you so long ....to write an other quality post.....at least you are not insulting.....again...white trash....pea-brains.....dont hold back please.....

Are you stalking me again, benalibina? You seem to follow my posts more intimately than others. is it a man-crush sort of thing? Don't answer that because I really don't want to know.

I always thought you were a woman. A bitter 1 though....lets leave it at that ok ?

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I've been reading this place for some time, and have always found it quite remarkable - like a view into a parallel universe. The prevailing attitude simply does not correspond with the Thailand I live in or the people I've met here. It's amusing to peek into now and then, but it does seem a bit of a shame that this can't be a forum for the many decent expats who live here, without the constant wailing of aging, drunken, miserable long-term sex tourists who lack the insight to realise that not everybody sees this country in the bleak, limited palette that they do.

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I've been reading this place for some time, and have always found it quite remarkable - like a view into a parallel universe. The prevailing attitude simply does not correspond with the Thailand I live in or the people I've met here. It's amusing to peek into now and then, but it does seem a bit of a shame that this can't be a forum for the many decent expats who live here, without the constant wailing of aging, drunken, miserable long-term sex tourists who lack the insight to realise that not everybody sees this country in the bleak, limited palette that they do.

Or...you could think....i am happy that my experiences are only good.

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I've been reading this place for some time, and have always found it quite remarkable - like a view into a parallel universe. The prevailing attitude simply does not correspond with the Thailand I live in or the people I've met here. It's amusing to peek into now and then, but it does seem a bit of a shame that this can't be a forum for the many decent expats who live here, without the constant wailing of aging, drunken, miserable long-term sex tourists who lack the insight to realise that not everybody sees this country in the bleak, limited palette that they do.

Or...you could think....i am happy that my experiences are only good.

Nobody's experiences are ever "only good". The world doesn't work that way. Most people don't let the occasional knock turn them into a misanthrope, though.

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I've been reading this place for some time, and have always found it quite remarkable - like a view into a parallel universe. The prevailing attitude simply does not correspond with the Thailand I live in or the people I've met here. It's amusing to peek into now and then, but it does seem a bit of a shame that this can't be a forum for the many decent expats who live here, without the constant wailing of aging, drunken, miserable long-term sex tourists who lack the insight to realise that not everybody sees this country in the bleak, limited palette that they do.

Or...you could think....i am happy that my experiences are only good.

Nobody's experiences are ever "only good". The world doesn't work that way. Most people don't let the occasional knock turn them into a misanthrope, though.

Many occasional knocks maybe ?

I agree though that slagging of a populace for the sake of slagging is out of order. I wonder though a lot more about f.i. americans slagging brits et vice versa.....on this forum.

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I understand the OP's frustration,

,In a sense it is culture shock , not of the Thai culture, but of the TVF culture . I experienced the same culture shock when I first started to participate in this forum, and I am sure most sensible newcomers to this forum experience the same.

This OP is not unique we see it almost every week, and to those of as that have being here a length of time it becomes boring and we become blase about it because we have become accustomed to the TVF culture and have learned how to negotiate it.

But let's be sensitive to the OP, after all it was not that long ago that we had the same concerns. You read some comments and you think. how can this be this is not the Thailand I know.

My advise to the OP is:

Give it time, learn to recognize the Troll threads and stay away from them, or if the mood inspires get in there and make fun of them.

There are so many good threads that you can learn from and have fun with. There is one thread of some one whose fish are dying and he is getting great help and info from others, there is an other thread about building an air conditioner out of an Styrofoam container and ice, the Op is really goofing in good fun but some posters have not cough on and are arguing about the merits of the contraptionlaugh.png , all great fun.

Given time you will start to see a pattern, and realize that it is not as bad as you think. You will start to recognize avatars and names, and you will see that most members are really decent people.

I can honestly tell you that the good members of this forum vastly outnumber the bad, and even those that you might disagree on a particular issue, you will find very sensible in an other.

Some times people try to be clever and in the process say stupid things, I suspect they are not the same in real life, anonymity tends to bring the worst in people some times.

And the idiots? screw them , they come and they go .

People are not as negative about Thailand as you might think,

I'm sure that a lot of what you're saying is true but,as I think I said here before, my use of Thaivisa has dwindled because the constant negativity is just not what I consider a healthy environment. Most of my friends stay away for the same reasons. I've always wanted to be in control of my environment and so if I am constantly unhappy, I sort of take the attitude that it's my responsibility to make the changes necessary. Example, dramatically cut down use of TV.

Another example, I tried to be very respectful in my question, which is very sincere, here so apparently just asking a question can set people off. Talk about being on the edge.

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I think Beb (the OP) needs to read up on the "colonial syndrome" which is alive and well on some TV forums, but by no means on all.

He should choose his forums wisely. It sounds like he spends too much time on General.

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I can honestly tell you that the good members of this forum vastly outnumber the bad...

You may be right, but unfortunately the latter are a very vocal minority. Barely anything 'sensible' can be posted without being swamped by negativity, abuse and childish sexual references, with the net result that the decent posters stay away and the grotesque sideshow continues.

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I can honestly tell you that the good members of this forum vastly outnumber the bad...

You may be right, but unfortunately the latter are a very vocal minority. Barely anything 'sensible' can be posted without being swamped by negativity, abuse and childish sexual references, with the net result that the decent posters stay away and the grotesque sideshow continues.

The trick is not to take it seriously, and avoid some of the obvious crap, it is easy to spot by he titles,

There should be a warning sign on top of the General Forum and it should read:

"Lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch'intrate"

"Abandon all hope, ye who enter here."laugh.png

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Maybe because of bad experience within then year of stay!

I not believe that all people only have good experience !

Travel books talks only about the smiling faces, tv talks about everything!

This is the little difference that makes this board unique !

The good knowledge of each member and quick response!

I check many other boards , but a tourist traveler board is not the same then a expat board here!

Most advice for tourist not think to much of bad experience, take the good ones at home , keep a smile on your face and forget the bad ones, a expat can never do this style because

He stay always here

The bad face behind the smiling face

Or cheating ones

follow the expats on every step in daily life here!

It not have something to do talking bad about good old Siam!

Europe is even worse, unfriendly people that not response your hello on the street!

Or realistic high prices , and absolutely no future for pure expats that kicked out on the sideways of something called society !

This is the reason why we all stay here!

A travel book got money when talking good about a hotel or location!

But tv members did not get any sarang from our sponsors , that roll up my whole smartphone screen everyday!

We are all independent ,,and

Can talk about our feelings

Becaus it reflects, what real happen

in life!

Thailand is wonderful, it's just the bum's that reside here :P

Cut out all those exclamation points. An exclamation point is like laughing at your own jokes. —F. Scott Fitzgerald ( just saying )
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I dislike many things about Thailand but where else can I get skilled tradesman for my company at $3.50 an hour and still have a reasonable western lifestyle. When I don't need the cheap labour any more I will go home.

Sent from my GT-I9500 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Its invariably true that a man can be depicted accurately from his projection of the world. [You] ARE in essence what you see. The regrettable conclusion is the world is now too small, and the (a number) losers I sought to depart in the west are fully encamped here as well. This, then, is the "Farang" that Thai people rail against, embodied so eloquently by [some] losers here in TV defending the notion that disdain as healthy critique is nourishing. I am pleased I rarely have these bad experiences. I am pleased there are very few of you where I live. I get it! I really do. I understand why you are despised.

TV gives me less a keen perspective on the machinations of Thailand than on the actual reasons many Thai people resent you.

Half true, but the other side you avoid is the Thai side, unless you mean to imply that they are perfect.

Our views are shaped by our experiences. A man who, say, interacts with mostly poorer Thais from upcountry may come to one conclusion about Thais and Thai culture while I might, through my heavy interaction (via work) with mostly fairly well off and well connected Thai Chinese come to totally different conclusion.

I can tell you that within the part of the society I mostly am forced to interact with, there is a rather real racism against all foreigners and particularly us "Farangs". It's very real, and if you know intimately farangs to work at this level in Thailand, you might find that many of them will agree. Again, mostly it's Thai Chinese who are more Chinese than Thai and will make great effort to let you know that. Most people who are well read and well traveled know the Chinese are fairly racist and lack what most of us would call ethics. So, no wonder that after coming here and establishing themselves over several generations that they are naturally opposed to these farangs coming in and having any influence.

It's "Thailand for the Thai Chinese, we mean All Thai People" That's the deal. They would see us a threat to their little kingdom paradise they've built. And, they create all types of obstacles for us (and other foreigners) here. And, unless you're one of those farangs who is totally clueless and takes all the fake smiles to be genuine (I've know plenty of expats like this), then surely you've observed a palpable, just beneath the surface displeasure from Thais toward us? Surely you will have noticed how the legal system is clearly in the favor of Thais and not here to protect foreigners and natives equally? Surely if you have done any significant business function or made significant investment here, you will have come across the endless minefields of locals who openly conspire to take advantage of foreigners here? Surely you will have noticed the immigration policies?

I mean I can understand a teacher or something who works up country with a bunch of poor, dark, always smiling Thais coming away from the experience thinking that he is admired. But, befriend some really successful guys here (say, guys who work or invest here on at least 200-300K Baht/month and up), and you might here about a VERY different Thailand.

Which is ?

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Its invariably true that a man can be depicted accurately from his projection of the world. [You] ARE in essence what you see. The regrettable conclusion is the world is now too small, and the (a number) losers I sought to depart in the west are fully encamped here as well. This, then, is the "Farang" that Thai people rail against, embodied so eloquently by [some] losers here in TV defending the notion that disdain as healthy critique is nourishing. I am pleased I rarely have these bad experiences. I am pleased there are very few of you where I live. I get it! I really do. I understand why you are despised.

TV gives me less a keen perspective on the machinations of Thailand than on the actual reasons many Thai people resent you.

Half true, but the other side you avoid is the Thai side, unless you mean to imply that they are perfect.

Our views are shaped by our experiences. A man who, say, interacts with mostly poorer Thais from upcountry may come to one conclusion about Thais and Thai culture while I might, through my heavy interaction (via work) with mostly fairly well off and well connected Thai Chinese come to totally different conclusion.

I can tell you that within the part of the society I mostly am forced to interact with, there is a rather real racism against all foreigners and particularly us "Farangs". It's very real, and if you know intimately farangs to work at this level in Thailand, you might find that many of them will agree. Again, mostly it's Thai Chinese who are more Chinese than Thai and will make great effort to let you know that. Most people who are well read and well traveled know the Chinese are fairly racist and lack what most of us would call ethics. So, no wonder that after coming here and establishing themselves over several generations that they are naturally opposed to these farangs coming in and having any influence.

It's "Thailand for the Thai Chinese, we mean All Thai People" That's the deal. They would see us a threat to their little kingdom paradise they've built. And, they create all types of obstacles for us (and other foreigners) here. And, unless you're one of those farangs who is totally clueless and takes all the fake smiles to be genuine (I've know plenty of expats like this), then surely you've observed a palpable, just beneath the surface displeasure from Thais toward us? Surely you will have noticed how the legal system is clearly in the favor of Thais and not here to protect foreigners and natives equally? Surely if you have done any significant business function or made significant investment here, you will have come across the endless minefields of locals who openly conspire to take advantage of foreigners here? Surely you will have noticed the immigration policies?

I mean I can understand a teacher or something who works up country with a bunch of poor, dark, always smiling Thais coming away from the experience thinking that he is admired. But, befriend some really successful guys here (say, guys who work or invest here on at least 200-300K Baht/month and up), and you might here about a VERY different Thailand.

Which is ?

Which is one the polar opposite from the one depicted in the tourism propaganda over the last half century.

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