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Surapong insists he is still deputy PM and wants to attend ASEAN summit


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Gets more and more bizarre.

What with Suthep's announcements this morning and the ex-care-taker government playing musical chairs, wonder if they'll manage a straight fact when making that inevitable future "....tarnish Thailand's image" statement.

The ASEAN summit is still a few days away, and the court verdict is still fresh - hard to believe the PTP had time to decide their move and coordinate with all ASEAN administrations. Now that Surapong asserted himself as representative, he'll be in a better position to smooth this with ASEAN. And no, ASEAN obviously will not accept Suthep, Abhisit or anyone outside the government, but won't be thrilled to be seen as taking an active part in domestic Thai politics.

Why didn't they opt for someone else, like the replacement PM or replacement FM? My guess would be that having the replacement PM out of the country could lead to potential vulnerability vs. legal/political moves, in addition to power plays within the PTP.

ASEAN really caring about democracy is a laugh. Just have a quick look at the members regimes and put that thought back in storage. They do care about stability, but would not be adverse to Thailand going through some rough times. No love lost amongst ASEAN members.

Surapong may believe what he will, and it might very well turn out to be true.

I still have a nagging suspicion he's an alien, though.

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Todays the day then. . . . are you there for the final day when Suthep will grab power Piichai or are you just going to sit behind your computer and make snide comments about those who are attempting to govern Thailand?

With this comment, we can thus assume you will be seen at the Red protests tomorrow?..I thought not.

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Make no mistake. ASEAN members are not 'thick Thai politicians' they all know too well that the Dems and its Ammart power brokers have got the judicary and Army in their pockets,

they fully understand what Suthep is trying to do, and that the Red shirts have popularly won just about every election for the last 20 years. So they will not even consider listening to any but the elected representatives of the Thai people. The likes of Abishit and his boss Suthep will not be welcomed at any ASEAN meeting. coffee1.gif

What a clever old sailor you are...you know who will and will not be welcomed at an ASEAN metting.. Please tell all of us how you would know this ????

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It's likely Surapong has been in contact with his Asean colleagues and thru them the leaders of Asean govenments, that Asean has indicated they will accept his presence and representation of Thailand at the summit on the 12th and 13th in Myanmar. Who else is there - Suthep? Abhisit??

It's just unlikely Surapong would try to show up there without prior consultation with Asean foreign ministers and their respective PM. Neither Surapong nor Asean would want there to be an embarrassing scene. It looks like the path for Surapong to attend is open and clear.

And if, as appears likely, the Asean heads and/or foreign ministers receive Surapong at their meetings it certainly would be considered a slap in the face of Thai feudalism, a message to get your house in order starting now.

Did you clowns and jokers really think or believe the ammart still had the power they once had?

Thais themselves, Asean, the world knows the days of ammart control over Thailand are over, gone, past. The minority no longer control the majority. Thai law has come to mean anarchy so it's time to have an election with UN and Asean monitors and to accept both it and its outcome.

The ammart coup is not recognized, same as a military coup isn't ever recognized. A coup is a coup is a coup. So no more. The line is being drawn and the feudalists are on the wrong side of it.

Do you seriously think that there is such a thing as an honest Asian Minister?

His Asian Colleagues? What are you rambling about?

Man, - you are gone! Not many honest people in politics.

Challenge... tell me one honest person in politics anywhere in the world.

But, do your background checks first. Hard to find.... like hens teeth!

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Asean wants to do business with the person it's familiar with, the Thai FM Surapong in whom they appear to have confidence, trust, respect.

I suspect that ASEAN does Not want to do business with someone who has been described as "lacking in ethics, morality and what is right & just" by the highest court in the land.

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The bigger picture, unfortunately, is that Thailand at this point does not deserve membership in ASEAN and representation in its summit meetings.

Thailand is perceived as reverting into a backward undemocratic kingdom much like China in the 1800's and does not belong in the community of progressive, democratic asian countries in ASEAN. Thailand is becoming an apartheid of elitsts and wealthy who seek to re-establish a fuedal society wherein the "masses" would be held in control through unelected organizations and by a government without political opposition. The ASEAN community should care less about any updates at this point on Thailand's political situation and proceed with its development agenda without Thailand as a partner. How can ASEAN leaders depend on a nation that has had three successive elected PM's thrown out, numerous government changes by military coup, elections nullified, etc. as a democratic partner?

You guys who talk about going back to feudalism let me clue you in, it has never gone away & when all the villagers in Isaan & elsewhere, which are ruled by the reds, still kowtow to the village head & their lords then you are saying it is not a form of feudalism. Yes keep pushing the red mantra about deomocracy & progressive ASEAN states like Cambodia, ruled by a despot, Burma, ruled by a military junta disguised as democracy, Brunei ruled by a sultan, Vietnam, communist rule.

clap2.gif This is why I have said that ASEAN would stoop to kiss Hitler's foot if he is still alive, because ASEAN has no principle regarding how power holders got their power. ASEAN is only interested as long as money can be made.

Extending the ever failing campaign to destroy democracy in Thailand outward to try to tear down Asean only shows how extreme and wildly desperate the militant feudalists are, that the extremists will go to any lengths and will stop at nothing trying to prevail.

The cave man PDRC types can't see or accept that the ammart have conducted a failed coup.

Almost all of the people who suddenly are trying to tear down Asean are the same people who have been trying to tear down Thailand since late last year. They are those identical feudal militants who are led by Suthep and his cave man PDRC and who lick Abhisit's boots.

Surapong and the government are intelligently taking actions that expose the militant fascism of the ammart, their institutions, their bourgeois supporters and their voices everywhere. It looks like Asean has sided against the ammart, Suthep, the PDRC, Abhisit.

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Asean wants to do business with the person it's familiar with, the Thai FM Surapong in whom they appear to have confidence, trust, respect.

I suspect that ASEAN does Not want to do business with someone who has been described as "lacking in ethics, morality and what is right & just" by the highest court in the land.

Apart from Cambodia's Hun Sen of course. smile.png

But what Thailand should do is let the Acting Caretaker Commerce Minister/ Prime Minister go and meet the neighbours....... while he still can!


Edited by bigbamboo
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I have no problem with this Surapong pretending to be deputy PM, but for the sake of everyone he should be carrying out his fantasies from the comfort of a padded cell, and wearing a straight jacket. Lord know the loony bins are full of exactly this type of Walter Mitty. Playing out his delusions on the world stage is an excruciating embarrassment to this once proud sovereign nation.

Thailand, after the last remnants of the Shinawatra elite have been dealt with, will bear scars reminiscent of Moruroa atoll post the French military. Recovery time will hopefully be shorter.

The only people that needed padded cells are those that sell to usurp power from the people. Have no doubt about, retribution is coming and it won't be pretty. And you'll have only yourself to blame.

Sent from my SM-N900T using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Usurp power? You mean like Yingluck being elected but her brother running the show from outside the country?

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It's likely Surapong has been in contact with his Asean colleagues and thru them the leaders of Asean govenments, that Asean has indicated they will accept his presence and representation of Thailand at the summit on the 12th and 13th in Myanmar. Who else is there - Suthep? Abhisit??

It's just unlikely Surapong would try to show up there without prior consultation with Asean foreign ministers and their respective PM. Neither Surapong nor Asean would want there to be an embarrassing scene. It looks like the path for Surapong to attend is open and clear.

And if, as appears likely, the Asean heads and/or foreign ministers receive Surapong at their meetings it certainly would be considered a slap in the face of Thai feudalism, a message to get your house in order starting now.

Did you clowns and jokers really think or believe the ammart still had the power they once had?

Thais themselves, Asean, the world knows the days of ammart control over Thailand are over, gone, past. The minority no longer control the majority. Thai law has come to mean anarchy so it's time to have an election with UN and Asean monitors and to accept both it and its outcome.

The ammart coup is not recognized, same as a military coup isn't ever recognized. A coup is a coup is a coup. So no more. The line is being drawn and the feudalists are on the wrong side of it.

"Who else is there"

I'm glad that you asked !

1. There's the new acting-caretaker-PM, if he's not busy with other duties.

2. There's caretaker-DPM Pongthep, who's now taken-over foreign-affairs from Surapong, at a special-meeting of the remaining caretaker-Cabinet, perhaps they forgot/declined to inform former-caretaker-DPM Surapong ?

"Phongthep has been given the duties of Pracha and Surapong.

Phongthep said he was also in charge of the Centre for Administration of Peace and Order (CAPO) in place of former labour minister Chalerm Yoobamrung, who also oversaw the centre."


3. And lastly there are the professional diplomats & civil-servants of the Foreign Ministry, the ones who've been slightly miffed at being pushed-aside in their former lord-and-master's rush to do things himself, sometimes against their advice (according to rumour), they probably know something about representing the country at meeting like this, don't they ?

It does begin to seem Asean wants to deal with the representative of the legitimate democratically elected government of Thailand instead of the ammart or one of its minions in the bureaucracy that on the whole opposes the government.

Asean wants to do business with the person it's familiar with, the Thai FM Surapong in whom they appear to have confidence, trust, respect. Your pathetic ridicule means nothing at Asean. And given Surapong's experience in the present government over the past 3 years, it appears Asean will be pleased to receive Surapong and his familiarity with all of the ongoing and newest issues Asean is dealing with.

The cave man PDRC types seem to think Asean is Myanmar, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam. Asean is driven by Indonesia which in 2010 attained a $1 trillion GDP and is confidently democratic. Asean also includes the prosperous and confident democracies Singapore, Malaysia, as well as the Philippines and, additionally, the prosperous and confident Kingdom of Brunei. Myanmar is beginning to emerge from its period of the modern dark ages and Vietnam is developing well in addition to being hostile towards the Boyz in Beijing. Laos and Cambodia have better English than Thailand does.

Thailand is the lead Asean contact with Beijing through 2015 and is a formal national security treaty ally of the United States. Washington last week again spoke out in favor of democracy and elections in Thailand and Asean will do the same again this week. That gravely disturbs the many anti-democracy posters here who like to believe they can tear down Asean too.

Are you the official spokesman for ASEAN in Thailand? you speak as if you were.

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It's likely Surapong has been in contact with his Asean colleagues and thru them the leaders of Asean govenments, that Asean has indicated they will accept his presence and representation of Thailand at the summit on the 12th and 13th in Myanmar. Who else is there - Suthep? Abhisit??

It's just unlikely Surapong would try to show up there without prior consultation with Asean foreign ministers and their respective PM. Neither Surapong nor Asean would want there to be an embarrassing scene. It looks like the path for Surapong to attend is open and clear.

And if, as appears likely, the Asean heads and/or foreign ministers receive Surapong at their meetings it certainly would be considered a slap in the face of Thai feudalism, a message to get your house in order starting now.

Did you clowns and jokers really think or believe the ammart still had the power they once had?

Thais themselves, Asean, the world knows the days of ammart control over Thailand are over, gone, past. The minority no longer control the majority. Thai law has come to mean anarchy so it's time to have an election with UN and Asean monitors and to accept both it and its outcome.

The ammart coup is not recognized, same as a military coup isn't ever recognized. A coup is a coup is a coup. So no more. The line is being drawn and the feudalists are on the wrong side of it.

Do you seriously think that there is such a thing as an honest Asian Minister?

His Asian Colleagues? What are you rambling about?

Man, - you are gone! Not many honest people in politics.

Challenge... tell me one honest person in politics anywhere in the world.

But, do your background checks first. Hard to find.... like hens teeth!

No argument from me or from many others here about sleaze in the government and politics of this region, which is why Suthep and the PDRC were always doomed in trying to politicize corruption in Thailand.

I'd separate the Nobel Peace Laureate Aung San Suu Kyi from the rest but she's only recently freed from house arrest the past 20 or so years. She wants to be elected president of Myanmar and, if successful, will probably do a lot of cleaning up around there.

However, your point makes no point.

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Asean wants to do business with the person it's familiar with, the Thai FM Surapong in whom they appear to have confidence, trust, respect.

I suspect that ASEAN does Not want to do business with someone who has been described as "lacking in ethics, morality and what is right & just" by the highest court in the land.

The highest court in the land. You mean Thailand ... right... Go figure that one out.

A court in Thailand? What does that mean? A land where where there is actually no law.

Ethics? Morality? Right & Just? Are you serious. Have you ever lived in Thailand?

This is such a ridiculous statement.

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" He earlier admitted that he was confused about his status noting that he was the foreign minister when he sat at the cabinet meeting which endorsed the removal of Thawil Pliensri as National Security Council secretary-general and later on he was also appointed the deputy prime minister. "

" However, the Constitutional Court ruled that caretaker Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra and nine other ministers, including deputy prime minister and foreign minister Surapong, have lost their ministerial status after finding them guilty of unlawfully removing Thawil from the office. "

Surapong's statement is a joke. When Surapong approved of Thawil's transfer he was the foreign minister. Therefore, he is only guilty of breaking the law as foreign minister. But he is no longer foreign minister, so he hasn't broken the law yet. This is some master mind. So he was " confused " after the Constitutional Court's ruling. Well, there's news - Surapong - you'll still confused ! The part that confused him apparently was when the Constitutional Court said he had to go. Well, Surapong thinks that's just too ambiguous. So he's not prepared to go. He stays. So there. What do you do with these people ?

I advice him to go. Mingalabar.

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It's likely Surapong has been in contact with his Asean colleagues and thru them the leaders of Asean govenments, that Asean has indicated they will accept his presence and representation of Thailand at the summit on the 12th and 13th in Myanmar. Who else is there - Suthep? Abhisit??

It's just unlikely Surapong would try to show up there without prior consultation with Asean foreign ministers and their respective PM. Neither Surapong nor Asean would want there to be an embarrassing scene. It looks like the path for Surapong to attend is open and clear.

And if, as appears likely, the Asean heads and/or foreign ministers receive Surapong at their meetings it certainly would be considered a slap in the face of Thai feudalism, a message to get your house in order starting now.

Did you clowns and jokers really think or believe the ammart still had the power they once had?

Thais themselves, Asean, the world knows the days of ammart control over Thailand are over, gone, past. The minority no longer control the majority. Thai law has come to mean anarchy so it's time to have an election with UN and Asean monitors and to accept both it and its outcome.

The ammart coup is not recognized, same as a military coup isn't ever recognized. A coup is a coup is a coup. So no more. The line is being drawn and the feudalists are on the wrong side of it.

"Who else is there"

I'm glad that you asked !

1. There's the new acting-caretaker-PM, if he's not busy with other duties.

2. There's caretaker-DPM Pongthep, who's now taken-over foreign-affairs from Surapong, at a special-meeting of the remaining caretaker-Cabinet, perhaps they forgot/declined to inform former-caretaker-DPM Surapong ?

"Phongthep has been given the duties of Pracha and Surapong.

Phongthep said he was also in charge of the Centre for Administration of Peace and Order (CAPO) in place of former labour minister Chalerm Yoobamrung, who also oversaw the centre."


3. And lastly there are the professional diplomats & civil-servants of the Foreign Ministry, the ones who've been slightly miffed at being pushed-aside in their former lord-and-master's rush to do things himself, sometimes against their advice (according to rumour), they probably know something about representing the country at meeting like this, don't they ?

It does begin to seem Asean wants to deal with the representative of the legitimate democratically elected government of Thailand instead of the ammart or one of its minions in the bureaucracy that on the whole opposes the government.

Asean wants to do business with the person it's familiar with, the Thai FM Surapong in whom they appear to have confidence, trust, respect. Your pathetic ridicule means nothing at Asean. And given Surapong's experience in the present government over the past 3 years, it appears Asean will be pleased to receive Surapong and his familiarity with all of the ongoing and newest issues Asean is dealing with.

The cave man PDRC types seem to think Asean is Myanmar, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam. Asean is driven by Indonesia which in 2010 attained a $1 trillion GDP and is confidently democratic. Asean also includes the prosperous and confident democracies Singapore, Malaysia, as well as the Philippines and, additionally, the prosperous and confident Kingdom of Brunei. Myanmar is beginning to emerge from its period of the modern dark ages and Vietnam is developing well in addition to being hostile towards the Boyz in Beijing. Laos and Cambodia have better English than Thailand does.

Thailand is the lead Asean contact with Beijing through 2015 and is a formal national security treaty ally of the United States. Washington last week again spoke out in favor of democracy and elections in Thailand and Asean will do the same again this week. That gravely disturbs the many anti-democracy posters here who like to believe they can tear down Asean too.

Are you the official spokesman for ASEAN in Thailand? you speak as if you were.

It looks like Surapong will continue to represent Thailand to Asean, which would mean significant regional international recognition that the legitimate democratic government of Thailand continues to exist.

So the PDRC Suthep fascists have set out to try to destroy Asean the same ways they'd set out to try to destroy democracy and socio-economic development in Thailand.

Your question is assinine and absurd. You need to ask the PDRC fascists why suddenly they need to try to expand their campaign against democracy and socio-economic development to Asean.

It will take a few days for the international community led by the principal democracies to hammer the ammart into calling off their attack dogs in this one too.

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Asean wants to do business with the person it's familiar with, the Thai FM Surapong in whom they appear to have confidence, trust, respect.

I suspect that ASEAN does Not want to do business with someone who has been described as "lacking in ethics, morality and what is right & just" by the highest court in the land.

Apart from Cambodia's Hun Sen of course. smile.png

But what Thailand should do is let the Acting Caretaker Commerce Minister/ Prime Minister go and meet the neighbours....... while he still can!


Another D-Day cheesy.gif

Rev up the tanks and Thailand is gone.


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Your quote about what I wrote. "However, your point ... makes no point". Yes... it does make a point.

My point was simple. The people who are jailed in trying to be honest are few and far between. Nelson Mangela and a few others... like Aung San Suu Ky. Not many. Then they become legends after spending 20 years in jail. Meantime, "the honest people who govern" Screw their own countries. What is happening in Thailand .... and for that matter ... all around the world .. is a complete joke. But, not many people stand up. Somehow completely brainwashed by the media.

It's likely Surapong has been in contact with his Asean colleagues and thru them the leaders of Asean govenments, that Asean has indicated they will accept his presence and representation of Thailand at the summit on the 12th and 13th in Myanmar. Who else is there - Suthep? Abhisit??

It's just unlikely Surapong would try to show up there without prior consultation with Asean foreign ministers and their respective PM. Neither Surapong nor Asean would want there to be an embarrassing scene. It looks like the path for Surapong to attend is open and clear.

And if, as appears likely, the Asean heads and/or foreign ministers receive Surapong at their meetings it certainly would be considered a slap in the face of Thai feudalism, a message to get your house in order starting now.

Did you clowns and jokers really think or believe the ammart still had the power they once had?

Thais themselves, Asean, the world knows the days of ammart control over Thailand are over, gone, past. The minority no longer control the majority. Thai law has come to mean anarchy so it's time to have an election with UN and Asean monitors and to accept both it and its outcome.

The ammart coup is not recognized, same as a military coup isn't ever recognized. A coup is a coup is a coup. So no more. The line is being drawn and the feudalists are on the wrong side of it.

Do you seriously think that there is such a thing as an honest Asian Minister?

His Asian Colleagues? What are you rambling about?

Man, - you are gone! Not many honest people in politics.

Challenge... tell me one honest person in politics anywhere in the world.

But, do your background checks first. Hard to find.... like hens teeth!

No argument from me or from many others here about sleaze in the government and politics of this region, which is why Suthep and the PDRC were always doomed in trying to politicize corruption in Thailand.

I'd separate the Nobel Peace Laureate Aung San Suu Kyi from the rest but she's only recently freed from house arrest the past 20 or so years. She wants to be elected president of Myanmar and, if successful, will probably do a lot of cleaning up around there.

However, your point makes no point.

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Are you the official spokesman for ASEAN in Thailand? you speak as if you were.

It looks like Surapong will continue to represent Thailand to Asean, which would mean significant regional international recognition that the legitimate democratic government of Thailand continues to exist.

So the PDRC Suthep fascists have set out to try to destroy Asean the same ways they'd set out to try to destroy democracy and socio-economic development in Thailand.

Your question is assinine and absurd. You need to ask the PDRC fascists why suddenly they need to try to expand their campaign against democracy and socio-economic development to Asean.

It will take a few days for the international community led by the principal democracies to hammer the ammart into calling off their attack dogs in this one too.

So the PDRC Suthep fascists have set out to try to destroy Asean

Right... after invading Poland I suppose? What an utterly ridiculous and shrill waste of bandwidth. :rolleyes:

The question is not asinine and absurd, that I would leave it to people that pretend to speak for ASEAN as if they were they spokesperson.

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It is ironic that Surapong has lost his Ministerial status for this seemingly innocuous event rather than personally issuing a passport to a convicted fugitive criminal. You are done Surapong! He just wants to get to ASEAN to spread more sh*t. Why would other ASEAN leaders even have him at the same table, he has just been found guilty by the courts.

You want to know why the other ASEAN's still want to have to do with someone who is just convicted by a court.

I found a picture of the previous Asean meeting, I think Surapong is the one in the far left corner


So now Asean is wrong and you are right?!?

Next will be the world is wrong but you Thai feudalists are right.

Forget it. Thailand is at its turning point and the ammart are seriously losing.

Just when did your "likely" and "unlikely" turn into a confirmed ASEAN position?

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If Surapong goes to the Asean summit next week it will be international regional recognition he officially represents the Thai Government and there's nothing Suthep or Abhisit can do except cry in their beer along with their PDRC cave men.

Asean will issue another statement about the situation in Thailand. I don't think the ammart are going to like this one any more than they liked the prior Asean official statement of December. And what if Surapong did go to the summit and brought the new Asean statement back with him.

The ammart would wretch. But only after the ammart got over the shock of it.

If Surapong goes to the ASEAN summit next week he will only serve to embarrass himself and Thailand yet further. Had he an ounce of self-respect he would realize that.

Your numerous rants about the ammart are really a waste of bandwidth. If the ammart are not law abiding, the reforms will affect them as much as Thaksin.

If Surapong is received at the Asean summit next week it will be an affirmation by Asean of democracy in Thailand, the explicit expression of Asean to honor peaceful democratic processes and to respect the electoral sovereignty of the Thai people.

It will be a triumph of the courage of one man against the forces that would throw Thailand in to a dark age of oppression, repression, purges, show trials and imprisonments, expulsions, seizures of people and property to include the destruction of one person one vote democracy, and probably of any kind of democracy.

Your post is a ghastly revelation of how little you are in contact with realities here. The "reforms" would be conducted by the ammart only, for the benefit of the ammart exclusively, and of the ammart, to be imposed from above on the entire colonized population. You haven't any clue around here. My god. Your posts are vacuous but I defend your right to post regardless of how vacuous you may be.

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If Surapong goes to the Asean summit next week it will be international regional recognition he officially represents the Thai Government and there's nothing Suthep or Abhisit can do except cry in their beer along with their PDRC cave men.

Asean will issue another statement about the situation in Thailand. I don't think the ammart are going to like this one any more than they liked the prior Asean official statement of December. And what if Surapong did go to the summit and brought the new Asean statement back with him.

The ammart would wretch. But only after the ammart got over the shock of it.

If Surapong goes to the ASEAN summit next week he will only serve to embarrass himself and Thailand yet further. Had he an ounce of self-respect he would realize that.

Your numerous rants about the ammart are really a waste of bandwidth. If the ammart are not law abiding, the reforms will affect them as much as Thaksin.

If Surapong is received at the Asean summit next week it will be an affirmation by Asean of democracy in Thailand, the explicit expression of Asean to honor peaceful democratic processes and to respect the electoral sovereignty of the Thai people.

It will be a triumph of the courage of one man against the forces that would throw Thailand in to a dark age of oppression, repression, purges, show trials and imprisonments, expulsions, seizures of people and property to include the destruction of one person one vote democracy, and probably of any kind of democracy.

Your post is a ghastly revelation of how little you are in contact with realities here. The "reforms" would be conducted by the ammart only, for the benefit of the ammart exclusively, and of the ammart, to be imposed from above on the entire colonized population. You haven't any clue around here. My god. Your posts are vacuous but I defend your right to post regardless of how vacuous you may be.

And this post (and many others of yours, actually) is a clear example of narcissistic rage.

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Are you the official spokesman for ASEAN in Thailand? you speak as if you were.

It looks like Surapong will continue to represent Thailand to Asean, which would mean significant regional international recognition that the legitimate democratic government of Thailand continues to exist.

So the PDRC Suthep fascists have set out to try to destroy Asean the same ways they'd set out to try to destroy democracy and socio-economic development in Thailand.

Your question is assinine and absurd. You need to ask the PDRC fascists why suddenly they need to try to expand their campaign against democracy and socio-economic development to Asean.

It will take a few days for the international community led by the principal democracies to hammer the ammart into calling off their attack dogs in this one too.

So the PDRC Suthep fascists have set out to try to destroy Asean

Right... after invading Poland I suppose? What an utterly ridiculous and shrill waste of bandwidth. rolleyes.gif

The question is not asinine and absurd, that I would leave it to people that pretend to speak for ASEAN as if they were they spokesperson.

Your attention and focus are 100% misdirected.

The cave man PDRC types here launched an all-out offensive against Asean at this thread, if only because Surapong is involved. Then you attack my responses to refute the PDRC types attempts to discredit Asean.

I'm the citizen (so to speak) who grabbed the thief and you want the police to arrest me. Get your head screwed on straight.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

If Surapong goes to the Asean summit next week it will be international regional recognition he officially represents the Thai Government and there's nothing Suthep or Abhisit can do except cry in their beer along with their PDRC cave men.

Asean will issue another statement about the situation in Thailand. I don't think the ammart are going to like this one any more than they liked the prior Asean official statement of December. And what if Surapong did go to the summit and brought the new Asean statement back with him.

The ammart would wretch. But only after the ammart got over the shock of it.

If Surapong goes to the ASEAN summit next week he will only serve to embarrass himself and Thailand yet further. Had he an ounce of self-respect he would realize that.

Your numerous rants about the ammart are really a waste of bandwidth. If the ammart are not law abiding, the reforms will affect them as much as Thaksin.

If Surapong is received at the Asean summit next week it will be an affirmation by Asean of democracy in Thailand, the explicit expression of Asean to honor peaceful democratic processes and to respect the electoral sovereignty of the Thai people.

It will be a triumph of the courage of one man against the forces that would throw Thailand in to a dark age of oppression, repression, purges, show trials and imprisonments, expulsions, seizures of people and property to include the destruction of one person one vote democracy, and probably of any kind of democracy.

Your post is a ghastly revelation of how little you are in contact with realities here. The "reforms" would be conducted by the ammart only, for the benefit of the ammart exclusively, and of the ammart, to be imposed from above on the entire colonized population. You haven't any clue around here. My god. Your posts are vacuous but I defend your right to post regardless of how vacuous you may be.

Wake up, get over it.

Here's just one angle - there is the possibility that the ASEAN attendees just reject him, possibly for many reasons, just one being that they definitely don't want to get involved in any discussions with a person who doesn't have / possibly doesn't have the authority to even be there let alone the authority to make statements or give commitments on behalf of Thailand.

ASEAN meetings come with protocols in many ways similar to diplomatic protocols. The attendees would not be rude but they know how to deal with such situations.

You seem to think that all / many of the ASEAN member countries support pt, suggest you do some more research on this. And please don't rehash the polite diplomatic speak comment made recently by some other countries from across the globe and interpreted / spun by surpaong to indicate they support pt.

You can fool some of the people some of the time, but you can't fool all the people.

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You want to know why the other ASEAN's still want to have to do with someone who is just convicted by a court.

I found a picture of the previous Asean meeting, I think Surapong is the one in the far left corner


So now Asean is wrong and you are right?!?

Next will be the world is wrong but you Thai feudalists are right.

Forget it. Thailand is at its turning point and the ammart are seriously losing.

Just when did your "likely" and "unlikely" turn into a confirmed ASEAN position?

You should know nothing is confirmed, as is clearly indicated in the OP.

Look above you because you seem to have missed (or overlooked) the sudden assault against Asean by PDRC types at this thread the moment the OP was posted by TVF.

The PDRC types are trying to extend their destruction of democracy and socio-economic development in Thailand to Asean, based on what you guys read in the OP - that Surapong was interested in attending next week's summit and that Asean might receive him.

The mere mention of it in the OP ignited a harsh assault against Asean by the PDRC militants here. You need to pay greater and better attention to developments. Youknow, get up to speed and all of that.

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Are you the official spokesman for ASEAN in Thailand? you speak as if you were.

It looks like Surapong will continue to represent Thailand to Asean, which would mean significant regional international recognition that the legitimate democratic government of Thailand continues to exist.

So the PDRC Suthep fascists have set out to try to destroy Asean the same ways they'd set out to try to destroy democracy and socio-economic development in Thailand.

Your question is assinine and absurd. You need to ask the PDRC fascists why suddenly they need to try to expand their campaign against democracy and socio-economic development to Asean.

It will take a few days for the international community led by the principal democracies to hammer the ammart into calling off their attack dogs in this one too.

So the PDRC Suthep fascists have set out to try to destroy Asean

Right... after invading Poland I suppose? What an utterly ridiculous and shrill waste of bandwidth. rolleyes.gif

The question is not asinine and absurd, that I would leave it to people that pretend to speak for ASEAN as if they were they spokesperson.

Your attention and focus are 100% misdirected.

The cave man PDRC types here launched an all-out offensive against Asean at this thread, if only because Surapong is involved. Then you attack my responses to refute the PDRC types attempts to discredit Asean.

I'm the citizen (so to speak) who grabbed the thief and you want the police to arrest me. Get your head screwed on straight.

Chill out... ASEAN is a joke to to all but those who profit from it. Those who will profit are the corporations and businesses who hire from cheaper labour from abroad. Thailand is about to have a very rude awakening. Call it a free market if you like but Thailand is ill equipped to deal with.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

If Surapong goes to the ASEAN summit next week he will only serve to embarrass himself and Thailand yet further. Had he an ounce of self-respect he would realize that.

Your numerous rants about the ammart are really a waste of bandwidth. If the ammart are not law abiding, the reforms will affect them as much as Thaksin.

If Surapong is received at the Asean summit next week it will be an affirmation by Asean of democracy in Thailand, the explicit expression of Asean to honor peaceful democratic processes and to respect the electoral sovereignty of the Thai people.

It will be a triumph of the courage of one man against the forces that would throw Thailand in to a dark age of oppression, repression, purges, show trials and imprisonments, expulsions, seizures of people and property to include the destruction of one person one vote democracy, and probably of any kind of democracy.

Your post is a ghastly revelation of how little you are in contact with realities here. The "reforms" would be conducted by the ammart only, for the benefit of the ammart exclusively, and of the ammart, to be imposed from above on the entire colonized population. You haven't any clue around here. My god. Your posts are vacuous but I defend your right to post regardless of how vacuous you may be.

Wake up, get over it.

Here's just one angle - there is the possibility that the ASEAN attendees just reject him, possibly for many reasons, just one being that they definitely don't want to get involved in any discussions with a person who doesn't have / possibly doesn't have the authority to even be there let alone the authority to make statements or give commitments on behalf of Thailand.

ASEAN meetings come with protocols in many ways similar to diplomatic protocols. The attendees would not be rude but they know how to deal with such situations.

You seem to think that all / many of the ASEAN member countries support pt, suggest you do some more research on this. And please don't rehash the polite diplomatic speak comment made recently by some other countries from across the globe and interpreted / spun by surpaong to indicate they support pt.

You can fool some of the people some of the time, but you can't fool all the people.

You need to say that to the ammart.

I learned the statement in Grade 5 of primary school.

I'm also well aware of the nature of Asean and its member states, much more than you could know or recognize as evidenced by your paternal suggestions.

It could seem you've been devoutly studying Suthep's little yellow book of PDRC democracy, politics, election stopping, shut down Bangkok, rally for a military coup and so much more.

Heal thyself.

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It looks like Surapong will continue to represent Thailand to Asean, which would mean significant regional international recognition that the legitimate democratic government of Thailand continues to exist.

So the PDRC Suthep fascists have set out to try to destroy Asean the same ways they'd set out to try to destroy democracy and socio-economic development in Thailand.

Your question is assinine and absurd. You need to ask the PDRC fascists why suddenly they need to try to expand their campaign against democracy and socio-economic development to Asean.

It will take a few days for the international community led by the principal democracies to hammer the ammart into calling off their attack dogs in this one too.

So the PDRC Suthep fascists have set out to try to destroy Asean

Right... after invading Poland I suppose? What an utterly ridiculous and shrill waste of bandwidth. rolleyes.gif

The question is not asinine and absurd, that I would leave it to people that pretend to speak for ASEAN as if they were they spokesperson.

Your attention and focus are 100% misdirected.

The cave man PDRC types here launched an all-out offensive against Asean at this thread, if only because Surapong is involved. Then you attack my responses to refute the PDRC types attempts to discredit Asean.

I'm the citizen (so to speak) who grabbed the thief and you want the police to arrest me. Get your head screwed on straight.

Chill out... ASEAN is a joke to to all but those who profit from it. Those who will profit are the corporations and businesses who hire from cheaper labour from abroad. Thailand is about to have a very rude awakening. Call it a free market if you like but Thailand is ill equipped to deal with.

Try not to lecture too much - it doesn't suit you at all. laugh.png

Talk instead to the PDRC types who from the first posts on page one of the thread started trying to tear down Asean only to suit their own selfish purposes and goals based on what they read in the OP.

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It's likely Surapong has been in contact with his Asean colleagues and thru them the leaders of Asean govenments, that Asean has indicated they will accept his presence and representation of Thailand at the summit on the 12th and 13th in Myanmar. Who else is there - Suthep? Abhisit??

It's just unlikely Surapong would try to show up there without prior consultation with Asean foreign ministers and their respective PM. Neither Surapong nor Asean would want there to be an embarrassing scene. It looks like the path for Surapong to attend is open and clear.

And if, as appears likely, the Asean heads and/or foreign ministers receive Surapong at their meetings it certainly would be considered a slap in the face of Thai feudalism, a message to get your house in order starting now.

Did you clowns and jokers really think or believe the ammart still had the power they once had?

Thais themselves, Asean, the world knows the days of ammart control over Thailand are over, gone, past. The minority no longer control the majority. Thai law has come to mean anarchy so it's time to have an election with UN and Asean monitors and to accept both it and its outcome.

The ammart coup is not recognized, same as a military coup isn't ever recognized. A coup is a coup is a coup. So no more. The line is being drawn and the feudalists are on the wrong side of it.

"Who else is there"

I'm glad that you asked !

1. There's the new acting-caretaker-PM, if he's not busy with other duties.

2. There's caretaker-DPM Pongthep, who's now taken-over foreign-affairs from Surapong, at a special-meeting of the remaining caretaker-Cabinet, perhaps they forgot/declined to inform former-caretaker-DPM Surapong ?

"Phongthep has been given the duties of Pracha and Surapong.

Phongthep said he was also in charge of the Centre for Administration of Peace and Order (CAPO) in place of former labour minister Chalerm Yoobamrung, who also oversaw the centre."


3. And lastly there are the professional diplomats & civil-servants of the Foreign Ministry, the ones who've been slightly miffed at being pushed-aside in their former lord-and-master's rush to do things himself, sometimes against their advice (according to rumour), they probably know something about representing the country at meeting like this, don't they ?

It does begin to seem Asean wants to deal with the representative of the legitimate democratically elected government of Thailand instead of the ammart or one of its minions in the bureaucracy that on the whole opposes the government.

Asean wants to do business with the person it's familiar with, the Thai FM Surapong in whom they appear to have confidence, trust, respect. Your pathetic ridicule means nothing at Asean. And given Surapong's experience in the present government over the past 3 years, it appears Asean will be pleased to receive Surapong and his familiarity with all of the ongoing and newest issues Asean is dealing with.

The cave man PDRC types seem to think Asean is Myanmar, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam. Asean is driven by Indonesia which in 2010 attained a $1 trillion GDP and is confidently democratic. Asean also includes the prosperous and confident democracies Singapore, Malaysia, as well as the Philippines and, additionally, the prosperous and confident Kingdom of Brunei. Myanmar is beginning to emerge from its period of the modern dark ages and Vietnam is developing well in addition to being hostile towards the Boyz in Beijing. Laos and Cambodia have better English than Thailand does.

Thailand is the lead Asean contact with Beijing through 2015 and is a formal national security treaty ally of the United States. Washington last week again spoke out in favor of democracy and elections in Thailand and Asean will do the same again this week. That gravely disturbs the many anti-democracy posters here who like to believe they can tear down Asean too.

"Your pathetic ridicule means nothing at Asean"

You forget to quote or say what "pathetic ridicule" you mean ? I've re-read my post, and can't see anything, you had asked who else might represent the country, instead of the former-caretaker-DPM/FM, and I gave you a list ! wink.png

In particular I would point out that Surapong's former duties were passed-on to someone else, at yesterday's special Cabinet-meeting.

Unless you think Surapong's personal-links with the rest of ASEAN over-ride the Thai Constitution/government, you must surely accept that they would prefer the new Thai representative, given that responsibility by the new acting-caretaker-PM and the remainder of the PTP-caretaker-government, or do you not accept their right to distribute the caretaker-government's duties as they see fit ?

You say, without giving a source or links, that "Asean wants to do business with the person it's familiar with, the Thai FM Surapong in whom they appear to have confidence, trust, respect."

But I put it to you, that it's up to the new acting-caretaker-PM and his Cabinet, how they distribute Surapong's duties & who they send to the meeting ! Thailand chooses who represents it to ASEAN, not the former occupant of the position, acting solely on his own authority.

Or does Surapong, as a Shin-clan member, not have to do as he's told by his PM ? Now that would indeed be pathetic and ridiculous ! laugh.png

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The highest court in the land. You mean Thailand ... right... Go figure that one out.

A court in Thailand? What does that mean? A land where where there is actually no law.

Ethics? Morality? Right & Just? Are you serious. Have you ever lived in Thailand?

This is such a ridiculous statement.

Ohhh, I must have been wrong all the time then...

All this time, I was thinking there were many laws in Thailand but nobody to enforce them....

So the rich with influence could get away with not following the laws or the court decisions.....

Like your friends Chalerm and Sura to take just a recent example...

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If Surapong goes to the Asean summit next week it will be international regional recognition he officially represents the Thai Government and there's nothing Suthep or Abhisit can do except cry in their beer along with their PDRC cave men.

Asean will issue another statement about the situation in Thailand. I don't think the ammart are going to like this one any more than they liked the prior Asean official statement of December. And what if Surapong did go to the summit and brought the new Asean statement back with him.

The ammart would wretch. But only after the ammart got over the shock of it.

If Surapong goes to the ASEAN summit next week he will only serve to embarrass himself and Thailand yet further. Had he an ounce of self-respect he would realize that.

Your numerous rants about the ammart are really a waste of bandwidth. If the ammart are not law abiding, the reforms will affect them as much as Thaksin.

If Surapong is received at the Asean summit next week it will be an affirmation by Asean of democracy in Thailand, the explicit expression of Asean to honor peaceful democratic processes and to respect the electoral sovereignty of the Thai people.

It will be a triumph of the courage of one man against the forces that would throw Thailand in to a dark age of oppression, repression, purges, show trials and imprisonments, expulsions, seizures of people and property to include the destruction of one person one vote democracy, and probably of any kind of democracy.

Your post is a ghastly revelation of how little you are in contact with realities here. The "reforms" would be conducted by the ammart only, for the benefit of the ammart exclusively, and of the ammart, to be imposed from above on the entire colonized population. You haven't any clue around here. My god. Your posts are vacuous but I defend your right to post regardless of how vacuous you may be.

Asean and democracy?



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