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Chalerm: Police paratroopers to arrest PDRC leaders


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Well I wish him luck. I hope it works. When suthep and his band of thugs are behind bars Thailand will be better off.

It seems you are a lonely voice with faith in what the Great Chalerm can do. He is certainly an entertaining character.

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Police "paratroopers"?

Do the Thai's have such a thing? What are they going to do that the regular Royal Thai police can't do? Find out their location and parachute into Bangkok?

From my understanding paratroopers are the military, but I could be wrong. maybe the Thai police has something that no other country has.

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Chalerm the oh so clean living one who himself ought to be behind bars, orders the arrest of Suthep, both have varied pasts, but Suthep is no DRUNKED.

The red shirts rally HE SAID would be peaceful seeking to retain democracy and have elections. That would be fine if they were the girl guides, but he is talking about REDSHIRTS, and for him to want to retain democracy ????? PTP haven't governed democratically, but say they want democratic polls ???? how can that happen, this is why we have the problems. We do not have democracy--we are trying to get it.

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some paratroopers here?

Wouldn't it be difficult to do so in downtown Bangkok (wouldn't some end hanging on some buildings?)

and if you have some people jump into the protesters, you have at every spot 1 person with many protesters around.

Sounds like too much ear medicine?

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I doubt that a military commander anywhere on earth would agree to parachute in anyone to an urban area. The casualty list would be so high the operation would be aborted.

And if Johnny Walkers best mate doesn't have the authority to order it....no-one in their right mind would carry it out!

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I notice half the Foreign police volunteers have wings on their uniforms, is this the elite force they are going to use??

Ah yes, the wings on the uniforms.....touchy subject.

If they jump 3 times off a platform which is about 5 metres off the ground in a tethered safety harness.....it ranks as 3 parachute jumps - and then you get your wings.

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I have visions of Police paratroops dangling from several Bangkok skyscrapers,as they overshoot the drop zone.

Or street lights, Sky Train stations, trees, power poles, and so on... and so on...

Gotta wonder what these people use for brains.

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Bwahahahahahahahaa!!!!! cheesy.gifcheesy.gif

Let me tell you something about Thai so-called 'paratroopers' such as Government employees and police who wear para wings on their uniforms.

I taught a high-ranking civil servant for 9 months and one day he came in wearing his nice white uniform, and there was a set of wings. I told him I'd done a para course when I was in the UK reserves and asked him how many jumps he'd done and what aircraft.

He looked a bit shame-faced and after he shuffled his feet a bit and looked at the floor a lot, he said 'Um, none'.

When I asked him how that could be, he explained that the criterion to 'earn' those para wings was ...

... to jump off a 50 foot tower (without a canopy) in a harness at the end of a rope which is attached to a fan with blades flat on to the air, which slows the descent! In the UK we do about 6 of those before we are even allowed in a plane, never mind jump from one. It's called 'doing the fan'

So bring it on, Thai paras, you've got everyone really impressed with your 'skills'

This was the same 'jump' that Drew Noyes bottled, he still got his wings though.

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Bwahahahahahahahaa!!!!! cheesy.gifcheesy.gif

Let me tell you something about Thai so-called 'paratroopers' such as Government employees and police who wear para wings on their uniforms.

I taught a high-ranking civil servant for 9 months and one day he came in wearing his nice white uniform, and there was a set of wings. I told him I'd done a para course when I was in the UK reserves and asked him how many jumps he'd done and what aircraft.

He looked a bit shame-faced and after he shuffled his feet a bit and looked at the floor a lot, he said 'Um, none'.

When I asked him how that could be, he explained that the criterion to 'earn' those para wings was ...

... to jump off a 50 foot tower (without a canopy) in a harness at the end of a rope which is attached to a fan with blades flat on to the air, which slows the descent! In the UK we do about 6 of those before we are even allowed in a plane, never mnd jump from one. It's called 'doing the fan'

So bring it on, Thai paras, you've got everyone really impressed with your 'skills'

Ah you've answered a question I've often wondered. So many sets of wings worn all over the place. Even the old lady teachers at my kids school have them on their scout uniforms! (Once spent quite a while showing a young teacher how to shape her new beret but wifey not amused!),

As you know, jumping off the tower with the fan blades is quite a pleasant fun experience. The UK Parachute Regiment often used to set it up for people to have a go at air shows and the like. So they get their wings after 1 jump from the tower? Why is this somehow not surprising?

I don't think Chalerm intends to use them to parachute in though. I think he's saying paras and swat teams are tough hombres. Don't get in the way protest guards, these boys are the real McCoy. Interesting to see what happens. Their commanders may not feel comfortable following the orders from someone sacked last week and waiting to go until he reads about it in the Royal Gazette. If they do go in, all tooled up and kitted out, it will be interesting to see if the granny's chase them off - they certainly sacred Chalerm enough to make him leg it in the past.

Looks like another fine example of the drink doing the talking. No comment from the national police chief yet?

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I notice half the Foreign police volunteers have wings on their uniforms, is this the elite force they are going to use??

Ah yes, the wings on the uniforms.....touchy subject.

If they jump 3 times off a platform which is about 5 metres off the ground in a tethered safety harness.....it ranks as 3 parachute jumps - and then you get your wings.

I thought it was 3 falls off a barstool while drunk and not breaking your neck got you your FPV wings ?

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I notice half the Foreign police volunteers have wings on their uniforms, is this the elite force they are going to use??

Yes so funny, teachers have them too even more funny. I asked one once how the won there wings and was surprised that they did have to do a jump, be it off a tower. I would love to have seen them with us "7RHA" doing the real thing and carrying all the gear too, most would not have been able to stand up.

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I think almost as many " we will capture & arrest them" as there have been "final pushes".

Ongoing farce!

i am convinced they are having a friendly wager...

No, no. Gambling is illegal in Thailand. Two such leading citizens would never break the law. Role models and all that. whistling.gif

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