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Running and dog frustrations


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My sympathies to you, sir.

I am a recreational runner and my biggest problem when out and about are the pavements and crazy drivers. I go to Lumpini Park in Bangkok, when I am there, where there are fewer dogs and the terrfirma is better. Never really had a problem with dogs but I've seen plenty of dogs chasing motorbikes.

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Carry a few handfuls of dog food in your pockets. They'll be your best friends. Also, watch a few you tube clips of Cesar Millan aka "The Dog a Whisperer". You'll see instant results.... Good Luck!

from my iPad in Cha-Am

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Carry a few handfuls of dog food in your pockets. They'll be your best friends. Also, watch a few you tube clips of Cesar Millan aka "The Dog a Whisperer". You'll see instant results.... Good Luck!

attachicon.gifImageUploadedByThaivisa Connect Thailand1399338576.936398.jpg

from my iPad in Cha-Am

Assuming Cha-Am (where you live) is anything like the next town over Hua Hin, you would need to lug a 5 kilo bag of dog food. When I run, relaxing and moving fast are what I enjoy. Feeding dogs and learning how to whisper to them is not something that floats my boat. As it is, my runs are still satisfying even with the dogs and probably will just have to deal with the inconvenience.

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Try getting one of those telescopic police battons,they are light enough to carry when you run.

not my style but would probably help. last year i threw a large stone at a dog that went after me every day. hit him between the eyes and he dropped. never saw the dog again and felt terrible.

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Try getting one of those telescopic police battons,they are light enough to carry when you run.

not my style but would probably help. last year i threw a large stone at a dog that went after me every day. hit him between the eyes and he dropped. never saw the dog again and felt terrible.

Better that than it bites you and then you have to have all those Rabies injection,good shot by the way.

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I'd be more worried about the red tailed Pipe Snake and the water monitor Varanus Salvatore large lizard than a few poodles. Just kidding! Seriously, try dropping some "Bok Dok" dry dog food and you'll be friends for life. A ten kilo bag is 340 baht. Good Luck!

from my iPad in Cha-Am

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I'd be more worried about the red tailed Pipe Snake and the water monitor Varanus Salvatore large lizard than a few poodles. Just kidding! Seriously, try dropping some "Bok Dok" dry dog food and you'll be friends for life. A ten kilo bag is 340 baht. Good Luck!

attachicon.gifImageUploadedByThaivisa Connect Thailand1399382368.562678.jpg

attachicon.gifImageUploadedByThaivisa Connect Thailand1399382472.222112.jpg

from my iPad in Cha-Am

How many lizards or snakes bark at you and chase you,and try to bite you,c'mon man,surely you can do better than this.

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Really lugging around a 10 kilo bag of dog food,it would be like the pied piper in reverse,all the dogs would sit outside the op's house howling for more,where do you live mate,in Bangkok,pattaya.or Pukhet,i would think not in a rural village,as then you would know this is the worst thing you can do.

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mate, get a cattle prod then watch the bastards do backflips when you hit them, will soon sort them out but probably hard to get hold of here

Good idea,maybe, op can get one sent,that would be the absolute best solution,ye gods i hate those dogs after dark.

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As usual, the problem is you smile.png

I used to have this problem, once I got genuinely ANGRY at a couple dogs (issue was them killing my kittens, not really relevant here). I'm not talking about just those specific dogs, but rather dogs in general that come my way. They know when something clicks and you are willing to do more then laugh, drink a beer chang and figure the rabies is what your karma has coming to you. They know when you are a coward, basically, and won't do anything for whatever reason. They don't care or know why you are that way.

ANY dog of the average strays your talking about, not police or military dogs obviously or ones that have been trained to attack.

Indeed, the problem in Thailand with dogs if you want to call it a problem is lack of pack leader vibes that get PISSED OFF and ANGRY of being harrassed by these animals.

Basically, limp dudes that don't get angry at anything.

Yep, the Thais they don't show much disapproval and the dogs love it. Combine this with Buddhism and you just have a bunch or spoiled dogs who know they can basically do anything they want. And they are correct, they can in the majority cases.

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Try getting one of those telescopic police battons,they are light enough to carry when you run.

This. I know you said its not your style, but I used to do 15-20 kms a day and this worked a treat. As soon as I flicked it out and extended it the dogs knew what it meant. Dont buy the cheapest one because they can be difficult to retract.

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I have this problem when out on my bike but have found that a gentle word or two can ease the situation enormously, its amazing how most of them immediately back off.

There are also the dogs that dont back off and unless I can out pace them on the flat or downhill I usually stop and pretend that I am picking a stone up and this does the trick and they soon slink away.

In just over two years of everyday walking or biking I have only had one dog actually contact me and that was when I kicked at him when He was getting a bit too close . I dont know who was more shocked at the time, him or me but He certainly backed off quick

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Run faster! :P

Seriously, while I like the befriending idea, that could be tricky due to the pack mentality. Getting angry and in their face will also pacify most (they def do smell fear), but makes you look a tool and throws you off-rhythm. Certainly the best way is the retractable baton. You don't have to hit them, just open, go to swing while saying 'c'mon then tough guys' in a deep, Charles Bronson drawl and I guarantee they'll back off.

These things can also dissuade rabid humans from attacking, where you don't even need to open the thing. Look in the street markets or at knife sellers.

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Carry a small stick... either bamboo or plastic, no need to actually hit the dogs but they will retreat if you swing the stick at them... thats how the locals here and guys from the Thai Boxing Gym running around here in the neighborhood do it...

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One of those hand-held stun guns that you can buy in the markets where they sell knives, torches e.t.c. Don't use it on the dogs, just "crackle" it in the air a bit if they get too close. Harmless but stops them in their tracks. Guaranteed from personal experience. (Not sure about the legality though).



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Are these strays or people's dogs? (often hard to tell, i know). But from what i can tell, Thais like their dogs nasty. In the villages in Isaan, the only reason dogs are kept is to "take care" of the house and i continuously hear people rating a dog's worth by how much it barks.

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Also had this problem when running a 10km loop. Started carrying a thin and light bamboo stick with me (no fun carrying heavy stuff for 10k!), if the dogs were nipping at me would stop turn around and whack them one. They seemed to remember and stopped coming after me. I don't mind if they bark and protect their area, it is just when the run up as if to bite!

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cambodians put those agressive dogs on the menu ....

buy a machete or go for the special funky chicken

The canine IQ test results are in: Even the average dog has the mental abilities of a 2-year-old child.

The finding is based on a language development test, revealing average dogs can learn 165 words (similar to a 2-year-old child), including signals and gestures, and dogs in the top 20 percent in intelligence can learn 250 words.


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