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Any advice on moving Thai lodger along please


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re CC non payment - visa came right to the work of a friend of my wife's - as she didn't answer any letters sent to negotiate payments that weren't being made - they garnashied her big 8000 bt a month salary for 4000 bt a month...also in all this meantime... if your buddy gets a whiff of being kicked out - you also might come home one day and find all your stuff cleared out if he can hook up a pick up truck...yes evicting him might be painful - but you can't move out and let him stay as then you are liable for any damage and non rent payment...dunno - what will it cost to get out of a lease? myself I might have to say look - here is 2-3-4000 bt for getting your stuff out the door and you are going to have to hire a pick up and move it... but then you better be prepared to stay until he does... like on a weekend - or you might have your stuff gone...

As of this morning I have the card back.
Now you have the card back Mac, there is no way he can get in ........ surely?

Was there a scene when you got it back?

No scene as yet. Normally he will have the pass card on his person this morning he left it on the table, shoes kicked off middle of the floor which would suggest came back under the influence. He is passed out on my sofa. I have two Thai friends coming over later today and we will take it from there.

No he cannot get back in to the apartment or the security door leading to the lifts and cannot access the lifts. However the fire exit doors leading to the stair well are not secure and he has used that in the past to get up to my floor (left the pass card at friends place), he just banged on my door upsetting neighbours at 3 am until I finally answered. Security are hopeless and waive everyone through the boom gate. The building has along drive way off the main road, security merely operate the boom gate never bothering with individuals on foot. I hope he gets the message when my Thai friends assist in putting him later today.

Must be only unsecured fire exit in Thailand.

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Years ago an unwanted visitor decended upon us and royally took the piss for 32 days. I got rid of him once I had established that he had never flown in an airoplane by purchasing a one what ticket to Bkk. By the time he realised what I had done he was 500 miles/12hrs away from my wallet/fridge/motorcy....

That was the best THB 2k I ever spent & there has never been a repeat:)

Are you saying 12 hours flying time is 500 miles and this cost you 2,000 baht?


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If he's on the gear, like the OP suggested, find out what he's using and if it's illegal, get him PP tested. You won't have to see him again until after he's released from the cop shop or jail.

Do you honestly think a Thai police officer would take the word of a Foreigner against a Thai, when there is a chance of money crossing hands, Just put his things out and make him make the move towards the police , I put money on it he will shout a bit but move on , Because if he is a user of any drugs he will not want to get the police involved, you don't need this crapp, just put him out , He is abusing your generosity.

Do I believe? I know for a fact the Thai police will act on your suspicions, especially if it's your own home. You would only need to take one of their ice pipes, bongs or whatever down to the police station with you, as proof of someone's drug abuse.

Do you honestly think that a drug user would voluntarily go to have his wee wee tested?

yes he would deny it was his and it was the falangs. I know for a fact My wife is ex Thai police

Please, try to focus on the pee test part.

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Ok hearing these posts about drug abuse Let me make this clear your farang turning in a druggie who is Thai staying in your condo whwere the drugs are at what's the chaces of you being arrested? I'd say 150% because thai getting busted little news Farang getting busted big news and raise.

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Thank you to all of you who offered your thoughts, advice and observation. Particularly thank you to those people who sent PM's I very much appreciate you taking the time to assist me. The lodger was removed yesterday afternoon. Thank you again.

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A friend of mine who I hadn't see for years let me stay in his living room on his sofa for six months when I went back to the UK and had no-where to live. I was really grateful and it really helped me out a lot.

So I just wanted to say that you are really nice person and although I suppose there is nothing I can do to help at all I just wanted to give you a bit of moral support in this difficult situation.

You're obviously a professional person who has encountered someone who is very unreliable or who is going through a dangerous patch.

In this case what I would do, since you are a professional person, is to speak to a lawyer and do everything by the book. I wouldn't do anything risky or outside of your comfort zone...just take legal advice and follow the legal advice.

If I was you I would certainly move out and close that chapter totally.

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Thank you to all of you who offered your thoughts, advice and observation. Particularly thank you to those people who sent PM's I very much appreciate you taking the time to assist me. The lodger was removed yesterday afternoon. Thank you again.

Now you just need to tell us how you did it.

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Thank you to all of you who offered your thoughts, advice and observation. Particularly thank you to those people who sent PM's I very much appreciate you taking the time to assist me. The lodger was removed yesterday afternoon. Thank you again.

Now you just need to tell us how you did it.

I asked two Thai friends to come to Bangkok and help me move him on his way. I followed what they suggested I do in the first instance. When he made it clear he was going the Thai friends took him into the spare bedroom and a short time later they came out, he was very subdued and not happy. Gave me a mouthful of abuse in Thai, at that point one Thai friend took him out of the apartment and downstairs. We packed his stuff and took it down to him. He was visibly upset and had a little rant at me. Thai friends took him over to security and made it clear to them that my lodger was not to return to the property. They put him in a tuk tuk and he was sent on his way. They are sure he wont return.

In hindsight seems so easy. Guess when you are in the middle of it you don't see the way out so easily. Again thank you all on TVF for their help.

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I asked two Thai friends to come to Bangkok and help me move him on his way. I followed what they suggested I do in the first instance. When he made it clear he was going the Thai friends took him into the spare bedroom and a short time later they came out, he was very subdued and not happy. Gave me a mouthful of abuse in Thai, at that point one Thai friend took him out of the apartment and downstairs. We packed his stuff and took it down to him. He was visibly upset and had a little rant at me. Thai friends took him over to security and made it clear to them that my lodger was not to return to the property. They put him in a tuk tuk and he was sent on his way. They are sure he wont return.

In hindsight seems so easy. Guess when you are in the middle of it you don't see the way out so easily. Again thank you all on TVF for their help.

Excellent, well done. I just don't know how you could show restraint for so long as I would be flapping after the second night.

The guy sounds a classic mommy's boy and while this type of thing can happen anywhere, it does seem that when given an inch a disproportionate number of natives will take a mile. There seems an innate sense of entitlement that when some empathy is shown it means to them they can do as they please. And that he gave you some abuse, while probably a bit of face-saving, just shows how low and out of touch he is. Yuck!

Move on with your life and I'd suggest never have any connection with this family again.

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