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Thai 'Red Shirts' rally to defend wounded government

Lite Beer

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I'll say this. You're copy and pasting skills are top notch. You post the same dizzy crap on every thread.

We get it. You think PT is dying. But, they're not dying quietly. They're being disruptive.

If everyone outside PT knows this, why do you feel the need to tell them over and over again? Is it because you're not convinced, yourself?

and you post the same billeous answerxsick.gif.pagespeed.ic.tVTSNn-2vr.pngxsick.gif.pagespeed.ic.tVTSNn-2vr.png

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Wondering or Yingluck will show up ...

Gone shopping.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Oh and I thought there would be a silver lining with Yingluck having been dismissed (pending impeachment vote) - that there would be no more references to "thank you three times", "puppet", remarks about intelligence, her schooling, etc. oh, and "shopping".

Seems I was wrong coffee1.gif

seems you were.......in every post you've ever made!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I asked the questions. You supplied the bile.

and of course you asked such intelligent searching questions didn't you................ones that held the answer to the meaning of life!!!!!!!!!!! ones that mirrored the same old Thaksin rhetoric that accompany the bileous corruption that you condone so easily!!

Edited by love1012
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the court has sent a wrong signal to everyone in such that no one has faith in thai politics anymore since even a caretaker PM can be sacked in between Feb and July elections. in short, yellow shirt people don't know democracy.

make that democwacy!!! and it doest mean rigging elections with murder corruption and threats inside the red village

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if you want to fight for democracy your supporting the wrong team sunshine...now why is it they call the reds kwai..w00t.gif

You look at the red leaders bank accounts and you look at your bank account and than you reconsider who the kwai is.

I am sure the man in Dubai pays them very well to fight for HIS democracy.

my money was earned through actual work not theft..my heart and mind is clear of any guilt...but then you dont know how much im worth...i retired at 46..wai2.gif

did you retire in job? why so early?

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if you want to fight for democracy your supporting the wrong team sunshine...now why is it they call the reds kwai..w00t.gif

You look at the red leaders bank accounts and you look at your bank account and than you reconsider who the kwai is.

I am sure the man in Dubai pays them very well to fight for HIS democracy.

my money was earned through actual work not theft..my heart and mind is clear of any guilt...but then you dont know how much im worth...i retired at 46..wai2.gif

did you retire in job? why so early?

Why not!?!?

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Anyone who knows if Ms. Yingluck accepted the kind invitation to attend the peaceful rally which aims to show support for her and her government and which organisers are even willing to start a civil war if her government is 'forced' out ?

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the court has sent a wrong signal to everyone in such that no one has faith in thai politics anymore since even a caretaker PM can be sacked in between Feb and July elections. in short, yellow shirt people don't know democracy.

Not sure what you're saying....is there a 'close season' for sacking dishonest people, even CPMs? Either a lot of typos or utter garbage - no one's that bad at typing!

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I'll say this. You're copy and pasting skills are top notch. You post the same dizzy crap on every thread. We get it. You think PT is dying. But, they're not dying quietly. They're being disruptive.

If everyone outside PT knows this, why do you feel the need to tell them over and over again? Is it because you're not convinced, yourself?

.... perhaps the information is for the benefit of everyone inside the PT.

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if you want to fight for democracy your supporting the wrong team sunshine...now why is it they call the reds kwai..w00t.gif

You look at the red leaders bank accounts and you look at your bank account and than you reconsider who the kwai is.

I am sure the man in Dubai pays them very well to fight for HIS democracy.

Low blow. I look at my bank account and now realize that contrary to what I previously believed about myself I am one of the biggest buffalo around. (I assume that I am interpreting your statement correctly, small bank account, big buffalo, big bank account, small buffalo).

Sigh! It was a nice day.

Well after looking at my bank account, we could meet somewhere where the grass is good.....licklips.gif.pagespeed.ce.v-hsVd-Wpu.gif

No what I wanted to tell....The red shirt leaders aren't stupid, they surely got enormous sums.

The sub-leader surely got good money.

The normal "protesters" get paid and free food.

Than are just a few hard core commies who do it for free, but that aren't much...say 2000-4000 max. and these aren't fighters.

And just a very small amount is believing that Thaksin is the hero that wants to help the poor one.

All others aren't stupid...they are hired.

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if you want to fight for democracy your supporting the wrong team sunshine...now why is it they call the reds kwai..w00t.gif

This really is quite insulting and typical of the pathetic level of many on this forum.

Learn to rejoice when Kwai win the next election and "you know who" does not.......

Hope it won't be too painful for you, sunshine.

15 million Kwai, indeed..............

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I drove down the road yesterday. The service roads were still open, then, around noon. There were more toilets this time. As The Voice says in Field of Dreams: "Build it and they will come."

And they did. The Thai newsdrone at 5:30pm, as the rally was getting ready for the scheduled 6pm start:


Different view, about an hour later, 6:27pm. The speaker's stage is bottom right. I have about 15 dronecam pics, but I can't find one that actually shows the far end of the crowd, it's so far distant.


Edited by wandasloan
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Looks like a big turnout!

Richard Barrow photo taken at 11AM.


Elevated Porta potties out number protester's ?.....same as last time ?

I drove down the road yesterday. The service roads were still open, then, around noon. There were more toilets this time. As The Voice says in Field of Dreams: "Build it and they will come."

Dont you mean "pay them" and they will come?

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So not only posting old photos, but also posting images from the Bangkok Post. You haven't learned forum rules on any count have you. Take your vulgar language back to the bar eh!

His (alleged) silliness has nothing to do with the fact you are entirely, completely 101% totally wrong. All newspapers have similar photos from the jointly owned drone-cam. Here is the link to many photos by foreign agencies, with time and date this afternoon/early evening. TODAY!.


Not to mention that Mr bears is completely correct, and didn't post any image from the Bangkok Post. Neither did I. But I *did* post two photos that might appear in the Bangkok Post, which is one of many joint owners of the drone that took them. Here's another for your enjoyment. Taken at 5:28pm Thailand time. Today.



Edited by wandasloan
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So not only posting old photos, but also posting images from the Bangkok Post. You haven't learned forum rules on any count have you. Take your vulgar language back to the bar eh!

His (alleged) silliness has nothing to do with the fact you are entirely, completely 101% totally wrong. All newspapers have similar photos from the jointly owned drone-cam. Here is the link to many photos by foreign agencies, with time and date this afternoon/early evening. TODAY!.


Not to mention that Mr bears is completely correct, and didn't post any image from the Bangkok Post. Neither did I. But I *did* post two photos that might appear in the Bangkok Post, which is one of many joint owners of the drone that took them. Here's another for your enjoyment. Taken at 5:28pm Thailand time. Today.



It's good to know that there is a jointly owned drone working the among those UDDer idiots. Now, where is the clone?

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The Pheu Thai administration is indeed wounded and this AFP article is right to put quotation marks around the word " rally " when describing whatever the red shirts are doing. The UDD has been struggling to try to gather as many of their members as possible for weeks now. They may indeed miss the train, because events have now taken much more speed. Pheu Thai is losing the airwaves. CAPO no longer is able to transmit on Channels 3, 5, 7, and Thai PBS. They still transmit on Channel 9. They were able to get on Channel 11's signal momentarily through a circuitous route but that was apparently short-lived. CAPO's increasing surreal announcements are therefore reaching a diminishing audience. The Pheu Thai administration ceases to function in any conceivable and practical sense. They selected a man through the cabinet, but that holds no constitutional weight as a prime minister can only be nominated through a quorum-filled parliament or through the Senate in the event of a quorum-less parliament. Pheu Thai has half a cabinet, no legislative power, no parliament, and no public mandate. They even can't have an election. For three reasons - 1) the unrest on the ground is as disruptive if not more than before the last election. Everyone outside of Pheu Thai acknowledges that. - 2) Pheu Thai wanted the EC to include a provision in the decree that would allow the EC to postpone the election again if there were difficulties with the poll. That is something that could be successfully challenged constitutionally. There is no precedent for that. You simply can't have a decree that includes a clause that allows the discretion for a movable election date. - 3) As the man Pheu Thai has chosen is not through constitutional means, he would therefore not have the authority to set an election date. The Pheu Thai administration is - in effective - frozen.

But they will still win the next electionwai.gif .

What does that mean?

Is their policy better or do they have a strong grip on their brainwashed voters?

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if you want to fight for democracy your supporting the wrong team sunshine...now why is it they call the reds kwai..w00t.gif

You look at the red leaders bank accounts and you look at your bank account and than you reconsider who the kwai is.

I am sure the man in Dubai pays them very well to fight for HIS democracy.

my money was earned through actual work not theft..my heart and mind is clear of any guilt...but then you dont know how much im worth...i retired at 46..wai2.gif

did you retire in job? why so early?

pensioned off perhaps

Marcusd. Via tapatalk

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Good luck to the Red Shirts! I hope they succeed in bolstering the democratically-elected government and try to stave off the attacks from the anti-democratic, aristocratic Yellow Shirts.

Let Thailand have a vote. Let the Thai people decide their future for better or worse. Better an inept, corrupt but democratically-elected government than an efficient, corrupt, elitist government brokered in some backroom deal.

I'm not sure Khun Thaksin and Khun Yingluck will appreciate you calling them inept and corrupt.

And you're supposed to be on their side! smile.png

Edited by bigbamboo
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Whilst I do agree with the report here "Thai courts have removed three prime ministers linked to Yingluck's family, who have won every election completed since 2001."

AFP, at least in this report, fails to mention the reasons.

1 Thaksin was found guilty of one charge and fled from the country. There are more charges and more serious ones awaiting his return.

2 Somchai was dismissed and the PPP disbanded due to electoral fraud.

3 Yingluck was dismissed for breaking the laws of the country. Impeached at present and possibly facing a jail sentence for the rice scam.

If they do report on something surely they should research the subject first.

Finally......everyone is complaining about democracy, respect my vote, and is up in arms over criminals being removed from office that have broken the law. What do people expect would happen when you break the law? Glad someone set the record straight on why they were removed.

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It's good to know that there is a jointly owned drone working the among those UDDer idiots. Now, where is the clone?

You don't know about overhead photos in the past six months, but you are qualified to speak on Thai politics.

Interesting claim. Some might disagree, even silently.


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It's good to know that there is a jointly owned drone working the among those UDDer idiots. Now, where is the clone?

You don't know about overhead photos in the past six months, but you are qualified to speak on Thai politics.

Interesting claim. Some might disagree, even silently.


You're not a very clever person, are you?

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