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Former parliament president says Thai Charter Court can be removed


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It's got you rattled hasn't it, Scampi.

It's the failed state part which is suggested. A government tries to push through a blanket amnesty bill which even absolved themselves and their 'transparency watchdog' complains about the C.C doing it's work.

Clearly the Pheu Thai / Shinawatra side hasn't got any respect for law and their counterparts not much better at times.

Next we'll get some fools again to suggest that elections solve all.

Perhaps we could pair up your fools with the fools who think Suthep and his yellow thugs are the answer to Thailand's problems

My fools? Which fools do you mean?

BTW if THai would show this continued denigrating of the 'others' (Suthep and his yellow thugs) I would fear for the country. Luckily looking around me people are just busy with their work and don't seem to be much interested in either a criminal fugitive run party or Suthep's merry band of guards.

People seem much more on edge with the lost 15 years where there has been little to no progress. Thaksinomics failed, Abhisit indecisive and lost in a multi-party coalition. Yingluck was partially successful though, Thaksin has a new passport.

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I'm sure anyone remotely connected to the parliament or with ambition of beeing the next PT Prime Minister can not front this. It would be shot down as unconstitutional faster then a TV show appearance.

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So there is this group who wants everyone to respect electoral democracy even though it is inherently flawed yet this same group does not respect the law even though it too is inherently flawed. Sadly respect seems to be lacking through all walks of life.

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... A full public investigation needs to be opened ...

The one part of your typical non-sensical post that I agree with...!

Once all of these thieves have fallen, and a full audit is carried out of the government coffers, the whole truth will be revealed regarding the damage that the puppet master and his blind followers have caused to this country. However, the sad thing is, the people who are going to suffer most from the resultant recession and inflation will be those to whom the PTP promised so much...!!

The PTP thieves will, of course, already be running for the hills (or catching flights to Dubai) to spend their ill-gotten gains, so there will be a need to sign agreements with many countries to get these people extradited back to Thailand to face the music for the rape and pillage of this country.

With any luck, they may even succeed in striking an agreement with Dubai so that the main culprit can be brought back to pay for this whole mess...!!

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... A full public investigation needs to be opened ...

The one part of your typical non-sensical post that I agree with...!

Once all of these thieves have fallen, and a full audit is carried out of the government coffers, the whole truth will be revealed regarding the damage that the puppet master and his blind followers have caused to this country. However, the sad thing is, the people who are going to suffer most from the resultant recession and inflation will be those to whom the PTP promised so much...!!

The PTP thieves will, of course, already be running for the hills (or catching flights to Dubai) to spend their ill-gotten gains, so there will be a need to sign agreements with many countries to get these people extradited back to Thailand to face the music for the rape and pillage of this country.

With any luck, they may even succeed in striking an agreement with Dubai so that the main culprit can be brought back to pay for this whole mess...!!

earth calling GeorgeO... are you there ? hello ?

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How many of these judges were installed by the Military coup makers?

Indirectly yes. The military coup re-wrote the '97 constitution so that the 9 judges are nominated and selected by their court peers and strangely by the leader of the opposition in the House. Even more strange is that the PM has no role in the nomination like in USA where the President nominate the Supreme Court judges. You know what can happen if there is internal breeding. Lots of misfits.

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Yes...an idiot speaks up again......you could get 20000 signatures walking along Sukhumvit any day.....then have judges dismissed.........

The trouble with these old goats, is that they just don't know any longer....and what they know, we've forgotten!!

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20,000 signatures should be easy to get. Could get 20 million easy enough, and it needs to be done.

A full public investigation needs to be opened, people are sick and tired of these yellow shirt bullies, and their selfish agenda

Sure sounds like you're sick of them....

But now we all know that for you, nothing but Red will be ever be good enough.....you should try Syria.....much more suited to you that beautiful Thailand!

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How many of these judges were installed by the Military coup makers?

I am not sure, but I think none.

Yesterday on CNN they were saying all were, I am trying confirm.

Of the nine original judges originating from the 2007 Constitution, eight remain:

Jaran Pukditanakul

Charoon Intachan

Chalermpon Ake-uru

Chut Chonlavorn

Nurak Marpraneet

Boonsong Kulbupar

Suphot Khaimuk

Udomsak Nitimontree

Wasan Soypisudh (resigned 2013); replaced by Taweekiat Meenakanit



(for what it's worth)

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This is a joke. This man - now 81 - was closely associated with Thaksin. In fact, shortly after Yingluck assumed office, he was appointed as head of a new agency which caused many at the time to be suspicious. His role was - apparently - to oversee all workings of government to make sure everything happened according to the rule of law. Cracking job that man did ! So now all we need are 20,000 signatures collected from Udon Thani and it's on the road to removing the Constitutional Court. All the lines he uses are the standard Thaksin/UDD lines. Utterly forgettable. And by the way, he should look into the constitutionality of appointing a prime minister through a caretaker cabinet where there is no parliament, where a prime minister has been removed for committing an unconstitutional offense, and where nine cabinet ministers were also removed for committing the same offense. Although there is a provision in the constitution for nominating a prime minister through the Senate in the event of a quorum-less parliament, there is no provision for that. Perhaps he should start collecting 20,000 signatures about that.

It's got you rattled hasn't it, Scampi.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

It's the failed state part which is suggested. A government tries to push through a blanket amnesty bill which even absolved themselves and their 'transparency watchdog' complains about the C.C doing it's work.

Clearly the Pheu Thai / Shinawatra side hasn't got any respect for law and their counterparts not much better at times.

Next we'll get some fools again to suggest that elections solve all.

You must be one of the fools who think a dictatorship, miltary or civillian, will solve all.

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What the article fails to mention, and Dr Ukrit must surely know, is that article 164 refers to articles 270 and 274. Yes, 20,000 signatures can petition for the removal of the CC judges, however, that petition must be passed by at least 60% of the Senate in order to be enforced. whistling.gif

It may be a House of Cards but it's held together with superglue.

You might be right, but if the reqisite number of signatures or more were collected and the Senate did not pass the relevant vote they would be lighting the blue touch paper. Once lit, it would be very difficult to put out. If the house of cards burns, what use is the super glue then?

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Have to agree as regards the appointment. It was found to be wrong previously by the proper court and the ruling was that he had to be restored. In a related issue, the amnesty bill was, in the end, was rejected. In both instances, that is exactly how democracy should function. Call any issue into question but do it by democratic means.

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It's got you rattled hasn't it, Scampi.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

It's the failed state part which is suggested. A government tries to push through a blanket amnesty bill which even absolved themselves and their 'transparency watchdog' complains about the C.C doing it's work.

Clearly the Pheu Thai / Shinawatra side hasn't got any respect for law and their counterparts not much better at times.

Next we'll get some fools again to suggest that elections solve all.

You must be one of the fools who think a dictatorship, miltary or civillian, will solve all.

I fear that in this failed Democracy only a 'managed' dictatorship could have enough power to 'force through' necessary reforms. With new really independent watchdog commissions to guard and limit the dictatorship where necessary. With the state of Thailand and mentality of Thais towards democracy, self, corruption I even fear a period of 10 years might not be long enough, but would at least get the country going in the right direction.

Keep in mind that democracy as we know it today in the Western World (or should a say Western Europe) evolved over the last two centuries with the first steps 'forced'. Why would Thailand be able to do better than that?

Imagine, but then I'm a dreamer at times.

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So, every time any rich and popular person dislikes a ruling they can engineer 20000 signatures to get the judges kicked out.

So, every time any rich and unelectable person dislikes a majority view, they can block a few polling stations, prevent candidate registrations and get the elected government kicked out.

Is that what you mean to say and approve ?

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So, every time any rich and popular person dislikes a ruling they can engineer 20000 signatures to get the judges kicked out.

The same as buying 9 people to topple a government and throw out 11 million votes.

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So, every time any rich and popular person dislikes a ruling they can engineer 20000 signatures to get the judges kicked out.

Well being as they will be going to the red shirts to get them I wonder if they can just put an X there or some kind of mark.

Does any one know which way the Senate is leaning now with the new members. Or is there a lot of them who are neutral and will work to get the best for Thailand.

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So, every time any rich and popular person dislikes a ruling they can engineer 20000 signatures to get the judges kicked out.

Well being as they will be going to the red shirts to get them I wonder if they can just put an X there or some kind of mark.

Does any one know which way the Senate is leaning now with the new members. Or is there a lot of them who are neutral and will work to get the best for Thailand.

40 for PTP

16 for Dems

21 for Independents

For an impeachment they need 90 of the 150 senators votes.

Of the 73 appointed senators 60 are solid behind the coup clowns.

60 + 21 Dems = 81.

Which means they are 9 short.

Arms will need to be twisted - even then it seems unlikely they'll get the numbers they need.

BTW - The true crime here is that 60 of the 73 appointed senators support a political cause that hasn't won an election in decades and gained just 35% of the vote and 159 out of 500 seats in the last full election (2011).

By the numbers 35% of 73 = 25-26 seats or 159/500 = 23-24 seats.

So the corrupt coup clown constitution of 2007 has rewarded the anti-democrats with and extra 35-36 senate seats than the people would have voted them.

No wonder the courts focus on cooking shows and public servant transfers.

Edited by Torkmada
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So, every time any rich and popular person dislikes a ruling they can engineer 20000 signatures to get the judges kicked out.

Well being as they will be going to the red shirts to get them I wonder if they can just put an X there or some kind of mark.

Does any one know which way the Senate is leaning now with the new members. Or is there a lot of them who are neutral and will work to get the best for Thailand.

40 for PTP

16 for Dems

21 for Independents

For an impeachment they need 90 of the 150 senators votes.

Of the 73 appointed senators 60 are solid behind the coup clowns.

60 + 21 Dems = 81.

Which means they are 9 short.

Arms will need to be twisted - even then it seems unlikely they'll get the numbers they need.

BTW - The true crime here is that 60 of the 73 appointed senators support a political cause that hasn't won an election in decades and gained just 35% of the vote and 159 out of 500 seats in the last full election (2011).

By the numbers 35% of 73 = 25-26 seats or 159/500 = 23-24 seats.

So the corrupt coup clown constitution of 2007 has rewarded the anti-democrats with and extra 35-36 senate seats than the people would have voted them.

No wonder the courts focus on cooking shows and public servant transfers.

You state majority and facts and "the corrupt coup clown constitution of 2007" was actually voted for by the majority too.

They were forced to vote for it lest a military rule prevail? Nah, The voting was in fact reflective of the 2011 election except a mirror version of it. Apparently up to 90% in the north voted against the 2007 constitution. So the Northerners wanted military rule apparently according to PTP logic. The majority in the south voted for it. So the Southerners didn't want military rule apparently according to PTP logic? At the end of the day 59% majority voted for the constitution. They voted. Does not suit the PTP agenda so that 59% majority is ignored.

2011 election. Same as the 2007 constitution results, but opposite. The north voted PTP and the South voted DEM. In other words the 43% minority voted for the PTP. Does suit the PTP agenda so that 43% minority are respected.

59% majority denounced and illogical excuses made up. 43% minority respected and herded as a major overwhelming majority. (PTP logic right there)

Rest assured when the majority vote against the PTP it will not be respected. When the amnesty majority didn't want the amnesty they were not respected. When the constitution majority voted for the 2007 constitution they were not respected. When the farmers that voted PTP wanted to protest to get paid they were not respected. AND most importantly IF there is a referendum to demand reform before elections and the majority want it…I will behead myself if the PTP respect that majority too. (Apparently it is ok to promise that because the PTP EX deputy PM said it)

The next election will be the same if it goes against the PTP.

Rest assured when every result that has gone against the PTP has been denounced for 3 years this one simple result will be denounced too IF they loose.

Edited by djjamie
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How many of these judges were installed by the Military coup makers?

I am not sure, but I think none.

It might be more accurate to ask how many of these judges were selected by the establishment which was put in place by the coup makers. You see that is how the coup makers intend that their influence will endure.

That is why the most important reform is an elected senate. That is why they will fight tooth and nail to block one.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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