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Chalerm chairs CAPO meeting despite court's ruling


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Phongthep said he was also in charge of the Centre for Administration of Peace and Order (CAPO) in place of former labour minister Chalerm Yoobamrung, who also oversaw the centre.

Not only is Chalerm deliberately ignoring the CC verdict but his own party too. Still what can one expect from someone who has a record of perverting the course of justice. A shining example of Thaksin's style of 'democracy'.

Did Phongthep miss the meeting, then? Should he not be ordering Chalerm out of the room?

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Chalerm's presence at CAPO simply underscores an already absurd posture. Here is an agency that is suppose to uphold the law, but what they actually do is propose their own laws in each and every announcement they make - laws that never see the light of day by the time they reach the courts. They don't just oversee the law. They invent it. Daily. And it all has to do with who they want to go after. No charge appropriate to the task ? No problem. Just invent a new one. Let the courts unravel it - if they dare. And of course, they do. Again and again. The other optic that severely - yet comically - underscores the complete irrelevancy of CAPO is that it is headed by a man the Constitutional Court deemed committed an unconstitutional act. Most other people would slink away with a vestige of decency. But Chalerm proudly brandishes his cavalier attitude towards the courts and prefers instead to head the agency anyway - an agency that is supposed to set examples of upholding the law. So for people who are truly wondering why this looks so strange, need only consider this. If that doesn't do it, be very happy, because the very man you admire so much for the upholding of the law continues to head CAPO despite what any court in the land says.

So the courts should have him arrested and brought before them. But who should they order to do that.

The police perhaps? No too busy hunting for the grenade throwing terrorists.

The army? No they don't wish to get involved.

This looks to me like a direct challenge to the courts to put up or shut up.

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Could someone please explain how Chalerm's removal from a Cabinet position impairs his ability to continue to serve as the head of CAPO without foaming at the mouth? Is there something in the Constitution?

I think it is implicit in the courts (illegitimate) decision, that it is accompanied by a 5 year ban from all political activity - which would include chairing CAPO..

Figure of fun though K. Chalerm obviously is, due to his past indiscretions, I applaud him for trying to continue and he should do so until Suthep is indicted and prosecuted by the courts for murder and insurrection with the same vigour with which they have hounded Yingluck out of office merely for transferring a civil servant who was openly critical of the government. Until then the courts are an international laughing stock and as much a figure of ribaldry as Chalerm himself.

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Could someone please explain how Chalerm's removal from a Cabinet position impairs his ability to continue to serve as the head of CAPO without foaming at the mouth? Is there something in the Constitution?

If you owned a shop and sacked your manager would you let him carry on as a shop assistant.

If you owned a shop would you even let Chalerm in it ? I would be too worried about him getting drunk and shooting someone ! cheesy.gif

If it was an off-license he would be my best customer.

Off-licence is a term used in the United Kingdom for a shop licenced to sell alcoholic beverages for consumption off the premises,

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Inventing baseless allegations and accusations gets to be a habit around here.

Chalerm's presence at CAPO simply underscores an already absurd posture. Here is an agency that is suppose to uphold the law, but what they actually do is propose their own laws in each and every announcement they make - laws that never see the light of day by the time they reach the courts. They don't just oversee the law. They invent it. Daily. And it all has to do with who they want to go after. No charge appropriate to the task ? No problem. Just invent a new one. Let the courts unravel it - if they dare. And of course, they do. Again and again. The other optic that severely - yet comically - underscores the complete irrelevancy of CAPO is that it is headed by a man the Constitutional Court deemed committed an unconstitutional act. Most other people would slink away with a vestige of decency. But Chalerm proudly brandishes his cavalier attitude towards the courts and prefers instead to head the agency anyway - an agency that is supposed to set examples of upholding the law. So for people who are truly wondering why this looks so strange, need only consider this. If that doesn't do it, be very happy, because the very man you admire so much for the upholding of the law continues to head CAPO despite what any court in the land says.

And now the facts:

<<<snip>>> . Perhaps this will help

Spokesperson of CAPO Sirima Sunawin stated that CAPO had agreed during its meeting that the Constitutional Court’s verdict on Wednesday to dismiss Mr Chalerm from office was only applicable to his Deputy Prime Minister post. Therefore, the center viewed that he could still carry on his duty as CAPO Chief.

As a matter of fact, the Court’s ruling did not have any effects on Mr Chalerm since his role as Deputy Prime Minister had already ended before the Cabinet ordered the transfer of the National Security Council chief which was deemed unlawful by the judges. Meanwhile, his Labor Minister post, which he assumed afterwards, is also unaffected.



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Can't someone just behead him? He did say it was ok, I consider that to be a valid defense.

Judge; Did you in fact behead Chalerm?

Defendant; Well yes, but he offered an invitation to everyone and I thought it might be good for the country if I accepted.

Judge; Case dismissed, and give that man a medal.

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Could someone please explain how Chalerm's removal from a Cabinet position impairs his ability to continue to serve as the head of CAPO without foaming at the mouth? Is there something in the Constitution?

WE just try to protect k. Chalerm. We wouldn't like to see him charged for premiditated murder as private person if his SWAT teams spray a few more bullets than potentially necessary. Even Tharit (as secretary only of course) warned the public to stay away.

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Inventing baseless allegations and accusations gets to be a habit around here.

Chalerm's presence at CAPO simply underscores an already absurd posture. Here is an agency that is suppose to uphold the law, but what they actually do is propose their own laws in each and every announcement they make - laws that never see the light of day by the time they reach the courts. They don't just oversee the law. They invent it. Daily. And it all has to do with who they want to go after. No charge appropriate to the task ? No problem. Just invent a new one. Let the courts unravel it - if they dare. And of course, they do. Again and again. The other optic that severely - yet comically - underscores the complete irrelevancy of CAPO is that it is headed by a man the Constitutional Court deemed committed an unconstitutional act. Most other people would slink away with a vestige of decency. But Chalerm proudly brandishes his cavalier attitude towards the courts and prefers instead to head the agency anyway - an agency that is supposed to set examples of upholding the law. So for people who are truly wondering why this looks so strange, need only consider this. If that doesn't do it, be very happy, because the very man you admire so much for the upholding of the law continues to head CAPO despite what any court in the land says.

And now the facts:

<<<snip>>> . Perhaps this will help

Spokesperson of CAPO Sirima Sunawin stated that CAPO had agreed during its meeting that the Constitutional Court’s verdict on Wednesday to dismiss Mr Chalerm from office was only applicable to his Deputy Prime Minister post. Therefore, the center viewed that he could still carry on his duty as CAPO Chief.

As a matter of fact, the Court’s ruling did not have any effects on Mr Chalerm since his role as Deputy Prime Minister had already ended before the Cabinet ordered the transfer of the National Security Council chief which was deemed unlawful by the judges. Meanwhile, his Labor Minister post, which he assumed afterwards, is also unaffected.




"CAPO had agreed during its meeting that the Constitutional Court’s verdict on Wednesday to dismiss Mr Chalerm from office was only applicable to his Deputy Prime Minister post. Therefore, the center viewed that he could still carry on his duty as CAPO Chief."

So, CAPO agreed. DEmocratically of course.

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If PT has the nous to leave announcements to intelligent people and was effective in its governance, then they could have easily dealt with Suthep long ago. Sadly, the fact that Chalerm is still involved shows how Thaksin himself has also completely lost the plot. Perhaps they are drinking from the same bottle.

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Chalerm Yoobamrung, former labour minister, Monday chaired a meeting of the Centre for Administration of Peace and Order.

​Consequently this may well provide a legitimate defense for any one charged by CAPO

Good thinking.

Everything CAPO does now that comes out a meeting that is chaired by this numpty...... will be considered illegal, and hopefully many heads will role and prison sentences handed down.

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The Dems will not challenge Chalerm being involved with the Government in any capacity.

He is completely ineffective, telegraphs his strategy in advance, fails to achieve anything constructive and is drunk most of the time...

I mean, who would't want this guy on the other side?


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The Dems will not challenge Chalerm being involved with the Government in any capacity.

He is completely ineffective, telegraphs his strategy in advance, fails to achieve anything constructive and is drunk most of the time...

I mean, who would't want this guy on the other side?

Exactly! Don't you know that the 'theme' song for CAPO meetings with Chalerm at the head is "Ninety-nine bottles of beer on the wall"?

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Could someone please explain how Chalerm's removal from a Cabinet position impairs his ability to continue to serve as the head of CAPO without foaming at the mouth? Is there something in the Constitution?

If you owned a shop and sacked your manager would you let him carry on as a shop assistant.

If I owned a shop and some one with malice aforethought decided he was sacked because they didn't like him...... Yes,

If you troubled to read any reputable International papers you will see that the courts rulings atracted more scorn and attention upon The Elites and their ways than on the elected Government they sought to displace. :)

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The Dems will not challenge Chalerm being involved with the Government in any capacity.

He is completely ineffective, telegraphs his strategy in advance, fails to achieve anything constructive and is drunk most of the time...

I mean, who would't want this guy on the other side?

Exactly! Don't you know that the 'theme' song for CAPO meetings with Chalerm at the head is "Ninety-nine bottles of beer on the wall"?


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This only goes to show you that the Yingluck goverment doesn't respect the law it suppose to uphold. They only abuse the power they hole and tries to run the country like it's their own. These are the true face of corruption that needs to be change in Thailand.

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Chalerm Yoobamrung, former labour minister, Monday chaired a meeting of the Centre for Administration of Peace and Order.

​Consequently this may well provide a legitimate defense for any one charged by CAPO

Today Chalerm said he would not accept he has been killed until it is published in the Royal Gazettes.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Could someone please explain how Chalerm's removal from a Cabinet position impairs his ability to continue to serve as the head of CAPO without foaming at the mouth? Is there something in the Constitution?

I think it is implicit in the courts (illegitimate) decision, that it is accompanied by a 5 year ban from all political activity - which would include chairing CAPO..

Figure of fun though K. Chalerm obviously is, due to his past indiscretions, I applaud him for trying to continue and he should do so until Suthep is indicted and prosecuted by the courts for murder and insurrection with the same vigour with which they have hounded Yingluck out of office merely for transferring a civil servant who was openly critical of the government. Until then the courts are an international laughing stock and as much a figure of ribaldry as Chalerm himself.

That posting was nearly as good ats the parachutists that where going to arrest Suthep today


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Could someone please explain how Chalerm's removal from a Cabinet position impairs his ability to continue to serve as the head of CAPO without foaming at the mouth? Is there something in the Constitution?

It's rather simple really. He holds no position of authority in the caretaker government, but assumes that he can usurp a position of power because he is a mate of Thaksin.

Are there not public servants capable of taking command, or are they insufficiently subservient to orders from abroad?

You haven't answered the question.

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Is his role in CAPO dependant on his miniserial position?

".....on his miniserial position?"

Typo, I know, thumbsup.gif but a mini series with him starring might just be a hit..

Let's call it CAPO CAPERS.
Starring Chalerm, Tarit and Surapong as the Three Stooges.

Or The Goons.

aaaaahhhh........ The Goons... http://goonshowradio.rad.io/

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This country is screwed up because everyone (both sides) who should be in jail or off the streets is not ... Thaksin, Suthep and all the rest.

Here is another example of double standards. Foreigners may not stand up on stages and make speeches. But if you're a foreigner who is a paid lawyer - Robert Amsterdam - you can stand on the stage and say whatever you like.

Oh well, if you vote for kee, you must learn to live with kee or step cautiously around it.

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Thaksin must wish he had some better caliber hired help. Chalerm likes the limelight, the imagined power, and the big budget. Even cousin number 1 has had the sense to keep low for a while.

Chalerm is the sort of loose cannon that will always be capable of doing as much harm as good for his master's cause.

With his illegitimate chairmanship plus Tarit's outrageous threat to charge anyone with sedition for talking about things he doesn't like, the sooner this joke is closed down the better.

And this guy has a PhD in law!

I dont think that Thaksin sees things any better than the plebs......therein lies the problem........the idiots think they're doing good...but in fact, because they're idiots.....and all the rest are the same.....nothing practical happens............we used to call it "the blind leading the blind"!

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