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Running and dog frustrations


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I have run a lot in Thailand but never had real issues with dogs. If I see a mean looking pack, I stop and walk by them. Even in Hua Hin at 3am when there were many dogs, I had no issues.

Here in Cambodia it is true that most dogs are all bark, no bite. However, recently some Khmer have started getting Western breeds and then just let them roam loose. They worry me a lot more as I do not want to tangle with a Rottweiler.

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Cambodian dogs keep a low profile I suspect or they will be next up on the barbequethumbsup.gif

Very few Cambodians eat dogs, more of a Vietnamese thing. And lots of dogs are trucked from Thailand to Vietnam.

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Try getting one of those telescopic police battons,they are light enough to carry when you run.

not my style but would probably help. last year i threw a large stone at a dog that went after me every day. hit him between the eyes and he dropped. never saw the dog again and felt terrible.

Well at least you know THAT worked thumbsup.gif

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Whatever you do, don't pepper spray any dogs. That's cruel! It could kill them!

The idea of treats is a good one.

Also carry a stick, just in case. If they see that they are likely to back off.

I have always found that people who resort to violence to control a few dogs are people I wouldn't like to be around because they would also use violence in other areas of their lives when confronted with adversity.

Since the 1970"s, research has consistently reported childhood cruelty to animals as the first warning sign of later delinquency, violence, and criminal behavior.


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Recently I get problems with a dog so too, everymorning I bicycle for half 'n hour unfortenatly a dog was crossing my way and I was wounded at my hand and knies.

Anyway, a good solution for me on my cycle is a plastic bottle with vinegar. I make some small holes in the cap, and can spray the vinegar to the dog. The next time they don't like to attac me anymore.

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To the poster above with the vinegar, just be alert that some people in Thailand both Thai and farang are nut cases about their dogs and will maybe beat the sh_t out of you if they think they you caused their dog to endure pain at your expense.

Edited by JLCrab
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I'm a cyclist. I have two bottle cages on my bike. One bottle is full of water, naturally. The other I keep about an inch of vinegar. I have used it many times on dogs that chased me, and never seen any of them again. I believe it works because a dog's sense of smell is so important to him.

My next door neighbors sometimes let their dogs out in the soi. Once I was leaving on a ride and two of them came after me. I hit one in the face with a few drops of vinegar. I could hear him snuffling behind me, and when I glanced back he was in the soi shaking his head and wiping his paw over his nose. The other dog was too far back to be hit with vinegar.

When I returned two hours later, both dogs were still outside their gate, lying docile at each end of the gate. They didn't move a muscle, just lay there panting, No barks, no chasing, just watched me ride by within about two meters of their faces. That was about four months ago, and I believe they are "cured." Notice that the dog that didn't get hit with vinegar got the message as well.

Also, if there are any bleeding heart dog lovers who want to tear into me, note that the dogs were unharmed, just had something to think about. "No, I wouldn't like to have vinegar sprayed in my face" is the answer to your inevitable complaint, but I would understand if you sprayed me if I was trying to bite you, just as those dogs now understand.

Fair enough. Personally I never had a problem in 20 years of cycling and running in SE Asia but if I had, I would go the vinegar way. Pepper spray on a dog's sensitive nose sounds pretty cruel, never mind tazers and batons.

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Thai soi dogs (I hate to say it but it's true) are a bit like their human counterparts in Thailand - they don't appreciate an aggressive approach. I used to carry a golf club when walking and brandish it menacingly at any mutts which seemed threatening. Some would run, but others would become angry and gang up on me, forcing me to lash out. Luckily (for them and probably me, too) I never connected.

Then one day I decided to experiment and left the club at home. The same dogs ran up barking as I passed by, but instead of shouting "Ragnar!" and hitting out, I slowed down, forced a smile and in a low, coaxing voice said: "Mah nee, mah nee. . . durn" (which was the best I could do with my lousy Thai for "Come and walk with me, dogs").

It worked like a charm and that's been my technique ever since.Now only dogs who unfamiliar with the crazy old falang striding along in the hot sun tend to give me any trouble - and, touch wood, even they lose interest when I adopt my softly-softly approach.

I'm not convinced about the wisdom of carrying tidbits to feed potential canine muggers. I suspect you could be making a rod for your own back and end up like the Pied Piper with a procession hungry mutts dogging (sorry!) your footsteps.

When riding a bicycle, I find dogs tend to fly at you from roadside properties without any warning and the best tactic is to stand on the pedals and hope to outrun them. They usually give up the chase after a few yards. Taking a hand off the bars to fiddle with a pepper or vinegar spray sounds like tempting fate to me. Fall off and you become an easy target for an enraged dog.

In a decade of soi strolling and cycling I've only been bitten once - by a ruddy great Doberman guarding a property miles off my regular beat. Better the devils you know. . . !

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The other day when trying to outrun on my motor bike the dogs that always chase me nipping at my heels I almost dumped the bike as I hadn't noticed that a pick up truck appeared in my runaway lane.

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Perhaps I should know but dont, what is the effect of pepper spray on a dog, is it different to say that of a human being?

I think that I have been lucky in my riding around on my bike without any significant trouble but now and then I do get chased by a particularly nasty piece of canine nastiness and feel that maybe vinegar would be a sensible deterrent where an aggressive bow wow is determined to have a chunk of my leg or bum.

Or do the dog sympathizers feel that I should suffer this form of attack without doing anything about it?

Maybe I shoud start a new thread:

What does it take to make a Farang react to the rudeness and aggression of a naughty Bow wow? TIC

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Whatever you do, don't pepper spray any dogs. That's cruel! It could kill them!

The idea of treats is a good one.

Also carry a stick, just in case. If they see that they are likely to back off.

I have always found that people who resort to violence to control a few dogs are people I wouldn't like to be around because they would also use violence in other areas of their lives when confronted with adversity.

Since the 1970"s, research has consistently reported childhood cruelty to animals as the first warning sign of later delinquency, violence, and criminal behavior.


What a ridicules statement. Because you defend yourself from a biting wild dog you have a "violent and criminal behavior"??? While in the Philippines, I watched the 8 year old brother of my Filipina housekeeper die from rabies. It was a ugly and horrible death. It is estimated that there is 10 million stray dogs in Thailand and that 10% of the wild dogs in BKK carry rabies. I will do everything possible to protect myself against a dog attack

I think you should protect yourself. You don't have to be cruel to dogs to protect yourself.

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I know exactly what you're saying, I stopped running locally after a couple of close calls with Soi dogs.

Personally I think it would more humane to put them all down like Putin did heading up to Winter Olympics, most of them around my Soi are mange ridden flea bag full of worms and they breed like rats. Also my daughter was bitten by a dog 2 months ago, I have calmed down since then but for at least a week i was hatching a plan to neutralize "all of them".

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I know exactly what you're saying, I stopped running locally after a couple of close calls with Soi dogs.

Personally I think it would more humane to put them all down like Putin did heading up to the Winter Olympics, most of them around my Soi are mange ridden flea bags full of worms and they breed like rats. Also my daughter was bitten by a dog 2 months ago, I have calmed down since then but for at least a week i was hatching a plan to neutralize "all of them".

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theres a hotel I walk past every day in Pattaya that has dogs living outside reception. Never had a problem but two days ago they went crazy at me when I walked past. I went into reception and complained and she said "not my problem". Last night they were so bad security came out to see what the barking was about. I told him the dogs were getting out of hand and he waved me off and walked away so I went into reception again, this time she would not even look up from the desk and completely ignored me. I dont mind soi dogs but if they get aggressive Im all in favor of those individuals being exterminated. Theres another dog at the beach that sometimes finds me and snarls right behind my ankles for about 100 meters. I would happily cave its skull in with a baseball bat if I had one on me.

Edited by slygeeza
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coffee1.gif To solve this problem try this: Mount the alpha male (leader) dog doggie style. The dogs will see that you're the boss and leave you alone. This technique is legal in Thailandwai2.gif , Australia and California. Yes you may offer the dog a cigarette afterwards.w00t.gifbeatdeadhorse.gif.pagespeed.ce.adWp7jUAuNo need to do this

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There is a dog in my Soi that has bitten 4 people that I know of, including 2 children. I was trying to work out the most humane to kill it, strychnine or ripping its throat out with my bare hands. The owners attitude is just "<deleted> off, its not my problem", If it comes at me again i was wondering whether the self-defense card would stand up?.... "it came at me and looked rabid"

If I had a car I would actually try to hit it, a bit to risky on the bike.

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I don't run, but am a walker. I have pretty much given up walking in my neighborhood, the dogs are just too dangerous. Last week I took a stick with me, and within a few blocks had a couple of dogs come at me from behind as I walked past their house, as I turned to fend them off another dog came out of a yard across the street and came after me from that direction...I needed somebody with me so we could face them off back to back!

I don't mind someone having a dog that's protective of their property, but it would sure be nice to see them have a fence or gate, or even close the gates they do have.

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theres a hotel I walk past every day in Pattaya that has dogs living outside reception. Never had a problem but two days ago they went crazy at me when I walked past. I went into reception and complained and she said "not my problem". Last night they were so bad security came out to see what the barking was about. I told him the dogs were getting out of hand and he waved me off and walked away so I went into reception again, this time she would not even look up from the desk and completely ignored me. I dont mind soi dogs but if they get aggressive Im all in favor of those individuals being exterminated. Theres another dog at the beach that sometimes finds me and snarls right behind my ankles for about 100 meters. I would happily cave its skull in with a baseball bat if I had one on me.

So take one next time, though it will probably run when it sees it.
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Try getting one of those telescopic police battons,they are light enough to carry when you run.

This. I know you said its not your style, but I used to do 15-20 kms a day and this worked a treat. As soon as I flicked it out and extended it the dogs knew what it meant. Dont buy the cheapest one because they can be difficult to retract.

Sometimes you can get a dog who is "psych-kick"

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You don't say where you live but I never run on Bangkok's streets, since I see no pleasure in hurdling up-and-down kerbs, negotiating stalls, tables, motorcycles, etc, stopping every few minutes to negotiate crossing a road. I run in the parks, which provide a much more pleasant atmosphere, variety, if you're happy to visit different ones, and no dogs.

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