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I'd Like To Die In The Land I Love, Would You?


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Nostalgia for the country you left so you could come and live in a country with an endless Summer and beautiful women ? I admit that a few of the locals sorely tried my patience today, but whether I die here or someplace else in Asia, I have no intention of ever returning to Australia. Ashes to ashes, and they can spread them over Pattaya Bay for all I care. As others in this thread have already pointed out, life is too short for this talk of death, particularly at 50.

Off topic,

I was thinking about this the other day (death), can't say I know many over 65 whose life I would like to be living, and absolutely none over 70.

You need to be practical about this, 50-60 you can still have a great time, but over 60, life goes downhill fast.

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I envisage my last sights here of a doctor and nurse and all the hospital staff gathered around me....not out of concern for my mortal remains....but to make sure the bills are paid and I have signed what needs to be signed......any luck and I'll cancel the credit card the day before.

In the US they keep you alive by all means as long as u have money in the bank.

When I float in the pool and watch the full moon and the Universe my mind is at peace, Who cares where the body stays. It is just big business in the West.

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guzzi850m2, on 18 May 2014 - 20:51, said:

I don't care where I die as long as it's quick and as painless as possible.

Yes I will echo others, don't think about it man, just live and enjoy.

Every single person on the Earth can die tomorrow for a thousand reasons and at different odds.

I agree, as long as it's quick... the though of a long protracted death, with little or no palliative care is a worry. Besides, medical care back home could save my life not end it prematurely.

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AnotherOneAmerican, on 19 May 2014 - 11:13, said:
MrWorldwide, on 18 May 2014 - 21:44, said:

Nostalgia for the country you left so you could come and live in a country with an endless Summer and beautiful women ? I admit that a few of the locals sorely tried my patience today, but whether I die here or someplace else in Asia, I have no intention of ever returning to Australia. Ashes to ashes, and they can spread them over Pattaya Bay for all I care. As others in this thread have already pointed out, life is too short for this talk of death, particularly at 50.

Off topic,

I was thinking about this the other day (death), can't say I know many over 65 whose life I would like to be living, and absolutely none over 70.

You need to be practical about this, 50-60 you can still have a great time, but over 60, life goes downhill fast.

I guess you would know this by being over 60, or is this simply something you believe, I can tell you, I know many over 60's who can put younger folk to shame.

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Op, i will be 50 next month,i was born in London,lived in between in hong kong,mexico various places up until 97,when i emigrated to Australia,i went back to the Uk once in 2008,it was not the country that i had grown up in, and i would never consider going back to live in London i have been here 2 years,like you the romantic idea of living in a small cottage somewhere in a rural location in the Uk appeals.but i would never be able to afford it,my main worry here is not dying,but running out of money. Whilst life is not perfect here ,it is not anywhere,even if you are a millionare,so i guess i will probably die here, i have a great wife and as the saying goes home is where the heart is,in my case it would then have to be here,due to my wife.

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Nostalgia for the country you left so you could come and live in a country with an endless Summer and beautiful women ? I admit that a few of the locals sorely tried my patience today, but whether I die here or someplace else in Asia, I have no intention of ever returning to Australia. Ashes to ashes, and they can spread them over Pattaya Bay for all I care. As others in this thread have already pointed out, life is too short for this talk of death, particularly at 50.

Off topic,

I was thinking about this the other day (death), can't say I know many over 65 whose life I would like to be living, and absolutely none over 70.

You need to be practical about this, 50-60 you can still have a great time, but over 60, life goes downhill fast.

For many. that's entirely in their own hands - poor diet, alcohol, tobacco and minimal exercise arent going to see any of us in the 'Chuck Norris' club at 60. Even at 55, I'm not as cocksure about any of it as I was - hangovers take a much heavier toll and random bumps longer to heal, but it was the back injury I sustained a few years ago that wiped the smirk off my face when people start complaining about their backs. We take so very much for granted, but its all relative - I dont understand why anyone would choose to smoke, but I also accept that alcohol is doing me very few favors and that moving to Thailand could just be the worst decision of my life, but who wants to live forever ??

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'Come on Brian. Keep on looking on the bright side of life'. Dum, Dee Dum, Dee..........Stop painting the fence and start painting the town red. 50?? Blimey, I'm 80. Attended two funerals this week and just happy that one of them wasn't mine. When I snuff it I will be gently barbecued and my ashes scattered in the Gulf of Thailand to join my dear old Mum who went there fourteen years ago. Go back to England? Never!

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I live where ever I maybe when I die does it really matter where it still the same your dead you going see those who will miss you? Maybe maybe not Are you going to care which worms pick your bones clean? Does it really matter? I was born in the USA I fought in Vietnam a conflict that didn't make sense. I made it home to a country where people spit on me calling baby killer Which I never killed a baby might have father a few though another story. So where I die has no bareing on where I live. If I die In Thailand I will be just as dead if I die in the USA. So when my time comes and irt will cremate me spread my ashes to the wind for when I die I die citizen of planet Earth, No more visa runs unless they do that in hell if there is such a place. So I live love and enjoy to the fullest till my time comes.

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I continue to be astounded by the short sightedness of people's view of DEATH. It is as if when the body dies....then all of life stops. What bullshit. Life continues....people should do more research about Life after "death". I don't give a flying f where my body ends up on this screwed up world....my life will have plenty more to offer once I am rid of the vessel / prison called a body.

Oh, enlightened One, are you talking about my posts?

I'm pretty sure that most people who replied don't believe that all life stops, I certainly don't.

I believe in reincarnation strongly as I've experienced many things suggesting this - regressive hypnosis, meditating in the Himalaya, LSD, weird cults and yogic practices. I've talked with 'experts' in these matters including HH the Dalai Lama and other incarnates, done meditation retreats in Thailand and India etc. Of course the body is not I, the soul/being/whatever.

In a sense, I have been reborn in Thailand. I had a total 'psychic change' or 'spiritual experience' and am completely different than I was 15 years ago.

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As I don't know when I will die, I can't say where I will die - I could be living in Thailand, but die in a traffic accident when back visiting my sons... So I don't care about death and since I anyway want to get burnt with my ashes thrown into a river, I tell my sons to use whatever money I will have left then and make a big party with it... and keep that happy party moment in their minds forever.

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I was born in NYC and it has changed so much over the years that I hardly recognize it, I have adopted Chiang Mai as my home, and developed lasting friendships here, My daughter lives in Hawaii and I may end my days close to her and my grandchildren. I would be happy anywhere, my home is where my heart is, and right now my heart is in Chiang Mai, with it's gracious people and gentle ways.

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No, and I agree with the sentiment of your post entirely.

We can all adapt to new surroundings, but we all have roots too, and ultimately in the quiet corners of our mind thats where you want to return, to whats most familiar.

the solution is a simple one. Go Home!

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Mate get busy living not busy dying.

Surely this is accepted.

However its a question my Indonesian ex-wife has frequently asked me. When you get on a bit, it becomes

more relevant every day.

Where you want to die is a spiritual statement about where you really want to live.

If I have a choice, I'd sooner die here.

Some of us need two wills. At least. We could die anywhere.

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No, and I agree with the sentiment of your post entirely.

We can all adapt to new surroundings, but we all have roots too, and ultimately in the quiet corners of our mind thats where you want to return, to whats most familiar.

the solution is a simple one. Go Home!

Wrong answer............rolleyes.gif ......................coffee1.gif

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as you get into your senior years your outlook will change and you will no longer be impressed with the pussy and spicy food and yearn for a haggis and glaswegian slappers with tattoos .

very few oldies stick around for the funeral in LOS because they departed for home whilst they could do it on 2 legs

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as you get into your senior years your outlook will change and you will no longer be impressed with the pussy and spicy food and yearn for a haggis and glaswegian slappers with tattoos .

very few oldies stick around for the funeral in LOS because they departed for home whilst they could do it on 2 legs

All of my friends are old. They have no intention of leaving. Old is only a state of mind with modern medicine and a bit of exercise.

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There was a time when my wish, on my death, would be to have my ashes spread on the English Channel, 32.7 nautical miles south of the Isle of Wight from the flight deck of HMS Ark Royal at 15:00 on a Saturday afternoon.

Nothing to do with the love of the sea, just to inconvenience as many people as possible.

I have grown up a bit since then and would rather not die, but as it is one of life's givens, I would now like to go as quietly as possible with as little inconvenience to the people I love.

See, growing old isn't all about being grumpy...................rolleyes.gif

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