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My Experience Retirement Extension Immigration 14/5/2014


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Had my original triple entry visa converted to non immigrant 90 day visa at immigration in chiang mai i march with intention of converting this to a retirement extension , asked immigration at time what documentatio i would need on my return ,they stated photocopies of passport picture page ,latest visa stamp,and TM6 ,plus 3 months bank statements ,and letter from bank toshow my 800000 baht in account. i was told i had to be there for 6am

Ok so yesterday morning arrived at immigration office at 5 .15 am one person there already waited till 7.30 am when they issued q numbers by then there were 50 people waiting got number 2 and waited inside with my thai girlfriend at 8am we were all asked to stand while they played the national anthem (felt a bit weird 50 falang standing for nationalanthem ) Immigration officers arrived at their desks 8 .30 am think by that time there were about 80 people there .

at 8.30 a couple arrived thai woman with falang immmigration told her she had to come back tomorrow at 6 am as too late for today this was followed by very heated exchange from thai woman (why should i have to come here at 6 when ur office dosent open till 8 ?) another 3 officers were involved in this dispute next minute she was ushered inside office and came out 10 mins later with visa ????? so wheres the q system ???

8 45 my number was called i produced my documents as requested last time officer said it wasnt enough she wanted photocopies of all stamped pages of my passport as well as copies of all pages of my bankbook despite the fact i had supplied 3 months statements from bank and covering letter

My girlfriend got the copies and returned with them i was asked to sign each copy and after doing that she returned my bank book copies and said she didnt need them . she also asked my girlfriend to sign the paper to state that this was in fact my bank book crazy!!!!!

my passport was then stamped with retirement extension and was told about 90 day reporting and that when i renewed retirement next year same would apply 3 months bank statements letter from bank to show 800000 baht but if it was a joint account with my girlfriend i would need to show twice that amount 1.6 milion baht

Never heard of this before i asked for a multiple entry visa she said i had to go to counter no 1 to get that once i had got passport back so paid my 1900 baht and waited again . 10 am got my passport back went to counter 1 was told that i would need to get another number and wait in another q 3800 baht for multiple entry it was then 10 15 am that was enough time to head home and come back another day

From this experience it would seem that there are no fixed rules as per documentation required but depends on individual immigration officer

So this was my experience verbatum give me yourcomments

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hi Again

Just a follow up to my recent posting on retirement experience yesterday

Just looked up translation of thai national anthem

First two verses Thailand embraces in its bosom all people of thai blood

Every inch of thailand belongs to the Thais

After reading this translation i find it even more bizzare that falangs at immigration were asked to stand for national anthem !!!!1

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Booked my online retirement extension for 10am during August 2014

Will arrive at 0955 and no doubt be out of there at 1020 as usual,

OP take the money and put it in a single account, in your name.

The whole 800,000 has to be solely yours.

Of course depending on your g/f if you discuss this first, she might be proactive and put it in her name.

Just a thought.

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Booked my online retirement extension for 10am during August 2014

Will arrive at 0955 and no doubt be out of there at 1020 as usual,

OP take the money and put it in a single account, in your name.

The whole 800,000 has to be solely yours.

Of course depending on your g/f if you discuss this first, she might be proactive and put it in her name.

Just a thought.

Yeah the bank account is soley in my name and has been since i opened it in aug 2012

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Booked my online retirement extension for 10am during August 2014

Will arrive at 0955 and no doubt be out of there at 1020 as usual,

OP take the money and put it in a single account, in your name.

The whole 800,000 has to be solely yours.

Of course depending on your g/f if you discuss this first, she might be proactive and put it in her name.

Just a thought.

Yeah the bank account is soley in my name and has been since i opened it in aug 2012

You have no problems then, but make sure the money is in there 3 months before your next renewal.

Why not use this next time?


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Your story, OP, is exactly why I pay a small amount of money to an agent to do this for me. Life is too short for all that-and arriving at 5.15am-bah. That's sleep time.

Don't you still have to go in to sign the papers.

Also pay in the neighborhood 5,000 baht?

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Your story, OP, is exactly why I pay a small amount of money to an agent to do this for me. Life is too short for all that-and arriving at 5.15am-bah. That's sleep time.

Don't you still have to go in to sign the papers.

Also pay in the neighborhood 5,000 baht?

I paid 5500 baht for the visa extension and re entry permit (agent's fees only). I dropped my passport off and picked it up 2 days later. I had to sign the papers the agent filled out, but that was at his office. Never set foot in immigration.

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The rules are quite clear, the documentation required has not changed for years. All you do is get your act in order, book online and arrive in time. I have never had any hassle but have seen numerous instances when people try to get around the rules and are dealt with accordingly. No need to waste your time or theirs and certainly no need to use the agents who clog up the place and expect preferential treatment. I will be there in two weeks time and am certain that it will be as efficient as the three minutes I just spent this afternoon doing my ninety day report.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

The last time I did my extension the fellow doing it told me they had a third person doing the 10 a day appointments. There is two that do the walk in's.

What is it with you people who do the appointments. They only have 10 slots a day available and do over 50 appointments a day. But you seem to always have to be mentioning it far more than the ones who don't make an appointment. Does it make you feel superior or some thing. This is meant for all those who continually talk about it. Those of us who don't do them are not continually complaining about it. But you people seem to never miss a chance to mention that is how you do it.

For myself it is not a big deal I am retired. Take a book with me and meet some other interesting people. A hell of a lot easier than when I had to get up and go to work every day. Maybe in my later years I will become physically disabled and just pay the man 5000 baht to do it for me. He will tell me what time to come in to sign the paper work and I will be out of there in 5 minutes. But at the time I am not that feeble.

To the OP who is doing it with the money in the bank. Be sure that when you go in there the letter from the bank matches your bank book. Even if they are both above the 800,000 makes no difference to them they want them to match. I have heard of several that had to go to the bank to match them up.

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Don't you still have to go in to sign the papers.

Also pay in the neighborhood 5,000 baht?

I go to the agent to sign papers yes- but no queue and no uncertainty as they know exactly what photocopies etc are needed and make them for me. Also take photos when necessary. The business owner used to work at immigration and still has contacts....

I cant tell you how much as I have an annual deal, so he reminds me and takes care of 90 day 'refreshers' so I dont miss the date. The cost is small and worth every satang as far as I am concerned.

Some may brand me lazy but we all make different choices-and mine is not to sweat it at immigration whatever time of day.

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Don't you still have to go in to sign the papers.

Also pay in the neighborhood 5,000 baht?

I go to the agent to sign papers yes- but no queue and no uncertainty as they know exactly what photocopies etc are needed and make them for me. Also take photos when necessary. The business owner used to work at immigration and still has contacts....

I cant tell you how much as I have an annual deal, so he reminds me and takes care of 90 day 'refreshers' so I dont miss the date. The cost is small and worth every satang as far as I am concerned.

Some may brand me lazy but we all make different choices-and mine is not to sweat it at immigration whatever time of day.

My mistake I thought you had to go into immigration to sign it.

Mesquite mentioned he paid 5,500 baht that is about what I had heard before. 1,500baht to do the 90 days and if they do the extension only a 1,000 baht. Prices may vary but not to much I would think. I understand them doing the paper work for you. I can do that as it is the same and I just photocopy it with out the date. The wife knows all the other copies to make so I don't have to contend with that either.

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Well northernjohn what's with those of us who book online is that we experience a decent level of service because we do it the way we do! And we do not continually complain about spending hours at the crack of dawn trying to get one of the known to be limited slots and wasting time and money using agents who are little more than leeches living off the incompetence of people who do not take the time to understand a straightforward system that is not difficult to work with. So those of us who manage to use the system because we take the trouble to do so get more than a little irritated by those who continually whine about Immigration.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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I suggest you relax. You had most of the drill down pat. Only odd thing seems to be the bit about the bank book pages, which might not have been understood.

As has been pointed out above, nothing has been changed about documentation, et cetera for a long, long time, but it can be a lot of paper and rather bewildering the first time through. Also, remember, that an officer at his or her discretion may ask for additional information (especially the first time).

You did get a lot done in one morning. And it being your first time through the process, it all seems a bit crazy, but no crazier really than similar bureaucratic procedures in other countries. And the officers at the CHiang Mai Immigration Office are remarkably patient and pleasant under some trying conditions, as witness the loud lady who caused a row. Who needs that first thing in the morning !!

Some people use an agent. I personally think that is a waste of money, but could be handy for some people in some situations.

Otherwise, if you are going to hang out here, your prose is a bit difficult to follow, so would you consider formalizing it a bit!


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Well northernjohn what's with those of us who book online is that we experience a decent level of service because we do it the way we do! And we do not continually complain about spending hours at the crack of dawn trying to get one of the known to be limited slots and wasting time and money using agents who are little more than leeches living off the incompetence of people who do not take the time to understand a straightforward system that is not difficult to work with. So those of us who manage to use the system because we take the trouble to do so get more than a little irritated by those who continually whine about Immigration.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

'leeches living off incompetence' - what have you been drinking?? They provide a service which some of us are happy to use and pay for. Actually enough of us to keep them in business.

If you want to believe we are too dumb to understand the system, that's up to you- as they say...

If it is worth it to you to save a few baht to spend some of your time at immigration, good luck. But that doesnt make agents, leeches does it?

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The rules are quite clear, the documentation required has not changed for years. All you do is get your act in order, book online and arrive in time. I have never had any hassle but have seen numerous instances when people try to get around the rules and are dealt with accordingly. No need to waste your time or theirs and certainly no need to use the agents who clog up the place and expect preferential treatment. I will be there in two weeks time and am certain that it will be as efficient as the three minutes I just spent this afternoon doing my ninety day report.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

The last time I did my extension the fellow doing it told me they had a third person doing the 10 a day appointments. There is two that do the walk in's.

What is it with you people who do the appointments. They only have 10 slots a day available and do over 50 appointments a day. But you seem to always have to be mentioning it far more than the ones who don't make an appointment. Does it make you feel superior or some thing. This is meant for all those who continually talk about it. Those of us who don't do them are not continually complaining about it. But you people seem to never miss a chance to mention that is how you do it.

For myself it is not a big deal I am retired. Take a book with me and meet some other interesting people. A hell of a lot easier than when I had to get up and go to work every day. Maybe in my later years I will become physically disabled and just pay the man 5000 baht to do it for me. He will tell me what time to come in to sign the paper work and I will be out of there in 5 minutes. But at the time I am not that feeble.

To the OP who is doing it with the money in the bank. Be sure that when you go in there the letter from the bank matches your bank book. Even if they are both above the 800,000 makes no difference to them they want them to match. I have heard of several that had to go to the bank to match them up.

I think a lot of people still don't know about immigration's great online queuing system and once it's brought to their attention I would think they'd prefer going in 5 minutes before their time rather than start getting in line at 5 am. I have never heard you mention using the online system, so I presume you don't know how to do it, but it's really not difficult. How many people like to take a book to read whilst queuing up outside in the early hours, especially those who might be infirm or frail? Sure it's easier than when you had to get up and go to work, but the point is it's there if you want it and if you prefer to spend hours instead it's a personal choice. I don't really care if you're there from 5am til 5pm it won't affect my 30 minutes one iota.

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The rules are quite clear, the documentation required has not changed for years. All you do is get your act in order, book online and arrive in time. I have never had any hassle but have seen numerous instances when people try to get around the rules and are dealt with accordingly. No need to waste your time or theirs and certainly no need to use the agents who clog up the place and expect preferential treatment. I will be there in two weeks time and am certain that it will be as efficient as the three minutes I just spent this afternoon doing my ninety day report.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

The last time I did my extension the fellow doing it told me they had a third person doing the 10 a day appointments. There is two that do the walk in's.

What is it with you people who do the appointments. They only have 10 slots a day available and do over 50 appointments a day. But you seem to always have to be mentioning it far more than the ones who don't make an appointment. Does it make you feel superior or some thing. This is meant for all those who continually talk about it. Those of us who don't do them are not continually complaining about it. But you people seem to never miss a chance to mention that is how you do it.

For myself it is not a big deal I am retired. Take a book with me and meet some other interesting people. A hell of a lot easier than when I had to get up and go to work every day. Maybe in my later years I will become physically disabled and just pay the man 5000 baht to do it for me. He will tell me what time to come in to sign the paper work and I will be out of there in 5 minutes. But at the time I am not that feeble.

To the OP who is doing it with the money in the bank. Be sure that when you go in there the letter from the bank matches your bank book. Even if they are both above the 800,000 makes no difference to them they want them to match. I have heard of several that had to go to the bank to match them up.

I think a lot of people still don't know about immigration's great online queuing system and once it's brought to their attention I would think they'd prefer going in 5 minutes before their time rather than start getting in line at 5 am. I have never heard you mention using the online system, so I presume you don't know how to do it, but it's really not difficult. How many people like to take a book to read whilst queuing up outside in the early hours, especially those who might be infirm or frail? Sure it's easier than when you had to get up and go to work, but the point is it's there if you want it and if you prefer to spend hours instead it's a personal choice. I don't really care if you're there from 5am til 5pm it won't affect my 30 minutes one iota.

You just don't get it do you.

They do over 50 a day and only have 10 on line appointments. You carry on like every one can do it. You are just clueless. They do not have the system for every one just a few. What is it going to take to get that through to people. Maybe if they get this new building that was mentioned and the new staff city life had talked about a while ago every one will be able to do it. As it is now it is not a practical suggestion. 1 out of 6 get it good for them. But I was pointing out the number of them that continually talk about it there is far more of them than the ones who don't get it and don't protest.

Yes I do not use the system I am on a retirement that means I don't have to run around here and there all the time and not have time to sit back and read a book and meet some interesting people. I could do other things but I enjoy a good book and meeting other people.

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You just don't get it do you.

They do over 50 a day and only have 10 on line appointments. You carry on like every one can do it. You are just clueless. They do not have the system for every one just a few. What is it going to take to get that through to people. Maybe if they get this new building that was mentioned and the new staff city life had talked about a while ago every one will be able to do it. As it is now it is not a practical suggestion. 1 out of 6 get it good for them. But I was pointing out the number of them that continually talk about it there is far more of them than the ones who don't get it and don't protest.

Yes I do not use the system I am on a retirement that means I don't have to run around here and there all the time and not have time to sit back and read a book and meet some interesting people. I could do other things but I enjoy a good book and meeting other people.

Well Doll northernjohn, why don't you just carry on turning up at 5am and reading your book and I'll carry on arriving 5 minutes before 10 for my 15 minute interview without a book, then we will both be satisfied. I'm not suggesting everyone can do it, but people who read the CM forum know about it and certainly can. But hey, you have nothing to do and enjoy spending many hours there, so who am I to spoil your days entertainment? smile.png

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Your story, OP, is exactly why I pay a small amount of money to an agent to do this for me. Life is too short for all that-and arriving at 5.15am-bah. That's sleep time.

Waste of money in my opinion. Just make an appointment and you can arrive at 2 pm if you like. Or anytime a slot is open.

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Now I know why I do not live in the big city LOL

I go at 830 and am done everything by 930 including multiple entry

The only difference is they want a copy of GF book for proof of where I am living or a rental agreement in my name. A lot easier and cheaper to use teh book

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Actually I think the first immigration officer did not quite say the right thing when he said "bank statement" even though it should be good enough. I always give them copies of my bank book showing entries back 3 months. Never been asked for printed statements.

Everything else you mention is par for the course in Thailand. Thais are very ego-centric and basically racist. If you aren't Thai then you are a lesser person and not worth very much to them. They love seeing us jump through hoops to their tune so you have to stand for a National Anthem as everyone always does in a theater though I've never had to do it in Jomtien immigration.

Having your GF say the bank book was your book is absolutely crazy, but really no crazier that a lot of things the Thais put us through. Sometimes it makes sense and more often than not it does not make sense.

About having 1.6M in the bank if you have a joint account...what they are doing, I think, is looking at you like a falang couple which would need 1.6M to cover them both. If you were married then it would be 400,000 for you and probably, I'm guessing, 800,000 in a joint account if you are married. Never forget the money in the bank is so they know you have enough to cover living expenses for a year for ONE person. If you are married to a Thai citizen you get a 50% break on the requirement, but GF's do not count.

The thing is you should always have an account in your name only for the 800,000 for retirement and don't have it tied up in a "Term" savings account or they may say you do not have access to it 24/7 and so no good. Some people have been able to put their money in these types of "Term" accounts and some have not.

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Actually I think the first immigration officer did not quite say the right thing when he said "bank statement" even though it should be good enough. I always give them copies of my bank book showing entries back 3 months. Never been asked for printed statements.

Everything else you mention is par for the course in Thailand. Thais are very ego-centric and basically racist. If you aren't Thai then you are a lesser person and not worth very much to them. They love seeing us jump through hoops to their tune so you have to stand for a National Anthem as everyone always does in a theater though I've never had to do it in Jomtien immigration.

Having your GF say the bank book was your book is absolutely crazy, but really no crazier that a lot of things the Thais put us through. Sometimes it makes sense and more often than not it does not make sense.

About having 1.6M in the bank if you have a joint account...what they are doing, I think, is looking at you like a falang couple which would need 1.6M to cover them both. If you were married then it would be 400,000 for you and probably, I'm guessing, 800,000 in a joint account if you are married. Never forget the money in the bank is so they know you have enough to cover living expenses for a year for ONE person.

The thing is you should always have an account in your name only for the 800,000 for retirement and don't have it tied up in a "Term" savings account or they may say you do not have access to it 24/7 and so no good. Some people have been able to put their money in these types of "Term" accounts and some have not.

You can have your money under the mattress, just as long as it's in the bank 3 months before your next renewal date.

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Just take your stuff to the copy center at immigration and they will copy everything you need, in the years of going to Chiang Mai Immigration for extension of stay no problems and never had to stand for the National Anthem and if I did I would do it willingly, it is just a sign of respect to our host.

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Here in Phuket we have to get all our paperwork done which is than checked by a Farang Vollunteer who then issues you a number.

Am told the Thai immigration hates them, but they do make it move smoother

Last year ( june) it took me less than 15 minutes to do the extension and get the re entry permit. I love the low season :-)

We need only copies of the past 3 extensions in our passport plus front page and page showing current entry stamp

Copy of bank book

letter from bank ( less than 2 days old)

Letter from embassy ( i am American) Notorized

Letter from home country bank or other proof of income ( i do the combo method so no 3 month seasoning and use letter from SS)


Edited by phuketrichard
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