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Crisis-hit Thailand to hold new election on July 20


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Election set for July 20

BANGKOK: -- Ec sets conditions for govt: says there must be no misuse of power; poll should be free from violence; Suthep calls three-stage final battle from May 5; Democrats in doubt if they will take part in poll

A NEW election is in sight as the government and the Election Commission have agreed to hold one on July 20.

However, the EC would have to amend its regulations to prevent the new election from being nullified, the commission's secretary-general Puchong Nutrawong said. He added that the EC would meet next Tuesday to draft the Royal Decree for the election, which would be sent to the government for seeking royal endorsement.

The Constitutional Court earlier ruled the February 2 election unconstitutional because voting could not take place in 28 of 375 constituencies on the same day.

EC chairman Supachai Somcharoen, who met with caretaker Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra yesterday, said the meeting went smoothly. He said the government agreed to all the proposals of the EC, which included that the election must be held only in a peaceful environment, and the EC might postpone polling in problematic areas.

"There must be no injury or loss in the new election," he said.

3 steps to victory: Suthep

Suthep Thaugsuban, secretary-general of the anti-government People's Democratic Reform Committee (PDRC), announced last night that he would launch a final mass battle on Coronation Day, which will be marked on Monday.

He called on PDRC supporters to wear yellow and gather outside the Emerald Buddha Temple at 5pm on the day to ceremoniously swear to work together for the good of the country.

He said the final battle would be divided into three steps:

l Make a sacred vow to do good on Monday;

l Make merit to rid the country of evil on Visakha Bucha Day on May 13;

l Launch "a people's operation" to oust the government on May 14.

Suthep also insisted yesterday that his group would not negotiate with bad figures and would continue pushing for national reform, without any links with politicians.

Democrat stance unclear

Yingluck posted on her Facebook page before the meeting that she hoped the election, which had been delayed for more than three months, would take place so that people could get the government they want soon.

During the meeting with Yingluck and the government's representatives at the Royal Thai Air Force Academy, Supachai said the EC also presented the results of its previous meetings with security agencies and political parties, including Democrat Party leader Abhisit Vejjajiva.

Despite the decision by the EC and the government, it was uncertain whether the Democrats, who boycotted the February 2 poll, would join in this time.

In a previous interview, Abhisit - who has offered to help find a solution to the political impasse - said that if the election date were set for July 20, there would not be enough time to implement his proposals, which would need more time.

He said that if Yingluck welcomed his initiatives, then she should not set the election date but should instead listen to his proposals and consider them.

EC member Somchai Srisutthiyakorn said the government must ensure the atmosphere for a free and fair election, it must stay neutral as the caretaker government and must not abuse power for its advantage. The security agencies must provide support for the election by maintaining peace and order.

He also said the EC might postpone the election in problematic places where the balloting cannot take place properly. Meanwhile, the government must also deal with a possible situation where the House of Representatives may not be able to convene within 30 days of the election date.

Abhisit yesterday met with Palang Chon Party leader Sontaya Kunplome to lobby for support for his political-reform initiative.

After the 45-minute meeting, Sontaya and Abhisit held a joint press conference. Sontaya said he did not mind if the election were delayed to avert problems.

After meeting the Palang Chon leader, Abhisit said he would next compile the proposals of all parties with whom he had met and draw up a proposal for the public to consider.

Abhisit said details of his proposal would be made public well before May 20, the date on which it is expected that a new Royal Decree setting the election date would be signed.

He has so far met with leaders of the Chart Thai Pattana, Chart Pattana and Bhum Jai Thai parties. He has also told the Election Commission that the electoral system should be reformed before the next election is held.

Abhisit said he would rush to compile the proposals because of the time constraints related to the next election.

He believes details of his proposals should be ready within two days and he would then consider whether to hold negotiations with the government and the PDRC.

-- The Nation 2014-05-01

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Ec sets conditions for govt: says there must be no misuse of power; poll should be free from violence;

OKAAAAY, ROGER!!!!!,..... clap2.gifclap2.gifAnd now please turn around and go away, hush hush.... cheesy.gif cheesy.gif cheesy.gif cheesy.gif

Edited by MaxLee
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Abhisit is going to go into this election as the front runner.

The last election made PTT look very bad with many no votes in most of the north and northeast which will surely go to the Dems.

The farmers won't be paid still regardless of the government's BS promise to pay all by the end of June. The EC will in no way grant any more money from the central fund during campaigning... That's for sure.

There is also a big chance that there won't be any PTP come election day... well certainly almost all their number one candidates could be gone.

If this happens, then we will see just who disrupts the ballot this time around.

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As long as the maniac Suthep does not try and shut down the election and strip people of their rights then there shouldn't be any violence. A peaceful election is in the hands of Suthep and his army of thugs. Lets hope all this crap is over by the end of July.

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One of the challenges that this election faces is getting people to vote because of what has happened

Maybe one of the electoral reforms should be that everyone who turns up to vote gets paid 500 baht by the EC whistling.gif

NB Advice to punter , only accept cash because government vouchers are not worth muchbiggrin.png

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So Yingluck has agreed to the following conditions from the EC:

  1. the government must guarantee a free and fair election;
  2. the authorities (Police) must provide public order thorough the election;
  3. the government must refrain from abusing its power to favour its allies in the election;
  4. the government must allow the EC to suspend or postpone the polls in areas where risk of violence runs high;
  5. the government must accept a delay as long as 30 days after the election is completed before a new parliament session can be convened.

Let's see how that works out. Any 1 condition broken (in theory) will result in another voided election. I think PT are going to have big problems with #1, #2 and #3.

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As long as the maniac Suthep does not try and shut down the election and strip people of their rights then there shouldn't be any violence. A peaceful election is in the hands of Suthep and his army of thugs. Lets hope all this crap is over by the end of July.

Probably true that a peaceful polling day is mostly in the hands of the PDRC/PCAD etc. However, a peaceful election campaign is also in the hands of the UDD/RedShirts. If Democrats cannot campaign safely, then there won't be a peaceful election. I would include lack of intimidation (threats of violence) as well as lack of violence as necessary for a peaceful election.

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So that means, Thaksin wins, Pheu Thai acts, the red thugs are trigger happy again,.... amnesty bill returns = guaranteed victory for Thaksin, and Yingluck can finally continue to travel the globe.

The Legend will NEVER die!!!!!

Book it!!!!

How much bribe did the "ELECTION-COLLECTION-COMMITTEE" take from Dubai, huh????!!!!!

It is unfortunate but the PTP were always destined to win,one could only hope that due to the incompetence shown by this government that their majority would be severely reduced.I doubt that it was necessary for bribes to be paid nor do i think that the amnesty bill will be resurrected,even the dumbest monkey's are able to learn. Once the PTP form a new government they are hardly likely to invite another round of demonstrations, this time far more violent than the last,no they will want peace and quiet,and of course revenge. I doubt that Thaksin will ever set foot on Thai soil during his lifetime.

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So that means, Thaksin wins, Pheu Thai acts, the red thugs are trigger happy again,.... amnesty bill returns = guaranteed victory for Thaksin, and Yingluck can finally continue to travel the globe.

The Legend will NEVER die!!!!!

Book it!!!!

How much bribe did the "ELECTION-COLLECTION-COMMITTEE" take from Dubai, huh????!!!!!

It is unfortunate but the PTP were always destined to win,one could only hope that due to the incompetence shown by this government that their majority would be severely reduced.I doubt that it was necessary for bribes to be paid nor do i think that the amnesty bill will be resurrected,even the dumbest monkey's are able to learn. Once the PTP form a new government they are hardly likely to invite another round of demonstrations, this time far more violent than the last,no they will want peace and quiet,and of course revenge. I doubt that Thaksin will ever set foot on Thai soil during his lifetime.

Ratchada case has a statute of limitation of 10 years.

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Abhisit is going to go into this election as the front runner.

The last election made PTT look very bad with many no votes in most of the north and northeast which will surely go to the Dems.

The farmers won't be paid still regardless of the government's BS promise to pay all by the end of June. The EC will in no way grant any more money from the central fund during campaigning... That's for sure.

There is also a big chance that there won't be any PTP come election day... well certainly almost all their number one candidates could be gone.

If this happens, then we will see just who disrupts the ballot this time around.

"Abhisit is going to go into this election as the front runner." Aah so he is actually going to contest this election then?

"The last election made PTT look very bad with many no votes in most of the north and northeast which will surely go to the Dems." Have you ever been 'up north'? For those who will not vote for PTP there are many options before they would vote for the Dems. Dems and particularly Abhisit, are hated by the people who Thaksin helped over the last 13 years.

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" the people who Thaksin helped over the last 13 years."

You forgot to finish this sentence ! In the last 13 years Thaksin mostly helped him self and his family and cronies. That is why his net worth increased by 450% , ask the people by how much there net worth increased. This man is poor greed and selfishness, if you can not see this then you must be writing on this forum for your own selfish reason.

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This EC could not organize a Church bake sale judging from past performance. We shall see what comes

to pass but I would not hold my breath. coffee1.gif

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This EC could not organize a Church bake sale judging from past performance. We shall see what comes

to pass but I would not hold my breath. coffee1.gif

The ELECTION COLLECTION COMMITTEE must have recieved a lot of commission under the table from secret sources of Dubai to make it happen... Eh????

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The EC has responsibilities defined by the Electoral Law that seem contrary to its public statements.

1. "....... the government must ensure a free and fair election, ...."

No. It is the duty of the Election Commission is ensure that elections carried out in Thailand are lawful and compatible with the Constitution. It is also in charge of enforcing National election laws. The Commission also has legal power as a law enforcement agency to investigate and indict those who break election laws. The Electoral Law under Chapter 1,

Section 10. The Election Commission shall have the power and duties as follows:

(1) to control and cause to be held or hold an election and a voting at a referendum as provided by law to be in an honest and fair manner;

(3) to give orders instructing government officials, officers or employees of a government agency, State agency, State enterprise or local government or other State officials to perform all necessary acts under the organic law on the election of members of the House of the Representatives and senators, the organic law on political parties, the organic law on referendum, and the law on the election of members of local assemblies or local administrators

Section 15. In performing duties with respect to an election or a referendum, the Election Commission shall have the power to give an order instructing government agencies, local governments, State enterprises or other State agencies to carry out any matter under their authorities, or instructing those agencies

Sec. 20 the Election Commission shall have the power to appoint a representative or representatives of the certified private organization or organizations under paragraph one to inspect an election and to report to the Election Commission if it is found that the election proceeding was in a dishonest or unfair manner or contrary to laws.

2. "..... the EC might postpone the election in problematic places where balloting cannot properly take place properly."

No. It can’t just simply postpone the election. The Electoral Law under Chapter 1:

Part 2, Sec. 9(2) - If election Commission is of the opinion that it would be inconvenient or unsafe for electors to go to poll, it may disregard the number of electors and designate an additional polling station.

Part 7, Sec. 64 - In case where the polling in any polling station could not be made because of the riot, flood, fire or other force majeure, if such cause is occurred prior to the election day, the committee of a polling station shall fix a new polling place where electors shall be able to cast a ballot conveniently. If the new polling place cannot be fixed, the committee of a polling station shall announce the cancellation of polling in such station and shall report to the Election Commission urgently.

In case where the force majeure in accordance with paragraph one is occurred on the election day, the committee of a polling station shall announce the cancellation of the polling in such station and report to the Election Commission urgently.

The Election Commission shall fix a new polling day of such polling station within thirty days as from the date the ceasing of the ground is known and shall announce such performance at least seven days prior to the polling day.

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" the people who Thaksin helped over the last 13 years."

You forgot to finish this sentence ! In the last 13 years Thaksin mostly helped him self and his family and cronies. That is why his net worth increased by 450% , ask the people by how much there net worth increased. This man is poor greed and selfishness, if you can not see this then you must be writing on this forum for your own selfish reason.

You say Thaksin mostly helped himself , but I have to say, in my experience of living in the northeast of Thailand during pretty much the whole of the Thaksin era, that things did improve dramatically for many people in Isaan. I was told many times that the Isaan people would vote for Thaksin because he was the first politician to say he would do something for them and actually do it!

For decades, politicians of various parties had made an appearance in Isaan, just prior to elections, suggesting that things will be better next year if you vote for us, well that never happened until Thaksin came along. You can try to demonize Thaksin and the Shins as much as you like, but the folks of the northeast will never accept that Thaksin is "Bad Man". This is just my personal experience, not something I read in the Nation.

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